Thursday, March 10, 2022

My BMI is normal

I (21F) started this journey in July after a doctor's appointment where I weighed in at 175lbs at 5'2.5". I was obese and I had maintained that weight for a year. I don't know what caused the switch to flip but I decided to lose weight in earnest. I lost 5 pounds in July by eating a lot of fruit and decreasing portion sizes. I started learning to accept the feeling of being hungry and not just eating from boredom.

I got my digital scale and food scale in the beginning of August and started counting every calorie using Lose It. The first week I kept changing my calorie goal trying to figure out what would work best for me, I ended up going with a 500 calorie deficit (1275ish calories). The first two weeks I struggled and went over on most days but I reminded myself that even if I was above my goal, I was still in a deficit and I would lose weight. I realized that I felt hungriest at night and the earlier I ate breakfast, the hungrier I felt so I started eating a small breakfast (150-300 calories) and a snack (200 cal) at work (I am a pharmacy tech and we were quite busy at the time so it was easy to go an eight hour shift without having time to think about food). I would then eat most of my calories for dinner (500-700 cal).

What helped me stick with it was this sub and some others r/weightlossadvice, r/progresspics, r/1200isplenty, etc. This sub helped me to understand weight loss doesn't happen overnight, that it is normal for scale not to move, that it was normal to feel hungrier during my period, that it is hard to see weight loss on yourself (the paper towel analogy), etc. A lot of what goes into weight loss is mental so this sub was really reassuring when I would be doubtful that I was making progress and helped me realize that I owed it to myself to live a healthier life.

This morning I weighed in at 137.9 lbs (BMI 24.8), I haven't weighed this much since I was 13. I've began lifting with StrongLifts last week and I'm hoping to reach my goal weight of 118-120 lbs by July. Thank you so much to all the frequent users here, I don't think I could have made it this far without y'all.

Edit: I've been vegan for over 6 years so just started eating more whole foods. I didn't count macros, but I eat high carb most of the time and if I really do want to eat junk food, I will make room for it within my budget. If I want to go to a restaurant, I just either eat less during the day or fast.

submitted by /u/TheFruitIndustry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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