Thursday, November 10, 2022

Husbands an enabler and I need motivation

Hi guys! (26f)I’m struggling. I’ve been on a weight-loss journey for about 2 weeks. Started at 285lb and am now 281lbs. (5ft 10in) I had lost 10 lbs of water weight and was so excited to be going down the right path. And then my husband did what he always does- buy me foods that aren’t healthy and eats food in front of me that it’s healthy.

A little backstory, I’m a binge eater. I’ve been overweight my whole life and have used food to help me cope. I’m also a stay at home mom and my son (13 months) is really going through it right now (teething bad, sleeping bad, being ornery, the works). So needless to say, I’ve been kinda stressed as I watch our son 95% of the time (he’s a wonderful dad, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity to be a stay at home mom but I’m burnt out and really tired lol). I’m not sure how to really ‘diet’ (Also I can’t do a low carb diet cause I’m breastfeeding).

So back to the point. How do I get him to realize that I /need/ to lose weight? My back kills me, I can’t hardly play with my son because bending over/sitting in the floor wrecks it. I have mild scoliosis and arthritis in my back and my doctor said that weight loss and strengthening my core would help tremendously. I have really bad will power. If I’m upset/stressed and there’s food that I shouldn’t eat, I’ll eat it. Halfway through I’ll think ‘I should probably stop’ but I don’t. And then when I’m done, I feel disgusted with myself and my lack of self control. I have to get it under control. I want to be a positive example for my son.

I have my ‘why’. First and foremost, to rid my pain. Secondly, to play with my son. And lastly, to show my son that you /can/ have a healthy relationship with food. But I need advice/motivation.

Sorry for the rambling. I think I mainly needed to vent.

Edit: I realized that enabling was the wrong word and I meant sabotaging T.T

submitted by /u/linnykinny
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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