Sunday, April 30, 2023

No longer obese!

Started in July 2021 at 287 lbs. M 5'8". 22 months later and I'm 194.8! It feels like a weight has been lifted. A 92 pound weight but also more. I'd shake when kneeling. Now it's normal. I'd aim for 9 miles a week on the threadmill in 135 minutes. Now I'm at 12 miles in the same time. Would do a 5k in over 45 minutes probably. In the last 2 months, I've completed two 5ks at 34 and 36 minutes. Size 50 suit is down to 42. 40 waist down to 34.

These aren't stats a healthy person would be proud of, and I still am guilty of comparing myself to healthy people, but it's a start. Better to be almost obese than well into Class III Obesity. Better to be 240 than 250. That 10 lbs is probably the weight you started biceps, it was two 5 lb dumbbells for me and I was struggling that day. My message, which I should listen to also, is you improve with weight loss. You go further and faster, clothes are looser, stairs are just a slower elevator instead of a punishment, you're at the gym instead of drinking with friends.

It might not seem fair that your healthy friend can go 10 miles in an hour, but 4 or 5 miles is more than the 2 or 3 you used to do. It's not magic, it's hard work to increase speed. Imagine driving your car at 60 and then flooring it to 90. Sure a Porsche will go 200 but you're still getting a ticket!

submitted by /u/gpm21
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I need some guidance I feel healthy but unhealthy at the same time

Context I’m a 25 M 6’0 currently sitting at 392 lbs and I love my body but want to rid it of this fat prison to realize my physical potential. I want to feel healthy again. So 2 weeks ago I decided enough is enough and I just kinda quit eating. I’m not very knowledgeable about weight loss but I know I want to work to bettering my mind and body. My strategy had been to eat one meal a day no restaurant food no carbs and no sugar and then fasting on the weekends. I don’t have a scale at home than can properly read my weight so I have to go into the doctor to get myself weighed. I eat a palm sized portion of chicken and spinach h for the past 2 weeks minus weekends but I’m not sure if this will actually help me I’m at a weight I am very unhappy with and this seemed like the best descion I can make to really start the process I fee like I have so much body fat that I can rely heavily on those stores to lose weight but am unsure if it will hurt or damage me in some way I’m prepared to sacrifice as I have been over 300lbs since elementary school. My relationship w food is a nightmare it seems to be all or nothing but I can feel the results already but I’m apprehensive idk if anyone could help or just offer some insight I would greatly appreciate it thank you kind people

submitted by /u/jimmybobberson
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F/35/5’4” [200lbs>120lbs=80lbs](18months) Me again -clearing things up.

Cross posted in progresspics.

I posted comparisons photos here a few days ago, and wanting to clear a few things up.

A lot of people were asking about my routine and diet. I had every intention of replying to questions, but I was at work and then ended up having a busy evening at home with my family. By the time I got around to checking things again, the post had sort of blown up and there were a lot of comments. Tbh I didn’t read them all or the msgs, but I did notice a few nag comments.

I want to be transparent - and just an fyi - my goal/motive isn’t to trick people, because guess what? These results still took an insane amount of work and dedication and I’m not about to let these naggers take that away from me.

Yes, I did undergo a procedure called vertical sleeve gastrectomy in 2021. I chose to have the procedure to help with PCOS, but also my endometriosis and adenomyosis. I thought the lifestyle change/weight loss would help alleviate my symptoms and chronic pain. I have since had a total hysterectomy and hoping all these things combined will improve my quality of life.

If you don’t know what vsg is, then you’ll have to look it up.

It obviously helped me lose weight quite rapidly in the beginning as the procedure makes it close to physically impossible to overeat.

Here are the other things I did at the same time (that had nothing to do with the surgery) that gave me the results I am left with today.

-Weighed every single piece of food with a food scale.

-Tracked everything. Food, drinks, calories and macros in the app called MyNetDiary. I use the free plan.

-I weighed myself nearly every day and tracked it in a note book which I still have sitting on my kitchen counter. I wrote down my weight, the date and time, and my symptoms, because flare up’s were happening so frequently and I noticed how my loss or gain was correlated with my cycle.

-Stayed below 50g of carbs most days (for the first year- much more loose with this currently) I’d say I was doing loose or dirty Keto.

-Stayed in a calorie deficit every day. I ate approximately 1200cals per day. Sometimes more sometimes less.

-Inadvertently did intermittent fasting. I rarely eat breakfast (I have two coffees and use cream and Splenda) and some days not able to eat lunch until 1-2:00. Supper around 6, and stopped eating by 8pm.

-Drank a TON of water.

-Made it a priority to get 8 hours of sleep every night. Easy for me because I go to bed early (8:30-9pm)because nothing brings me more joy than my bed and I love sleep.

-I quit alcohol completely for the first 6 months.

-I quit smoking.

-I walked for exercise and used a rowing machine.

-I got rid of social media for about one year.

-I did regular blood work and saw my doctor regularly because I was dealing with other diseases that I was trying to get treatment for.

-I researched, read books, watched YouTube videos etc on disordered eating and became mindful of my thoughts and triggers surrounding food etc.

The point is that if I had the surgery and continued to live my life as I had been, I would not be where I am today. Yes I would have lost weight for the first 8 months or so but then it would have come back plus some. People who get this procedure and continue eating garbage, don’t fix their mental health, don’t fix their bad habits… are not going to have the same kind of results.

I took a couple of days to write this out and at one point wasn’t even going to bother, because I don’t owe anyone an explanation - but decided that the folks who are on here looking for inspiration and feeling like they’re a failure because they’re not seeing rapid wild results deserve an explanation - please know that if you stay consistent, if you push through the plateaus (I went through plenty of them), if you dedicate one year to sticking to a solid routine, you will see the results! I promise.

My SIL came to me roughly one year into my journey to ask what my daily routine was. She has no idea that I had surgery. I told her exactly what I’ve listed here. Diet, tracking, fasting etc…… she lost close to 50lbs in 7 months. My own father started following my plan and lost 30lbs in an alarmingly short amount of time…. It is absolutely possible to see the results without surgery (if you don’t have a health condition getting in the way of things). Please talk to your doctor if things seem off or if you’ve been giving it your best for months and literally nothing is happening. You may have a health condition that is to blame.

I’m sorry this was such a novel, and I apologize for the delayed explanation.

For the naggers and trolls, keep scrolling you toxic losers lol.

submitted by /u/hasha28
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How to embrace body shape

I have an apple-shaped figure. 45F, 185lbs, 5’5”, have had two kids. I’m very active, more so over the past year. I’ve cut down on drinking, i overeat some days, but mostly keep it in check. CICO balance. I’m definitely on a deficit and have taken progress photos over the past year and there’s visible improvement. Limited weight loss but I don’t care about the scale. Im very muscular, everywhere but my abs. I’m happy overall and this is a sustainable lifestyle for me. I’ve had insulin resistance for years and hypothyroidism. Been medicated and regularly visiting an endocrinologist for 20 years. I feel good these days, and then will see a picture of myself, and wth?! My body shape always prevails and it depresses me. My midsection became more prominent after my second kid. My family genetics lend to stout, big boned, short, busty women. I’ve tried to dress for my shape, tried better angles for photos, I feel good overall but then the photo brings me down. The logical part of me knows that I’m healthy, active, making progress. But I hate my body shape. Although there’s definitely more fat to lose in the middle, I can’t reshape my structure. Any thoughts or advice on how to embrace the shape you are given?

submitted by /u/itisjustmesayinghi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, April 29, 2023

6 Easy Breakfast Casserole Recipes

A hearty and healthy breakfast is the best way to kick off your day. If your appetite is satisfied before your day gets busy, you won’t be tempted to grab high-calorie food from a fast-food joint, convenience store, or vending machine when hunger strikes.

The Nutrisystem menu offers you lots of appealing breakfast options. From a savory Turkey Sausage and Egg Muffin to sweet Buttermilk Waffles, they are quick and easy to eat even on hectic mornings.

But when it’s time for a Flex meal or you just want to try something different, these breakfast casserole recipes can be an ideal solution. They’re made with ingredients you love like eggs, turkey sausage and whole-wheat bread, plus they’re simple to prepare.

While these healthy breakfast casserole recipes are designed to fit your weight loss diet, we guarantee the whole family will clamor for them. That’s a big win for you and the rest of your crew!

1. Banana French Toast Breakfast Casserole >

Banana French Toast Breakfast Casserole

You might think that a warm, belly-filling breakfast like French toast with bananas is an indulgence for special occasions. However, you can start any day with this sweet and satisfying casserole. Even better, it’s a healthy meal that will keep you on track with your weight loss. Our Banana French Toast Breakfast Casserole recipe is easy to assemble the night before, then you heat it up in the morning while you get ready for the day. Rich aromas will fill your home as it cooks and entice everyone to the breakfast table.

2. Turkey Sausage and Sweet Potato Breakfast Casserole >

Turkey Sausage and Sweet Potato Breakfast Casserole

If you’re craving a savory hot breakfast, try this hearty Turkey Sausage and Sweet Potato Breakfast Casserole recipe. It features crumbles of zesty turkey sausage paired with cubes of tender sweet potatoes. Eggs bump up the protein content and veggies add extra nourishment to help you get through the day. You can customize this dish with your choice of vegetables, such as mushrooms or hot peppers, or go with a plant-based sausage, if you prefer. Whichever you pick, you will be fueled up for whatever your morning brings.

3. Chai Baked Oatmeal >

3-Step Chai Baked Oatmeal

Waking up to a bowl of ordinary oatmeal can feel a little uninspiring. This 3-Step Chai Baked Oatmeal recipe turns plain oats into breakfast bars that are moist and sweet, yet still nutritious and filling. The high-fiber oats are sweetened with plump raisins and warm chai spices, like cinnamon, vanilla and ginger. Pecans add crunch and a hint of saltiness. The dish comes out of the oven ready to slice into nine servings so everyone in the family can take one with them on busy mornings. Wrap up and freeze the leftovers to pull out on another day when you need a quick and nourishing breakfast.

4. Mushroom and Spinach Egg Bake >

Mushroom and Spinach Egg Bake

An egg casserole is a simple way to make and serve a hearty breakfast any day of the week. This Mushroom and Spinach Egg Bake recipe includes meaty mushrooms, onions and garlic, along with the eggs for a truly savory taste. Creamy cottage cheese holds it all together and keeps the casserole moist as the top turns golden brown. The recipe was shared by Phyllis, a Nutrisystem member. (If you have healthy recipe idea, go to our Recipe Submission page and help everyone eat well while losing weight.)

5. Baked Berry French Toast Casserole >

Baked Berry French Toast Casserole

French toast casserole takes all the time and work out of making a complete—and completely delicious—breakfast. Instead of all the bowls and pans needed to cook traditional French toast, the casserole comes together in one baking tray. In this Baked Berry French Toast Casserole recipe, fresh blueberries add sweetness, accented with cinnamon and vanilla. When blueberries aren’t in season, or if you just don’t care for them, you can substitute strawberries, raspberries or apples. For extra protein and a contrasting flavor, add a serving of chopped nuts (two tablespoons) or nut butter (one tablespoon).

6. Veggie Quinoa Breakfast Bake >

Veggie Quinoa Breakfast Bake

Here’s the perfect breakfast for any morning you need extra fuel in your tank. Quinoa is a potent grain, a SmartCarb that’s high in fiber AND protein so it keeps you feeling full. In this Veggie Quinoa Breakfast Bake recipe, quinoa’s mildly nutty taste is complemented by the savory mushrooms, spinach, dried tomatoes, onions, garlic and eggs. It comes out of the oven warm, fragrant and ready for you to dig in.

The post 6 Easy Breakfast Casserole Recipes appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

My sister tries to sabotage my diets?

Me and my sister are both 250+ lbs. Over the past five years, both of us would frequently try new diets and work outs unsuccessfully.

However I just recently lost 30 pounds after eating healthy and working out consistently for half a year. But I noticed that my sister is increasing her efforts to try and make me eat more calories.

She’s aware of my fasting periods and low carb diet but she always puts a plate in front of me when I’m near the kitchen. At first it was small things like fruits, then fruity desserts, and now pastries and other carbs in front of me and encourages me to eat more. She says I always look tired and need sugar.

Before I go to the gym she makes it her mission to always have a big noodle or pasta dish prepped and ready for me. She would get annoyed at me for not eating and tell me that I need to eat if I’m going to work out or else I’ll faint. She does this after I come home from working out too.

I tried to help her lose weight by inviting her to join me at the gym but she says she doesn’t like the vibe in gyms. She turns down my offer of making extra meal preps for her to eat more healthy too. So I don’t want to push her to join this weight loss journey.

I feel like she’s trying to make me gain more weight and it makes me feel weird. I don’t know how to bring this up to her, any advice? :(

submitted by /u/Fluffyfisher
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Ideas for non-food presents for reaching weight loss goals

Hey there, Just started my weight-loss journey (again...). I'm F23 currently at about 110kg and my goal weight is about 60kg.

This time I want to write a list, of some non food things I'll get for myself when I reach certain steps in my journey. I thought either something bigger for every 10kg or something smaller every 5kg. I thought that might help to keep motivated by reaching smaller goals instead being demotivated by being far away from the end goal.

So far my ideas were a new pircing, maybe a tattoo and a smart watch. Does anyone has some more ideas that I could include in my list? Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/nerdybritishGirl
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my legs feel like jelly!!!

I missed the bus to the station so I decided to speed walk!! 3.2km!! To the bus station!!! With little hopes in catching my bus to work but not only did I get to the station just as the bus pulled up, the driver apologised because he needed a few minutes to go to the bathroom!!!!

I don't talk about anything weight loss related to anyone so I just wanted to put this here because I definitely would not have made it to the station if I was still at my starting weight 😂

submitted by /u/Witty-Song1313
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Scale doesn’t seem to be budging but waistline is shrinking


I am a 24 year old male 5’9 and currently weighing 179 lbs. I’ve been tracking my weight and my waistline and I’d like some advice on what’s been going on. In November I weighed 182 lbs with a 34.5 inch waist. I just checked my weight and waistline yesterday and I’m 179 lbs and 31 inches.

I check my weight regularly once a day and i’ve been noticing that it seems to go between 175 and 180. I try tracking my calories but honestly i think i need a lot of work on that front. I’ve also been working out 3 times a week since January.

Just wondering what could explain the loss in inches in waistline but the stagnant weight loss?

(sorry for formatting on my phone)

submitted by /u/Effective-Low
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just ran my first 5k after losing 40 pounds!

First let me just start off by saying how emotional I feel right now. My life is revolved around charity. I work in nonprofit, helped nonprofits from age 21 on, and have been a big competitor and fundraiser for gaming nonprofits, but before today, before last July, I thought I would never be strong enough, or athletic enough, to do a 5k.

I always did online streaming fundraisers and never participated in 5ks, even though that was something everyone I knew tried to get me into.

I started my weight loss about 9 months ago. I (35, M) was close to 250 and now I'm sitting at 207.

I kept working out at minimum 3 times a week, I ran as much as I could every week, but it didn't start easy. I could only walk when I started last July. Walking turned to fast walking, then to longer distances, and finally I committed to joining a gym and using couch to 5k.

I took videos of my after workout almost each week to keep me on track, and months later I was outside running miles per session.

Thanks for anyone on here that gave me some tips or pointers leading me here. I have a new goal and that's a 10k. But more 5ks will be sure to come. If you are also trying to fo your 5k, the strength to do so WILL come, just be patient and never skip a week!


submitted by /u/ClemClementine12
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Friday, April 28, 2023

Is a 1400 calorie budget reasonable?

Hello! I’m 19F, and 5’4! I recently lost around twenty pounds with no calorie counting whatsoever. However I’m still nowhere near my goal weight (I stay between 226-230) and I’ve hit kind of a plateau. I figured it was time to finally start counting them, but the only issue is that I don’t know what seems okay or not? Lose It! suggests less than 1400 for a 1 and 1/2 lb weight loss per week. But I know that if I hit another plateau won’t I have to start cutting again? 1400 kind of in itself feels like the bare minimum. But maybe I just overestimate how much food is actually necessary.

submitted by /u/sarahsmellslikeshit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

At what weight did you start seeing changes? 23F, SW: 208lbs

I’m currently 206lbs so I’m a couple of pounds down. On my last weight loss journey I was probably already 2 stone less so when I lost weight, people noticed immediately. I’m just curious for people that started above my weight or similar- at what weight (if you were aware) did other people and yourself start to notice a difference? I have a feeling I’m going to get frustrated that it’s going to be longer this time before I see tangible physical evidence of my efforts.

submitted by /u/Spanglytortoise
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I climbed a mountain!!

Literally, a mountain in Hokkaido (Mt. Moiwa!) After reading some information on the internet that it was an easy hike (came to found out later that noooo, it is not an easy hike to the observation deck) my overweight body was dying only a half a mile into the hike, with 3km left. I sat down on a fallen tree trunk with my husband who said we needed to go back because my face was incredibly red and he didn't want me dealing with heatstroke. I realized that this was my "fork in the road" moment. I could walk away and regret it forever or push myself beyond what I thought I could handle and truly begin my weight loss journey. I decided to push forward, and completed the hour hike in 1.5 hours. I should put that I took breaks and did intensive deep breathing when I thought I was getting overwhelmed (and also you should always put your health first, don't do what I did unless you think you can handle it)

We made it to the observation deck and saw Sapporo in all of its glory. It was exhilarating. I rung the bell of happy marriage/success twice with my husband.

A Japanese man saw us coming up the final stretch of the path and said jokingly with a smile on his face "Ah, long hike huh?" I laughed with him, because I want to continue doing healthy things, because I deserve to feel that victory. I didn't have anywhere else to post my success but this is my moment to get strong and healthy for me, my husband, and our future children. This is the moment I change. I'm 70 lbs overweight and I need to be better.

Any tips, healthy recipe suggestions? How can I keep the momentum going when I return to the USA?

submitted by /u/vfp_pr
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I've uncovered a massive mental hangup about weight loss. It's because I've believed since I was a kid that fit people are mean people.

This is an irrational belief, of course, but I discovered through some inner work that since I was a child, I have unintentionally associated people who are fit and lean with rich bullies. I was a very sensitive child who cried easily, and I had personal experience with bullies at school for several years growing up. All of them were rich and on athletic teams. It didn't help that I watched TONS of movies and TV, and the regular trope for those bullies was that they were always rich athletes and cheerleaders. Now people lob insults at obese people on social media and in movies because it seems to be the last acceptable prejudice these days, and my brain tells me, "Who the fuck would WANT to be like these people? I fucking hate them!" Anyway, now that I'm aware my bad habits were a form of subconscious rebellion against bullies, I want to start paying attention to fit people who are genuinely kind. Can you point me to some good examples in media? How can I learn to associate fitness with kindness and decency?

submitted by /u/I_use_the_wrong_fork
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally no longer Obese! Friends who are also overweight or obese keep telling me I don’t need to lose more :/

I’ve been on a long journey for about 2-3 years. I’m 5’3” and have lost 61 pounds so far sw 225 cw 161! Gw I haven’t decided but between 125 and 135 I think.

I started losing in 2020 when I was getting chest pains used Noom it helped a lot got from 225-178 then kinda stalled out.

This February I re-startd medication (very low dose) for adhd (diagnosed at 7 years old and took it from 10 years to about 28). I didn’t expect weight loss I wanted help with my symptoms.

However it helped so much with curbing my appetite and getting me focused on weight loss again. I went from 178 to 161 today

I did recently start compounded ozempic and am super excited. Since having kids I couldn’t ever get below 168. Before having kids I was usually 120-145 at the most. Did crash diets as a teen and at one point weighed 113 which was much too thin I looked gaunt. I’ve lost quickly on the ozempic. I lost the weight that got me under my “set weight” of 168 finally while on the starter dose (compounded and prescribed by a doctor)

Well a couple of my friends, one who has lost some weight on ozempic for medical reasons and supports my use of it to be healthier and in shape recently said I’ve lost too much and don’t need to lose anymore. Another friend I was showing her pictures of myself when I was 128 pounds and she was like yuck you looked anorexic. 🙃

I live in a state that has one of the highest rates of obesity. It’s rare to see someone who isn’t a teen with a healthy weight. Just a little disappointed but I plan to continue. I am barely under the obese cutoff now and I’m not like super muscular or anything.

I want to be healthy and happy for my kids and for me. I just feel like obesity and overweight has become so common that a healthy weight like bmi 24 is seen as too thin by many

submitted by /u/wearthemasque
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to approach weight loss while having very high uric acid?

I’m 109kg, down from 150kg,I mostly eat non healthy foods in very small quantities thus I am losing,however I did a blood work and my uric acid was very high,now I’m concerned about development of gout and uric acid renal stones. My father recommended I reduce my meat consumption,should I start looking for alternatives to meat?Does chickpeas,lentil,and other non meat protein sources raise urate?what about fish and chicken sources of protein do they also raise urate or not? What is the right approach?

submitted by /u/muted_Log_454
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Did you notice a difference in people’s attitudes/treatment of you after weight loss?

I went from 150 to 125 pounds after an illness over the winter and saw a lot of small changes in how family, friends and strangers alike interact with me. Most of it is not necessarily positive, btw — while I get a lot of compliments, it became increasingly clear to me that a lot of people view one’s worth as a person by appearances without thinking about what could be behind them.

Did that happen to anyone else? I’m sure it’s more dramatic when more weight is lost.

submitted by /u/Hungry-Intention3088
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Belly fat from years of prednisone & bad eating habits... will it go away?

Hello! I am f30 weighing 249 lbs at 5'0". I've been on and off steroids my whole life for asthma but the past 11 years I was in it a lot more frequently. In 2020 I was on a high dose for the entire year and put on a lot of weight. While I lost the water weight, the belly fat is so excessive.

I've started back working out but I am just discouraged and not really convinced that my belly will shrink at all. I'm also nervous I will have so much loose skin. Based on how I look/feel, it seems it's going to take years to lose this and that discourages me further. I want to try losing this myself before turning to weight loss surgery.

I've gotten my eating habits under control after being treated for another medical condition so the food is no longer an issue for me, just need to get the physical part rolling.

What are the best exercises/routines for belly fat? (Added pics for a visual)

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/aryastark2626
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After the weight loss

Hi all! I'm proud to report that I've gone from 260 lbs to 126 lbs as a 5'5 woman. I guess I expected that to be it, happily ever after. I feel healthier, I am overall much happier but I couldn't imagine the pressure of maintaining. I like counting my calories, it gives me a sense of control so that part is not difficult. The difficult part, at least for me, is not disappointing myself and my loved ones by failing, by gaining weight back. Everybody is so proud, especially my fiance. Just a lot of pressure, I guess. When my weight fluctuates a few pounds I panic, even though I know its temporary. I'll automatically want to restrict again even if I know it's water weight. It's hard to find that maintenance calorie budget. I obsess. Unhealthy, I know and I am seeking therapy. Another bummer is the loose skin and stretch marks. I lost very slowly with cico and cardio, my loose skin doesn't overhang at all so it doesn't qualify for medical treatment. but its noticeable to the point that I hide my stomach and upper arms. Just a vent. If you care to share, I'd love to hear your experiences with this and how to gain a more positive mind set

submitted by /u/walkofjaimo
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F/30/5'3"/230>180s: How have you all powered through injuries/strains with daily exercise?

I keep getting hurt. 😭 (I'm icing my back as I type this.) All throughout my weight loss, I've been straining my back, having hip pain, achy knees, etc. 🥺 My doc says I don't have arthritis or anything like that. I've been doing low impact stuff like walking, yoga and I just got an elliptical that I enjoy. Last year I tore my meniscus but I've had other aches and pains and it's so fucking annoying because I'll get in a good exercise groove, injure myself, and then lose motivation again.

Will this just have to be something I "power" through until my weight is in a healthier range? Any good pre and post-workout stretching routines you can recommend?? Help!!

submitted by /u/Nienna92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Confusion around muscle retainment and protein intake

My weight loss is going pretty well at the moment, but I'm worried about losing muscle. Some "rules of thumb" I've seen floating around include:

  1. You shouldn't lose more than 1% of your bodyweight (in kg) per week.
  2. You should eat 1,6 grams of protein per 1kg of bodyweight per day.
  3. You should exercise

1% of my bodyweight is 0,97 at the moment, and I lose on average 0,8kg per week atm so that should check out. As to exercise, I do some calisthenics (push-pull-legs-core, twice a week if I'm able to) and I also boulder/climb once a week.

What I don't get is the protein intake. 1,6 grams per kilo of bodyweight is around 155 grams of protein for me. Which seems insane? A normal meal I cook for myself has probably around 30 grams of protein, and I can fit two full meals into my calorie budget (plus snacks). So I get maybe 50-80 grams of protein per day, and I have no idea where I can find the missing 100g? My go-to protein source which is chicken has 20 grams of protein per 100g of chicken, and most single meals I eat have around that 100g of chicken. How am I supposed to quadruple that without crashing through my calorie budget, or without breaking the bank?

I'm genuinely confused by this. Am I misunderstanding the wording here?

submitted by /u/alonealsoatnight
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Grief and weigh loss

I started my weight loss in February.

I managed to lose about 6 kg but was starting to stall out. I was still motivated to reach my goal of 75kg.

But last week my sister sadly took her own life. The second death of a sibling in 2 years.

Since then I just don’t care what I eat. I haven’t even bothered with the scale and simply don’t have the energy to cook, instead just eating out or ordering in everyday.

I know I should stay to my routine of PT, rock climbing and calorie counting but by god it’s so hard right now to even care about it, never mind bring myself to actually go.

Anyone else who dealt with the loss of a close one during their journey how did you deal? Do I just write off my meals for the moment or do I power through?

I just don’t know what to do anymore.

submitted by /u/King_Gurburdus
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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

ADHD meds and weight loss

I (16f) am around 5’9 and 198 pounds. i’ve always had a problem with overeating and not being able to stop eating even when i’m so full it hurts. I got diagnosed with ADHD when i was 13, and i recently decided that i would start taking meds in order to concentrate better at school. i’ve been trying to lose weight by counting calories for as long as i can remember, but i’ve never managed to actually stick to it (the longest i managed to stick to it was 4 days😟) and i honestly never thought i’d be able to lose the weight. however, since starting my meds my view of food has completely changed, i don’t have a constant need to eat, and i honestly view it more as a chore than something i look forward to. after a couple weeks my mom started getting concerned about how little i was eating compared to what i used to so she booked me a doctors appointment. when i talked to my doctor she actually explained to me that my excessive eating was probably caused by my ADHD, she told me that it’s actually really common for people with ADHD to struggle with eating the same way that i do. Ik it’s wrong but i honestly feel really annoyed with myself for not realizing this and doing something about it sooner. my doctor also told me that i should stop trying to actively lose weight, her reasoning being that im so young, and that she’s scared i could “eventually develop an eating disorder ”. has anyone experienced anything similar? all advice is greatly appreciated<3

submitted by /u/Sharp_Ninja_3196
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Down 100 pounds in two years

As of today I am at 200 exactly. In may of 2021 I was 303, so I feel really great to see that. since I took my time and didn’t rush the process my skin took really well. My main problem was realizing weight loss is just a lifestyle change. Don’t look at it like a one to two year goal it’s a lifetime change. Also people shouldn’t feel pressured to eat if they aren’t hungry, this is huge in weight loss since so many people are unhealthy they just assume you want to eat or dine out with them. When in actuality you were fine with not eating.

submitted by /u/Jdn4578
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Gained weight…

F 5’3 SW: 170 CW: 160 GW: 120/115

I went strong with weight loss during December, January, and February. I lost 15 lbs and was feeling amazing! I slowly gave up on it during March and April and now have gained 5 lbs back.

I’m disappointed in myself for falling back into the old habit of “oh i’ll start tomorrow” and then keeping that up for 2 months.

Today marks the continuation in my journey. I had my greens this morning, a healthy breakfast and lunch, and will continue kicking ass through dinner.

I have a week long cruise at the end of July planned and want to lose 20 lbs before then and then 40 lbs by my graduation in December!

I’m going to start posting in this sub again to keep me motivated and accountable.

submitted by /u/General_Pea7751
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The whole 'you don't need to exercise to lose weight' phrase really confuses me.

Apologies if this is the wrong place to post, but I really wanted to 'vocalise' this.

I get that you don't need to exercise to lose weight, but I feel the strong reaction against exercise for weight loss is because some people may have thought they can go for 3 x 30 min runs a week and still eat what they want and have not lost weight. Fair enough, that probably wouldn't ever work. However, it's a dangerous rhetoric because I always find that after a week with more than average (for me) exercise, I ALWAYS have a great result on the scales.

For instance I may go for a 4 hour ride on a weekend day, and 3 x 5 mile runs during the week, and boom, great result on the scales. Another week, I may be busy or hit with a bout of lethargy, and only manage one run. Boom, a weight gain.

I am fully understanding of the fundamentals of CICO (calories in vs calories out); so eating the same both weeks will result in different outcomes depending on the calories I expend on the higher than average exercise week, hence why I feel the phrasing around exercise not being effective for weightless maybe needs to be toned down somewhat.

Essentially if you're ultra disciplined in at least one area, you will do well. Be that exercise, you maybe don't need to eat as well and as consistently as if you don't exercise. Myself, I tend to eat OK. I try to eat more good things, rather than fewer bad things, but exercise is for sure the thing that tips me into weightloss.

I'm not posting this here because I see a lot of this rhetoric, just figure some on this community may see the same things I do, or be able to challenge me on my views expressed here. :)

submitted by /u/gametheweapon
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I wanna lose weight but i really just wanna stop because of how the journey is starting to feel

I'm 21(F), 163cm / 5'4 and 59kgs/130.073 pounds

I started this journey because I got diagnosed with PCOD and i knew I've to take care of my health.

When I began my journey i was 66 kgs/ 145.505 pounds and it was the month of December.

Before after pic link is mentioned in the comment.

April is about to end now and from the last one month or even more infact i have been stuck at 59 kgs.

I figured it's a plateau so i started exercising and started eating at maintenance and then at deficit.

Then i stopped exercising but still stuck with deficit and maintenance.

I managed to hit 58.4

So now tho i fluctuate between 58.8-59.4

I know and understand weight loss is a slow process but honestly I'm so tired of tracking calories and eating at a deficit

I wanna become a more mindful eater and still be eating healthy but not at a deficit.

I'm still ready to track calories tho just not so much that it seems like i can't have any food. And no i haven't been starving myself but by food i mean something i enjoy eating but is slightly higher in calories.

My maintenance is 1600

So i focus to eat anywhere below 1300 depending on what kind of day it is. Being a short woman it hasn't been easy since I don't have much calories to play around with.

I've ordered skipping rope tho so i really hope it gets me moving so that i can increase my calorie space.

All in all, what am I supposed to do? I feel like a failure maybe because I haven't reached my goal yet and deciding to slack off simply because of I'm tired :(

I don't wanna give up. I wanna reach my goal but it's been tough especially when after doing everything my weight loss speed has decreased massively.

I remember after a whole month was first time where i went from 59.2 to 58.8 that's it!

I don't have my desired body shape yet at all.

I've this belly sticking out like it was it's birthright.

What would be your advice? Have you felt something similar on your journey and how have you dealt with these feelings?

By taking some break or maybe just keeping a no give up spirit? Anything that you feel can help me?

submitted by /u/Kindnessishot
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No-Scale Victory

This is really small, but I've been getting frustrated with my weight loss recently so it still helps: yesterday I had to go into town and I missed my bus. The next one would have been ten minutes later and it was a beautiful day, so I was like 'No way I'm sitting on this bench for ten minutes when I can literally be there in ten minutes if I walk" so I started walking. And as I was walking, I realized that until maybe one year ago, I would have sat on a bench for thirty minutes to avoid ten minutes of walking. Now I'm a bit lighter and a bit stronger, I actually enjoy walking. It's a stupid thing maybe, but there you go. Wanted to share because this sub's encouraged me a lot.

submitted by /u/batohanebilgili
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

I almost have a jawline!

Man, can you believe I've lost 15 lbs in just over a month, and was almost feeling down about it? Fact is, I'm still fat. When I look down, I still see the same belly. My shirts don't fit a whole lot different. But look at my face!

I almost have a jawline! I just wanted to post and remind people that not all weight loss is super visible on your frame. Your pants might fit close to the same. Your shirts, too. But that weight is coming from somewhere, so keep at it!

I started my weight loss journey at 236, and am currently 221. I did it in a month, and I did it pretty easily. I've always been super active. I play a lot of tennis, and I walk a lot. Here are the steps I took to lose the weight:

  1. I don't eat fast food anymore. I used to eat Panda Express AT LEAST a few times a week. Yeah, I know.

  2. I don't eat between meals.

  3. I eat smaller portions of those meals. Not tiny, just reasonable. Now, I can finally tell when I'm full.

That's pretty much it. I also started doing some strength training stuff in the morning, which I'm sure helped a little, but honestly I don't think it's a major contributor for me.

Truth is, I've been a super active guy for years. I bought myself an Apple Watch, and finally saw the massive amount of calories I was burning every day and thought to myself, "how much have you been eating every day to maintain this weight?!"

Anyway, I'm rambling. I get it. I just feel excited about my progress. I've been overweight my whole adult life. I still am overweight. But I'm finally moving in the right direction, and now that I realize how simple it is, I don't see myself going backward.

Keep going, everyone! You can do hard things.

submitted by /u/A_Balloon_Deluge
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Goal jeans are now loose

SW: 217lbs, CW: 156lbs, GW: 130-140lbs 25F, 5’3

I’ve been on my weight loss journey since Feb 2022 and I’ve lost about 60lbs. When I went back to my parent’s home for Christmas, I was excited to look into the bin of my old clothes my mom kept for me. I had clothes in there from back when I was 18-20yo and still on the thinner side.

I found one my favorite Levi’s jeans that I got when I started gaining weight but was still not “fat”. I tried them and could only hook the two first buttons of the six (doesn’t have a zipper, just buttons). I left them at my mom’s and told myself that I would fit into them on my next visit.

I came back in March and they did indeed fit but they were a bit on the tighter side. They are now pretty loose and I need to get a belt! Since wearing them, I no longer feel fat. I’m still overweight but I’m finally feeling good in my body. I was planning on getting down to 130lbs but, the closer I get, the more that I feel like 140lbs will be enough. So another 15lbs left to go. Honestly, if I were to not lose anymore, I would be okay with that but I’m going to try to get down to my final goal weight before the end of this summer.

Now, I’m planning on focusing on getting back to the gym and trying to get back to yoga. I want to be fit and be able to spend more time outside with my friends this summer. I started to look for cute summer tops and I’m ready for my hot girl summer!

Now I’m waiting on a pair of cute shorts that my cousin is bringing back from my mom’s. I hope they fit!

submitted by /u/goobxcharlie
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Finally broke a plateau after a year but now I’ve hit a plateau again! Why is weight loss so hard?

I was stuck at 65kg for 1 year and I finally buckled down and counted calories. In 2 months I dropped to 62kg. Not a lot but considering I plateaued for a year I was extremely happy with the progress. I thought I figured out the secret of weight loss (ie it’s really all about calories in and calories out). My weight loss progress was exactly aligned with my calorie counting. Like no kidding I had a spreadsheet and everything and my weigh ins were within 5% of my forecasted weight loss. I stepped on the scale today for my biweekly weigh in expecting a 1 kg loss or perhaps more because I’ve been eating really clean and working out a lot. I weighed in 0.1kg heavier than my previous weigh in! I know our body weight fluctuates and what is 1 kg in the bigger picture but it’s still frustrating knowing that you’re putting all the work and yet the scale isn’t budging. I’m telling myself that I just need to keep at it and the scale will eventually budge again. And if it really doesn’t so what? I’m already at a healthy BMI, I know I’m getting toner and I like what I see in the mirror. But there’s a part of me that just wants to get below 60kg. I know it’s arbitrary but I’ve never been below 60kg in my entire adult life and I’m now so close I know I can get there.

submitted by /u/indenial1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do people treat you after weight loss?

I’ve lost 60 lb. I’m proud of myself and feel great. It never crossed my mind whether people treat me differently because I’m overweight. And then the other day, it finally hit me.

I work in the office building. Offices from the second and third floors share the one break room. I usually don’t interact with people from other offices but I know everyone’s face. So, this guy who has been passing me for the last three years, never said a word to me, not even a hello, suddenly approached me and was like “Hi, my name is John Doe, I’m from the third floor. I’ve never met you, so I decided to introduce myself.” We chatted a little bit and he was surprised to hear I’ve been working here for three years. He told me they often go out on Friday night and I can join a group if I wish.

Last Friday, I went out with everyone. Turns out, there are many people who go to happy hour, half my office was there. When I got home I actually sobbed. I know I know, I felt sorry for myself and angry. Angry because I was invisible before. I was invisible because I was overweight. The guy who walked by me Monday through Friday for the last three years didn’t bother to introduce himself to fat girl.

The vent is over

submitted by /u/Natural-Context-3574
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monday, April 24, 2023

How did weight training change things for you?

I’ve been counting calories on and off for a few years now and I’ve maintained my goal weight (F, 5’7”, 128 lbs) for a while. Before I got pregnant 1.5 years ago, I was doing Pilates 5x per week, and I had some nice tone however I’ve never been lean. I’ve always been flabby and have a good amount of excess fat that sits on my abdomen and inner thighs.

I know part of this is also loose skin. My total weight loss was 50 pounds and my skin was never genetically tight. However this is also a body recomp issue I think. I want to start heavy lifting but part of me wonders if I need to lose more weight. I know objectively I’m really low on the weight scale for my height but my body doesn’t reflect it physically. I do not have body dysmorphia, in fact, I really love and appreciate my body especially after having my son but I also really want to get a lean look. It’s a fun goal.

I’m curious how lifting changed things for people on here. Thanks!

submitted by /u/baby_loveee
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Never ending hunger days

About once a week I’ll have a day where no matter what or how much I eat, I just feel like I’m completely starving. I’ll eat and eat and eat and I never feel full. I drink plenty of water as well in between, but I just have this overwhelming hunger that I can’t satisfy. And what I am eating are good, healthy and fulfilling foods (usually chicken and rice, salads, veggie sandwiches, beans, eggs and avocados - things like that) but that one day of over eating on calories usually equates to negating all of the positive weight loss I’ve had for the rest of the week. So even though the rest of the week I’m following my plan and in a calorie deficit, the one day I get this hunger craze it just erases all the positive progress. Does anyone else struggle with this? What do you do? I need tips! Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/girovalover
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How do you snap yourself back into your good habits after relapsing into your old bad habits?

I (M38 SW:336, CW:301, GW:205) lost 40lbs over the last 6 months and had been making a slow steady weight loss. With stress ramping up at work last week I gave myself a pass to just eat whatever I wanted and I’ve literally chewed my way through 5lbs of progress in a week and lost the ability to say I’m under 300lbs.

It’s an ego hit to feel this weak willed after so much effort. How do you all get yourself back on track after having a relapse? Particularly when the rest of your life is stressing you out. How do you avoid giving yourself ‘passes’?

submitted by /u/Novelsound
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My weight loss has been less than half a pound a week for the last 4 months and I am good with that! Focused on lifestyle changes vs temporary

I finally saw 150 today. I have been trying to get myself down to 145 for YEARS! I just struggle past 155. The last small amount has always been the hardest and I feel like I would give up when I would hit 155.

My weight loss journey has been a constant fluctuation for the last 7 years. Switching from an active job to sedentary was brutal on my body and weight. I know that weight loss is a journey and not just a short diet. All my changes are intended to be lifestyle changes, not temporary. I also work out quite a bit for my own mental health and well-being so my changes may not be for everyone.

So here are my changes.

  1. I paid attention to the foods causing me problems and eliminated them from my diet.

Details: I knew dairy always made my throat hurt and wheat/gluten caused minor skin problems. However, I gave those foods up 100% and so many other health problems went away (I will stick to the weight loss ones on here). For my body, I lost a couple pounds of bloat within the first few weeks, then finally I was able to start putting on muscle. I have struggled with absorption issues for years so putting on muscle was a struggle. So long story short here, if you know a food causes you problems, you may want to look into that more.

  1. I am not eating out as much at sit down restaurants (especially dinner)

Details: of course restaurants closing and my diet changes above restricted me a lot. When I would go to a sit down restaurant I would order an appetizer and a meal. This was mostly just weekends, but I am realizing how many more calories I consume just sitting at a restaurant. I still do takeout, but for some reason it’s easier for me to stop eating when I get full and put my food away at home. I also don’t have an appetizer.

  1. I gave myself a NEW exercise goal

Details: I play sports every year and without that I had to get creative. Now that my diet changes gave me more energy my daily run went from 3 miles to 5-6. So I said screw it and did a half marathon and trained for 3 months. That break in my routine made me push myself differently. This also made me work on my body and force myself to stretch and work on weaker muscles (I.e. my hip would ache on long run days and I would know that I needed to strengthen it to get to my goal)

  1. I got a fitness tracker and integrated it with my fitness pal.

Details: I am usually good putting exercise into my fitness pal and underestimating it. Now the watch has made it easy to track, more accurate, and is nagging at me to do more. The goals and challenges supplement my own goals. I found my half marathon training program in it which got me motivated to keep at it.

  1. Walking is keeping me sane during all this.

Details: I have added a 1-3 mile afternoon walk. Just so I am not cooped up all day. Pretty simple.

  1. Hanging with friends outdoors and not at some bar.

Details: we used to go to the bar and grab drinks and sit around. Now it’s hiking, walking, outdoor yoga class practicing/hitting a ball around.... that’s been huge. It’s so easy to get into a routine where you sit around and drink and consume calories. Now we are doing something active (still drinking afterwards a bit but we are up and doing things)

  1. I put on muscle and added strength training

Details: I had some before but as I mentioned before I didn’t gain much muscle until I fixed my diet. I ate protein, but my body struggled to use what I ate because some foods were not working for me to put it right. Once I saw the muscle come in it was addicting! The scale didn’t budge, but I focused on my arms and shoulder definition. New definition in my legs. The scale totally plateaued during this time, but I didn’t care because my body was changing!

Figured I would share my changes for this year in case anyone else comes here and see people losing a ton of weight and feeling the struggle of that end point.

submitted by /u/gaabbsri
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I finally made it into the 160s!

I am so beyond proud of myself. If you had told me earlier this year, that by September I'd see a weight on the scale I haven't seen in over 3 years, I'd think you were crazy or way too optimistic for my taste.

But I did it! At the end of May, I jumped back into my weight loss journey, and since then, I've lost a total of 28 lbs. I still have a ways to go, and It's going to take me a while yet to get to where I ultimately want to be, but I will get there. I absolutely believe that now.

I know that some days, weight loss feels like its seriously dragging its feet. Just keep faith in the process. You'll get there! I'm only 10 lbs away from moving into the "overweight" category on the BMI scale from "obese", and that goal used to seem unattainable. Now it's within arms reach.

I just wanted to share this awesome victory with you guys! Thanks for reading and celebrating with me!

submitted by /u/dj088kosik
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Sunday, April 23, 2023

Those of you who’ve yo-yo dieted for years, and then finally lost weight and kept it off, what changed?

I’ve been losing weight and gaining it back (plus some) for 15 years now. I’m sick of it! Most recently I lost 30 lbs and kept it off for 6 months. Then I had some health issues and gained 55 lbs 🤯.

Recently every time I “start” my weight loss journey again I can’t be bothered to continue because a voice keeps telling me it doesn’t matter, since even if I manage to lose weight I’ll just gain it all back again.

Hence my question. What changed for you? How were you able to keep the weight off long term?

submitted by /u/blondeoverflow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Falling off the horse a bit - Need Help!

Hi Guys, this has been my most successful weight loss attempt in 10 years. I dropped from 108kg (March) to 96kg (as of April 10). However, I started to plateau, I am at 1500 calories, but I've recently been having these mini "Cheats" once a week because I am getting a bit burned out eating chicken breast, and fish.

I brine my meats, season etc.. but recently, I've just gotten really tired of it. From april 10 to Now, I've only lost 0.5kg, (95.5kg as of writing) and I know it's because I've been sneaking in a burger here and there, or a sub, or some chinese food. I have managed to stay far away from sugar at least.

I hope you guys can share some tips, I think I just need to change my food somehow. I am thinking of buying a turbo broiler or airfryer so I can have some crispy chicken or something (coatted using cornflakes and eggwhites).

submitted by /u/CorsariousAbonai
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Starting My Weight Loss Journey (again)

I have been lurking in this community for a long time and am inspired by the many successful weight loss journeys and the overall positive vibe. I have been overweight my entire life and always felt out of control when it comes to food. My highest weight was 220 pounds when I gained 25 pounds during covid. I have been yoyoing about 15 pounds for months now and would like to move forward. I recently completed the Whole30, but I feel it was too restrictive for me. For the past few weeks, I have felt out of control and gained about 5 pounds back. My new health plan is more sustainable and something I believe I can stick to for the long run. I have PCOS, and I can lose weight when I eat under 100 grams of carbs and stay away from processed foods for the most part. I am doing CICO and trying to lose around 2 pounds per week. I recently was accepted into grad school, and I would like to feel confident when I begin the program in September. I know I can do this, and this community has already helped me in my journey so far. I plan to check in here once a month. I am 31F, 5’6, and my starting weight is 205 pounds. Let’s do this!

submitted by /u/musimuse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Additional workout advice?

I'll just get straight to the point:

I'm looking for weight loss exercises to add to my current routine. I currently do Beat Saber for 30 mins at a time, 3+ days a week. With the way I do it, this is equivalent to dancing in terms of exercise.

I've heard that weight lifting helps speed up weight loss but I'm not sure where to start with this. There's a lot of tips and advice all over the web but a lot of different things claim, "This is THE right way to go!" and I'm not really sure where to start.

Worth noting: My apartment has a small gym and I have access to treadmills, dumbbells, resistance bands, and yoga balls.

Any advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/Blackwind121
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Losing muscle, not fat. Macros to blame?

Over the last four weeks I've been eating 500kcal under my maintenance. In this time I've lost 1kg.

However, according to my renpho scale my body fat percentage has increased. My measurements have all stayed the same, so I believe I'm losing muscle.

My current macros are: Carbs: 50% Fats: 30% Proteins: 20%

I am also anemic, with a slow thyroid which may be accounting for the slow weight loss. I'm still pushing myself to exercise three times a week, and hate to think that all this effort is going to waste.

Would love any advice from people who have knowledge about macros, or who have been in a similar situation

submitted by /u/Renee_G-B
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Hi everyone!

To make a long story short, I’ve been overweight and extremely depressed for 15 years.

I started taking Prozac and it has changed my life. I haven’t felt the need to overeat since I started taking it, and it has led to my unexpected weight loss journey.

I’ve lost about 12 pounds in 6 weeks. All I’ve done is reduced the amount of calories I consume. I eat whatever I want in moderation, drink a ton of water, and I don’t exercise much.

My question is if this is normal and ok? Should I be concerned? Should I bring this to my doctor’s attention?


submitted by /u/AwkwardPianist_94
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So averse to healthy foods I’d rather not eat at all!

Anybody else relate to this? Especially as an adult I find it so difficult to relate to my peers because I’m so fussy.

It’s so strange to me as well and seems so unfair that although everybody has food likes and dislikes, that I only like unhealthy food.

For context, I’m not living on chips and chicken nuggets etc like you see with some people, I eat plenty variety and do eat some fruit and veg and take vitamins to help with what I don’t eat.

HOWEVER even with veg, people say raw is healthiest, steamed is ideal if you want it warmed. I need to boil the hell out of vegetables until I almost can’t taste them and they’re super soft to enjoy them. Bananas are healthiest the less ripe they are, I only like them when they’re almost brown they’re so overripe - only found out recently that at this stage they’re basically just pure sugar!

I can’t stomach any cold veg like salad etc. I do always have veg in my meals because I know I should but they’re very well cooked and preference wise I would rather not have them in there lol

I know that weight loss doesn’t only come from eating healthy BTW - I just felt like this is a community that might be able to relate haha

submitted by /u/hazelx123
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I need weight loss tips for my unique? situation

TW mention of eating disorder behavior and low self esteem talk

I'm 15 and 174 pounds (I'm 5'4) it has such a huge effect on my self esteem and I'm not sure where to start with weight loss while I'm living with my current guardian. She's obese and 76 years old, which i don't judge her for at all but her health means she can't cook nor teach me how to cook. So I don't have an eating schedule which leads to my overeating, but there's more (since I'm 15 obviously I don't need someone to cook for me lol)

We're low income so we don't buy ingredients, we buy snacks and frozen food to cook. Which are high in calories, and not scheduling myself I overeat a lot as well from that. My diagnosed MDD & PTSD may also have an effect on my overeating but I'm not sure.

My guardian is super protective, and maybe my overeating wouldn't be an issue if I could get exercise and stuff, but because she's protective I only get to go outside to water the flowers and maybe walk the dog (we live in a small trailer park and she doesn't want me out too long)

I'm not allowed on walks and hardly allowed to go out with friends, though to be fair I don't ask to go out a lot cause their all busy. Either way, I'm stuck inside constantly other than school and chores, and she gets super pissed whenever I ask her if I can go on a walk. She says all the doctors agree that it's unsafe for me to go outside in the state the world is in rn.

I don't know what to do as it kind of feels hopeless. I've had points in my life where I got very insecure and would undereat a lot (I once lost 13 pounds in 2 weeks), and I had points where I'd throw up my food or use laxatives, but i don't have an ED as it never stuck so it's not enough for her to worry about and get a doctor's opinion on.

My room hardly has enough space to even pace around in (like 6 steps to the front door of my room to the back window) and online workout tips have been hard for me because being inside so long has fucked up my muscle. Seriously I used to actually have strength but now I struggle with 10 pounds weights my friend has lol.

Anyone have tips for weight loss or my situation in general? Nothing to do with asking my guardian to let me go outside as she doesn't want that, but if there's any tips or guides or diets (again, Ive grown kind of dependant on food and sweets as much as I hate to admit it) or workouts that I can actually do with the little muscle I have right now i'd appreciate it, as my weight makes me feel very bad about myself, and I think I'd be happier if I could loose at least 20 pounds by around August or something. Ideally I'd like to get my weight down to around 110-140 (big range but I'd be happy so long as I don't feel the way I do now lol)

submitted by /u/casualsimp101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Feeling so discouraged for how little weight I’ve lost in 4 months

A little backstory- I’m 29f, currently weighing in at 204 lbs. I’ve been both fit and/or thin a few times throughout my life. I had my ideal body when I was ages 24-26, when I was going to the gym 5-6 times a week. Then the pandemic happened and it caused my mental and physical health to plummet, which in turn caused me to gain a ton of weight, making me the biggest I’ve literally ever been. I’ve always struggled with disordered eating since I was a teenager. In highschool, I lost 30 lbs in 2 months by running for an hour every day and only eating 500 calories. Throughout my twenties, I went through cycles of binging, restricting and skipping meals. Even when I had my ideal body, I skipped dinner most nights and didn’t track my macros at all. So although I was strength training and gaining muscle, I still didn’t have a healthy relationship with food or my body despite being in great shape. Fast forward to now, 55 lbs later. I’m with a partner who encourages me to enjoy food and love my body despite everything I’ve been through. I try really REALLY hard to practice self love and patience because of him, but I just find myself so tired of putting in so much effort and not seeing my body change much. I’ve been trying to lose weight on and off for 2 years to no avail, mostly because I was in so much pain all the time and didn’t have the energy or strength to workout. I recently got my health issues in check and feel amazing, so I figured weight loss would be easier. I’ve been going at it consistently for 4 months. This is the first time in my life that I’m counting my macros and only doing a slight calorie deficit to save myself from either being miserable or slipping back into disordered eating. I also aim to workout at least 4-5 times a week but life happens and sometimes I don’t always hit that goal but usually get at least 3 days in. I’ve only lost 6 pounds in the past 4 months and it’s really starting to get to me. I find myself getting triggered and wanting to resort to an all or nothing mentality and go back to my old ways of restricting, even though I know it wouldn’t be healthy for me. My mind tells me that I’m not trying hard enough or that my “treat day” is holding me back or that my deficit isn’t big enough. It’s hard not to want to give up after seeing so little change. It doesn’t help when I compare myself to others who have lost so much more in a shorter period of time. I also have diagnosed ocd and sometimes tracking my macros becomes an obsession and causes me extreme guilt on days that I go over my calories or if I don’t hit enough protein. I’m just sick of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I’ve isolated myself from 90% of my friends and my boyfriend’s friends because I’m afraid they will judge me for gaining weight. I’ve unfortunately experienced how differently people treat you when you’re overweight as opposed to in shape, since I’ve been both at multiple times in my life. Idk, maybe this isn’t even the best place to post this but I just wanted to vent and see if anyone can relate or can offer advice/encouragement of any sort.

submitted by /u/anon9236
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It's done! 205 lbs -> 160 lbs

Why I was so overweight in the first place: I was stressed out from life, I had no relationships, crippling depression, low self-esteem, and my life was fleeting away faster than I realized; I came to a terrible realization that my life is gonna suck forever if this keeps up. I was like this for more than a decade. I spent my whole 20s being fat and depressed.

Then in September 2021, things really started to get better. Someone out there gave me a chance. I got an internship offer from a tech company that I really wanted to work for. Before starting, I got LASIK surgery and I was able to see perfectly. It was a life changing experience for me and I gained a sense of dignity for the first time in a long time; more than when I had graduated university. After securing a full-time position, I had gained even more dignity and it was at this point that I really wanted to lose weight and take better care of myself..

I made a promise that September to mom and dad: I will lose weight and try to live healthier. So I kept that promise through the end and now here I am, back to 2007 where I was in my freshman year in High school. I was still going through puberty and never had any issues with obesity until a few years later when my house got foreclosed, I was consequentially separated from mom and THAT was when it all started.

4 years ago when I was about to graduate university, I went from this to now THIS! Seriously, If you guys want to learn anything about my story, it's that things change. Maybe you might not be happy where you are now but as time goes on, maybe things will start to get better. You just got to hope and do everything you can to make it happen.

Here is my weight loss result:

submitted by /u/Icantw8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Great Morning

I've(29m) lurked here for quite a few years(I may have posted once before, idk), so hi everybody!

Today I've had an excellent morning! For back story, I've gotten back into the gym regularly(5-6 times a week) for the past 4 months, much to the benefit my weight loss but also my mood, and most days I see this fairly large dude(just a bit heavier than me). I'm always cheering him on in my head but I'm not very social, so I don't talk to him.

Back to 5am this morning, I did my cardio for about 15 mins longer than usual and went to weights right after. Then this man walks up and waves me down. He commented on how I blasted through that cardio and seemed to think it was cool. He asked me a few tips and I told him how just a few months ago I could barely stand doing 10 mins of cardio so I'd be happy to talk shop with him. We talked for a minute, we fist bumped and then went on our separate ways. Such a cool dude!

This has made my week. Mind you, the only shape I'm in is round(6'1" 275ish), so for someone to ask ME for tips has me elated. I've worked my way down from around 330 at my heaviest and nothing has validated my hard work until this.

Anyways, this tubby gym-goer is gonna finish his day off with some well deserved relaxation. Y'all have a good one!

submitted by /u/Crosswolf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How can I stop being all or nothing when it comes to weight loss?

Ive lost 15 pounds and have 25 more to go. However, Im still struggling with my all or nothing mentality.

Im either binging and eating 2500-3000 calories a day, or im eating around 800 calories a day and losing weight. For some reason when Im really low calorie I am able to fight off cravings, but when i eat a more appropriate amount I am unable to stop myself. It doesn’t make any sense to me why I am this way.

Is this a common struggle?

For extra info: 23f. starting weight was 175 and goal weight is 135. 5’3.

A little more context: I am doing a low carb diet because I am unable to control myself with carbs. I also have ibs and i get extremely bloated when I eat wheat products and oats.

submitted by /u/ShrimpUprising
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

From 320 lbs to 175 lbs

Hey guys, writing this to share my journey and hopefully say something that someone needs to hear. I was the fat kid as far as I can remember, it was something I carried for so long that it became part of my identity. I had tried everything, nutritionists, weight loss pills, personal trainer, thousands of failed attempts of starting a diet. By the time I was 17 I weighed 320 lbs, my health was at risk, nobody believed in me, a bariatric surgery looked to be just around the corner and of course my self-esteem was close to none. Now that I painted the picture, here’s how I did it:

  • Understand that it is a process, it is going to take time, there will be a learning curve, so the best way to do it is taking a day at a time.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of walking. Since I was very overweight and did not like gym and couldn’t really play any sports, walking really helped me. I’d say walking around 10k steps is the sweet spot.
  • Having a satisfying breakfast, a regular lunch and a small dinner came a long way.
  • You’re going to be hungry, get used to it, but trust me you WILL get used to it.
  • Reserve ONE cheat meal a week, go crazy but not too crazy, there’s nothing worse than seeing a week’s progress go away for just a meal
  • Last but not least, here are some foods that that really helped me and others that I avoided to reach my goals. Eat it list: Avocado, Cottage cheese, Canned tuna, chicken and toasts Avoid it list: Sweets, nuts, pasta, cereal bars. Now I’m 22 and weigh 175 lbs. Everything is possible, trust yourself and do what works for YOU.
submitted by /u/ZookeepergameOk6488
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fasting before or after “cheat” meal?

Usual routine is OMAD + keto. I do fasting mainly for weight loss as of now but autophagy, ketosis and other benefits are a bonus for me. However there will be an upcoming day where I will most likely consume maintenance or above calories and a bit more carbs than normal.

What is the best protocol? Should I throw in a 37hr fast before the meal? Or should I throw a 47hr after the meal?

Either way there will be a 24hr period fast following the meal.

submitted by /u/MaxMuumuu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone else feel like an outlier?

I sometimes feel destined to fail, like I might me doomed to be apart of the other side of the statistics. It's just not clicking with me. I feel as though my circumstances are aligned perfectly with obesity and it would take a shift in willpower equivalent to moving a mountain. Simple tasks like deciding what healthy thing to eat are monumental for me. I have spent countless hours researching easy to cook and how to cook it. Then also I have to be sure to eat just enough to lose weight, but not too fast. Then I have to take into consideration the amount of nutrients that I'm taking in.

It takes all of this prior knowledge and preparation when on the other side of this all I need to do is stop by Taco Bell on the way to work for 10-15 minutes on the way to work.

I cannot even begin to put myself into the mindset of weight loss, and I try every day. It makes me feel so weak and powerless, I wonder why I even try. I know I'm not unique or special. Can anyone that has experienced a binge eating disorder weigh in on this? How can I cope with not being able to lose weight the "right way"?

submitted by /u/MrBhazinki
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, April 21, 2023

GERD and complications

More of a cautionary tale as I’m getting my weight under control again. In 2015, I hit my heaviest and started to get chronic heartburn. Made a huge commitment and lost 45lbs and was feeling great

Life happened, (wife got cancer, kids, house , daughter with ASD etc etc). The only comfort became food again and my fitness pal looks like a volatile stock ticker.

About 6 months ago my heart burn was back with a vengeance and I’ve had to exclude a lot of trigger foods.

I’ve now had to get an ENT referral and will likely need an endoscopy and potential dilation from all the damage cause by the reflux. This has been on the biggest motivators to continue with the weight loss

Don’t ignore symptoms. Stuff like GERD / chronic heartburn can really bite you in the ass if left unchecked.

submitted by /u/username_choose_you
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Easy and Healthy Spring Recipes

Spring is the time for fresh, flavorful eating. Savor the tastes of the season with these easy and healthy spring recipes that show off nature’s bounty!

With an abundance of fresh ingredients hitting their peak, there are so many nutritious and delicious meals that you can make in the spring. From healthy dinners your family will love to tasty sides, breakfast recipes worth waking up for, shareable snacks and some show-stopping desserts that won’t sacrifice nutrition, this list of our favorite spring recipes is sure to inspire you to enjoy the bounty of the season.

With our favorites at your fingertips, what will you be cooking up this spring?

1. Healthy Lemon Salmon Pasta >

Healthy Lemon Salmon Pasta

Pasta meals are so filling that they satisfy even the biggest appetites. This Healthy Lemon Salmon Pasta recipe features salmon, a lean protein, along with one of spring’s most popular vegetables: asparagus. A tasty sauce made with lemons, basil, garlic and olive oil gives the fish, veggies and noodles a bright flavor.

2. Strawberry Rhubarb Upside Down Cake >

Strawberry Rhubarb Upside Down Cake

Rhubarb is sometimes known as “pie plant” because the tangy stalks are a common ingredient in spring pastries, often paired with another seasonal favorite: strawberries. We bring them together in a light and moist Strawberry Rhubarb Upside Down Cake recipe made with whole wheat flour, eggs, butter and nonfat plain Greek yogurt. The cake goes into the oven upside down and when it’s done, you flip it so the blend of rhubarb and berries becomes the sweet topping.

3. Simple Spring Green Pasta Salad >

Simple Spring Green Pasta Salad

Here’s a light side dish that features fresh spring vegetables, including peas, watercress and asparagus. They’re blended with your choice of pasta, such as rotini or penne, and it’s all bathed in a lightly tart lemon dressing. This Simple Spring Green Pasta Salad recipe is so easy, you can serve it on a weeknight. You will also be proud to bring it to any gathering of friends or family.

4. Air Fryer Roasted Parmesan Carrots >

Air Fryer Roasted Parmesan Carrots

If carrots are one of your family’s go-to vegetables, this fresh preparation is sure to become a favorite. The orange roots are roasted in the air fryer, which brings out their natural sweetness as it tenderizes them. Add a little parmesan cheese for a bit of salty, savory flavor, then spice this Air Fryer Roasted Parmesan Carrots recipe with herbs, cayenne pepper, garlic powder or any other seasonings you like.

5. Easy Lemon Meringue Pie >

Easy Lemon Meringue Pie

The closest you can get to a taste of a spring day just might be this luscious Easy Lemon Meringue Pie recipe. Each bite treats you to sunny lemon filling and puffy clouds of meringue on top of the sweet graham cracker crust. With this simple recipe, you can whip up the pie for a party or anytime you want a diet-friendly treat.

6. One-Pan Lemon Chicken Rice Skillet >

One-Pan Lemon Chicken Rice Skillet

Dinner doesn’t have to be complicated to be delicious and satisfying. This One-Pan Lemon Chicken Rice Skillet recipe is a complete meal, featuring chicken breast, brown rice and zucchini or any other vegetable you and your family like. It all cooks together in a single skillet and comes out fork-tender and full of flavor.

7. Air Fryer Asparagus >

Air Fryer Asparagus

There are many ways to enjoy asparagus when it’s in season, but we believe that cooking the spears in the air fryer brings out the best in them. All you do is toss them in a little olive oil with garlic and pepper, then heat them for 10 minutes in the air fryer. The asparagus stays firm but tender and juicy, with a lightly sweet flavor. Top this Air Fryer Asparagus recipe with a little grated parmesan cheese for a hint of salty taste.

8. Spring Sausage and Herb Pasta >

Spring Sausage and Herb Pasta

Turkey or chicken sausage have all the flavor of standard varieties, but much less fat and fewer calories. They’re perfect for this Spring Sausage and Herb Pasta recipe, paired with your favorite shape of whole wheat pasta, fresh spring peas, herbs and a rich lemon-butter sauce. Make the meal even more filling and nutritious by adding your choice of non-starchy vegetables, such as broccoli, tomatoes or summer squash.

9. Easy Lemon Berry Trifle >

Easy Lemon Berry Trifle

If you want to bring out an eye-catching dessert at your next dinner party, this Easy Lemon Berry Trifle recipe will spark lots of oohs and aahs. It’s made by alternating layers of fluffy angel food cake (try our Healthy Angel Food Cake recipe! >), berries, low-sugar lemon Greek yogurt and light whipped cream. Because it’s made with healthy ingredients, you can dig in guilt free.

10. Spring Asparagus Frittata >

Spring Asparagus Frittata

Frittatas are light yet filling meals that are ideal for warm spring days. This Spring Asparagus Frittata recipe features Swiss and parmesan cheeses along with seasonal vegetables like shallots, spinach and asparagus. You can serve this for an impressive weekend brunch or make it for yourself and keep the extra servings in your refrigerator for quick and healthy breakfasts or lunches all week.

11. Air Fryer Rack of Lamb >

Air Fryer Rack of Lamb

Lamb is a spring holiday tradition for many families, and it can be a healthy choice when you’re trying to lose weight. It’s high in protein and heart-protecting omega-3 fatty acids, and it’s loaded with flavor. We marinate the classic rack of lamb and season it with lots of fresh herbs in this Air Fryer Rack of Lamb recipe. Cooking it in the air fryer keeps it juicy and tender yet it’s ready in less than 30 minutes.

12. Baked Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip >

Baked Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip

Get the party started with this warm and cheesy Baked Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip. It’s made with two tasty spring vegetables blended with parmesan, mozzarella and cream cheeses. Serve the dip with carrot and celery sticks, whole wheat pita bread or whole grain crackers.

13. Ham and Spinach Quiche >

Ham and Spinach Quiche

Quiche, a kind of savory pie, can be a filling breakfast or lunch. Like the classic version, we make this Ham and Spinach Quiche with eggs and lots of Swiss cheese, along with low-fat ham and fresh spinach. It’s all baked until the filling is firm and the whole wheat crust is crisp. Each slice is a balanced serving of SmartCarbs and PowerFuels, all in one dish.

14. Healthy Blueberry Muffins >

Healthy Blueberry Muffins

Muffins are sweet and fun to eat, but the ones that come from bakeries and coffee shops usually are loaded with fats and sugar. Our Healthy Blueberry Muffin recipe is moist, fluffy and crumbly, and has the lightly tart taste of blueberries. We make these muffins with healthy ingredients like whole wheat flour and Greek yogurt, so you can enjoy one for breakfast or snack time without derailing progress to your weight loss goal.

15. Shrimp Pasta with Garlic Asparagus >

Shrimp Pasta with Garlic Asparagus

A healthy meal can be delicious and sophisticated, yet simple to make. This Shrimp Pasta With Garlic Asparagus recipe, for instance, has tender and juicy shrimp sauteed with asparagus, garlic, and lemon juice and lemon zest, then served over pasta. It’s a complete meal that’s not too heavy for a warm day but still hearty enough to satisfy any appetite.

16. Creamy Radish Feta Dip >

Creamy Radish Feta Dip

Spring is prime time for radishes at farmers markets and grocery stores, and in gardens. We like to use their lightly spicy flavor to put a little zip in this Creamy Radish Feta Dip. The red roots are blended with feta cheese, sour cream, plain Greek yogurt, and herbs to make a zesty partner for dipping fresh vegetables or whole grain crackers.

17. Spring Quinoa Salad with Basil Vinaigrette >

Spring Quinoa Salad with Basil Vinaigrette

Quinoa, the high-protein grain, makes a hearty foundation for this easy spring salad. It features creamy feta cheese, crunchy walnuts and fresh parsley. An easy homemade vinaigrette dressing flavored with basil and shallots ties it all together. You can make this Spring Quinoa Salad with Basil Vinaigrette recipe into a satisfying meal by adding grilled chicken or salmon.

18. Spring Beet Orzo Risotto >

Spring Beet Orzo Risotto

Treat yourself to the naturally sweet taste of beets with this simple Spring Beet Orzo Risotto recipe. The roots are roasted to tenderize them and then pureed before mixing with orzo, the rice-shaped pasta. Creamy goat cheese is added for its tangy flavor, while toasted almonds give the dish a bit of crunch and a hint of salty taste.

19. Iced Lemon Loaf Cake >

Iced Lemon Loaf Cake

We understand that it’s hard to resist the iced lemon loaf at the popular coffee shop chain, so we came up with a version that tastes just as good but has healthy ingredients. Our Iced Lemon Loaf Cake recipe is moist and sweet, with a rich lemony icing, just like the store-bought cake. But it is so nutritious you can enjoy it for breakfast.

20. Creamy Avocado Pasta with Vegetables >

Creamy Avocado Pasta with Vegetables

The creamy texture and mild taste of avocados make them a healthy base for a simple pasta sauce you don’t have to cook. To make this Creamy Avocado Pasta recipe, you just put the avocados in the blender with basil, garlic and lemon juice. The smooth sauce is tossed with whole wheat spaghetti, cherry tomatoes and asparagus tips, or you can use any non-starchy vegetables you like, such as mushrooms, bell peppers and summer squash.

21. Mixed Triple Berry Scones >

This Mixed Triple Berry Scone recipe can be the highlight of an elegant brunch or just a healthy companion for your morning coffee or tea. We make them with whole wheat flour to provide lots of fiber. A combination of raspberries, blueberries and blackberries add color and natural sweetness. If any scones are leftover, store them in the freezer and pull one out whenever you’re ready for a tasty start to your day.

22. Simple Smoked Salmon and Spinach Frittata >

Simple Smoked Salmon and Spinach Frittata

You don’t need a special occasion to whip up this flavorful and filling breakfast. The smoked salmon provides a salty, savory contrast to the creamy eggs and cottage cheese, with spinach and scallions adding color and nutrients. Best of all, this Simple Smoked Salmon and Spinach Frittata recipe is easy to make even if you’re an inexperienced cook.

23. Garlic and Mint Lamb Chops with Spinach and Mashed Sweet Potatoes >

Garlic and Mint Lamb Chops with Spinach and Mashed Sweet Potatoes

We’ve put together this complete dinner that’s perfect for sharing. It starts with tender and juicy lamb chops, a perfect portion of protein, which are topped with a flavor-boosting garlic mint sauce. Spinach sauteed with garlic and mashed sweet potatoes round out the meal. Whip up this Garlic and Mint Lamb Chops recipe for a hearty main course that’s perfect for spring!

24. Roasted Radishes and Brussels Sprouts >

Roasted Radishes and Brussels Sprouts

Roasting softens both the texture and taste of these two spring vegetables, allowing their natural sweetness to come out. To make this Roasted Radishes and Brussels Sprouts recipe, you need only a little olive oil, pepper, garlic powder and a half hour in the oven to be transformed into a side dish you can enjoy with your favorite chicken or seafood entrée.

25. Skinny Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble >

Skinny Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble

Sweet strawberries and tangy rhubarb bring out the best in each other. You can enjoy them in this super-easy Skinny Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble recipe that also features the flavors of cinnamon and maple syrup. Almond flour and real oats keep the calories down and the nutrition up.

26. Easy Cheddar Scones with Spinach >

This Easy Cheddar Scones recipe is buttery and crumbly. We give it a savory flavor with cheddar cheese, spinach and green onions. They bake for about 20 minutes in the oven and come out golden-brown on the outside, yet warm and soft inside. For even more flavor, top them with salsa, an unlimited Free Food when you’re on a Nutrisystem weight loss plan.

27. Healthy Homemade Carrot Cake >

Carrot cake usually just sounds healthy but is loaded with empty calories. Our version is made with freshly grated carrots and crisp walnuts, it’s seasoned with plenty of cinnamon and nutmeg, and it’s topped with rich maple icing. We use Greek yogurt and applesauce to ensure this Healthy Homemade Carrot Cake recipe is moist and lightly sweet. Now here’s the best part: each serving has less than 150 calories, so you can enjoy it while you’re losing weight.

28. Leek Mushroom Quiche with Quinoa Crust >

Leek Mushroom Quiche with Quinoa Crust

This Leek Mushroom Quiche recipe is bursting with the flavors of spring, thanks to leeks (a mild relative of onions), mushrooms and fresh goat cheese. They’re blended with eggs and milk to make the creamy filling. The simple quinoa crust provides a crisp, protein-rich base for each slice.

29. Roasted Rosemary Beets and Carrots >

Break up your same-old, same-old vegetable routine with this simple and savory Roasted Rosemary Beets and Carrots recipe. Roasting brings out the natural sweetness of beets and carrots, while making them perfectly tender. We add a little red onion and rosemary to pump up the flavor.

30. Crustless Spinach Feta Pie >

You can have pie for lunch when you make this easy Crustless Spinach Feta Pie recipe. Along with the spinach and feta, it includes eggs, cream cheese and asiago cheese, so you get lots of protein. There’s no crust, so the pie comes together in just a few simple steps and is ready to eat in under an hour.

The post 30 Easy and Healthy Spring Recipes appeared first on The Leaf.

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