Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Best way to tone a B-shaped belly?


Over the last 2 years I’ve worked really hard to get to my goal weight, which I reached earlier this year! I (24F) went from 206lbs to 120-122 lbs.

I’ve always had a B-shaped belly (kind of like someone cinched in my abdomen only where my belly button is, resulting in what looks like almost 2 protruding bellies on top of each other when you look at me sideways).

I knew I’d have some loose skin post weight loss, but I did try to give myself some time to tone my body, and despite working out, my abdomen is definitely the worst. Now it’s like 2 deflated bellies, so the ‘B shape’ is still there!

I don’t mind the loose skin at all, it’s just the shape of the loose skin that’s the problem. I want to find a way to try to minimize the upper belly (minimizing the lower belly as well would be a bonus!)

If anyone has any tips, please share, I would really appreciate it!

submitted by /u/LonelyLullabyLane
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thyroid weight loss

i am unmedicated but i am due to have my levels checked. years ago my doctor said my levels were fluctuating too much to determine if i was hypo or hyper.

i am pescatarian, and non dairy. i dont like sweets, i eat very very healthy. i do hiit yoga everyday as well.

my body is not toned at all, my whole life i had chunky legs and i accepted that was my body type. i have a bit of a stomach as well. i just cannot lose any weight no matter what i do, and i just feel like for my lifestyle i should be at least a little toned.

if thyroid issues are my culprit is there anything else i can do unmedicated?

i also started taking a multi vitamin with iron, which has had a massive improvement with my energy levels. i used to be exhausted all the time. i was hoping it would improve my metabolism.

submitted by /u/starstudded88
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Monday, October 30, 2023

Long term small results with very small deficit (-100, -200) ?

My TDEE is 1400, I don’t want to lose a lot but I’d still like to lose a few kg eventually to be back at the weight range I know I was comfortable at a few years ago (although still trying/planning to come to terms with just staying at a higher weight if I ultimately can’t (mentally) healthily sustain it). I don’t want to trigger an eating disorder relapse though so I do not wish to go below 1200 nor purposefully "add more exercise just to have more room" (I just go on small walks some days when I feel like it), because I know I’ll be over focusing on that too.

Has anyone ever had results long term with that, doing almost-maintenance?

I know the loss will be extremely slow (I guess I will just check to make sure every few weeks/months), but I still wanted to know if some people did go through that. We all know how frustrating weight loss can be and how impatient we can be with it, so I’m assuming most people have never went for such a low deficit, or the ones who did surely did not do it voluntarily and/or monitor it closely, but still, maybe someone actually did it and can tell the story.

Thanks :)

submitted by /u/springcrows
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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Day 1 Post (Looking for advice) about losing some weight

Hi, I'm a soon to be 19 year old male. I wanted to get some advice on weight loss/losing some weight. I weight about 185.8 lbs currently, and I'm 5'10", a little above 10 inches but that's my height, which puts me at a BMI of overweight. I plan to cut down to 170 lbs so I feel better about myself.

I have some fat at my stomach and I plan to lose those 15 lbs over about six months to a year. Is that a realistic goal? I plan to track calories, in general, and cut down on snacking/sugar, which I have a poor habit of having a lot of, to lose the weight. I also plan to portion control and eat a little less, still going to eat three meals a day, add vegetables and fruit, etc.

I also don't know what type of calorie defecit I would want, it was found with a calculator to be about 500-1,000 calories, or only eat 2,000 calories a day. If I plan to try to lose 15 lbs over 6 months, so do you have any recommendations about how many calories I should aim to limit myself to each day to lose that much weight over six months? Any other advice? Thanks! I can't do the gym, don't have the time due to my busy schedule, but I do have a bike, treadmill, and the outdoors (live in a suburb). I'm in college with a 4 hour commute every day, to and back, plus Marching Band and classes, so I don't have time for the gym. Would body weight exercises work?

submitted by /u/HyruleSmash855
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Hello! Newbie - weight and mental health

Hello all!

I am embarking on this journey for the 100th time. But now, I understand things better.

5’2, 26f, 232lb

Long story short - grew up in a household of anorexia/bulimia, diets from very young etc.

I maintained for a long time at around 170-175lb and end of 2020 rapidly gained 55ish pounds over a year and a half.

Diagnosed now with bipolar, borderline personality disorder and now medicated.

Wanting advice on those who have done this journey while suffering these mental illnesses? The ups and downs significantly impact my life in every aspect of it, very much food as it has became a comfort or a self destructive measure.

Any advice on 100lb weight loss would be appreciated too!!

submitted by /u/theweeone0312
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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Is there a way to make soft serve for weight loss?

I recently got myself a Ninja Creami, but for the most part, my ice creams haven't been coming out the way I want them. I've had a few good experiences, but nothing quite like a McFlurry for example. It might be asking a lot but making foods that are enjoyable and in my macros would make weight loss so much easier. I was getting through last year, but was consistently hungry. I'm also not the best cook and want to learn to make my own food. A dessert like ice cream would be amazing if made as close as possible.

submitted by /u/ImprovingMyself-2019
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How the heck are y'all meeting your fiber needs?

So it's been a complicated weight loss journey for me. I went from not understanding food and bad mental health to a 75lb weight loss. Gained 40lbs in 2 years during the pandemic when my mental health got really bad. Now I'm back to my pre pandemic weight.

I'm unfortunately not a man and only 5'0" so my TDEE is on the lower side. Even with working out 3 times a week.

I've been doing really great at meeting my calorie goals and my protein goals which are rather modest. But what is up with the fiber recommendation being 25g for all adults?? Like it's so much easier for my guy friend who is 6ft4in to get 25g of fiber in a calorie deficit than me.

Like how am I supposed to get 25g of fiber in 1500 calories or even 1700 calories while having at least 50g of protein?

submitted by /u/PaxonGoat
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Is 75 hard any different?

Has anyone on here done the 75 hard challenge and recommend it or is it all just TikTok clickbait?

Rules of the 75 hard challenge for those who don’t know: exercise at least twice a day for 45 minutes, follow a strict diet without cheats or alcohol, drink a gallon of water a day, read 10 pages of non fiction preferably self improvement book every day, take progress pictures often.

I was in a calorie deficit of about 1500 calories from June until august when I lost motivation due to little loss in weight and have been getting 10k steps a day since 2019. Im 1.55m and 63kg.

Im not asking if it work because obviously this challenge would cause weight loss but would it be any different than just being in a deficit and walking?

submitted by /u/No-Ticket-7586
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How do you (emotionally) deal with needing professional photos while in the middle of weight loss journey?

I’m in the job market and I’m a corporate leader that needs to promote herself.

I have 70 pounds to lose.

I got here through untreated PTSD and severe depression which is now being treated and managed.

I’m also on a semaglutide which has helped my brain let go of addictive food behavior.

I’m doing so much better in life. I’m eternally grateful for modern medicine and mental health services.

However as my brain has healed it’s almost like Rip Van Winkle waking up from a long sleep and having to come to terms with a huge leap in aging.

It’s like I’ve come out of a stupor and I’m appalled at how I look.

I’m on a good trajectory and steadily and healthfully losing weight—but it’s going to be awhile before I completely course correct.

In the meantime I’m so uncomfortable with how I look—it doesn’t match with how I look in mind’s eye (from when I was in a smaller body).

I want to promote myself with confidence as I head into the job market—but I’m also still losing weight.

I’m dreading getting professional pictures done and having to look at myself and accept where I am.

I avoid looking at myself as much as possible in general.

I don’t know exactly what I’m asking for —but maybe some counsel on how you’ve psychologically dealt with this.

Any sage wisdom appreciated.

submitted by /u/ineedsometacos
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Friday, October 27, 2023


How can anyone survive on 1200 cal a day? I have been tracking my meals and no matter what I do I always end up going over to between 1400-1500 cal. That's having no soda, chips, crackers etc I just had 2 pork loin sliders( I won't give up bread per my nutritionist) I am allowed to have between 45-60 carbs per meal and 2snacks with 12-15 carbs each. I am keeping within my allowance. The one day I didn't break 1000 cal and I had barely eaten anything. I understand that a calorie deficit will cause weight loss but I am a diabetic and my levels like to jump around...I am just trying to understand this process..

submitted by /u/Remarkable_Report_44
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Need tips I'm getting frustrated

I'm getting frustrated in my weight loss journey and nothing seems to work. Last year I gained 10 kilos after moving countries and while I've always had no issue being at a healthy weight this time I'm really struggling. I've been trying to lose weight on and off since the beginning of the year but managed to find a rhythm 3 months ago. I started following a health program, logging my meals and counting calories and working out 3-4 times a week. I am female, 5"2, my starting weight was 69 kilos. I'm currently overweight and even my face looks swollen. In the last 3 months I have been fairly consistent even while on holiday and I have felt some benefits like improved energy, better sleep, better mood, no longer depressed and anxious! But I'm frustrated cause I have only lost 2 kilos so far! I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've been logging my meals and 6/7 days a week I am at a calorie deficit. I'm not taking any supplements. I'm working out 3-4 times a week, weight training with one spin class. I'm eating 1400 - 1600 calories. What else can I do? My goal weight is 55 - 58 kilos and my goal was to get to 60 kgs by end of year (6 months) but with 2 months left I have 7 out kilos to go which is impossible with my current progress. I'd like to add I was in ketosis for 4 weeks but didn't lose any weight (is this normal)?

If anyone has tips on what more I can do (I'm all in but want to do it in a healthy way), please let me know. Be kind please.

submitted by /u/Reasonable_Apple9382
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Third time on this journey. So tired.

5'2" F 36, SW 257 lb GW 125 lb CW 254 lb

Hello, this is my first post in this sub, although I've been lurking for a long time. I keep losing and regaining the same 30 pounds, and this is the third time I'm trying. Back to the beginning.

A bit about me, I've been fat all my life. I don't binge, but if unmonitored, I naturally overeat slightly, which led to me gradually gaining 5 to 10 pounds a year for 20 years. I have tried to lose weight pretty much my whole life, but I never succeeded because I kept trying to restrict and I didn't realize I needed to add healthy foods rather than deprive myself and feel hungry all the time.

Last year I found this sub, and it finally clicked that I was trying to get results by being cruel to myself, and that just wasn't something I could keep up with. I decided to try making one change at a time. At the time, I didn't eat too much junk food, but I did eat too much pasta and other high carb foods, which led to me being hungry all the time. And so I added in protein and vegetables, and that actually kicked off weight loss! From there it was more changes, like coming up with recipes I like that work. And I found that if I focused on protein and vegetables first, my calories naturally went down, and it wasn't hard to maintain a deficit. And also I found that if I just committed to logging everything accurately, I naturally held myself accountable.

Then life threw a curveball at me in the form of several stressful events - a chaotic move, depression, medication changes that made my hormones go haywire, chronic illness. And I stopped logging and weighing myself, thinking I just had to maintain until I could get my head back in the game, but I gained it all back because my hunger signals can't be trusted and I can't remember everything I eat without it being written down. And this happened twice.

And I am so damn tired and frustrated with myself that I let it get this bad again. Why didn't I catch it earlier? I'm trying to view the weight gain as a setback. 1) I never stopped trying to be conscious of what I ate, so I am still better off than I would have been 2) I learned things about myself that I can apply going forward. The next time something stressful happens I won't stop logging and weighing. I now know that those are things I must do for life.

Anyway, now I know what to do. The old habits fit like a glove. But I am STRUGGLING. I have PCOS, Hashimoto's, ADHD, depression, and I'm in constant pain from my chronic illness. It makes it hard to cook consistently. Every day feels like a battle. I know what choices I have to make, and I make them minute by minute.

It's just. Really disheartening seeing the number on the scale. I'm scared that I'm going to backslide again. That I'm going to gain even more. That something is going to happen and life will turn chaotic again and I'll lose control. I'm hanging on by a thread, barely. I really don't want to gain again.

This time last year, I was looking forward to seeing myself now in one-derland. Instead, I weigh more than ever, and watching the numbers go down doesn't hold the same satisfaction for me.

I have lost 3 pounds so far, and it just feels like, good job you utter failure, you managed to not fuck up.

It feels like I have such a long journey ahead of me, and I'll never see the end.

submitted by /u/qmong
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Thursday, October 26, 2023

Have I been losing weight too fast?

I am a 30M (height 5'6'' or 168cm) who's been overweight for quite some time. Due to more inconviences in life (bad sleep, bad mood, bad blood work) I've decided to turn things around about 7 weeks ago. I was 100kg (220lbs) back then. I started exercising more, especially cardio - I have already been running a little, I just ate more than I burned - and I cut sweets and sugary drinks out entirely, fast food and alcohol almost entirely as well. I have a sweet tooth but fruit ended up satisfying that better than I had thought. That doesn't mean I didn't cheat - on festivities I'd have a glass of beer or I'd have a kebab or a pizza with whatever topping I wanted every once in a while. I wasn't as strict on food whenever I was on holiday or on a work trip but I still stuck to exercising and try to keep everything in moderation.

After a while I added intermittent fasting to my routine - usually opting for a 16:8 regimen. I only did that on work days and broke my fasting, whenever I felt like crap - which was a sign for me that I ate too little calories. That being said, I didn't track calories strictly but roughly calculated them by looking at the packages of the food I consumed - usually ending up between 1300-1500 calories. My TDEE is around 2000 calories with my current weight and exercise and the steps during work added another 700-1200 calories to that, at least according to my Apple Watch.

Now I know that a deficit of 1500-1700 calories is quite big and usually not recommended but I didn't really starve, I just ate as much as I needed to be satisfied but not full and realized that I can work with way less calories than I used to eat - the amount of crap I ate now scares me. I managed to lose about 22lbs (10kg) in 7 weeks . Now this is usually considered unhealthy but I feel great - sleep has been better, running has improved by a metric ton and the amount of positive feedback is like a drug.

Should I turn it down a notch or just keep going? Weight loss should be slowing down soon so I'm tempted to keep going. Thanks for reading through this :)

submitted by /u/Beginning-Sand-1352
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Dealing with weight loss success as an older woman

Hey everyone, this isn't so much about how we lost weight as how we cope with success. I'd love to hear anyone's experiences especially from the perspective of an older person.

I am 68, 5'8, started at 223 pounds on 2/28/22, now 175. Briefly, my methods were moderate exercise, minimally processed food, and 12-step groups.

What are your experiences with:

  1. Deciding on your goal weight. As a senior, do you now aspire to be a little heavier than what your goal weight may have been when you were younger, to provide padding from falls, to stay warm, for "emergency fuel" in the event of illness, or to just not have as much hanging skin?
  2. How do you get support for continued efforts when your friend group may not have been as successful at weight loss as you? I've been in a couple of 12-step groups for overeating, and my cohort has not been as successful yet as I have. It's gotten to where I don't want to share about weight loss issues because I don't want to trigger anyone, but I miss getting the support.
  3. How do you navigate public spaces as a more sexually attractive version of yourself? I haven't felt attractive since age 16 (yeah, that's sad). Now I do feel attractive, despite my age and loose skin. I don't want to date but I enjoy the feeling of being age-appropriately attractive. However sometimes I feel uncomfortable. I haven't figured out how to be at peace with it.
  4. I'm giving myself permission to buy new clothes and discovering that I'm gravitating toward different styles than before - more athletic and/or more flowing and poetic. Any thoughts, older friends, on creating a new presentation of yourself to the world?
  5. I've heard a lot on the forum about being derailed or unsupported in healthy eating. I've taken a very strong, possibly harsh approach: I mostly tell people I'm not a social eater, don't do potlucks, prefer to just meet for coffee, etc. I know it's not ideal socially but right now my health is more important. Any great advice on this one?
  6. Any other issues you are navigating due to weight loss?
submitted by /u/Hanna_Beth
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I’ve been losing weight consistently for 5 months…! Tips and challenges for those just starting.

When I lost 10% of my body weight, I already did my top ten tips, but today marks 5 months of consistent weight loss! Woo hoo. Down over 13KG.

I thought I’d share some tips and reflections, both for advice for others and if anyone can give me advice on my challenges, that would be greatly appreciate.

Firstly, tips: • Don’t change too much too quickly - I now eat clean, go kick-boxing twice a week, and lift weights twice a week. Damn it’s like a 180 from the life I lived a year ago. I achieved this by changing things slowly. • CICO works. I promise. • Focus on diet before exercise. Lifting and cardio are great, but diet is most important for weight loss. • Find your deepest reasons. This is going to be hard, you need to really focus on why you want to do this.

Challenges: • I stopped tracking as it becomes tedious after a while. I’m losing weight, but more slowly. I’m always hungry now! Does it get harder the smaller you get? Any advice on this? Should I start tracking again?

submitted by /u/StarAndLuna
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If I haven’t reached my protein goal in a day, but i’m already over my calories, should I eat a protein bar or something to fulfill the goal?

If I haven’t reached my protein goal in a day, but i’m already over my calories, should I eat a protein bar or something to fulfill the goal?

I’m trying to lose weight but not lose too much muscle mass, and try and get a bit stronger by lifting weights.

Basically the question in the title, I’ve gone over my caloric goal already, but I haven’t reached my protein goal yet. My main goal is weight loss but I do want to try and build a bit of muscle if possible.

It’s not like i’m that hungry rn or anything - maybe a bit peckish, I just had dinner literally like half an hour ago and am craving something sweet. I bought these protein bars to try out and I kind of want to eat one, but they’re like 200 cals and i’m already over budget.

submitted by /u/Chance-Success-4732
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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

how to not overdo a calorie deficit?

i had an eating disorder in high school and then recovered and gained a lot of weight slowly, over the last ten years or so. i am in a great place mentally and i am wanting to start trying to lose weight slowly so i can feel healthier. i sort of over-corrected after recovering.

the problem i am facing is that i am tracking calories, which i think is necessary otherwise i really don't know what i'm eating, but i can't stop feeling guilty about having something "unnecessary" because if i didn't eat it, my calorie deficit would be bigger. but the problem with this is that i know logically that if the calorie deficit is too big, the weight loss is not as sustainable and your metabolism and your body don't work properly (as i have experienced first hand).

but i can't stop feeling guilty and motivated by the thought of a bigger calorie deficit and i feel like it's making this whole process a lot harder for me. like everything i eat is a step in the wrong direction.

how do i stop thinking like this? maybe this is not an answerable question but i am wondering if anyone has dealt with a similar issue and how you managed to shift your mindset?

submitted by /u/Ok_Ordinary6385
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Staying fit in college

About 2 years ago is when I first started taking my weight loss seriously. I started at around 290lbs and today I am weighing in at around 190-195lbs at 6ft. The problem is, I’ve been stuck at my current weight for about a year now. I still have love handles and a bit of body fat that is noticeable that I just can’t seem to get rid of. I know that dieting is very important especially when getting down to a lower weight but I am currently a student in college and the only food I can eat is the dining hall food (not healthy) and I’m pretty much broke so buying my own food isn’t really an option. I was wondering if anybody else has faced a similar problem and if so, how did you overcome it?

submitted by /u/schaefdog2
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How should I factor in 10k steps? Am I eating enough?

I am 5' 4" and currently 163 lbs. I want to lose 43 lbs. I've already lost about 30lbs through dieting and breastfeeding and light exercise.

I eat about 1700 calories a day. I saw a lot of weight loss at 1800 when I was breastfeeding more. Now I'm at the tail end of that as baby is mostly on solids.

I was plateauing for 3-4 months, so I introduced 10k steps a day into my routine, which burns roughly 400 calories. I also do strength training (but not hardcore about it) 3x a week.

Since starting new routine this month, I've lost roughly 2lbs. I'm happy about that but I just want to check — what should by TDEE be for this increased activity? Am I eating enough at 1700 cals?

Thanks so much. I'm new here so still learning!

submitted by /u/heartdesk
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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Need some weight loss advice

Hi everyone I am 25(f) and am struggling to lose weight. To preface my bloodwork is good, everything in normal ranges. I do have a lot of stress but that is the only thing that is out of whack. My “normal” weight is 125-130 - this is where I feel healthy and comfortable in my skin I am sitting at 160. I was 140 after having a child (child is over 2 now so I have given it time) when randomly I gained 20 lbs in less than 2 months which has me sitting at 160. This is WITHOUT changing my eating habits. I am moderately active, I don’t work out daily but I am up and about all day. I do not eat bad, only at birthdays or things like that, I do not smoke, I rarely drink. I just am unsure of what to do. I’m very defeated because the scale will not move and I just feel like a ton of bricks. FOR REFERENCE I am 5’1 so I am on the shorter side ! (I know 160 for many is an ideal weight for someone my height is is definitely not)

Thank you! Sorry for the long post !

submitted by /u/HopefulAverage9771
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Abs and losing stubborn fat. Any advice?

F - 36- H: 5’3 SW: 244lbs CW: 171 lbs GW: 124lbs

Hi all! I started my weight loss journey over a year ago and one of the areas that I’ve been really struggling with making much progress is the fat around my belly area. I still have about 50 pounds before I reach my goal weight but I’m wondering if this is a matter of just keep losing weight and push through or is there anything else in particular I could be doing to improve body recomp?

I do strength training 4 times a week and about 30 - 50 mins of walking or bike riding during my off days. I track my macros and stay in a calorie deficit.

I’m not looking for a magic solution to getting abs or even looking to get visible abs, I’m just looking for suggestions that have actually helped some of you folks with getting a bit more tonned or general improvements on abs appearance (eg. Supplements, hitt, specific workout routine).

Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/poodleTO
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Monday, October 23, 2023

How do I get started and stay consistent to lose 100lbs?

Looking to vent and also for advice, solidarity, or anything you have to offer really.

I’m really struggling. I have gained 100 lbs over the last two years. (Went from 140-240 at 5’6”). Here’s what has happened: got pregnant, stopped taking ADHD stimulant meds, stopped smoking, had a baby, have a diagnosis of depression, am breastfeeding, started and stopped birth control (Mirena), started and stopped antidepressants (Zoloft), had a major breakup with child’s father, joint custody, now living in a new area. And lately I’ve been struggling financially. I’m also a Ph.D. Candidate. I’m just listing these things to show some of the things I have done that may have contributed to my stress.

I have never struggled with my weight until now. I think I eat too much and sometimes I binge but I also walk and try to be active. My job is mostly sedentary though (work from home desk job) but I do try and make a point to be active. I have started therapy and talked with a few doctors. The doctors have simply told me to “eat less” and the therapist is great but I’m so ready to lose the weight. I’m so unhappy. And it’s very difficult to look at myself and get this journey started. I feel so defeated bc I keep gaining and I’m having to always size up.

But the issue is that I never struggled with this before the pregnancy. I would eat what I wanted and the most I would fluctuate would be 5-10lbs.

Anyone have a similar experience? I feel so ashamed and alone in this. No one I know has been through this or looks like me. This is only making my depression/binge eating/ unhealthy habits so much worse. I know diet and exercise is the way to go but I really am struggling to do this. Maybe it’s the depression?

Also, I’m 16 months postpartum and 30 yo.

I want to take meds to help with weight loss/binge eating but haven’t bc 1) I’m still breastfeeding and 2) I’ve heard bad things about long term side effects.

If you’ve read all of this, thank you so much for listening and giving me the space to talk to you. 🩷

submitted by /u/Chemical-Jump-4271
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Water weight

👋Hi... everyone,

I have been dieting for 3 weeks and lost around 10kg with around 800- 1000 calorie deficit. I went from 94 to 84kg.

My diet consist low carbs and mostly protein! Like beef and turkey jerkies.

Is this mostly water weight?, if yes when can I expect to see loss mostly from fats. If no, am I going in a good rate.

I realize that my loss is slowly getting slower and slower. It’s sometimes get discouraging cause there are days where I don’t lose weight or barely any at all.

Honestly I am new to this weight loss thing! The human body truly works in mysterious ways!

Thank you for taking your time to read my post! Have a wonderful day.

submitted by /u/MichaleShiva
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Is consistent repeatable exercise better than following an exercise plan?

Is it better to go jogging three times a week doing mileage I'm comfortable with or am I better following a running plan? Is it better to follow a strength workout plan or stick to weights and movements I find easier to do?

I have done both in the past but I'm a bit unmotivated at the moment and getting myself in knots wondering the best way to approach exercise.

I know in terms of losing weight it's better to slightly increase reps or distance/time but I find in doing so I'm not as consistent in getting my exercise done. So what's more important when exercising for weight loss? Consistency or continuous challenge?

submitted by /u/TotalTheory1227
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Sunday, October 22, 2023

My first victory. Lost 9 pounds. 51 to go!

I (25) Male, started my journey of weight loss around the last week of september. Took me a week before that to look at the scale and see how much more i weighed. Turns out, i’m still at 260. I’ve been between 250/260 for almost a decade of my life. I’ve never been thin or fit (Not counting grade school) I’ve never had confidence in my own body. Just my knowledge in the work force.

I’ve been working since 2016 I started driving in 2016. My first weight reported on the license was 250. I’m happen to say, that today i’m now at 251.4 Pounds right now. I’ve been fasting and learning how my body works. I’ve also been pretty good about putting routine and work before my meals. This can cause me to fast 16-24 hours without feeling a huge difference to about 2 days or so. I’ve also changed my diet and haven’t been as tempted since i’ve noticed how bloating affects my mood after either over indulging myself with good food or bad food.

I’ve been able to keep a steady routine and use it to determine when i want to eat. I’ve stopped eating at night and have full nights of sleep (easiest parts of the fasts)

I’m trying to drop down to 200 or below that depending on how much my body changes in term. I’m 6.0 and built kind of stocky so i don’t know how much of an effect 60 pounds will do for me.

I would like a weight loss buddy male or female, age doesn’t matter to me. Talking about this, honestly inspires me. And i have nothing to do at my work. It makes my time go by and makes it easier for me to fast and not be lured to eating junk food.

submitted by /u/Due_Satisfaction_260
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Is calorie deficit really all that matters for weight loss if you're on antipsychotics?

I've tried dieting a thousand times, I've lost weight and gained it back just as many times. I decided at one point that I didn't care anymore and gained even more weight, but that was my depression talking. Now I'm 265 and want to get back down to at least 200, maybe lower if possible. I'm super short at 4'11"

I'm looking at doing a plan that is around 1200-1500 calories daily with prepackaged meals that count the calories out for me already. It would look like: skipping breakfast as I don't get hungry in the morning anyway, a salad and sandwich for lunch at about 250 calories for the salad and 350 for the sandwich, and a wrap at about 650 for dinner and maybe a small snack like a yogurt or some granola to get the cravings for sweet out, if needed. 0 or low calorie drinks like unsweetened tea or sparkling water. (I'm also just now giving up energy drinks D: help lol)

I believe this would allow me to eat foods I actually enjoy, not starve, and feel satisfied while creating a calorie deficit. I also plan to weight lift to build upper body muscle to burn more fat as well as some cardio on an exercise bike regularly.

The problem is I'm on an antipsychotic and that contributed to the weight gain. I am terrified that all this work will amount to nothing because of this medication.

submitted by /u/Weird-Accountant-873
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/7OX0jUV

New training split - opinions?

I'm interested in your opinion of my 4x Fullbody training split. Goal is maintaining muscle mass during weight loss and maybe getting newbie gains. I heard 4x weight lifting a week is optimal so that's what I'm going for. I have some limitations for excercises as I can't rotate my arms fully (so no supination possible) and I also can't put too much strain on my knees.

Monday: Cardio 30 min (HIIT/Boxing), Dumbell

Tuesday: Rest / Yoga

Wednesday: Gym

Thursday: Dumbell

Friday: Cardio 60 min (Zumba)

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Pilates 60 min, Gym


Dumbell meaning at home:

Overhead press 3 sets

Lateral raises 3 sets

Tricep dips combo with crunch 3 sets

Romanian Deadlift 3 sets in superset with Stiff legged deadlift 3 sets

Various ab excercises with Dumbell 3-9 sets


Gym meaning:

Lat pull down 4-5 sets

Kas glute bridge 4 sets

Seated row (cable) 3 sets

Abductor machine 3 sets (Currently looking for another leg excercise to add that are easy on my knees)

Give me your input what you think I should consider, add, leave out or restructure :)

submitted by /u/langweilmichnet
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1st Workout in Home gym

Currently 330+lbs 32F

Today felt so great to workout in the “privacy” of my garage.. quotes because the garage door was open but my car was in the driveway AND I’m at the dead end in the neighborhood. It was only like 40mins of weight lifting.. but I have a squat rack, a barbell and about 210lbs worth of bumper plates..

To know that my own personal bathroom and shower is only feet away.. Plus I changed the laundry from the wash to dryer in between sets (machines in the garage) LOL it’s so oddly the little things..

Today felt great.. I still struggle with meal planning and I know that’s the bigger deal.. Just trying to Focus on protein and veggies.. day 1 of my 160lbs weight loss goal..

Any tips to keep consistent?? Or meal plan routines that help you guys?

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/UsrNamesRLame
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/9CRhpVr

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Depressed about the state of my body

I’ve lost 20kg but I’m still fat. My bmi is 26 and it used to be 33, but I look the same. I mean you can see some weight loss in my face but I don’t look like a different person or anything I don’t look better at all. I’m still really fat even though I’m close to a healthy weight now.

But what’s really getting to me is just seeing other dudes with similar stats to me who look so much slimmer. My scale and measurements say my body fat is around 20% but it looks like it’s 30%. Fat face, fat tummy, when I sit down my man boobs and stomach roll over each other. I don’t feel lighter than I used to.

Im starting to slip with diet, lost a couple weeks, won’t be 80kg until the end of December earliest now, if I don’t fuck up again. I just wish I never got to this stage. It wouldn’t have been so hard to stop eating as much junk food as I want all the time for years. I’ve ruined my body and it’s impossible to imagine myself ever being a normal weight or looking good. The fact there are men my weight and height who look incredible really gets to me. Yeah they probably have double my muscle mass, but I’m the same weight.

submitted by /u/lightisalie
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Aggressive deficit to reach my goal weight??

M24 6'1 SW 310 CW 215 GW 190. I've been on my weight loss journey for a year, and it has been incredible. I believe I've gained a strong grasp on managing my food intake and emotional eating.

I would really like to transition into maintenance sooner. Currently, I consume 1800 calories per day, resulting in a weekly weight loss of about 1lb. My goal is to reduce my daily intake to 1400 calories for the next few months. Does anyone have any advice or tips for me? I researched this and didn't find anything similar come up 😔

submitted by /u/dogfanatics
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/KnCgujT

Friday, October 20, 2023

Compliments from grandma

TL;DR: Sweet grandma notices I lost weight. Is extremely supportive and made me feel happy :)

I went to visit my grandma for the first time in 5 weeks, and she seemed a bit confused when I approached her in the nursing home, before she seemed to recognize me. A large chunk of the visit she talked about how good I looked now that I had lost some weight and how she almost didn't recognize me- and how she herself had doctors prescribe her medicine in the past to help her lose weight (which apparently worked like a charm, but are now no longer being offered as medicine, probably due to side-effects or health risks.)

My grandma used to be the type to openly deny that I was fat- even though I weighted about double what I should. But now all of a sudden I 'could lose some more weight, but not too much!'. I think she used to tell me I wasn't fat because I was never ready to lose weight, but now that I started losing weight and actively changing my life she's READY to support me- even apologizing for buying cake and soda (she normally never buys either unless she knows I'm coming over).

What surprised me the most is that she could clearly see the weight loss- something I myself haven't really noticed. I expected I'd have to tell her I lost some weight, but nope she noticed what was going on herself and made a big deal out of it- which did make me feel good.

submitted by /u/Kindryte
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Weight loss and PCOS

Whenever you look up info on PCOS, you hear about how hard it is to lose weight. That calories in calories out doesn’t work for PCOS because macros have to be hit and you can have inflammatory or insulin resistant. How you shouldn’t eat dairy or gluten but you can do some complex carbs but if you’re still not losing weight, cut those too. But don’t restrict either. Don’t do high stress workouts, workouts don’t even burn that many calories. Just go for a walk.

And maybe you still won’t lose weight.

It seems SO discouraging and impossible to follow! But guess what? I started only eating 3 meals a day, no snacking, because I knew I was overeating and feeling overly full. I want to lose weight but I had such a mental block that I wasn’t going to lose weight that I was shocked to see I’m down 6 lbs over the past 2 weeks! Just from not snacking! (I was snacking ALOT). But I’ve realized that a basic energy formula cannot be disputed by a diagnosis.

I’m just sick of hearing people equating things that are hard to being impossible. And by packing on all the stipulations before even trying is tough! Maybe I’ll get to a point where those extra ten pounds aren’t coming off with CICO but I’m obese! I have to start somewhere and I’m disappointed I was discouraged for so long from just trying SOMETHING.

Rant over.

submitted by /u/MIuser1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/nKLyljN

Thursday, October 19, 2023

In that akward phase where nothing fits

I'm currently stuck in that awkward phase of weight loss where nothing in your closet fits and you're stuck wearing the same 5 outfits everyday. Even after losing 50 lbs, I still have about 15 lbs to go before my pre-pregnancy clothes start fitting again. And what's worse is that I think those clothes won't fit me the same anyway because everything on my body has shifted since having a baby.

So I'm living in leggings and oversized tshirts because that's all I have that's comfortable and I can't convince myself to but new clothes just yet.

submitted by /u/greatgreenmomster
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/gHIAiMv

How to lose in a healthy weight range?

I was never obese, just at the higher end of a healthy BMI (168 cm and 72kg / 5‘6“ and 158 lbs) and got serious about weight loss 2 months ago. Actually I thought I was already serious about it since the beginning of the year, but my calories were too high and I just lost and gained some water weight I think. Now exactly two months ago I started CICO and going to the gym 3x a week for a full body workout on machines. I eat around 1400 kcals a day (and sometimes more when on vacation) and try to get 100g of protein. I broke my caffeine addiction and get more sleep now and take magnesium every day. My problem is, the weight loss is just so so slow! 0.5 - 1 kg per month. I think I grew some muscles (since my weights increased at the gym) and my belly got flatter, but the scale is refusing to drop below 68 kgs. I mean it‘s not like I am in danger of becoming underweight yet, ideally I would still like to lose at least 4 more kgs, but how long will this take?! In the past I skipped many meals to lose weight and that worked well, but with the gym it‘s not an option anymore, I can‘t train hungry and I really want to sustain my weight loss and get stronger.

My question is: is it normal to have such a slow weight loss rate, should I be more strict with my calories or do I just need more patience? I was rather sedentary before starting the gym, so I guess my body is still getting used to being moved, I am so sore most of the days.

submitted by /u/Frosty_Invite2428
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/oOL9eui

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Relationships and weight loss

Those of you who lost a large amount of weight how did it affect your relationship. For instance I’ve lost just about 60 pounds and have 150 to go, but because of that I am changing just about every part of my life. My partner seems to be having a hard time with this. Despite knowing I’m on a calorie deficit he will constantly suggest we get ice cream or bring home milkshakes, both of which I rarely indulge in because I generally don’t have the 6-700 calories in excess for ice cream, but I also don’t have the self control yet to say no so I’m constantly feeling like he doesn’t respect what I’m doing.

submitted by /u/reesypiecy12
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Weight loss - can’t sit!

Hey all, a few months ago I made the decision to lose weight. I’m a 31 year old male. I dieted aggressively along with moderate exercise and lost about 1.5 lbs a week. I lost 15% of my body weight and am now closer to underweight than overweight (barely!) - my weight is now stable.

Fast forward to now and I can’t sit anywhere! I have a desk job and my hobbies are at a desk, but I find myself squirming and having to reposition. Long car rides suck. Bar stools are never happening. By the end of the day I’m kinda sore in my perineum. (My GP thought I had prostatitis!)

Anyone experience this as well? Does it go away/get better? Have I just lost my cushion?

submitted by /u/jtjohnson15
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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

8 Fun and Healthy Ideas to Celebrate Halloween Season

Halloween doesn’t have to be all about candy. In fact, if you’re trying to slim down, it shouldn’t be about candy at all. This year, let it be about family fun. Here are eight healthy Halloween ideas to boost the holiday fun factor, most of which have zero calories!

1. Up your jack-o’-lantern game.

Pumpkin carving jack o’lanterns into faces from spooky to goofy

While triangle eyes and nose and fanged grin are the classic pumpkin carving go-to, keep your hands a little busier this year (and less likely to dip into the candy) with something a little more, well, spooktacular. Head to the internet to get some fun pumpkin carving Halloween ideas. Buy or download free pumpkin stencils that will make your jack-o’-lanterns the talk of the neighborhood. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to create a spooky zombie face, a witch on a broomstick, a hooting owl or a Day of the Dead Mexican skull, even if you have zero artistic talent. Invest in a pumpkin carving kit that contains tools to make it easier. It’s so satisfying and fun, you may not stop!

2. Make a scary entrance.

Get creative decorating your front door or porch for Halloween

There are some easy peasy ways to decorate your front porch or walkway to make Halloween an extra supernatural experience for trick-or-treaters. If you have a cast iron Dutch oven, add some dry ice to water which will turn it into a bubbling cauldron. Invest in some fake spider webs and spiders to cover shrubs or trees to greet visitors as they walk up to your door. You can even make spiders out of black balloons—small one for the head, larger one for the body, tied together, with black pipe cleaners for legs. Dangle them from your porch. Use a couple of bales of hay as an outdoor table if you want your trick or treaters to serve themselves. Use faux spider webbing as your “tablecloth,” and group your pumpkins, carved and otherwise, around the base. Don’t forget a few white plastic bag “ghosts” for good measure.

20 Easy and Healthy Homemade Halloween Candy Recipes

Read More

3. Plan a bonfire.

Gather round the bonfire for a classic fall favorite

With the arrival of chilly fall air, now may be the perfect time to invest in a little backyard firepit to cozy up next to on weekend evenings. You, your family and friends can gather to roast marshmallows (less than 100 calories for four regular sized marshmallows!) and tell your best scary ghost stories. It could become a family or neighborhood tradition.

4. Bob for apples.

Bob for apples with your family for a goofy good time

This used to be the funniest party game before designers Chuck Foley and Neil Rabens invented Twister. Contestants would kneel in front of a large container of water filled with floating apples. The object of the game? Grab an apple . . . with your teeth! Try to do it without laughing (not possible) or getting wet (sooo not possible). Given the pandemic, it’s probably not appropriate for a general Halloween party, but it can be a hilarious family activity for those in your household. Don’t forget to eat the apples!

5. Talk to the hands.

Find crafty ways to make spooky illusions for Halloween

A great (and delicious) activity to do with kids is to make spooky Halloween Popcorn Hands. All you need are four cups of air-popped or light popcorn, three disposable gloves (food contact gloves which contain no powder and are Latex free) and 15 candy corn pieces. Drop the candy corn into each finger of the gloves (yep, those are finger nails). Then stuff the popcorn into each finger and also fill up the glove. Tie the end of the gloves. These decorative treats count as two Extras on the Nutrisystem plan.

Your Ultimate Halloween Survival Guide

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6. Make some diet-friendly chocolate apples.

Chocolate apples are a treat that can be made healthy

Everyone in the family will love these sweet treats. You’ll love the fact that you can easily make them Nutrisystem-friendly! Prepare chocolate caramel apples for the fam with our lightened-up recipe right here! >

7. Plan a scary movie night.

Curl up together for a scary movie night at home

If you have an all-adult household, you can have a movie night and hold a “Halloween” marathon—the movie series, “Halloween” that is. Other top horror flicks according to Rotten Tomatoes, the movie rating site, include “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” “The Ring,” “Candyman,” “Scream” and “House on Haunted Hill.” If you like a little humor with your scary, consider “Shaun of the Dead,” “Black Sheep” or “Tremors.” Some class acting? “Rosemary’s Baby” and “The Shining” are standouts. Anything Stephen King. Kiddies on board? Think about “Frankenweenie,” “The Little Vampire,” “The Addams Family,” “The House with a Clock in Its Walls” or “Coraline.” The whole family will enjoy “Beetlejuice.”

8. Go on a hay ride.

Get outside at a local farm for a fall hayride

Many farms and nature centers have Halloween hayrides. Some are “haunted” by human and animatronic ghosts and zombies for those who love a good fright. Others are mellow and simply take you for a ride through the fields balanced on a hay bale. Some farms also have corn mazes that can keep you twisting and turning for close to an hour, plus farm animals to pet, pumpkins to pick and apple cider to drink. You can even take a trip to a local sunflower field for plenty of photo ops!

Looking for more healthy and fun ideas to celebrate Halloween? Click the link below!:

5 Fun Fall Activities to Burn Major Calories

Read More

The post 8 Fun and Healthy Ideas to Celebrate Halloween Season appeared first on The Leaf.

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Changing Approach to Get Off the Roller Coaster

My journey began in October of 2016. This has been the hardest thing I’ve ever tried to accomplish. I’ve spent the past 7 years learning about the mechanics of how the body works, what makes up a calorie, learning how CICO functions, going into ketosis, getting out of ketosis, trying 18:6 intermittent fasting, trying 20:1 intermittent fasting (OMAD), diet coaches, lifting weights, looking spiritually through therapy as to what hole I am trying to fill with the constant longing to eat food in excess, tracking my calories, becoming a runner, working with accountability partners, and all the while, riding the roller coaster of weight loss.

The one thing I haven’t done, and allowing 7 years to pass without doing it is pretty humbling, is to take it slow. I’ve refused to do this because “if I can just get the weight off, then the rewards will be so great that the motivation to maintain will carry me.”

This has resulted in peaks and valleys, and I’m now back up to 222 lbs from my low of 175. At 5’10” and being a 41 y/o male, I know am fortunate by being able to enjoy a TDEE of 1967 calories even if I don’t exercise and still maintain my weight.

So, I’ve decided to make the beginning of my journey to take it slow with this post. The struggle thus far has blessed me with the habit of exercise daily, and I will continue that. The goal now is to eat at my TDEE of 1967 calories, and to stick with it for as many years as it takes to get to my goal weight of 165.

The piece of advice we all continually hear on this sub is that we must change our lifestyle in order to have the weight loss stick. I’m going to finally take that advice, and I’ll be posting my progress along the way.

submitted by /u/obscuremonstrosity
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Monday, October 16, 2023

Cardio vs weight lifting - when is which better for weight loss

How do you assess whether to focus on weight lifting or cardio for weight loss ? Like I see both being recommended but I don't really get which in which situation and which info is needed to decide that?

Weight lifting is for building muscles and cardio for burning calories and your heart etc that's clear, but sometimes people say not to do too much cardio for losing weight as it makes it harder to eat less in long term and it supposedly makes the body burn more muscle mass or sth..? I'm confused, please enlighten me.

So far I thought about doing 2 weeks with 3x cardio and 2x weight lifting and then 2 weeks with 4x weight lifting and 1x Cardio and 1x liss cardio in sync with my energy levels throughout my cycle to get"the best of both worlds" but not sure if that makes any sense at all especially for maintaining muscle mass.

submitted by /u/langweilmichnet
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6 Easy Ways to Lose Weight This Fall

If you’re like most people, your weight loss journey typically begins on New Year’s Eve―and not a moment sooner. However, you’re actually missing out on the best season for shedding pounds: fall! This time of year presents optimal opportunities for weight loss and overall health improvement. So start your healthy living routine now and you’ll be prepared to face the unhealthy holiday temptations that lie ahead. Check out these six simple ways to lose weight this fall!

1. Enjoy the Great Outdoors

raking fall leaves

Summer, with its sweltering temps and scorching sunlight, isn’t exactly conducive to outdoor exercise. But fall’s lack of humidity makes exercising outdoors a breeze. And, since we all know that increasing physical activity is a great way to speed up our slim-down, taking advantage of autumn’s cooler temps is a fast pass to weight loss success.

Try catching up on a loved one’s day with a pre-dinner stroll, or get off to an active start with a morning jog. Not sold on the whole exercise thing? Torch some calories engaging in fun fall activities like apple or pumpkin picking, a local corn maze or raking leaves!

2. Snooze to Lose

Woman getting restful sleep

One of the things people like least about fall is the shorter days. But in a nation of sleep-deprived multi-taskers, is it really so bad that we’re forced to wind down a little earlier?

Time and again, studies exploring the relationship between sleep and weight have demonstrated that adults who skimp on sleep tend to weigh more than those who get adequate pillow time.

Considering the fact that a 2013 Gallup poll revealed that fewer than 40 percent of adults are getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a night, chances are good that an earlier curfew could work in your weight loss favor.

Start by setting an earlier bedtime. But don’t stop there; decide on a to-do curfew as well. This will be the time you ditch the devices, stop cleaning the kitchen, silence your cell and start unwinding. To make drifting off easier, avoid eating, exercising or napping right before you hit the sack.

3. Take Advantage of the Healthy Harvest

Organic vegetables. Freshly Picked Beetroot and Carrots.

Aside from dishing out filling fiber and a slew of other nutrients, fruits and veggies are cholesterol-free and low in calories, fat and sodium. This makes them an important part of any weight loss plan.

In fact, a 2015 study, published in the journal PLOS Medicine, demonstrated a clear connection between increased consumption of fruits and non-starchy vegetables and weight loss. That’s one of the reasons why we recommend eating at least four servings of non-starchy vegetables per day on the Nutrisystem program.

Autumn, with its tasty array of seasonal produce, makes it easy to load up on these nutritional powerhouses. Hit the grocery store or farmer’s market to stock up on your fall favorites, and toss them in a crock-pot with some chicken or vegetable broth for a cozy fall stew. Or visit the Recipe section on the Leaf for some other produce prepping ideas.

4. Savor the Structure

easy meal prep tips

Although one of the things we love most about summer is the spontaneity, the lack of structure can make planning meals and scheduling exercise kind of tricky. Add to that weekend after weekend of BBQs and picnics and you’ve got a recipe for diet destruction.

But with the kids back in school and the weekend commitments slowing, fall is a great time to get organized. Try planning out the week’s meals on Sundays, then hit the grocery store to grab everything you’ll need.

Get a head-start on healthy by chopping up and packaging your daily produce picks in individual serving containers. Check your calendar for commitments, then mark the days you can work in a workout.

When it comes to weight loss, a little planning goes a long way. And autumn is the perfect time to plan out healthy habits for the year.

5. Plan Ahead for the Holidays

Whole Homemade Thanksgiving Turkey

Planning ahead is a crucial strategy for weight loss during the fall season. As the weather cools down, we find ourselves surrounded by holiday celebrations, gatherings, and an abundance of comfort foods. These can easily lead to overindulgence and weight gain. But, with a bit of foresight, you can navigate these challenges successfully.

Before attending any event or party, consider eating a healthy, filling meal at home. This will help curb your appetite and reduce the temptation to overeat.

Additionally, try to anticipate the types of food that will be available and strategize about which ones you’ll choose and how much you’ll serve yourself. By having a plan in place, you can enjoy the festivities without compromising your weight loss goals. There are many resources on the Leaf to help you navigate holidays while on a weight loss plan. Learn how to plan your Thanksgiving plate to lose weight.

Remember, successful weight management is not about total deprivation, but about balance and making mindful choices. We’ve got plenty of holiday-inspired recipes on the Leaf that allow you to enjoy the flavors you crave in a healthier way. Try these healthy Thanksgiving pies and these Christmas dinner ideas.

6. Step on the Scale

weight loss person on a scale

Regardless of the season, one thing is for sure: weighing yourself regularly is a great way to stay on the trim-down track. In fact, in a two-year study published in the Journal of Obesity, researchers found that frequent self-weighing and tracking results was helpful for losing weight―and keeping it off.

Don’t lose sight of the scale just because the season changes. Try weighing yourself once a week, around the same time of day, and with the same amount of clothes on each time. Record your weight on a calendar, spreadsheet―whatever works for you.

Just be mindful that your weight is susceptible to many factors, including fluid and sodium intake. So don’t panic if you’re doing everything right and that number on the scale goes up or stays the same across two weigh-ins.

Another easy way to lose weight this fall? Sign up for a convenient meal delivery service like Nutrisystem! Get started with a weight loss plan today.

The post 6 Easy Ways to Lose Weight This Fall appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf https://ift.tt/euxN4ik

35F, suffering from PCOS. Recently joined gym but didnot loose weight. Instead gained 2kg being in calorie deficit of 1200cal

I need community opinion on my weight condition. Small background. Got diagnosed with PCOD in 2013 since then left junk food since I was told it will help in cure of my condition.Multiple Doctors simply tell me to loose weight but when I tell them I dn eat junk or extra food except with some exceptions they have no answer. All my tests done multiple times. Hormone, diabetes, vitamin deficiency thyroid but everything is normal in my body.

Now 3 month back my weight was 65 kg which was constant since 2 years. Suddenly I started feeling my clothes are getting tighter hence checked my weight a month back it went to 72.8kg. In these months again my periods stopped. Same day i joined gym out of guilt.

Since 1 month every week I workout for 4 days a week. I follow strict diet as suggested by my trainer with mostly my calories going upto 1200calories. Today when I checked my weight it was 74.4 kg and I felt like crying. Trainer said it must be because of muscle gain but my main purpose was weight loss because my clothes are getting tighter and I hate looking in the mirror because I feel I look ugly.

I dont know if someone can relate with me or not but would like some genuine advice.

submitted by /u/EducationalSympathy7
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Sunday, October 15, 2023

NSV: I am officially 5 months in!

Alright, super exciting news and post today! I am officially 5 months into my journey today and 37.8 lbs down.

This is the longest that I’ve ever been on a weight loss journey & I never imagined I’d be able to actually stick with it. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve started and stopped. And started. And stopped. Over and over again.

What’s nice is not only have I had longevity, but it feels sustainable. The weight slowly comes off & I am learning to enjoy my life with the weight coming off slowly.

Sometimes I consider tightening up - there may have been a world where I could be closer to 50 pounds down by now. However, I’m learning to enjoy the journey of weight loss rather than being super hard on myself.

At first, I didn’t allow myself the freedom to drink or eat with friends - but now, I’m allowing myself to do those things while being conscious of my choices.

I don’t weigh every piece of food that goes into my body anymore, but make more informed decisions about what to eat. And the weight is still coming off.

Anyway, I can literally taste onederland & I’m getting so excited to be getting the body I’ve always dreamed of having. Also, as always, here is a little progress photo! Feeling amazing. Looking so much better.

submitted by /u/earthyisland
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Starting my weight loss journey

Hello weight loss gurus of reddit i'm 15 years old 185cm tall and around 98kg depending on when i'm weighing myself. I've been made fun of my entire life for being fat and i do indeed have manboobs and i'm tired of it so a week ago i started trying to lose weight. I am hitting the gym 4 times a week for 2 hours and mostly doing arms, abs and back cus it's my school gym that doesn't have a lot of equipment. I am also soing intermittent fasting i don't eat from 6pm-12pm the next day. I'd say i'm around 800+ calories deficit everyday really depends on what i eat. My goal is getting to 80kg or below while possibly gaining muscle how unrealistic is this? And how long do the professionals on this subreddit think it would take going at this pace also will loose skin become a problem?

submitted by /u/time_traveler420
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/BDEu5QL

NSV: Knocked 7 and a half minutes off my 5K time!

I took up running and a weight loss journey starting in November of 2022, weighing in at 317 pounds (6'2 male). I started running every other day, and since I live in Canada, purchased a treadmill to run during the deep freeze months. In early June, I ran my first 5K race, and clocked in at 38:05. Since then, I started running outside, training towards 10k, and after losing the first 40 pounds started upping my run frequency to 4-5 times a week, mileage around 20-25km a week. Currently doing a 10k long run on Sundays, my young kids bike with me while I run and it's become our little tradition on Sundays.

Figured it was time to gauge my progress after a summer of running and watching my diet (now down 65 pounds, currently at 252) before it's back to running indoors here in Canada. My 5K race this morning clocked in at 30:24!! Likely still a comical time for seasoned runners, but I'm proud of the progress I'm seeing.

Long time lurker on this subreddit, and felt like I wanted to share this little win with the community. Big thanks to everyone on here for posting their journeys, it helps a lot with staying motivated and pushing through the struggles.

Pics or it didn't happen! https://imgur.com/a/y4eHOOz

submitted by /u/Sionn3039
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/rWVcwFT

Saturday, October 14, 2023

31 female needs help!


I need some help, I have been denied weight loss medications as well as surgery due to an exclusion on my insurance and I feel so lost. I am 31 female with PCOs, I currently weight 283 and am 5’7. I have been on a weight loss journey for a year now, I work out 3-5 times a week with 30-45 mins of cardio as well as HIIT. I have started to count calories about 3 months ago and have not seen any weight loss. I consistently stay below 2000 which is less than my tracking app is suggesting. I am trying so hard and I feel so lost and upset that I can’t get any help from insurance. My dr and I have tried to get me every medication and it just gets denied and I finally decided to go for a surgery consult and was again told my employed refuses to cover it. I tried to speak with HR about having an insurance advocate and they said we did not have one and that they would not be discussing adding things to our plans. Can anyone offer me any advice?? Thank you 😊

submitted by /u/Desperate_Site_9215
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/op2XI5E

Weight loss help

Hey all! I’m trying to lose weight and would like to be at my best weight possibly where I like slim and have a stomach, arm, and thighs that aren’t covered in fat. CW: 175 lbs, height: 5’8.5, 21F. My body fat percentage is about 32% roughly (according to the scale so idk if it is right). I also feel like i have a large frame. Im thinking a body fat percentage of around 25% would be nice with a weight of about 140 lbs. Would someone please tell me if that’s good or if I should aim lower? I’m just tired of carrying so much fat especially on my stomach and being fat 😩

submitted by /u/Safe-Butterfly-4052
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/NBcsvxz

Weight loss slowed drastically, now I'm gaining weight?

This is half for me to vent, and half for advice. I (28F, 5' 9") started losing weight in February of this year. I started at 241 and reached 199 at the beginning of July. This was my first goal, but I was still not looking/feeling like I wanted, so my next goal is 175. I was using Noom, which set my calories to 1400. It was difficult but I was successful. I also work out 4-5 days a week doing strength training, yoga 2x per week, and 1-2 days with cardio. My job is fairly active and i average 8k steps on days where I'm not on the treadmill. My hair started falling out, and I was learning more about BMR and TDEE, and came to the conclusion I was not eating enough. This was difficult to change as I was afraid of going back over 200lbs. I increased to 1800 calories. I also started focusing on more protein as muscle growth is also a goal. It took me two months to get to 195, and last week I finally weighed in at 189. I was 189 for 3 days last week. We then had a night with friends over and I ate pizza, I skipped weigh in the next day because I knew it would be off, but then I was 191, then 191.6, and this morning I am 192.2. I want to cry. I am on my period, but it's like day 3-4 and my bloating has usually gone away by then. I weigh and log everything, so there's no way I consumed enough calories to gain 3 pounds in a week. And I dont think I'm packing on muscle at a rate to account for the lack of weight loss. I am so discouraged. I am already frustrated that it took me 4 months to lose 10 pounds, when I lost 40 in the 5 months before. Is 1800 still too many calories? I'm going to Las Vegas in a few weeks and I wanted to get to 185 by then, but that seems impossible. Any advice is appreciated, or even just an "I totally get it". I'm not at the point of giving up yet, but feeling really low.

submitted by /u/middlenamedanger17
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/qMD0eaH

Friday, October 13, 2023

Losing weight isn't what I hoped it would be. Weight loss and thinness is not for everyone.

So I am 5'3 and at my starting weight I was around 205lbs. I have gotten down to 125lbs and not only is this impossible to maintain because I'm hungry all the time (please don't suggest keto, not only am I vegetarian but that sounds so fucking miserable not to mention expensive) but I am just so miserable about everything related to the weight loss.

I originally lost weight for some chronic pain issues I was having and they also haven't improved all that much.

I was hoping when I lost weight I would feel great in myself and would adjust to smaller food portions but it just hasn't happened. I was expecting to shed the fat and see someone pretty staring back at me.

In reality I actually hate the look of my body when I was mostly neutral about it before. When I was fat I was just kind of round and buxom. I have never liked my big boobs but they sort of blended in with my fatness before now and they were firm. I am still wearing a H cup bra but the band size has decreased. My boobs are extremely saggy and wrinkly and impossible to hide. My shoulders look really big when before they were balanced out by my fat belly and I have a big nose and forehead that I didn't notice before. My feet and toes also look much longer. I still have a squidgy belly and I have loose skin on it now. My legs look thin but not the cute thigh gap Tumblr 2014 kind of thin. I have almost no waist. My teeth, which are not straight to begin with and gums look huge when I open my mouth or smile when I didn't notice this before. My features are no longer obscured by my fatness and I'm not even close to being pretty. I seriously just look like a skinny gummy toothy toad with big boobs and hair and a dress, that's precisely how I look. I'm not imagining anything. The weight has shed to reveal a truly ugly woman when before I just looked fat.

I am finding it impossible to dress my new body. Everything either emphasizes my awkward shape or drowns me. I hate wearing a bra that is too supportive. I don't like bras with underwire and I like the band not to squeeze my ribs. The bras I can stand to wear don't give me enough 'support' not to look saggy anymore. I like shopping, it was a hobby before. Now I can look at clothes and find nothing I like.

I find myself still liking fat girl style clothes but when I wear them they don't look intentional anymore and I'm now very petite so they just drown me. If I wear petite style clothes I just look lumpy and they show my awkward shape. Nothing flatters my body because like I said, I look more like a toad than a human woman.

I'm going to gain the weight back as I am just really unhappy. I have been hit on more but only by the most disgusting and much older men. Not by men of any quality. When I was fat I never had any more or any less trouble dating, in fact now it's even harder. Before there were even men who liked me for my fatness. Now there is nothing to like, nothing to fetishize. I'm just a thin woman with no appealing or attractive features.

I get no joy out of sports and exercise. I don't get that rush everyone talks about. All the activities I enjoy are sedentary.

I miss getting up in the middle of the night to eat chocolate granola. I miss waking up to two cans of monster energy in the morning. I do not like coffee and diet drinks make me very hungry for some reason and taste too sweet. I miss eating a big bowl of spaghetti olio covered in cheese. I miss sitting in front of 90 day fiance with a whole pack of cookies to myself.

I get that this is probably unhealthy, but 80 years miserable is worse than 60 years of content. I don't want to live another day like this, let alone into old age.

Today and yesterday I have given up my weight loss and have been eating all my comfort foods. I still have all my fat clothes and I'll be happy to wear them again.

submitted by /u/That_Roll2584
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/QGhtyk1


Some backstory: I’ve been fat my whole life, back in 2017-18 I lost 70 lbs which brought me to 190lbs (I’m 5’8 so while still technically overweight I felt great and was very happy with how I looked) I hovered at that weight for around 2 years. I went through something very traumatic in 2018 and was heavily dissociated which resulted in me first really restricting and then steadily gaining weight back… even more than when I started out (got the worst around quarantine when I was really forced to sit in my trauma) anyways I’m losing weight again and I’m really trying to do it healthily this time as I’ve processed the trauma. I’ve lost 20 lbs so far.

….Tldr…. Losing weight, 20 lbs down but I’ve been prediabetic in the past and just got my blood work done today and pretty much expecting to be told I’m officially diabetic now and my doctor brought up metformin. She said that even if I’m not technically diabetic I could still take metformin to help with blood sugar and weight loss. Has anyone else tried it? What was the experience like for you

submitted by /u/Beneficial_Lab_8790
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/yUNr9DO

Can you guys help me calculate how much I should be eating?

Hi reddit!! I’ve been on a weight loss journey, and I’ve been eating less and focusing on the right foods while also trying to be more physically active. It’s been going good, but I’ve been struggling to find an actual number of calories I should be eating to be in a deficit. I’ve used TDEE calculators, but they all give me a different number so I’m really not sure what number I should truly aim for to be in a healthy deficit. Some information: I’m 5’ tall, 22 years old, female, and currently weigh 135lbs. I would like to be at least in the 120s by the holidays or so. Any help is much appreciated! Thank you :)

submitted by /u/That-Score-5051
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/JS0Y47v