Sunday, March 31, 2024

Starting my weight loss journey

Hey everyone,I'm a 13-year-old boy 5’1 160lbs looking to make some positive changes in my life, and one of my big goals is to lose weight and get healthier. I've been feeling super insecure and recently got rejected as well as summer’s coming up I want to feel more confident in myself. I'm here to seek advice, support, and maybe even some accountability buddies to keep me on track .Here are a few things I'm planning to focus on: healthy eating i rlly wanna cut back on junk n shit like that exercise: I plan to start playing more basketball and get on a team to stay active n have fun. (If anybody has some advice that would be super dope)

submitted by /u/No-Foot-1866
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Example of why long-term weight tracking is important

Here is a picture of my weight during month of March 2024:

My method of measuring weight:

  • Every morning, after waking up first go "empty myself"
  • Weigh myself before drinking or eating anything
  • Smart scale uploads the results directly to app

.. and if I didn't, I would have gone insane during this month's weight loss. I was very meticulous about making my meals and calculating their calories, I estimated I was in a ~1000 calorie deficit (2700 as opposed to 3700 total expenditure). Which seems to have held when looking at how much weight I have lost during the month, but the fluctuations are immense. 3kg (6.6lbs) daily fluctuations are very normal and then for almost for a week my weight was going UP while in a 1000kcal deficit.

So while the recommendation is to compare weekly averages, having a more long-term tracking graphs has helped me have confidence in that what I'm doing is really working. Even when my daily weight and even weekly averages give me little confidence.

Also yes, I'm aware I lost weight above 1% recommendation and 1000 kcal is higher deficit than recommended numbers, but I've been able to maintain this deficit without losing sleep, daytime energy, libido or ability to exercise. So it seems to be working for me, I'll take a break soon where I'm at maintenance and then I'll continue weight loss. I still have some way to go, but I'm down from ~160kg lifetime max so I'm just happy it's working.

Just thought to make a post in case there are other people out there like me, whose body weight seems to behave in an very volatile manner even on weekly basis when trying to lose weight. Long-term tracking of weight has been really, really helpful in guiding me during the weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/prevent-the-end
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Saturday, March 30, 2024

Lost ~40 pounds from intermittent fasting a few years ago and I've been really cold ever since

Hey, not sure if this is the right place to post this as I have already lost my weight but I hope some of you can give me some direction/explanation to warm me up.

So 3-4 years ago I was 180 lbs, but after developing more depression and more mental issues, I wanted to shed it off and get as skinny as I was in early high school. Over the next 6-8 months (I think, I wasn't keeping track) I lost about 40 pounds, and am sitting between 130-140 depending on the day and what I do/eat. The problem is, I've been freezing cold ever since then. Even in 70 degree weather im shivering in a hoodie, while I'm sweating. Like my body temp is okay, I just FEEL cold, or the air feels cold around me.

The big problem I have with this is at the end of my weight loss, I got a nasty cold/maybe weak covid, and THAT is when the cold skin started. I thought after I was done being sick I'd be back to normal but no, it's just been so cold all the time for now 3 years now.

There are times where I don't notice it. A hot shower is great, I was in a heated pool the other day and that was great, but once I got out I was SOOOO cold.

Again, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but if someone could either give me advice or point me to where I should ask, I would be very appreciative! Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/YNGDBSTPR
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I lost 115lbs and am slowly gaining it back. I'm lost and depressed.

Im a 6'2" 30yo Male. On June 29th 2022 I weighed 370lbs. I got down to 259lbs in January of this year. As I type this im 278lbs. I've gained almost 20lbs in the past 2 months. Truth be told i was plateuing for a couple months before I started gaining weight.

I had a health scare at 370lbs, that's what started the weight loss. I took it very seriously. Now I have the all clear from the doctors and I got into a relationship with a woman in Janurary so there was a lot of dates and nights where we didn't care what we ate. She broke up with me this week. 3 month relationship.

I'm just depressed and don't know how to get back up and fight again. How to put the gloves back on and get in the ring. I'm so tired of fighting. I'm not enjoying any of my hobbies. I'm not able to get out of my bed.

I'm lost.

submitted by /u/Gitnerd
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feel like weight loss is being limited because of a mental health loop, tips to break it?

i have struggled with mental health and weight ever since early middle school. while i have made massive strides in mental health since then, i still struggle with it pretty consistently and the weight i gained during the worse years is still here. i have been able to more or less keep my weight at maintenance since i started college but struggle to lose more than 5 pounds. i have noticed that i may be on a good streak but then i start feeling bad about myself and turn to food for comfort. i then feel bad about turing to food and hate my body but find comfort in food once again.

i know the best answer is to seek professional mental health however my parents don’t really believe in therapy and i’m on their insurance (i’m 20). i can’t be the only one who is struggling with weight and mental health and feels stuck in a loop bc of it. has anyone been able to break out of this without professional help? any tips, both on weight loss or mental health management, would be really really appreciated.

submitted by /u/guavaguava20
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Looking for tips

Hello :) just joined in hopes of getting some advice. My weight loss journey began in 2021 with my starting weight at 188 pounds. Since then, I’ve lost 58 pounds. I’m 10 pounds away from my ultimate goal weight, but I’m having trouble reaching it and was hoping to get some feedback.

I’m 5’6, 23 (F) and weigh 130. I use MyNetDiary to track and my current cal budget is 1,461. I’m rather sedentary, but do at-home workouts pretty much everyday. My goal is 120. From my understanding, it’s possible for weight loss to become harder the close you get to your goal weight. Could this be why I’m having trouble with these last couple of pounds? Any tips/feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

submitted by /u/Commercial_Salad2397
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Friday, March 29, 2024

I Really need advice

I recently started focusing on weight loss and health, currently weighing 305 pounds, down from 315 pounds since the 18th. I’ve been aiming for a calorie intake of 2000 per day, but I’m unsure about my exact calorie deficit needs, not to mention I’d be lying if I said I’ve been eating up to this amount each day. I’m concerned about losing weight too quickly. For workouts, I do a mix of cardio and strength training Monday through Friday, rest on Saturday, and have a light workout day on Sunday. Im M19 and about 5 foot 8. What’s the right calorie deficit for me that won’t harm my health? I’m just concerned because I’m stressing about this stuff, but I feel like it shouldn’t be stressful. Any advice or stories would really help thank you!

submitted by /u/0DDS0DA
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PTSD and weight loss

Hi! 26F, 5’7, starting weight in January was 160. I’m slowly shedding weight off and am now around 151. I still want to lose around 20 more pounds. That’s when I feel and look my best. I work out up to 5 days a week. Typically splitting my workout into lower body, pull, push and stairs. I’ll either do a repeat of lower body or stairs for the fifth day. I’m eating around 1800 calories a day, but I’m thinking of cutting it to 1700 calories a day. I don’t want to go to the gym more because I usually spend at minimum an hour on those exercises not including a full stretch routine.

I eat pretty well, though, I have had a number of incredibly stressful day over the past month and I’m wondering if my stress is not allowing my body to shed weight faster. I was recently diagnosed with PTSD and have been in a constant state of fight for about 2 or so weeks.

What is the relationship between weight loss, and stress? Is there anything more I can do? This is the one area of my life I feel like I can control.

submitted by /u/Lumpy_Grape_8592
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Thursday, March 28, 2024

Getting over leftovers inertia

Hi all,

I’ve been attempting to be in weight loss phase these past few months and have been failing pretty badly. I have to eat between 1300-1500 to be in calorie deficit and somehow end up eating 1800+ on multiple days every week simply because I can’t get myself to eat leftovers. When I do eat it, I’m perfectly satisfied with the meal and it does indeed taste yummy. But when hunger pangs first hit me, I find the leftovers almost repugnant and want to order in desperately. It’s not even a weak-moment decision. I sometimes spend an hour debating my options, consider cooking a new dish, open my refrigerator and cabinets multiple times, and then order and wait for my food for thirty more minutes.

I’m in a moderately unpredictable job where I cannot fix my lunch/dinner timings so I can’t preemptively feed myself before the hunger pangs hit. (Although, I ’m open to suggestions to work around it). I could possibly push myself to spend 30 minutes cooking every day but I really don’t seem to succeed at it since my hit rate with cooking yummy meals is maybe 2/5 times. And rewarding myself for eating leftovers is not working, cuz I’m mostly run out of willpower by the end of the day.

I do tend to eat mostly whole foods due to inflammatory responses to heavily processed food so premade meals are mostly out of question. The meals with good clean ingredients are all pretty out of my budget.

Any advice on working around this weird inertia?

submitted by /u/ZilchNot
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A balanced diet will me the death of me (and this diet) Y’all got any tips/recipes?

F24 5’0” Current weight: ~177

I’ve been on a deficit for about 40 days or so and I’ve only lost 4lbs (give or take) at 1330 a day. I realize it’s barely over a month but man seeing those numbers drop so slowly is making me wanna drop the deficit.

I do workout, but only twice a week and the rest of the days I’m relatively active at work. I can hit 10k steps most nights. I know where I fail the most and it’s in my diet. It’s not balanced AT ALL. I’m a meat lover and while I do eat veggies, I don’t eat it every day. Usually cause I can’t think of anything that I would like to eat and if I do, it’s gotta have more flavor than just plain ol steamed and boiled.

How are y’all fitting veggies into your diet? Your fiber? Also, should I raise my deficit to 1500-1600? I’ve seen other posts saying that 1300 could be counterproductive to weight loss. Or just any other tips in general?

submitted by /u/SoothsayerAtlas
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85 pounds down and feeling worse than ever

26M 171cm (5"6) SW:132,5 KG (292lbs) CW: 94,3 KG (207lbs)

basically title. I've recently noticed that despite losing a supposedly noticeable amount of weight, I'm not one bit happier than when I was morbidly obese. In fact it seems I'm not enjoying the things that I used to enjoy the same way or not at all. It's so frustrating that I get compliments and everyone I know seems happier for me despite me feeling this way. Whenever I look in the mirror I see the same person 85 pounds ago despite people telling me I look different.

Anyone else experience similiar feelings of unhappiness after/during weight loss?

submitted by /u/The_Kosmonautti
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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Fitness goals besides weight loss?

I originally started my fitness journey to lose weight but I’m starting to develop other goals related to fitness. One major thing I’ve been doing is walking 2-3 miles almost everyday. It’s really been improving my mental health. Since doing that, one of my major goals is to run a 5k this year! I’m hoping to start incorporating running into my routine soon, but every time I walk, it gets easier. I’m signing up for a 5k walk this June for my local JDRF chapter. Does anyone else have any other fitness related goals apart from weight loss?

submitted by /u/ssailormoonn
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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

New gym plan

Hi guys so at the moment I’m on a bit of a weight loss journey and it’s going well so far, down 7kg since January and I’ve done this by 3 day full body a week and 3 days of running. I have noticed though that I do tend to neglect legs a lot. You see with my full body days it’s 5 for upper and 2 for lower, however I do tend to leave off legs a few times just because im tired from my upper body training or I want to save my strength for upper body training and I don’t go all out. So can anyone recommend an upper lower full body split 3 days for me?

submitted by /u/Dull-Oven-6561
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Loose skin after weight loss.

Hello !! I am a new here and this is the first time I will be asking questions but I really really really need advices. F21 here met a guy through a dating app he is m26 He is a sweet guy and all but the thing is I am a girl who been overweight and lost tons of weight, I always struggled with weight I used to starve my self all day and the weight just keeps getting up. Then I did a surgery and I lost tons of weight. Now the thing is this guy is very sweet we share things in common pretty much. And we been talking for now for like 9 months. But we still didn’t meet in real life and that is a big issue to me. I feel insecure and I am so scared and worried that I am wasting my time. I am worried when he will meet me and if anything we eventually will get intimate he will see my loose skin and he will not want to be with me anymore. He is a Scandinavian and their culture i feel based a lot on looks. Since they usually sleep together from the first day aka one night stand etc. This issue causing me a lot of sadness and make me feel depressed and I cry all night about it. I am not experienced girl and I have never been intimate with anyone before. I look good with clothes on. But it’s always the problem when I remove my clothes. Like completely without clothes. I don’t know if I should just tell him my story and that I have loose skin. Or I don’t tell him at all. I sent him many pics and videos of me. But I always hide the parts where they are loose. down the stomach. Boobs. We video called and all but he never saw me completely completely without clothes as I always hide those parts. Please help me. My self esteem is very low. And I feel I would not have any good relationship because of this. Plus when I ask him for his preferences he says he loves girls with big bum and boobs and thick thighs etc. But again I have big boobs and ass but they are saggy and I don’t feel he would find them attractive when it’s the moment to get intimate.

Any girl who had my experience please help me with advices. I feel so suffocated and not happy at all. I always try to end our relationship because of this but I never could tell him that reason. And he always tell me to be opened to him and tell him but It’s a very sensitive topic to me and I would rather not face my fears and end the relationship rather than facing them because I am scared to get hurt. He tell me he accept all of me but I feel he is a person who goes more for looks than personality. Idk what to do. I need help. Should I tell him and whatever happens happens ? Or I just not tell him and try to fix this problem. Whether with sport or surgeries ?

Help me please..

submitted by /u/CorrectLeader889
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What were excuses you told yourself as to why you couldn’t lose the weight?

I have restarted my weight loss journey so many times and I noticed that every time I fail, it’s almost always because I give myself some bullshit excuse. Just a few examples:

• The classic “I can’t do it”

• Gaslighting myself into thinking I’m not actually as big as I think I am (I’m obese)

• I’m too tired

• I’m not seeing results so I might as well stop

• I can start again on Monday so I might as well eat this entire bag of chips in one sitting

• I’m too embarrassed to go to the gym and possibly see someone I know, etc.

I started my journey again one week ago and so far so good, but this time I’m holding myself more accountable so that I don’t give up in a week or a month. Time to suck it up and get my life together! Anyone in the same boat as me, we got this :)

What were some things you told yourself prior to beginning your journey as to why you couldn’t do it? And how did you prove yourself wrong?

submitted by /u/Illustrious_Fudge424
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Monday, March 25, 2024

Advice on losing weight as a student

Hi, I'm 17M and I live in a student dorm most of the week. I have breakfast, lunch and dinner here. On weekends I go home, where I don't eat the best, but regularly 4-5 meals a day. Until June last year I used to go to the gym, which I don't do now (because I prefer to sleep longer) and I either don't have time in the afternoon due to leisure activities or slight laziness. I've heard that weight loss is mostly all about diet. But here is the problem. Lunch and dinner are technically strictly given to me, but I'm getting the portions that should suit my body. The only place where I get a full choice is breakfast. We can choose from ham, cheese, Hermelin, eggs, sometimes sweet things like donuts, rolls, bread, vegetables, etc. So I would need some kind of healthy eating plan for my breakfast.
I forgot to add that I am 191 cm and 93 kg. Currently my only active hobbies are walking (about 6-7 km/day) and cycling (2 times per week). In the past (specifically a year ago) I managed to lose 25 kg, but unfortunately I can't do it anymore and I would still like to lose at least 10 kg (so around the 83 kg). What minimal and more challenging changes would I need to make to meet this weight?

Any advice and help is welcome :)
(Btw I translated the text so sorry if it translated anything wrong)

submitted by /u/racek7
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At what point were you like “ah, this is actually working”?

I don’t know what my mental block is on this but whenever I have tried to lose weight previously, I get stuck in the initial bit and self-sabotage. I guess whatever I have lost doesn’t quite feel “real” - like the initial water weight loss for example, and then I just cycle back to square one.

Seeing progress on anything is a big motivator for me to keep going, so if people were willing to share when they felt like what they were doing was really working that would be lovely!

Maybe it was hitting a specific number, or being able to do a specific sporty thing, or just…hey this jumper feels looser than normal.

submitted by /u/eamesreadsbooks
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2-year update

Quick background-- after weighing in at 332 in March 2022, I decided I was going to lose 100 pounds. The last time I posted an update was in June 2023. I had gotten down to 250 in April and crept back up to 254 by the time of that post. Even though I declared in said post that I was about to refocus and get going again, I ended up stagnating (plateauing?) the rest of the summer and by Sept 17 I was 256. The fall ended up being tough on me as I am sometimes prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder. I was depressed, less physically active, and sneakily adding some "bad" foods back in here and there. By December, I was on my way to nearly trashing all the good habits I had developed over the past 20+ months. I decided to do the whole "I'll start after New Year's" and I weighed myself for the first time since September. I was back up to 272-273. I buckled down on my diet-- portions and calories-- and tried to get more physically active but with each subsequent weigh-in, the scale wasn't moving much. One week in late February, I totally went off the rails with my diet and didn't even bother doing a weigh-in. Instead, at a friend's suggestion, I started Noom. I made my goal on the app to lose 50 lbs. So 232 is now more of a milestone and 220 is the new end goal. Progress is still going slower than I would like but it's trending down, at least. The accountability of the app is helping me to shed some of the bad habits I picked up towards the latter half of 2023 (at least more so than when I started up again after New Year's). When I was really shedding the pounds consistently in 2022, I was lifting weights pretty frequently and I largely fell off from that in 2023. I'm going to try a different approach to weight training and I purchased the book Muscle For Life by Mike Matthews. I hope to start integrating his workouts with my regular cardio this week.

I would love to hear anybody's thoughts on the dreaded backslide and if anyone has had any experience (success?) with either Noom or the book I'm following (the diet plans in both are very similar). Frankly, I am somewhat proud in that with my history of weight gain and weight loss, my trend is usually that I lose a bunch of weight-- 40, 50, 70 pounds --and then I inevitably backslide. However, I typically wouldn't catch myself in time and I would normally end up regaining all of the weight and then some. For now, I'm feeling good about regaining only a net 17 pounds.

Still, so much harder to drop the weight in my late 40s compared to when I was in my 20s and 30s...

submitted by /u/redfoot12
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Weight Loss Tips

Hey everyone! 25F here.

I was diagnosed with insulin resistance back in Fall 2023 and started my weight loss journey in September. I have since lost around 15lbs. Starting in January though, I’ve been at a total standstill and keep fluctuating between 184-189lbs.

I feel like I am doing all the right things. Consistently in a calorie deficit, 90oz of water daily, Orange Theory 2-3 times a week, 500mg of metformin, 140g of protein and less than 100g of carbs a day. I also recently upped my step count to get at least 7k steps a day (I work a desk and was averaging about 4k before). But I’m still stuck at the same weight!

I do like to still enjoy life and go out on weekends. I stick with vodka sodas if I’m drinking and try to accurately track my calories if I’m eating out. I was still doing this while I was actively losing weight, so I can’t figure out what changed to make me stall!

Does anyone have any tips on what worked to get them out of a weight loss rut/stall?

submitted by /u/Hour-Coconut-7930
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Sunday, March 24, 2024

Tips for the beginning of a long journey

I started my weight loss journey this week.. and I have 45 pounds to lose to get to the middle of a normal, healthy weight. I won’t be putting time pressure on myself, but being able to get there until my birthday (February next year) would be the best present ever, and I don’t think that 1lb per week is unreasonably much. My question to you is : What are your best tips for a long journey? What do you wish you would have known earlier, how do you stay motivated for such a long time? How do you handle bumps and discouraging situations? I am just scared of quitting as soon as it gets "hard", and the big number ahead of me is very depressing for me 🥲

submitted by /u/lillylouanne
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should i celebrate my birthday

hi all :)

i (14f, 5'1) have been on a weight loss journey since july. i used to weigh 164, but now i weigh 140 (it took me a little to get going lmao). i feel like i FINALLY got the gist of weight loss, but for the past 3 days i've been overindulging a bit, and when i start going i can't stop.

anyway, i'm gonna get back to it today, but my birthday's in 4 days. i'm turning 15 :). i wanna celebrate with my favourite foods, (chicken alfredo, chicken biriyani, ice cream, my own birthday cake) but i know that that means i'm gonna be eating the left overs of that for the following week. i've already been going a little off track, should i celebrate or just stick to my usual healthy meals?

tl;dr: should i eat whatever during my b day even though ik it's gonna hinder my weightloss (and i've already been going through a rough patch)

submitted by /u/astrologyandapathy
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Mix of Boxing & Strength Training. Any shared experiences?

hi everyone! I usually go to the gym 4x a week to do strength training and I do about 20 minutes of low impact cardio after. I’ve been on a weight loss journey for 2 months now, I’ve lost about 8 pounds since starting so I am on a caloric deficit as well. I recently took a boxing fitness class with some friends and I loved it so much, the trainer was so cool and I felt so strong. I hadn’t been excited for something fitness related like that in a while.

I decided to sign up for the limited package where I would go 2x a week. So basically I’d be doing strength training 2x a week & boxing 2x a week. I know there’s a lot of talk about how weight lifting is the best thing you can do for weight loss etc and sometimes heavy cardio isn’t great so I wanted to get some advice. Does this sound like a decent workout program? What have your results in boxing been like? Can I still build muscle and burn fat while doing this regime - will the strength training 2x a week not be enough?

I know most of the progress happens in the kitchen but was just curious. Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/ApplesandBananazzz
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Saturday, March 23, 2024

Am I ACTUALLY losing weight correctly?

To make this very short, I’ll make this into notes.

•my blood pressure was high. 130/89. •I got told to lose weight and cut sodium.

•I weighed 231 pounds. (I’m 18)

•I started my weight loss journey march 6th 2024. (A bit over 2 weeks ago)

•I cut out McDonald’s & soda. (I ate it EVERYDAY, for the past few YEARS.) though, I ate it yesterday. (only once.) not comparable to before.

•I only drink water.

•I fast EVERYDAY for at LEAST 15 hours, eat WHATEVER I WANT for 1 hour, then go back to fasting for the rest of the day.

•I do cardio everyday for 30-45m.

•I’m now 221 pounds in less then 3 weeks. Thats 10 pounds already.

•my blood pressure is now already 111/64.

QUESTIONS. Is this a promising way to lose weight? Is this healthy? How long do you think it’ll take to lose 60 pounds at this rate?

submitted by /u/EarlyMap9175
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Motivation to restart!

Hello! I lost about 10kg over Jan-Feb and then in the last few weeks it dropped off because you know, life - I started letting things slip, started drinking more, not weighing myself. I’m okay with this on an emotional level because I have a lot to lose and I knew this would be a long term thing.

Now it’s Sunday where I am and I think I’m ready to refocus. Does anyone have any tips for getting back on the weight loss train after a detour? I plan to weigh myself soon and record the damage (eek) and then start a meal plan - I’m really just looking for that extra encouragement.

submitted by /u/Woah_my_guy
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Weight loss partner? Need company

I've lost about 30kgs overall but recently I've been having some discipline problems. I can't seem to stop eating and it's been really frustrating honestly. I used to do calorie counting so I'm asking if there's anyone who would like to join this journey of mine. We'll be sending each other pictures of our meals and if there's time, a little description about the ingredient. I just need someone to keep me in check and I also want this thing to benefit all of us. Let me know if you're up for this.

submitted by /u/ToePuzzleheaded9597
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Friday, March 22, 2024

A win and a loss: crop top/loose skin

I've been really consistent with healthy eating (roughly 1500-1800 calories per day - I'm a very tall woman) and exercise (running 3x per week plus the odd strength training YouTube video) for almost 3 months.

I can see my body slimming! My biggest pants (like comfy sweatpants) barely stay up anymore. I'm not weighing myself because it makes me spiral.

Today I felt good enough to wear a crop top to the gym for the first time! It has short sleeves, and I wore high waisted joggers with it, but I still felt okay! That's huge progress for me. I think I've come down from roughly a size 12-14(us)/XL to now probably size 10/L. I'd like to get to size 6-8/M.

But a few things are interfering with my confidence and progress. Today for the first time I noticed loose skin on my abdomen. I had a baby a couple years ago and went waaaay overdue and had to be induced... I got so many stretch marks from that last month. I'm now worried that any further weight loss will just create a baggy stomach 😔

I'm also bloating a TON. it seems everything I am eating can cause bloating! Salty things (like pickles or pocorn), veggies, Greek yogurt, carbonated water... I don't even know where to begin to tackle this. SEEING my flatter stomach in the morning was really motivating and now half the time it is bloated...

Any and all encouragement or advice appreciated!

submitted by /u/G3N3RICxUS3RNAM3
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Once more unto the breach, dear friends

Over the years I've gone through weight cycling several times and gone from 215 up to 240, back to 208, up to 240, back to 220, and up to 250... Finally I sought professional help. After working with a dietician and realizing I was drastically under eating (I was eating ~1900 calorie a day while trying to lose weight), I spent months working on fixing my disordered eating and building my metabolism back up to where it should be. That brings us to my new starting place. Starting Tuesday of next week, I'll be actively trying to lose weight. My starting point:

  • Weight: 260, 20% body fat, 210 lean body mass
  • Estimated BMR: 2500 calories
  • Total caloric needs per day: 3500 per day (verified with a 2 week period of extremely strict tracking along with weigh ins)
  • Target Deficit: 700
  • Adjusted caloric intake: 2800
  • Targeted weight loss per week: ~1.5 lbs per week

For activity I walk 10k per day, run 3 miles 2x per week and I weight lift 5/6 days per week (3 days on, 1 day off). I am a bit psycho when it comes to tracking and have developed a overbuilt a Excel sheet that closely monitors my calories and macros, along with weight and body comp changes. This is a real experiment in a couple ways. proceeding the attempt at weight loss is about a 6 month period of bulking and metabolic rebuilding, and this will be the most calories I eat as part of a lean out in about 7 years. Also, the real difference is that I am not fasting in any way and instead will be eating 6 times a day. In the past I have intermittent fasted and struggled with low blood sugar in the mornings. I really want to make sure that I am taking this chance to keep my body running at it's best, not just losing weight as much as possible. I hope that being a part of this community helps me stick with it and give this the long term, healthy changes that I need to succeed. Thank you everyone for the inspiration you have given to me to give it the best shot I ever have!

submitted by /u/FormulaFan2024
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Leaning towards FAT LOSS rather than WEIGHT LOSS

So since Jan I’m on this health / weight loss journey and so far I’ve lost 8 lbs. May not seem like lot but from when I first started I see a BIG difference. I’m noticing more off scale achievements. My clothes are starting fit better, I see muscle definition esp in my arms and back, lifting stronger, going longer in the gym.

I even notice in the mirror that my sides & upper ab area went down and fat doesn’t hang out of my leggings! even some abs coming in too I think! Even my face/ jaw line and neck look more smoother/slimmed down.

I will be honest these past few weeks have been tough just with it being so busy etc. but I have been mindful still. I feel like my weight hit a plateau as I been the same exact weight for 2 weeks but I still lost inches.

I remember my old trainer used to say to not even bother with the scale as much and just focus on tape measuring your progress because if you want to focus on building muscle and losing the fat. Referring to body recomposition which I feel is way more efficient than some silly number on the scale.

Is it a good idea to just cut back on the scale if I know it’s just gonna put me in a bad mood? How do you guys track your progress??

submitted by /u/astarr_123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

25 Simple and Healthy Ground Turkey Recipes

Ground turkey is a versatile and nutritious choice for your weight loss journey. Packed with protein and perfect for various dishes like burgers, meatballs and tacos, it easily adapts to different flavors. Compared to ground beef, ground turkey offers similar versatility with fewer calories and less fat.

Looking to incorporate healthy ground turkey into your meals? Explore our collection of over two dozen delicious ground turkey recipes, from classic favorites to inventive creations. These recipes will tantalize your taste buds while supporting your health goals.

1. Ground Turkey Chili

Savory Turkey Chili

Chili is always a satisfying meal because it’s bursting with flavor and high in fiber and protein, so you stay full for hours. Make it with ground turkey so you get plenty of protein, while onions, peppers and spices bring in the savory flavor you love. With this recipe you add servings of spinach and celery, though you’ll hardly notice them while getting two of your four daily servings of vegetables.

Get the Ground Turkey Chili recipe.

2. Turkey Meatloaf with Oatmeal

turkey meatloaf

Meatloaf has long been a staple of family dinners because it’s easy, filling and simply delicious. We use ground turkey and season it with garlic, onions, black pepper and crushed pepper flakes, so it has a zesty taste. The oatmeal helps to create the perfect texture while adding nutrients and fiber.

Get the Turkey Meatloaf with Oatmeal recipe.

3. Italian Turkey and Mozzarella Burger

Italian Turkey

Want a fresh way to enjoy a burger that has more flavor and less fat than the ordinary version? These patties include seasonings like red onion, garlic and a bit of basil. They’re topped with tangy marinara sauce and a slice of mozzarella cheese to create a sandwich that’s moist, melty and delicious.

Get the Italian Turkey and Mozzarella Burger recipe.

4. Crunchy Turkey Taco Wrap

Crunchy Turkey Taco Wrap

Keep Taco Tuesday on your calendar with this healthier version of the fast-food favorite. Along with the seasoned turkey, you get reduced fat cheese and sour cream, plus a crunchy tostada in the center. Enjoy it with all the salsa or hot sauce you like. They’re Free foods and unlimited when you’re losing weight with Nutrisystem.

Get the Crunchy Turkey Taco Wrap recipe.

5. Baked Spaghetti

Baked Spaghetti

If you thought there’s no way to improve on an ordinary spaghetti dinner, this recipe is for you. It has plenty of whole wheat pasta and rich marinara sauce, while the meaty ground turkey and mozzarella and ricotta cheeses add protein and flavor. Don’t be surprised when the whole family asks you to make it again and again.

Get the Baked Spaghetti recipe.

6. Turkey Pierogies


Yes, you can enjoy pierogies and stay on track with a weight loss plan. Make the dumplings with whole wheat flour and fill them with seasoned ground turkey and onions. They’ll come out soft and chewy on the outside, savory and fragrant on the inside.

Get the Turkey Pierogies recipe

7. Buffalo Turkey Meatballs

Buffalo Turkey Meatballs

Here are two favorite party snacks in one. You’ve got bite-size turkey meatballs that are seasoned and baked until tender. They’re tossed with a creamy buffalo sauce that can be as spicy as you and your guests like it.

Get the Buffalo Turkey Meatballs recipe

8. Turkey Stuffed Acorn Squash

Turkey Stuffed Acorn Squash

A healthy meal can be simple and satisfying when you make this dish. The base is naturally sweet, super-nutritious acorn squash. It’s filled with a mix of ground turkey, onions, garlic, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, spinach and basil. Chunks of mozzarella make it all rich and creamy.

Get the Turkey Stuffed Acorn Squash recipe.

9. Healthy Stuffed Cabbage

Healthy Stuffed Cabbage

Cabbage rolls are a favorite of many families, so we’ve developed this healthy version that you can enjoy while you’re losing weight. The crisp cabbage leaves are filled with a savory mix of ground turkey and shredded potato. After rolling, they’re bathed in tangy tomato sauce and simmered until they’re tender and fragrant.

Get the Healthy Stuffed Cabbage Recipe.

10. Easy Lasagna Soup

Lasagna Soup

This soup is the quickest and simplest way to enjoy the flavors of homemade lasagna. It has a rich tomato base for the broth along with browned ground turkey, whole grain lasagna noodles, and nutritious spinach leaves. Each bowl is topped with a blend of ricotta and mozzarella cheeses, so every spoonful gives you all the flavors and textures that make this dish so irresistible.

Get the Easy Lasagna Soup recipe.

11. Turkey Burger Patty Melt

Turkey Burger Patty Melt

Patty melts bring together the pleasures of burgers and grilled cheese sandwiches. We make ours with a ground turkey patty and top it with sauteed onions and mushrooms, and Swiss cheese. They’re all heated together on whole grain sourdough bread until the cheese melts and the bread turns crispy.

Get the Turkey Burger Patty Melt recipe.

12. Cheeseburger Egg Rolls

Cheeseburger Egg Rolls

These egg rolls are easy to make, fun to eat, and certain to delight your family or guests. The egg roll wrappers are filled with seasoned ground turkey and cheddar cheese and then baked until they’re crisp on the outside and warm and gooey inside. This recipe makes 10 servings, so you can share them at a party or keep the leftovers in the freezer to reheat whenever you’re craving a cheeseburger.

Get the Cheeseburger Egg Roll recipe.

13. Homemade Pasta Sauce: Chunky Veggie and Turkey

ground turkey pasta sauce

If you and your family like pasta sauce that’s meaty and thick, try this simple, low-calorie version. It has ground turkey for protein and savory flavor, plus peppers, onions and lots of tomatoes. Make extra to store in your freezer and pull out anytime you’re making pasta for dinner.

Get the Ground Turkey Pasta Sauce recipe

14. Ground Turkey and Potato Hash Skillet

Ground Turkey and Potato Hash Skillet

A hot and hearty breakfast fuels you up for a busy day, and this dish is packed with all the nutrition you need and the flavor you want! It features ground turkey, shredded potatoes and an egg, plus shaved Brussels sprouts that become tender and sweet as they cook. The whole meal is made in one skillet for easy clean-up on a hectic morning.

Get the Ground Turkey and Potato Hash Skillet recipe.

15. Dutch Oven Lasagna

Dutch Oven Lasagna

With this recipe, you get everything you love about the hearty pasta dish but with fewer calories and fat than the conventional version. There are all the layers you expect, including thick and wavy noodles, tangy tomato sauce, creamy ricotta and mozzarella cheeses, and meaty ground turkey. When you make it in a Dutch oven, it comes out perfectly baked and ready for slicing.

Get the Dutch Oven Lasagna recipe.

16. Cauliflower Stuffed Tomatoes

Cauliflower Stuffed Tomatoes

Tomatoes can be a handy and healthy vehicle for a complete meal. For this dish, we scoop out the insides of big beefsteak tomatoes and stuff them with seasoned ground turkey mixed with fresh spinach and low-carb cauliflower rice, which you can find in the produce or frozen food sections of many supermarkets. Parmesan cheese inside and  on top adds a salty flavor and melty texture.

Get the Cauliflower Stuffed Tomatoes recipe.

17. Chipotle Turkey Meatballs

Chipotle Turkey Meatballs

You can give cocktail meatballs extra flavor and keep the saturated fats to a minimum with this tasty variation. To make them, ground turkey is mixed with breadcrumbs, chopped spinach, and herbs and spices. While they bake, whip up the zesty dipping sauce with Greek yogurt, chili powder, cilantro and honey for a touch of sweetness.

Get the Chipotle Turkey Meatballs  recipe.

18. Instant Pot Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie

Sweet Potato Shepherd's Pie

Classic comfort meals like this can fit into your weight loss plan with a few substitutions to the standard ingredients. Our version has ground turkey and a creamy sweet potato topping, so you get lots of healthy nutrients as you fill up on this hearty dinner. Make it in an Instant Pot and the cooking is easy and the clean-up will be quick.

Get the Instant Pot Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie recipe.

19. Skinny Slow Cooker Chili Cheese Dip

Skinny Slow Cooker Chili Cheese Dip

Chili cheese dip may sound like a treat you’ll have to pass on when you’re trying to shed excess pounds, but our healthy eating experts created this version so you can join in the fun. It has lots of beans and fire-roasted green chili peppers for the taste you love. Ground turkey, nonfat Greek yogurt and reduced fat cheddar cheese make this dip filling and creamy. Enjoy it with celery sticks or Air Fryer Tortilla Chips .

Get the Skinny Slow Cooker Chili Cheese Dip recipe.

20. Ground Turkey and Veggie Curry with Brown Rice

Ground Turkey and Veggie Curry with Brown Rice

When you need to refuel with a nourishing meal that you can put on the table in minutes, this recipe makes it easy. Ground turkey, onions and garlic, carrots and zucchini all are cooked together with juicy crushed tomatoes until tender. Curry powder, cumin, red pepper flakes and other spices punch up the flavor.

Get the Ground Turkey and Veggie Curry recipe. 

21. One-Pot Curried Turkey

One-Pot Curried Turkey

Enjoy an easy dinner time with this simple, yet complete meal. It has ground turkey for protein, chickpeas for fiber, and carrots, peppers and zucchini for essential nutrients. Coconut milk and spices such as ginger, cinnamon and curry powder take the flavor to the next level.

 Get the One-Pot Curried Turkey recipe.

22. Healthy Baked Penne Pasta

penne pasta bake with ground turkey and swiss chard

If you want to feed a hungry crowd, pull this hearty meal out of the oven. They’ll rave about the rich, full flavor and they’ll ask for seconds. Only you have to know it’s made with healthy ingredients like ground turkey, whole grain penne and mild-tasting, extra-nutritious Swiss chard.

Get the Healthy Baked Penne Pasta recipe.

23. Honey Sriracha Meatballs

Honey Sriracha Meatballs

Get ready for a brand-new party favorite with these flavorful bites. The ground turkey meatballs are tender and just the right size for snacking. Everyone will love dipping them in the tongue-tingling sriracha sauce you can make in minutes with just a few ingredients.

Get the Honey Sriracha Meatballs recipe.

24. Air Fryer Mexican Pizza

Air Fryer Recipes for Weight Loss

With this recipe, you get the pleasures of eating pizza and the tempting flavors of Mexican cuisine in one meal. The crust is whole wheat tortillas and they’re topped with seasoned ground turkey, cheese, spinach, avocado and plenty of salsa. The air fryer ensures the crust is crisp while the cheese melts.

Get the Air Fryer Mexican Pizza recipe.

25. 4-Ingredient Stuffed Buffalo Zucchini Boats

4-Ingredient Stuffed Buffalo Zucchini Boats

Large zucchinis make sturdy vessels for stuffing with other tasty ingredients. We like to fill them with a simple blend of turkey, mozzarella and chopped zucchini, all tossed with buffalo sauce. You can prepare this meal in minutes on a busy day and each boat provides you with two of your daily servings of non-starchy vegetables.

Get the Stuffed Buffalo Zucchini Boats recipe.

Looking for more easy meals? Nutrisystem delivers breakfasts, lunches and dinners directly to your door! (We’ve even got tasty options featuring turkey.) Get started with Nutrisystem today!

The post 25 Simple and Healthy Ground Turkey Recipes appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf



I'm so happy withy postpartum weight loss and I can't really share it anywhere so I'm posting here. 😃

F36 SW: 103 kg/206 lbs CW: 85kg/170 lbs

I gained a lot during pregnancy, now I'm 14months PP. my weight was stagnant in the first 6months.

I've started with low impact walking workouts on youtube and brisk walks outside with my baby.

Now I'm doing intermediate walking workouts with weight training at home. I don't have a GW, I'm just going by the mirror, only stepping on the scale to check the direction I'm going.

submitted by /u/Novia___
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Struggling with Weight Loss Despite Calorie Deficit

Hello there. I just wanted to share a bit about myself—I’m a 22-year-old male, standing at 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighing around 245 pounds. Lately, I’ve been diligently adhering to a calorie deficit diet plan while also faithfully following a PPL Split workout routine for approximately a month now. It’s worth noting that I’ve been consuming roughly 500 to 1000 calories less than what my trusty fitness pal app recommends. Interestingly, I’ve started to notice some visible muscle gains across my body, which is definitely encouraging. However, despite these positive changes, I’ve yet to see any significant weight loss on the scale. I’m wondering if this is a normal occurrence or if I should consider tweaking my approach. Should I continue with my current routine, or do you have any suggestions or advice to share? Your insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!

Sorry for the obvious ai writing, but I had to inflate my post with chatcpt because I didn’t meet some minimum word requirement.

submitted by /u/IsaiahB1
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I'm finally ready to do it

All my life I've had a sweet tooth. I've always loved sweets, and often indulged, sometimes binging (every few months I'd have six donuts for dinner, for example).

But I was young-ish, my metabolism was fast, and it was okay. I'm a 5'9"F and held steady at 150 lbs for years.

I've gone through periods of trying to give up sugar, and so long as sweets aren't in the house, I am okay, but I have one weakness:

I like my Earl Grey sweetened, and I drink several cups of it a day.

And I've always had a reason to allow myself that treat:

I was in grad school.

I was defending my dissertation.

I was job hunting.

I was moving.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

All reasons that I "deserved" this treat.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was told not to lose weight because of radiation and possibly chemo. Then I had my ovaries removed because of a gene mutation, sending me into instant menopause. Then I decided to have autologous tissue reconstruction (DIEP flap, for those wondering), and my surgeon told me to gain as much weight as I could over a six month period to make the surgery easier. I ate anything and everything: donuts, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, sweetened cereal, you name it.

Then I had to job hunt again.

Then I moved again.

All through this, I've still gone back and forth with sugar, but ALWAYS having sugar in my tea (1 Splenda, 1 tablespoon of sugar in a 16 oz cup).

I tried to stop sugar for a month, but the first morning, when I realized I couldn't have sugar in my tea, I didn't even want to get out of bed.

For reference, I shot up speed for seven years and stopped cold turkey, but I can't do it with sugar.

I weigh more than I ever have: 5'9" F at 180 lbs. For many years I was 145-150. A lot of it is menopause and a much slower metabolism.

More of this is my disordered relationship with sugar.

I told my therapist this morning that I'm ready to finally tackle this.

I've never told anyone about my relationship with sugar, and how much mental work it is not to buy it, to look away at the grocery store, not to give in, but still justify my sweetened tea.

I know I can't go cold turkey, but I'm going to start slowly tapering down.

I'm not ready to put a timeframe on it, yet, but this is just one part of my beginning weight loss.

I just wanted to put this down and create some accountability, even if it is anonymous, since I've pretended for years that everything is fine - it's just a bit of a sweet tooth.

If you got this far, thanks for reading.

And thanks to all of you for creating a supportive place.

submitted by /u/shamajuju
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it normal to feel like you're losing weight but you look awful when you look in the mirror

I've been losing weight since January and I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job. My stomach is perfectly flush with my belt and it looks like the fat from my face is going away too. But every time I look in the mirror with my shirt off, it looks like I'm not making any progress at all. Thankfully doing that hasn't given me the urge to give up and binge again but it's still kind of a downer. I try to remind myself that weight loss is a slow progress; it doesn't happen overnight. Is this a normal thing?

submitted by /u/roboticman64
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Sometimes you need a change - A Tale of 2 Dieticians

So first, a bit of context. I have always been a fan of fitness and working out, but have always loved food, cooking, and have struggled with weight and weight loss. I went through years of weight cycling caused by uninformed dieting, and eventually got to the point I was having mental health issues, stress, anxiety and not losing anything. I decided to take advantage of my health insurance coverage and start working with a dietician. I gave it two months working with an anti-diet dietician and was gaining and gaining weight, eventually up over 10 lbs. I was expressing my discomfort with the anxiety i was feeling, and though I was heard, nothing changed. I was told to stop weighing myself and just keep leaning into the anti diet, intuitive eating mentality. When I expressed my concerns and goals, there was much more of a focus on convincing me to not think that way than trying to help me.

Finally, I decided to call the practice, present my concerns and see what they could do. They paired me with a new Dietician who put me on a data driven fueling schedule, active monitoring of changes and what I eat. Most importantly, I feel heard and like my priorities and desires are much more the focus of what the plan is. I am already down 1.5% bodyfat and have more energy, feel great about myself and my anxiety is GONE, all while eating more than I have in 5 years. Sometimes you have to find the right fit for you, and focus on what strategy makes you feel proud of yourself. Most importantly, be okay to admit that not all dieticians have the same objective approach and the same philosophy. I believe in myself, have hope and see my goals on the horizon

submitted by /u/FormulaFan2024
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New to the journey

In Jan, I went to the doctor for the first time in too long. They ordered blood work and scheduled me for a follow up after two weeks. At that time, I was told I had high cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides, and was diabetic. They wanted to put me on something for each. I agreed to go on it all for 6 months while I worked on weight loss and eating healthy to combat the diagnosis.

It has been 61 days. 61 days ago, I weighed 245lb. I set a goal to lose 45lb. 58 days ago I joined a gym in support of that goal. I have been going 5-6 times per week for cardio and weight training. I average about 1h15m at the gym each day. Yesterday, I weighed in at 218#. I have 18# left to hit my initial goal. I'm going to maintain there for a bit before deciding if I want to cut further.

45m, 245 SW, 218 CW, 200 GW #1

When I met with my provider the first time after the diagnosis I told them that I didn't think the way I was eating was sustainable. That has been 33 days and I now am very confident in my ability to maintain this lifestyle. My daily calorie average over the past 58 days since I started tracking has been ~2000. My daily expenditure average has been ~3300.

Keep up the work everyone.

submitted by /u/throwAwayAcct1963
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monday, March 18, 2024

TDEE/Deficit Help

I 31F 5’11 have been actively strength training 3-4 days a week for an hour or more and getting 10k steps or more for 6 months. I do have PCOS so it makes weight loss harder but that aside I feel like I should see more progress. I am a trained chef so I do eyeball some measurements here and there(I double check often) and also weigh foods with a well calibrated food scale. I measure everything butter/oil, condiments and foods/beverages unless there are no calories ex. certain hot sauces or water enhancers. I feel stronger but I’m still not seeing much change visually and only around 10lbs difference on the scale and not much in inches from the start. Which makes me think I did something wrong in calculating my TDEE/Calorie deficit. I used THIS I started at 296lbs estimated BFP 48 and am now 284lbs estimated BFP 47. I put in those original numbers and the moderate exercise and got 2911 calories so for cutting 2411. MyFitnessPal gave me the same number at 2410. Should I have done something different? Any help is welcome but please be kind depression and then parenthood really packed the pounds on.

submitted by /u/LiviInTheGalaxy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Weight Loss in a Month

Hi all. I’ve been on a weight loss journey for the past 3 ish months. Started going to the gym about 5 times a week and started eating cleaner and significantly fewer calories. I’m currently 341 (highest was 350) and I’m going on a trip in about a month. I always hear people say that losing weight is easier for obese people but I feel like 9 pounds over 3 months isn’t a lot. Is there anything I can do in the next month to really shed off some pounds? I think I just need help making manageable goals for my weight. Thanks! (and if your answer is as simple as “move more, eat less” you don’t need to respond thanks!)

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from loseit - Lose the Fat

"Pms" from weight loss?


I've been tiiired for the last week or so, despite sleeping more than usual. I've also felt like I'm having pms (low mood, feelings of hopelessness, feeling ugly). A few breakouts as well (uncommon for me). The thing is, I'm nowhere near the end of my cycle - in fact, I expect to ovulate in a week and should feel GOOD!

Could this have anything to do with weight loss? I've lost around 10 pounds/4,5 kg in the last couple of months, so it's not a very fast loss. But I'm just a few kilos from my goal weight and had a thought that maybe the "oldest" fat had accumulated more hormones/toxins etc. Am I stopid? 😁

I know stress/low iron/spring tiredness could be possible culprits (checkup is booked), but I'm still curious about the weight loss aspect.

submitted by /u/Snigelskinn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, March 16, 2024

just need some reassurance:/

First time poster longtime lingerer 😅 hiiii I’m a 21F, 5’4ft and 216lbs. I paid for and took this RMR test this week and idk why but it was very hard for me to believe my rmr is 1728. But the lady giving me my results said in order to lose weight I have to eat above this or at 1700. In my weight loss journey i’ve never eaten anything more than 1400 but i haven’t been successful. When i use calculators online most of them say 1576 is what I should eat to lose weight, but the lady at the rmr test says other wise:/ I just really need to get this weight off me and what calorie deficit to stick to because I feel like anything around 1700 I’ll be setting myself up for faliure.

TLDR: Do I eat above/more than 1700 calories to lose weight or stick to what online calculators say and eat 1576?

submitted by /u/Dramatic_Witness_552
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for accountability partner 36/M.

Hi all, so this is not my first foray into weight loss. I started in 2019 and in two years I lost over 100 lbs. I went from 290 to 170. I was ecstatic, and the best part is that I've been able to maintain it for the past 5 years until recently. Before Christmas I decided to stop vaping, and I was 100% successful, however I gained nearly 40 lbs in 6 weeks. Luckily I haven't gained any in the past month and a half and I've been sitting at 210 steadily. I just need extra encouragement to get back moving.

I'm looking for someone to regularly talk to and motivate (each other). I have experience with calorie counting, ketogenic diet, hrt, and regular exercise - these are all the things that worked for me in the past. Let me know if you're serious and interested! This can be done!

submitted by /u/King-ofthe-Trees
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An update post on my weight loss and reversing type 2 diabetes

I made a post here about how I lost 80 lbs and reversed type 2 diabetes. In march of 2023, my A1c was 7.5, and it scared the crap out of me as a 21 year old. I started exercising every day and I started eating less, note-unlike most diabetics, I didn’t cut out carbs. I wanted to see how my body reacted to just exercise and a calorie deficit.

By June of 2023, I had lost 35 lbs and my A1c was down to 5.8! I decided to keep it up, and as of march 10th, 2024, my A1c is now 5.2 and my fasting blood sugar is in the 80s.

I say I REVERSED diabetes because I can now eat a heavy carb meal like spaghetti, or cake and my blood sugar never goes over 120. I show no signs of ever having diabetes even though my 7.5 A1c indicated that I did.

So in my case, weight loss actually did eliminate diabetes. My body uses insulin like everyone else that doesn’t have diabetes. So if you’re diagnosed with it, lose weight and exercise every day.

submitted by /u/2006gto1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, March 15, 2024

Accurate TDEE - Worried I’m not at a big enough deficit.

I’m trying to get a handle on my caloric deficit as I get more serious about losing weight. For context, I’m 30/M, 5’9”, 190lbs. I lift 3 days a week and hike once a week, putting an emphasis on trails with incline to get my heart rate up.

I’ve been down the weight loss road before. I’ll spare you the details, but I got down to 140 in high school and 165 in college. Fast forward 10 years to marriage, desk job, and clinical depression and I can’t stand to look at myself in most pictures.

Without getting too off-topic, I’m worried that my caloric deficit isn’t enough. I’ve used multiple TDEE calculators online. Some say my deficit should have me at 1600, others say 1800, one said 2000 which can’t possibly be right. I use the MyFitnessPal app which autogenerated 1760 as my goal so I just stuck with it. I’m typically under that number by 200-300 calories per day anyway, but I still wonder if 1500 should be my daily “goal”.

I only started counting calories about two weeks ago, so this is not a “I’m not losing weight!” post. It hasn’t been enough time to worry about that yet. I’m wondering if I should stick to this 1760 for a month or two, continue to aim 200-300 under, and see what happens. But I’d also like to hear from others if this is clearly too high and I’m wasting two months of potential loss. If I set my goal to 1500, I’m probably just going to shoot for 200-300 under from that too.

Thanks and feel free to let me know if I’m leaving out any important info or any questions you may have for me.

submitted by /u/MADBARZ
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Im being vague about my weight loss

SW: 262.0 CW: 250.0 GW: 155.5 HW: 262.0

Hi all!!! I’m 23, female, 5’2, and currently have lost 12lbs

Everyone in my life has an opinion on my weight loss and diet and body. I know they just want to help, but it really gets upsetting when I have one day of “bad eating” and I’m up a little the next day and I hear “that’s the reason you’re not losing weight, because you eat out all the time!”

So I stopped telling them completely. “What have you been doing to lose weight??” I don’t know. “How many calories did ypu eat today??” Not sure, didn’t count. “Are you working out??” A little. I’m keeping it kind of vague.

I’ve been walking to and from classes, but I haven’t had time for the gym (which I’m going to start going back this next week hopefully). I eat 1-2 smallish meals a day and have snacks through out the day. I don’t have time to stress eat because of school and honestly, I don’t really feel the need to unless I don’t take my medication. So I’m fully aware of what I’m doing, I’m just tired of the critism and stress from other people. I’m doing this for me and my husband, and no one else! I’m ready to do this!

submitted by /u/Caninecandygutz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Chewing gum helps, but flavours are boring.

So along my journey to weight loss, I've been on and off chewing gum between meals when I get a craving for a sugary snack. This has worked pretty well the past 10 years, but I've started to get bored of the typical mint and watermelon flavours. I'm not a huge proponent of cinnamon. Fruit flavours I find are hit and miss. The biggest issue I find is that the flavours don't last very long.

This got me thinking last night...what flavours of gum would you like to try/ see? I think a gingery flavour coupled with some kind of fruit would be really interesting... I'm very open to any suggestions. I strictly chew sugar free gum as well. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Neceti
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(Progress Post) From September 2022 to now

Fair warning: This is a long post.

I (37M, 6'1", 160lbs) started my weight loss journey in September of 2022. 9 years prior, I had lost 90 pounds, going from 265 to 175. I mostly kept that weight off for several years but then I had a job change, moved states, COVID happened, I got a divorce. You know, stuff that can really throw a person! So in September of 2022 when I stepped on the scale and saw 235, I knew I had to make a major course correction.

While I was despondent at what I knew would be a long journey ahead of me, I chose to look at the positives. Namely, I already knew how to do this! The first time I lost weight I had to learn everything about CICO, what worked for me in the gym, how to meet my macros, etc. So I was able to launch in with a full arsenal of tools to meet my goals.

Here's what works for me:

  1. CICO. I ate at a -500 calorie deficit. Every day. No breaks in that routine for 4 months.
  2. Low carb. I know this isn't for everyone and it certainly isn't gospel. But I keep my carbs under 40 every day and those carbs consist of leafy greens and fiber.
  3. Exercise. I go to the gym 6 days a week. I don't do anything crazy. I started with just walking. Now I run 3 miles a day on incline and then do a mix of sit-ups, pushups, pull-ups, and planks. I don't use any weights at all other than my body weight.
  4. Water. I drink 4-5L of water a day.

That's it. That all I did. Almost every day since September of 2022. And honestly, it? The gym has become a place I really enjoy going to. If it's nice outside, I run there and do my other exercises at home. One major benefit of this is it's an exercise routine that travels very well so vacations don't throw me off anymore.

My daily food intake consists of 2 coffees (w/ cream- I simply won't deny myself that pleasure so I build around it), a sugar free Greek yogurt at 10:30, an Atkins protein bar at noon, some sugar free jerky at around 1:00, a cup of hot tea at around 2:00, A protein shake at 3:30, another protein shake after my workout at around 6:00, and then a dinner of lots of steamed vegetables with some butter and a lean protein. I try to regularly rotate between chicken, fish, pork and beef. After dinner I have a big apple for dessert. If I have the calories left over in the day, I will have another Greek yogurt or some nuts with the apple.

I feel fortunate that I don't get tired of this routine- I know it won't work for everyone. Personally I love the replicability of it. I also really enjoy that I feel like I'm constantly eating throughout the day and then I get honest to goodness full in the evening which helps me sleep and gives me something to look forward to during the day.

I've been maintaining my current weight since early January and I am considering going into a slight caloric surplus to assist in continued muscle building and toning. Maybe I'll try it out for a month or two and see what happens. I'm not looking to be chiseled, just toned up.

Last thing, I do have some loose skin as you can see in my photos (blurred but definitely NSFW). It's not as terrible as it could be though it does make me not want to take my shirt off in front of anyone. I'll give it a year or two and see if it's worth doing anything about.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Happy to answer questions as best as I can. Thank you all for being part of this community. I come every day just to get tips, find motivation, and have a sense of community so I don't feel alone in the process. Peace and love.

Photos (again, NSFW)

submitted by /u/furman87
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from loseit - Lose the Fat