Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Beginning

Hi All,
I'm 25, I had a really shitty year and managed to put on about 45lb,

I was already not too happy about my weight at ~200lbs as I had a good bit of excess fat, but having comfort ate and drank my way through a lot of my family/personal issues that came at me in buckets in 2021, I've decided I was going to make a change.

Some Background - I've lost 40/50 lbs before when I was 16, and know the sacrifices and dedication it takes, after I lost the weight, I had kept it off in the most part, maybe creeping up 10-15 pounds over the 5-6 years since I had hit my lowest weight - So I have a good idea of what changes need to be made.

For the last 2 weeks I've been making those changes, I was afraid to step on the scales before I started, but today I stepped on, and to no surprise I am 246.5lb. I was expecting the worst, Im upset with myself, but that doesn't matter as I need to do what needs to be done.

My intention with this post, is for it to be my first weekly post, to help keep myself accountable and motivated, and hopefully motivate other's as well.

I'm a 6 foot tall man, and have fairly broad build (wide shoulders etc.) so in clothes, I hold the weight OK.

My Goal is to hit 180/185lb, and I intend on doing so by September of this year, aiming to lose 2lb a week.
I suspect I will lose a lot more than 2lb in the beginning, then weight loss will slow, but once I'm moving in the right direction I will be happy.

Pics Below For Reference,





submitted by /u/70lbs2022
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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