Thursday, February 10, 2022

Week 1 - Update Post


It's been just under a week (5 days) since my first post, I've decided to weigh myself and post today, and do Thursdays going forward, so I'm able to ensure I'm posting consistently on this day.

Original post : My Previous Post

I've been eating about 1500 calories a day, split between two meals, with no snacks.
My Meals are between 1pm and 6:30pm, with the remainder of the day being a fast (minus milk in my tea/coffee).

So far so good, I've been able to stick to the diet, I sense the hunger I feel while in my fasting period reducing as my body get used to not eating when i'm hungry, I expect in another 2 weeks, I will no longer be hungry in my fasting period - But I will keep you all updated in this respect.

Example of Meal 1:

2 fried Eggs
Franks Hot Sauce

Example of Meal 2:

2 Large Chicken Breasts - Grilled with seasoning
1 Head of Brocolli
5/6 Mushrooms chopped, cooked with soy sauce and garlic

Starting Weight : 246.6LBs
Weight Last Week : 246.6LBs
Current Weight : 242.2LB s

Weight Loss this week : 4.4LBs
Weight Loss Total : 4.4LBs

As per my previous post, here's current pictures:

Obviously not much visual improvement, but hopefully this will change in the coming weeks/months.




Wish me luck!


submitted by /u/70lbs2022
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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