Saturday, March 5, 2022

An honest update

Hi! I am the OP from that one post 8 months ago. I am shite with figuring how out how reddit works with hyperlinking, but you can find it in my post history.

A couple people poked me so here we go.

Obviously, 8 months is a long time so I'll try to summarize things as succinctly as I can. Obviously this will come off as a massive oversimplification.

First thing is first: I did not lose any weight. I know. The stats on that post remained unchanged. Unfortunately. Except I am one year older.

I mention in my last post that I intended to count calories... and I did, on and off, for the whole time. The problem was, I never found it sustainable. I could never stick with it for longer than a week at a time at most. I would find myself so hungry, and binge at night. There were days I cried in frustration. After I sort of resigned myself to the fact that calorie counting isn't working, I did not know where to go from there, calorie counting sort of being the gold standard of weight loss. I kind of fell back into just eating intuitively.

That being said, my desire to lose weight remains unchanged. I just don't know how! I thought I did, but i don't! Where do I go from here? How does one build sustainable new habits? It feels insurmountable! Weight loss is hard. For those of you who have conquered it, I admire you.

I want to wrap up by saying that I am not angry or resentful with myself. That wouldn't do me any good. I'm a big believer in forgiving yourself and moving on, lesson learned. I also wouldn't say the entire 8 months was wasted--many amazing, fun, sad, emotional, happy, melancholic, all the things, things happened in my life during that time period that had nothing to do with my weight. Also, it's never too late to turn around. Even the people who are 3, 4, 5, 600 pounds.

I should also mention that since swapping birth control methods, my blood pressure is almost always normal now, which I'm very happy about.

Please be nice in the comments, I hope I can be lauded for my honesty and not shirking from that post instead of smeared for failing. Obviously, sharing something like this is quite scary; I won't lie, if there is a lot of negativity ill probably delete this post. I also want to thank everyone for the engagement on the previous post. Y'all are awesome.

submitted by /u/AssociateDear6001
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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