Saturday, March 12, 2022

I'm tired of being tired

My post title says it all. I am tired of being tired from being overweight. When I was a young teenager, I was slim and fit. I couldn't hit a baseball for anything but on the off chance that I walked, I could steal a base without breaking a sweat because I was so fast. I could go on a 50 mile backpacking trip without being winded. Now I'm in my 30s and with the weight gain in my 20s, there went the energy I once had. Back in November, I began making an effort at weight loss and it started great. I lost about ten pounds from early November to Christmas. Then my old nemesis, anxiety, got in the way. Since my mid 20s, I've struggled with medical anxiety and became completely convinced that some symptoms I was dealing with were indications of cancer, regardless of how irrational I knew I was being. Every time I would lose weight, I would convince myself that it couldn't be from my own efforts, I had to be sick. I finally worked up the courage to see a doctor about my issues, and was definitely given a non-cancer diagnosis. My battles with anxiety are something I will continue to address but I am glad to be at a point where I have conquered one of my biggest issues/fears and can lose the pounds without the anxiety. So I'm back to around 197 pounds, and this day one kinda sucks. The hunger pangs are annoying, but I know it will pay off to get back at it. I know I can lose the pounds. My last effort was my best in years and I know I can do this. So day 1 is almost in the books. I've got this.

submitted by /u/wishiwasarusski
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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