Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Plateau, IUD, or Thyroid?

28F 5'1" SW193lbs on Jan 15th. CW187.8

I've been losing weight pretty steadily since January. At 1lb a week since Jan15th. And then I got an IUD in on the 19th of February. Had a couple days of bloating at first. I've not stopped bleeding since but I've been assured that is normal for the first 6 months. A few sharp cramps here and there but overall not too bad.

Except for my weight loss which was .5lb the first week it was in and has now just stopped. I've been weighing and measuring every bite I take since Jan 15th. I've been exercising a lot more. I went from a 3500 step average a day at the beginning of February, to 9000 steps on average. I used to do 10k steps one day and then barely 500 the next and now I'm making at least 6000 a day. More active overall as well, never sitting for more than an hour at a time and getting my fitbit move goal from 12pm-9pm. I'm eating an average of 1350cal a day. That has not changed since the 15th. I've even been using an app that calculates your TDEE based on calorie input and weight. Since the IUD was put in my TDEE has gone from 1800 to 1690 according to the app.

I do have hypothyroidism, I last had my levels checked in early December and they were fine then but I suspect they could be acting up now. Or could this be the IUD, since the stall started when that was put in? They claim the IUD can't cause weight gain but I've seen a lot of testimonials claiming otherwise (but anecdotes and all that.) Or could this simply be a plateau? It feels too early for that but what do I know?

submitted by /u/ILackACleverPun
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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