Thursday, June 30, 2022

Now it makes sense why THIS anniversary night was Sooooo! Much! Fun! 🤪 35/F/5'1" SW:200lbs, GW:120lbs, CW:120lbs

My husband and I had our 17 year anniversary this past weekend. When this photo popped up in my 'remember when' photo reels, I was shocked at the difference! I actually still had the same outfit, so I ran to try it on again.

For Foks Sake! GOT! DAMN! I CANNOT take my eyes off this before and after! It's hard to believe even with the evidence right there! Here is the before and after:

I have to say, this makes so much sense as to why that anniversary night seemed waaaaaaay more incredible compared to other nights. We have a very healthy bedroom life, but anniversaries, I get a little more adventurous. I was doing things I had only seen. Positions that used to be awkward, I was flowing into them better than the #1 OF star. I wasn't tired when I took over. I was trying to remember if I took drugs - there's NO WAY I'd be this flexible sober. (Yes! I was sober - that's the even more shocking part!) But nah, I was coo and just getting high from climaxing. I actually lost use of my legs for minute and had to camp on the floor. (I'm now realizing I'm going to have to leave my husband; the bar has been set too high for future sessions.)

It's not used enough, but 'sexy time tricks' should be the #1 motivator for adult weight loss!!

Anyway, I'm still trying super hard to maintain and tone. Still going to kickboxing 3x a week and weight training 2x a week. Still watching my portions and what I eat. Still making sure I'm lazy the majority of the week. Def making sure I'm enjoying a cocktail every once in while - I earned it and enjoying it reminds me to be social.

I don't have any updates, it's only been 2 months, but I still have December as my goal month. Hopefully, I'll still have maintained my weight and toned up my muscles and skin.

Here is my document about my previous progress, I'm still basically following everything from here:

Thanks for the support guys!!

submitted by /u/Chef4disney
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How I went from trying to lose weight to developing an eating disorder

I don't usually do this sort of thing. But I am writing this because it is something that has swallowed me whole, and I would not want anyone to go through what I have.

For context, I am a 17 year old girl - 5'7/170cm. I had maintained a 53kg/117lb weight for months. I gained weight during COVID - 61kg/134lbs. I hated my figure.

Thus began my weight loss journey. I'm a total nerd, at the top of my classes. I had a 99% average for Health last year for context. But never was I taught about healthy eating at school. So, in my mind, satiety = unhealthyness. Dumb? Yes.

I started eating less and less. Nuts are tiny, they must be less cals, right? But apples, oh those round large apples, they make me full, and so they must be high cals. Well, no apples for me! They make me full and feeling full means being fat.

And so, whenever my mom gave me breakfast, I would eat a bite in front of her. As she left the room, I'd throw it out. If I had soup, I would spill it out and make it look like the plate had soup 'residue' on it. Chips? I shall lick them and throw the rest out because spices = no cals, right?

My mindset was indeed fuc*ed.

I went to 47kg/103lbs in 5 months. I would check my weight 15-20 times on the scale a day. My most visited website was for calculating BMI. I was obsessed.

Then, my hair was falling. My nails were blue. My period was gone. I developed hyperthyroidism and other fun stuff. I was SO conscious of my body. I don't even use social media (where I would supposedly compare my bods to others), it's just this crappy mindset I had - it's origin, unknown.

Then, once in a while, I would eat. But when I eat, I thought: you're so skinny, you should eat. And so, as I stood in the kitchen one night, after not eating all week, I devoured 3 bowls of oatmeal. The next day, I saw my bloat, and felt like a monster. OP, I shall never do this again. But one week later, came another binge. Soon, these binges became biweekly, and eventually daily. I would not eat all day, and would eat eveyrthing at night. Example, one night, I ate: 6 bowls of oatmeal, 1/4 of a cereal box, half a jar of PB, and 3 bowls of nuts. I felt like it was healthy and thus okay for my body. By then, I understood WTF calories were, but hey, these foods were healthy so it's fiiiinne.

Fun anecdote: went to school one day. At lunch, I stopped at the dollar store, and impulsively brough 3 chocolate bars, even though I am am extremely frugal person (mind you, the total was $3) and never buy anything, ever. As I walked back, I had finished the 3. Went again after school to my local grocery store, and brough a jumbo box of tons of diff chocolates. Hid it from my parents and finished it in a night.

2 months later, my weight skyrocketed back to 61kg/134lbs.


Hated myself again. And well, I am currently recovering. Trying to eat 3 meals a day. No midnight binges or daytime starving.

This, folks, is the wonderful, Binge Eating Disorder. My main message: don't become hyperfixated on numbers. Bloating is normal. Eat slowly, and don't starve.

Of course, these are things that I feel are important for myself, certainly not applicable for all of mankind y'know.

Also, I am a very sarcastic person. I realize my tone is not audible through text, and thus, I shall make clear: this eating disorder is not fun.

submitted by /u/ContextEducational69
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how to make walking less boring

I want to start walking more to help me with my weight loss journey, but I find it so incredibly boring.

I have a treadmill and I've tried listening to music, watching TV etc but nothing seems to make it even remotely enjoyable.

I don't want to go out for walks as I'm not able to walk until later in the day and there's no one to go with me. I also don't find walking outside any more interesting than on a treadmill.

Does anyone have any secrets to make using the treadmill more tolerable so that I can utilize it more.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/robster1112
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Two years later, and I've done it! A reminder to visit your doctor if CICO hasn't been working for you.

F / 23 / HEIGHT: 4'11" /149.86cm
CW: 148 lbs 48.8 KG | SW: 220LBs/99.79 KG | GW: 120 LBs/54 KG

Hello all! When I'd posted two years ago, I was immensely depressed, frustrated and at my lowest point.

If you don't feel like peeping my post history, I'll give a rundown:

At around age twelve, I was prescribed antipsychotic medications for a condition I ended up not even having. This isn't a psych subreddit, so I won't delve into that agonizing ordeal, but it turns out that my problem required therapy, NOT medication, and certainly not something so intense as an anti-psych.
Five years of abilify (with two of those being by injection, too!) later, and a complete overhaul of my diet, my body was ruined. I weighed over 120 pounds over the ideal weight for my height.
I went from eating literal garbage as a teenager, to starving myself in my early twenties, to eating consistently clean for a year, at pristine, weighed CICO.

I began to work out despite feeling exhausted. Why wouldn't the scale move?

I was eating at a healthy deficit, why wasn't I seeing a decline?

Sure, fluctuations happened, but after a meal, no matter how low-density or accurately weighed and measured, I'd climb several pounds over two days, only drop down once i'd beaten my appetite into submission and rest at an absolutely unsustainable caloric intake.
At my worst, I was taking in 600 calories a day, with a side of self loathing.

I was a burnt match; I wanted to scream into the void but was worried that people would accuse me of lying or not 'actually' eating in deficit a'la many posts around r/loseit in the same vein as the one i'd written before.

I made the decision to log off of online weight loss resources and book an appointment with a new doctor and explain my problem.
I lucked out; the most incredible doctor i'd had the pleasure of meeting with saw me that same month.

He was personable, empathetic and had experience with this sort of thing a handful of times, a few patients ago. We met with the intent to discuss weight loss as it's done by the books.
Surely, I was doing something wrong?
As soon as I mentioned why my weight began to climb, his face dropped.

He asked if I was constantly fatigued, I said yes. He asked about my final dosage of abilifiy, discussed my initial misdiagnosis. He looked at my calorie tracker and just shook his head. He ordered labs.

After collecting labs and realizing that evidently, I was not sustaining myself on Mcdonald's and fried Oreos, he decided to set me on track to get a gastric bypass.

With his referral, I made an appointment with a bariatric center a state over and got the ball rolling. It took six months. Continuous appointments With the guidance of healthcare professionals in remote-limbo talking me through nutrition education resources, I had my weight analyzed like coordinates to some nebulous mystery; as if it were a problem willpower couldn't break.

A little under a year ago, I got the procedure. It hasn't been easy. Even with therapy, it was hard to shake the feeling that I took the easy way out.

I worked hard. I am working hard. I tried my best, and it paid off; I've lost 80 lbs— I'm about 20 lbs away from my goal weight.

I am fit. I have some loose skin, but it's a reminder that i'm fucking doing it. Even if I needed medical help to begin; I tear it up at the gym, I stick with my diet, and I never, ever gave up and ate the tub of gelato. I'm losing a consistent 1-2 lbs and eating an appropriate amount for my GW.
Sometimes you just can't do it alone.
By all means, start with CICO. I just want to remind everyone that CICO isn't always a one-size-fits-all solution; especially when your body chemistry and hormones have been destroyed by an improper diagnosis and medication that's now a thorny nest of class-actions and complaints regarding long-term weight loss problems.

I apologize for how long this was, I hope it wasn't a slog, and I hope I can help anyone in a similar boat. I wanna add that this isn't to say CICO is bad or ineffective; sometimes you gotta dig a little deeper and get a Medical professional's opinion. You just might have been fucked over by big pharma, or something!

submitted by /u/fattiddywaifu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Seeing what progress should look like has motivated me further

I had wisdom teeth surgery on Friday, so approximately seven days ago. My face swelled a lot, as expected. I haven’t taken a firm look in the mirror since the first few days of surgery until just now, and I couldn’t figure out what was different about my face. My family instantly commented that the swelling went down when I walked through the door today. I realized that my face is so much more defined than it was a few days ago, as it was very round and full.

Seeing the definition develop back in my face made me realize that if I can lose the rest of these 36 pounds, I will have even more definition in my face, and I’ve always envied that of naturally skinny people. I want an angular face, because mine currently is somewhat chubby looking, and I think it’s due to being overweight. If I love my face more now than I did a few days ago, then I can’t wait to see the changes I’ll make in the future.

I know I should lose weight for health reasons alone, but I’ll be honest, I’m in it for the looks. I want to look my best, and if being healthier comes along with that, of course I’ll take it. Just wanted to share.

(Disclaimer: I loved myself pre-weight loss journey, but I do want to change my appearance, and I think both can be valid.)

submitted by /u/itmose
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Apple body shape weight loss (F)

I’m 5’ and I began working out last year. Not really for my body or not even my health really. one day I was bored, found a trainer gym near me and was like “I wanna try to get strong”. That’s how my fitness journey started, I wanted to be strong. I started at 140 lbs. I am now 155 lbs. Honestly, my body never bothered me too much. I have a bigger chest size (biggest part of my body tbh) so I only wear baggy clothes, I try to avoid as much attention to them as I can bc I don’t like it. So I never really saw how my body looked and didn’t care. I was working out, getting stronger, felt better and my life got better a lot. It wasn’t until like a month ago when I tried to dress girlier I saw how my body was and I didn’t really like it. I don’t like my gut or my big chest but i’m more focused on my gut bc there’s not much you can do about your chest unless you get surgery. I was confused because I thought since i’ve been working out consistently that I would’ve changed but not really and I checked my weight and was like woah how’d this happen. I’m currently in a calorie deficit and now doing cardio. I still lift weights bc I love it but now I add 30 min stairs and try to do 30 min treadmill after too. But im scared to lose weight because of my body shape. the little muscle I have on my legs i’m scared to lose because my proportions are weird. and I have an apple shape so most fat is upper body. I’m scared what if I lose weight everywhere but my mid sections and I end up looking slim with a beer belly.

Has anyone with an apple body shape has trouble losing fat from their gut area? my body isn’t like terrible now and I like cardio because now I can run and I couldn’t before, but i’m scared if I lose weight my body will look disproportionate?

submitted by /u/KindPurpose4518
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Making Progress

I've been 200+ lbs since august. I just weighed myself (after eating dinner - I know it's not very accurate, but I just wanted to see.) I was 198.6 lbs - which was what I was last April. Obviously this isn't huge, but after a day's worth of meals, I managed to be below 200, which makes me feel like I'm going in the right direction. I finally feel hopeful about my weight loss, which isn't something I could've said at the beginning of my journey.

submitted by /u/afr1611
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NSV!!! I (51f) have a non-scale victory to celebrate!!! (5’4”, SW: 222, CW: 187, GW: 135) I’ve been a SCUBA diver for close to 30years. I’ve also had 9 knee surgeries. I haven’t been able to get myself up the swim steps to the boat after a dive with my gear on for 15 years or so. I’ve needed help with someone taking the gear from me before I can come up the ladder. In the distant past I’ve been able to do it all on my own. After losing 35 lbs and doing sooooo many squats during my VR workouts, I finally did it on my own again. After 15 years of having help I can do it my own!!!!! I am so excited about this because it’s hard to explain to people that haven’t experienced it. I’m independent. I’m free!
I’m still not at my ultimate goal and have a long way to go, but I see and feel the difference. I’m so happy to have finally made a change! Weight loss alone would have helped, but the exercise sent me over the top. I’m more motivated to keep going than ever before!!!!

Not doing the exercise this week due to vacation, but I’ll be back next week stronger than ever!

PS… I’m using Supernatural on VR.

submitted by /u/RandomGirlName
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Diary of A Weight Loss Physician # 3

‘I don’t eat to live. I live to eat.’ - weight loss patient.

Predicting failure in weight loss.

Understanding a patients *love* for food is powerful in predicting how difficult they will find the weight loss journey.

Think Romeo and Juliet.

Two star crossed lovers...

Weight loss is a game of trial and error.

Which strategy will be most effective for a given patient?

Reduce Calories. Increase exercise. Carefully consider medications to help.

That’s the game.

There are thousands of ways to achieve each of the above.

So how do you know which one will work? And on who?

And most importantly: which strategy will they STICK to!?

It's a journey of a thousand miles with a thousand calibrations.

Often, guiding people through this journey involves identifying who is at risk of stopping.

And those that love food..well boy o' boy is it tough...

You’re making someone stop what they absolutely love!

And since weight loss is also a game of patience and perseverance, without seeing quick results..they'll second guessing real quick!

So asking this probing question: ‘How much do you love food’ will set expectations for everyone.

And happiness = results/expectations!

So weight loss for these patients is not impossible. Absolutely not.

It just requires a little extra tender love and care.

submitted by /u/No-Profit8657
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Did you have long-term loss eating at just around your goal weight's sedentary TDEE?

I'm just curious to hear from people who lost weight by finding their goal weight's sedentary TDEE and eating right around there for weight loss. I've never tried it, but it makes the most sense to me- you're still eating at a deficit, but it seems like a great way to adjust to the maintenance part if you're already used to how many calories you're, in theory, aiming for for the rest of your life (or, as long as you want to be at that goal weight).

MFP/online calcs have me eating 1400 a day (5'4" F SW: 235 CW: 175 GW: 130(?) ) for about a pound a week. It's by no means difficult at this point in my journey, but I've been basically plateaued since February. I don't particularly want to cut any larger of a deficit, so I think upping my calories could potentially help me not get so mentally burned out from a plateau. TDEEcalc has me at 1566 for my sedentary TDEE calories at 130 pounds. I was thinking I could up to 1500 and lose no doubt slower, but be less burned out by plateaus and slow loss because while 1400 isn't hard, 1500 is even less hard.

Has anyone done this goal long term? Has anyone swapped to maintenance doing this for loss and find it easier? Thanks!

submitted by /u/xindierockx7114
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

This is my Day 1.

Posting in hopes that I can find a way to keep myself accountable this time around. Im sick of giving up every time this journey gets difficult. So I’m coming to you, people of Reddit, asking if you could be my accountability partners! It would mean the world to me. currently I’m standing at 5’7 and 248 lbs and want to reach my goal weight of 160, however long it takes.

Some background, I’m a mom who just gave birth to my second child in February. Luckily I didn’t gain any weight during my pregnancy, but I have been stuck ever since. I’m breastfeeding which has affected my weight loss to some degree, and while I started to go to the gym, the sciatica I developed while pregnant gets in the way sometimes. But I don’t care about those obstacles. Im sick of being this large, of being this unhealthy.

My daughter has a habit of taking my cell phone and taking pictures of whatever she’s interested in at that moment. A lot of the times she takes pictures of my husband and I interacting. Yesterday she took a picture of us and it showed me just how far I’ve gone. I see slumped shoulders. I see bad knees at only 25 years old. I see how my legs try so hard to carry all of my weight. I see someone who needs to change.

So that’s what I’m doing. Luckily, I already have an arsenal of resources and information regarding CICO, TDEE and whatnot because my husband and I first started our journey early last year. He successfully lost over 50 lbs and I fell pregnant two months into it and gained a baby lol. I’m sick of making excuses. Of not remaining disciplined. Of losing motivation every time my life changes. I deserve the chance to make myself the best version of myself. I’m taking that chance. And it would be awesome if anybody could do a remind me! In one month or so, so that I could stay focused on that goal. I don’t have a specific amount of weight loss in mind. I just want to push to maintain my healthy habits for one entire month. This is my day 1, hopefully for the last time.

submitted by /u/barrelqueeen
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Follow me along my weight loss journey

Hello everyone. I’m tired of who I am and will become who I want to be. 5 months ago I was at my highest of 450lbs. I’ve always been big, since a child all I did was eat and play videos games all the time. My childhood wasn’t the best, due to this I used food and games as an outlet to calm my emotions. I was depressed and suicidal in my early teens. It got so bad that I didn’t takes showers for weeks. I smelt like a cow farm all the time at school. During this I went into the foster system. My mental health and hygiene picked up a lot, but slacked in my weight. I did loose a bit though, but BOOM fucking Covid. During Covid I gain an extra 120lbs. I was never moving and still on my game. I’d drink at least 5 cans of Pepsi a day 750 calories alone. Ate out twice a day, each meal being a huge meal. For example, let’s say I get McDonald’s [Which I loved] I’d get 3 doubles, 2 fries and 2 soda’s. That be my first meal. Then I’d have another one later on in the evening. I also snacked a lot of very unhealthy stuff like cookies and etc. This leads to the change 5 months ago. I was tired of barley being unable to walk, feeling like shit all the time, calves would hurt over just a few steps. This part is cringe, I was also tired of my sex life with my girlfriend. Never could stay hard and couldn’t do a lot of positions due to my stomach. Also penis size of course, loosing a lot of it cause of my weight. This introduced the change in me. I started working out and got a PT, switched up how much I ate. I signed up for a boxing gym and been training with my trainer for 3 months now. Currently I’m down about 60 pounds [394]. Just off that little bit I feel 50x better, my life has had a significant change. I train 5 days out of the week for multiply hours. Strength and condition and boxing cardio. I love all of it, if I miss one day of working out in my schedule I keep like complete shit and can’t stand it. I still struggle with my diet though, I don’t eat nearly as much and eat more at home. I haven’t drank one soda since I started. I think that the no soda has gave me a reason to pick myself up after a fall and not to fall in a new hole. Any and all tips are appreciated, I’ll answer any questions if your curious. Thank you all

submitted by /u/Purple1ceBear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I've LOST 16 POUNDS! + tips!

Hey, I'm the dude that made a post like, about 2.5 weeks ago talking about how I lost around 5 pounds, but that's past news and baby numbers compared to what I've lost the title says, I've lost 16 POUNDS! So I at least feel semi-qualified to give some new weight losers some tips!

  1. Think of losing weight as a marathon not a race

  2. Get plenty of sleep!

  3. Avoid getting constipated! This one's kinda funny but it can SERIOUSLY put a damper on weight loss.

  4. Go Outside! It keeps your mood up and it's always good to get vitamin D, which is necessary to increase morale and weight loss surprisingly.

  5. Find healthier alternatives for food you love! If you like Doritos or other salty and calorie filled foods, then try veggie straws or bruschetta chips in moderation!

  6. Eat a larger than usual (but low calorie/within calorie deficit) breakfast! Eating a larger breakfast of the morning I've noticed really helped me curb cravings and especially hunger during the later parts of the day.

7.Track and celebrate your losses in weight! This will keep you motivated to continue further and further!

  1. Meditate on your day!

I'm still newer to this too and I'm on my own weight loss journey, I've went from 236.6 pounds to 220.2 pounds in about a month, which is SIGNIFICANT weight loss lol. Thank you guys once again for being so supportive, eventually I'll share a before and after when I get below 200 pounds ☺️☺️.

submitted by /u/rdonos2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

55 y/o Man Loses 45 lbs so Far! 272 to 227!

Well, I honestly thought I would never get here again. This is the least I've weighed in probably 12 years. Action sports injuries, surgeries, the pandemic, lost hope, all conspired to weigh me down, literally.

The funny thing is, I'm a mental health therapist and I've finally (maybe) put all the pieces in place except for my own health. I robbed myself and my family of time I can never get back, but I'm not focused on the past. I'm focused on what I do right now and what I'm going to do tomorrow, next week, next month and next year.

My weight loss journey is going to sound controversial, possibly. I was pre-diabetic, on blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds, nerve pain meds, anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, sleep aids. And in January of this year, I felt like a hypocrite trying to help people when my own inability to manage myself and my feelings, was on full display. So I said I was done. Absolutely. Done.

I spoke to my doctor and I went on Adipex. Now, this drug isn't for everyone or maybe anyone. There were a shit-ton of side effects. Fogginess, headaches, extreme dry mouth, but it stopped me from eating. And the goal, my goal, was to be able to modify my own behavior, such as polishing off a bag of chips on the couch. To know when I was full, understand the signal and then stop eating.

And the weight came off. Like crazy. Now, I have sustained a lifetime of injuries due to competitive downhill mountain biking. A grade 3 shoulder separation, rib fractures, one concussion, fractured the L1-L2 transverse process on the rt side of my spine, knee injuries that resulted in a knee replacement (at 40) on the right that got infected and morphed into over a year down and four more surgeries. I am bone-on-bone on my left knee, had an L3-L4 spinal fusion that is now collapsing into my L2 and will require another surgery. And despite the pain, I wouldn't change a damn thing. Well, maybe I might have cut down on the crashing part. That would have probably helped.

But I stopped taking the meds about a month ago and the weight is still coming off. I was able to kayak a week ago without too much pain. I'm lifting weights again although supervised and modified. I'm putting the work in and things are changing.

The problem with food addiction, unlike a substance addiction, is that you can't stop eating food. I mean you can try, but it never works. You have to figure out a way to modify your behavior going forward. This is why diets don't work, because they don't modify your behavior. People diet, lose some weight and then go back to eating terribly again. Rinse and repeat.

If you have unresolved issues that spur your eating, really think about therapy. Therapy can help change those core thoughts you have about yourself and put you in better position to be successful.

Anyway, I'm heading for onederland, who's coming with me?

submitted by /u/Church_of_Realism
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

18 Healthy 4th of July Cookout Ideas

While a backyard cookout is one of the most popular ways to celebrate the 4th of July, the options available aren’t always in line with a healthy diet. But at Nutrisystem, we’re all about helping you to still enjoy food—and festivities—to the fullest. We believe that when people don’t feel deprived, they are able to achieve the most success.

That’s why we’ve rounded up 18 healthy 4th of July cookout ideas. Any of these recipes would make a delicious and festive addition to your July 4th cookout.

1. Grilled Balsamic Chicken >

Grilled Balsamic Chicken

This Grilled Balsamic Chicken recipe is a great way to add some serious flavor to plain, old grilled chicken. The trick is to give your chicken some time to soak in the delicious marinade which combines olive oil, balsamic vinegar, Italian dressing, garlic and black pepper. While we love this marinade on chicken, it works great on steak or shrimp, too.

2. Grilled Cedar Plank Salmon >

Grilled Cedar Plank Salmon

The reasons for grilling salmon on a cedar plank are two-fold: It acts as a barrier between the heat source and the fish, preventing it from falling apart. It also imparts that delicious, smoky flavor from the cedar. While salmon is sometimes intimidating to prepare, this recipe will show you just how simple it really is to do. It’s a great way to get those valuable omega-3 fats and a boost of protein power.

3. Honey Glazed Chicken Skewers >

Honey Glazed Chicken Skewers

Skewers are fun, festive and delicious, making them a great choice for a 4th of July cookout. This particular Honey Glazed Chicken Skewer recipe will help you to whip up a yummy glaze made from honey, chili powder, garlic, oil, low sodium soy sauce and lime juice. It’s got a little bit of everything—sweet, savory and just a tad spicy, too. You can add veggies of your choice to the skewers to amplify the health-factor. We personally love zucchini, bell peppers and onions, but the choice is yours.

10 Tips for a Healthy Home Cookout

Read More

4. Grilled Foil Packet Cheeseburger and Veggies >

Grilled Foil Packet Cheeseburger and Veggies

Foil packets are one of our favorite 4th of July cookout ideas for a few reasons. They contain some of the mess, help to lock in flavor, and allow you to create “diet-friendly” portions. This Grilled Foil Packet Cheeseburger and Veggies recipe will guide you in making lean beef cheeseburgers with lots of healthy veggies on the side. With onions, potatoes and zucchini cooked right along with your burger patty, you’ll infuse some delicious flavors into your meat and also get a big dose of antioxidants and fiber.

5. Grilled Shrimp and Scallop Skewers >

Grilled Shrimp and Scallop Skewers

Seafood options like shrimp and scallops make a nice lean protein combo that is delicious on the grill. In this Grilled Shrimp and Scallop Skewers recipe, the seafood duo are combined with a medley of fresh produce like zucchini, bell peppers and red onions. They are delightfully colorful and will make an appetizing addition to your 4th of July cookout.

6. Grilled Feta Salmon Burger >

Grilled Feta Salmon Burger

Salmon and spinach make up the base of these burger patties, while some feta cheese adds creamy deliciousness. It’s a fun way to get your omega-3s and some leafy greens. If you like condiments on your burger, we recommend trying some tzatziki, relish or mayonnaise for added flavor. Or, you can even top this Grilled Feta Salmon Burger with a slice of avocado.

5 Low Calorie Condiments to Use at the BBQ

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7. Tomato, Cucumber and Mint Mediterranean Salad >

Tomato, Cucumber, and Mint Mediterranean Salad

Bright and colorful cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, mint and onions come together in this fresh salad featuring a honey lemon dressing. This refreshing Tomato, Cucumber and Mint Mediterranean Salad recipe is sure to become a staple at all of your upcoming summer get-togethers! And that’s something you can feel good about. A serving is a mere 34 calories and packed with veggie power.

8. Greek Orzo Summer Salad >

Greek Orzo Summer Salad

Everyone loves a good pasta salad at a cookout! By using whole wheat orzo, this Greek Orzo Summer Salad recipe boosts the health factor without sacrificing flavor. It has fresh diced cucumbers, red onions, bell peppers and delicious feta cheese. The homemade Greek dressing is a combination of lemon juice and olive oil. It’s simple, fresh and tasty.

9. Easy Melon Prosciutto Skewers >

Easy Melon Prosciutto Skewers

This Melon Prosciutto Skewers appetizer combines some unlikely choices—fresh melon cubes (watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew) with prosciutto, cucumber and a balsamic glaze. It’s one of those combos you just have to try for yourself to believe. The flavors just work together, making this fabulous finger food a new favorite on your cookout menu.

23 Healthy Summer Side Dishes

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10. Red Potato Salad >

Red Potato Salad

What’s a cookout without a good potato salad? We know that potato salad is a cookout staple, so we’ve found a guilt-free way that you can still enjoy it. While full-fat mayonnaise is the typical downfall in a traditional spud salad, our version uses healthy Greek yogurt (with some delicious additions) in its place. The result is a creamy, appetizing Red Potato Salad that remains weight loss-friendly.

11. Grilled Asparagus Caesar Salad >

Grilled Asparagus Caesar Salad

We know that salads are a go-to choice on a healthy diet. However, traditional lettuce salads can get kind of boring after a while. Why not switch things up with this Grilled Asparagus Caesar Salad recipe? It’s got all the flavor you love in a Caesar salad but uses nutrient-packed, superfood asparagus as its base. It’s such a fun addition to your cookout that your guests will be begging for the recipe.

12. Grilled Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms >

Grilled Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

If you’re looking to choose more plant-based options at the cookout, this Grilled Stuffed Portobello Mushroom recipe will provide a meat-like meal that is nutritious and delicious. Simply season your mushrooms with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, then grill and stuff with a delicious filling of chopped tomatoes, spinach, garlic and seasonings. It’s a dish filled with veggie power and incredibly tasty, too.

9 Tips and Ideas for a Healthy Grilling Season

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13. Grilled Peach Melba >

Grilled Peach Melba

Don’t forget that the grill can also be an excellent way to prepare some unique desserts. Grilling fruit helps to caramelize its sugars and adds some unique flavor factor. In this Grilled Peach Melba recipe, halved peaches are cooked on the grill and then topped with a raspberry melba sauce and a mascarpone cheese mixture. It’s a beautiful, restaurant-quality dessert that is sure to impress.

14. Watermelon Fruit Pizza >

Watermelon Fruit Pizza

This simple, two-step Watermelon Fruit Pizza is a trendy snack recipe that will make a healthy and gorgeous centerpiece at your dessert table. A yogurt mixture including honey, cream cheese and vanilla extract is whipped up and spread atop slices of watermelon. Top it all off with berries, kiwi  and cacao nibs for added flavor and appeal. You could also just stick with blue and red fruits as the topping for a festive and patriotic plate.

15. 5-Ingredient Patriotic Cheesecake >

5-Ingredient Patriotic Cheesecake

This Patriotic Cheesecake is the perfect 4th of July cookout idea! With three cups of red and blue berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc., depending upon your preferences), and a cheesecake filling made from cream cheese and whipped topping, it has all the patriotic colors. Plus, it’s diet-friendly and delicious.

10 Summer Pie Recipes for a Satisfying Sweet Treat

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16. Strawberry Pineapple Popsicles >

Strawberry Pineapple Popsicles

Nothing quite hits like a fresh and fruity popsicle on a hot day. While typical popsicles are mere sugar water, our Strawberry Pineapple Popsicles are just as delicious while also being made entirely from fresh fruit! One popsicle is just 32 calories and a nice boost of antioxidants and fiber.

17. Smore’s Icebox Cake >

Smore’s Icebox Cake

Icebox cakes became popular in the 1920s. They are a dessert that doesn’t require the oven for baking. This particular no-bake Smore’s Icebox Cake is especially summer-friendly with its smores theme. It features layers of creamy, yogurt-based marshmallow filling with crunchy graham crackers, light cool whip and mini chocolate chips. It’s sure to be a crowd pleaser.

18. Grilled Foil Packet Apple Crisp >

Grilled Foil Packet Apple Crisp

Remember how we said that the grill is for desserts, too? Well, here’s another great grilled dessert to try. This Grilled Foil Packet Apple Crisp involves grilling sliced apples in aluminum foil with cinnamon and nutmeg, then topping with an oat, butter and brown sugar mixture. You’ll be amazed by how much the finished product tastes like apple pie—but is just 155 calories per serving.

Looking for more 4th of July cookout ideas? Check out these 8 healthy dessert recipes perfect for July 4th! >

The post 18 Healthy 4th of July Cookout Ideas appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

how do i know what is a healthy rate to lose

About a year ago i lost 80 pounds from being very overweight to still overweight. I kind of stayed around the same for a while again until again I started to put my mind to it.

My question is that even accounting for possible water weight loss, im losing a lot more that i was last time, anywhere from 1-2 a day consistently. I heard the heavier you are you can lose more but is this okay?

I don't feel tired or weak or anything. I feel better and better everyday, but obviously that is short term amd don't want to negatively affect myself long term.

submitted by /u/omcthrowawayys
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Thank you community of loseit!

Stats 28F SW84kgs CW78kgs GW?

I have an overall goal to lose 10kgs/22lbs this year, and found this community in January. It's such a wealth of knowledge, tips, successes and wisdom, and today when I was struggling with myself to hit the gym I thought back to this place, all the stories I read. One thing that stuck with me was to begin today, not next week like my procrastinating brain was telling me. I felt like I wasn't struggling alone, weight loss is hard but there are so many people out there trying and on this same journey. It sounds weird to write that lol but I was just so inspired in that moment to go to the gym anyway even though my dumb brain was arguing against me. So thank you, people of loseit. I hope you all keep on losing toward your goals too :)

submitted by /u/2curiouskiwi
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At 42 I’m today no longer obese!

So I’ve been obese for most of my life, since I was 14 and it wasn’t until my daughter came along two years ago when I finally had to change.

15 months ago I weighed 365lbs/ 165kg and today I’m 180lbs/ 81kg. In this time I’ve been losing around 1kg a week, a little more at the start and a little less towards the end. And I’ve been able to lose 185lbs/ 84kg, over half of my weight!

My trigger point for losing the weight was struggling walking in my living room getting my 1 year old to sleep. I didn’t have the strength to carry her without being exhausted. That was when I knew I had to change.

I managed a CICO diet, making sure to not drop below my BMR. I would have one “cheat” meal a week which was just 200-300 more calories in a day, which can help with maintaining weight loss for extended periods when compared to static daily calorie intake.

6 months into my weight loss I started walking and a month later I started going to the gym for weight lifting daily. My weight lifting has improved but mainly as much weight as I’ve lost.

I even picked up some contact lenses and shaved my beard. I’ve walked past people I know in the street and they don’t even recognise me. I really am a changed man.

I didn’t know it would be possible to lose the weight in my 40s. I thought you had to do it before 30, but it’s 100% possible. I’ve never felt this great in my life, it has truly changed my life around more than I could have imagined.

If you’re starting your weight loss journey, I hope you stick with it and keep on managing it. Some days it feels pointless and others it feels like nothing will change, but it does and it will, you just need a little persistence and patience.

submitted by /u/HairyScotsman
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Monday, June 27, 2022

How do you not fixate on losing weight while trying to lose weight?

I've been trying to lose weight for years and one thing I always notice is how obsessive I get when I start. I go extreme, over do it, and give up in the end because it's taking too much energy. How do you distract yourself? Right now, I'm fasting intermittently and controlling my portions. I feel good so far. It's just my third day this time around so it's no surprise. But I've scoured the internet for advice, read success stories. Everything. I just want to focus on the doing part of weight loss and not think about it so much.

What do you do to occupy/distract yourself?

submitted by /u/ProfessorCivil2773
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Visited my parents after not seeing them for 4 years - already had our first weight related fight. My mom told me to lose weight if I loved my boyfriend

So I posted a while back about my concern about visiting my parents (specifically my mother) and then commenting about my weight. I took everyone’s advice and told her respectfully I’m visiting to spend time with them, I don’t want to have conversations about my weight. I struggle with unhealthy weight loss habits and it’s triggered a lot by my mother. She means well (supposedly), but also comes from this culture of needing to weigh 105 lbs to be beautiful.

I’ve been trying to lose weight for myself - but been working on it in a HEALTHY way. Working with a nutritionist, eating enough calories, and I’ve gone from 181 to 175 (losing about a pound or so a week). I’m trying to love myself regardless of my size and I’m trying to lose weight not out of dislike for myself, but love for myself and my health.

For the first two days we did great, I was so happy. She was respecting my wishes and boundaries. Recently she sits down with me and asks me “you love your boyfriend, right?” … I was like uh, yeah?

So she responds with “then you need to close your mouth and eat less”

I’m sorry what??? My response was shutting her down. Her response was that I don’t listen to her. she then tried to guilt me into this whole “oh I’m sorry I care about you, wow it’s my fault, you’re right, I’m wrong”. I then told her that she was right, she IS wrong - and that I wasn’t playing her crappy mind games anymore.

Needless to say I lost my shit. My boyfriend has never ever ever made me feel less than for putting on weight, he’s never been anything but supportive but it’s very heartbreaking to know that my own mother wouldn’t deem me worthy of someone else’s affection and love because of weight gain. I’ve worked so hard on building myself back up - I’m not going to allow anyone to tear me back down.

To all the people struggling with people like this in your life, I am so sorry. You are beautiful, worthy, and amazing no matter what. Don’t give up!!!!

submitted by /u/NotMyPorpoise
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I want to start a weight loss journey but I’m not sure how (discussion/help)

I’m 18 F, 5’3, and I’m about 200 pounds. Every year I gradually gain weight and for the longest time I’ve felt very self conscious about my body and how I look. I want to lose weight but I’m not sure how or where to start.

At the start of the year I had gotten a membership with the YMCA but I always felt very uncomfortable going. I just felt so fat and everyone in this gym was already skinny/ muscular. This gym was also by my school so it made it even more uncomfortable when I saw girls from school because they would stare at me and I felt very judged. I would go work out,lose about 5 lbs, but then gain it back in a week. Eventually my aunt had to cancel our membership because it was too expensive.

I’ve thought about how I can lose weight and I thought about something I could do but I wanted to come here to see if it would be safe to do. I would have to drink more water than normal, no sodas and less sugar (candy,ice cream, etc). I like to walk and I have a pretty long driveway. I thought about walking for an hour with a little bit of jogging. I also thought of doing sets of workouts every hour or every few hours.

So for example I could make up a list of 10 squats, 10 jumping jacks, 10 push ups, then do those sets of workouts every 2 or 4 hours. I want to do workouts that will help me burn fat but I’m not certain what will help that doesn’t require gym equipment. If anyone could give me advice on workouts and how to go on this weight loss journey it would be very appreciated.

submitted by /u/LydiaDeetz15
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Sunday, June 26, 2022

Has anyone dealt with unintentional weight loss after trying to lose? And mixed feelings?

I was trying to lose weight for a couple of months. I lost maybe four pounds because I couldn't stay consistent. Then I started a new (very stressful) job and I completely lost sight of any weight loss goals and stopped paying any attention to what I was eating (more on this later). Then I went to the doctor after a couple months at this new job and the nurse was briefly concerned because I had lost like 17lbs without trying to. That's not a crazy amount to lose in that time period, I know, but considering I had been steadily gaining for the last six years? Kinda significant.

Could just be that I'm moving my body more. But it could be stress. I've been taking notice of my eating habits more lately and realizing I eat 1-2 meals on days I work, and these meals are not bigger to compensate for the meal or two I'm missing every day. I'm not starving myself; I always eat when hungry, and it's usually shitty, fatty food. I genuinely just don't get hungry much anymore.

And then, recently, I messed up my jaw. I know I'm grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw a lot lately from stress, and my disordered TMJ finally gave up, gave out, and made eating significantly painful 100% of the time. My issue isn't one that can be treated without surgery so I'm stuck like this for a bit. Sometimes the pain just isn't worth it and I give up on a meal after a couple of bites. I will grab a protein drink or something to substitute only some of the time.

So I'm losing weight. I can't be mad about that. I'm officially back in the "overweight" category for BMI instead of obese and this is exciting. But I'm not super well. My hair seems to be falling out more, my abdomen hurts, I'm tired and miserable. This isn't sustainable. I'm not building lifelong habits that will keep me healthy. I feel guilty.

And then I have already gotten one comment (from my mom) about the weight loss and so I've already had the experience of wondering why Sick/Stressed Me looks better than Normal Me.

submitted by /u/Elimeh
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how i lost 120lbs and maintained it

No need for an introduction so i will just get right into it.

Things i learned and implemented into my life that helped me lose weight:

1- learning about calories and portion control, it was an eye opener when i realized how calorie dense so many of the foods i consumed were (rice, bread and olive oil in particular) , but also how absurd my portions were, i would 3-4 plates of rice every day and would wonder why I couldn't lose weight, understanding calories and how to portion control are very important and it should be (imo) everyone's first step in losing weight.

2- low calorie beverages, i have cut back on drinking sodas but if you are struggling to cut them out or reduce your soda intake, then try to switch to zero calorie alternatives

3- veggies, i always liked them (but all their weight loss benefits were thrown out the window when i would fry them in a shit ton of oil) but i understand many people dont and unfortunately for you guys veggies are an absolute volume hack, the veggie i liked and didnt find it offensive (or it felt like i was eating air) was spinach, try adding it to every meal you have and slowly introduce more veggies into your diet, i truly believe if you cook them properly veggies can be absolutely delicious.

4- not having junk foods in the house, in this case snacks, of course you can still have snacks (like strawberry, blueberries, rice cakes, apples etc) but i found that snacking in-between my meals were a huge reason for me constantly failing weight loss, so it did take time but eventually i learned to have no snacks in-between my meals and would eat fruits 2 hours before bed.

5- motivation will not last and you will struggle, do not rely on motivation, because although being motivated is important, the moment you face a hurdle that motivation will not last, yes, you will struggle but making a mistake and learning from it is what matters most, motivation comes in waves, but discipline is built on the foundation of your mistakes and ability to learn from them.

6- weigh yourself, i now weigh myself every 3 or 4 days, but at the beginning i would weigh myself daily, but it is soul curshing when you do your best and see that the scale has barely moved, which is what happened most of the time when i was weighing myself once a week, our bodyweight fluctuates throughout the day and i do think weighing yourself daily and reflecting on what you did the day before and how you can improve today can help with losing weight.

7- exercise, walk, run, weight lift, swim, cycle, football, basketball ....etc, find something you enjoy and stick with it, start small and try not to go all out, yes i know you want to give it all you got but this can either have a positive impact or negative impact on your mentality (positive: one day this will just be my warmup, negative: if this is making me exhausted, then how will i ever lose weight?) So it better to start small and improve over time.

8- your mental health is just as, if not more important than your physical health, and i will shortly explain my situation.

(Please do not use what i am about to say to self diagnose yourself) How i maintained my weight:

I kept fluctuating for months and was stuck in the dreaful binging and fasting cycle, eventually i lost the remaining weight by finally implementing weight lifting, but when i reached my GW and liked how i "looked", my mental health did not improve one bit, i felt empty and everyday was a struggle where i was constantly hungry, tired, angry and no matter what i did i just couldnt stay satiated, i would eat a meal and in maybe 15 or 30 minutes i was hungry again, sometimes the hardest part of the day was just getting out of bed.

i never took my mental health seriously but i decided to go to a psychiatrist, and not for these reasons i mentioned, i struggled with focusing and studying, my psychiatrist started asking me more questions about what i struggled throughout the day, and i naturally told him, he diagnosed me with ADHD and prescribed me rubifen (more commonly known as ritalin) and it was a life changer, not only did it improve my focus and helped me drastically improve academically, but it helped with almost all of my struggles surrounding food and dieting in general, i dreaded eating out because i knew that as soon as i get back home i would just start eating again, not any more, it just overall improved my relationship with food which in turn improved my confidence by not being afraid of losing control and my progress.

The point is, i thought losing weight would make me happy, but it really didnt, external solutions wont help with internal problems, go to a therapist or psychiatrist and start seeking professional help, maybe you will realise that losing weight wasnt always the hardest part but actually acknowledging that your mental health and happiness before losing weight is valid.

submitted by /u/tryingtogetshredded
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My thoughts after finally sticking to a new life-style. Over 60lbs lost. 60 remaining. Now in bullet point forms!

Disclaimer: This worked for ME. It's my journey after cycling between every diet regime available (keto, high-carb, paleo, calorie counting etc..) And finally, feeling confident that I landed on something that is my new reality.

1.- I got rid of the scarcity mindset. I wasn't successful at Keto because I would immediately want carbs. I would catch myself researching for Keto Pancakes when I didn't even eat regular pancakes that much. It's like a rebel teen, "oh I can't do that?? well, now I want do it." That helped me a lot in establishing a healthy relationship with food.

2.-Anchored my weight loss journey on money-saving. Not on girls, looks, health, but money. I used to eat a LOT outside. No more, Now I permit myself to eat out like 2 to 3 times per week. Down from the 15, I used to do. (yeah, that bad)

3.-Air one! Is not necessary but it has helped me a lot. French fries are my weaknesses now I can have them and save myself 200 kcals per serving.

4.- I walk a lot. It's my meditation, my form of therapy, and my mental health check. Weight loss is just an added benefit.

5.- I do intermittent fasting. I'm the first one to say, IT'S NOT FOR EVERYONE. Especially if you're prone to extreme dieting, had ED's disorders, etc.. I stay away from doing 2 or multiple days' fasts. I started with:

16-8 for the very first 21 lbs. 18-6 for the other 21. 20-4 for the other 21.

And you can guess where I'm going. I talked it about with my Dr. and did it under his guidance. So, please be mindful if you suddenly have the urge to do it, and be wary of multiple days fasts proponents who don't have the credentials to do so. Going to land on an 18-6 regime as maintenance, after I'm done.


1.- My food addiction resulted from my anxiety. I ate every time I was anxious and replaced that feeling with water or gum.

2.- Calorie counting is where its at.

3.-Beware of calories burned calculators. As I said, I walk a lot and typically the calculator says that I burn around 1500 kcals per my 20k steps. I'm 6'2 but I don't trust those numbers. So, I slice that number in half and that's my baseline.

4.- Time doesn't exist in terms of weight loss. Nobody is waiting for you, nobody actually cares that much (and that's not a bad thing) 5 years will pass whether we like it or not, and when you look back, you will think..."whoa, it was almost like a whisper." So, just one day at a time. You got this, no matter the circumstances that got you here, YOU ARE HERE. And taking just one step is all it takes.

thanks for reading

submitted by /u/Frankocean2
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Finally hit 100lbs lost!

M/20/6’3 SW:321 CW:219 GW:185

Hey folks. So I finally hit the losing 100 pounds mark after a year and some change. I wanted to make a post partly to share my excitement, but also because along my own journey I was always on this sub reading other people celebrating huge milestones for inspiration. It felt like it would be good to kinda do the same thing for someone else. My personal weight loss journey involved mostly cardio workouts(biking and kickboxing) and being conscious of what I eat. It helped so much early on that my brother was trying to gain muscle. This basically meant we were both trying to eat healthy and pushed one another to consistently workout. Having an accountability partner early on can be so helpful! I wanted to emphasize how difficult but rewarding doing this is for those that might feel discouraged or exhausted from how long it takes to make significant progress. There were so many times when I wanted to quit because the path ahead of me felt so daunting. When losing ten pounds took two months, it was exciting but simultaneously discouraging cause it made me think of how much more work I had to do. For anyone feeling that way, you will thank yourself infinitely when you finally get to the point where you start to notice differences. Being able to go outside in the summer without wearing a sweater, eating what you want at gatherings because you aren’t embarrassed to enjoy a big meal or a dessert, and so much more. I personally found it doesn’t automatically make you Don Juan or super social, but such large lifestyle changes can make your own confidence bolster. So, if anyone is discouraged by how much work it takes to lose the weight they want, just take it one day at a time and keep working towards your goal. Ok, that’s enough self-gratification and rambling good luck to anyone who is reading these kinds of posts for motivation. You can do this!

submitted by /u/batmanuncharted
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since losing weight I feel my personality has changed in some way.

I've lost 20 pounds so far and that may not sound like a lot but it is for me. I was weighing in at 187 in March and that's when I started my weight loss journey by counting calories mainly at first. I am a 5'8 woman btw. I am now weighing in at 165. I still have 10 to lose but I feel happy where I'm at for now.

What I've noticed is my personality, in terms of having more confidence, has changed. I feel more sexy, beautiful, wanted. My face has drastically changed and I look like I did 4 years ago before I started putting on the weight. But I feel a little too confident now. Is that even a thing?

Has anyone experienced this from weight loss?

submitted by /u/ladylavenderrrr
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I hate how much I love Apple Fitness+

This is not an ad, I am just a person who uses basically all Apple products and this is recent happenstance that has been truly life changing for my health/fitness/weight loss journey. When Apple Fitness+ first came out, I looked at it and thought “that’s stupid, why would I pay $10 a month for workout videos when they are literally free on YouTube. No. Way.” Recently, my old series 2 Apple Watch wasn’t holding a charge as well so I decided to replace it. I got a new watch, and it came with a free 3 month trial of Apple Fitness+. I am always trying to stay active, but it’s a challenge for me. I am admittedly a lazy person. I decided to try it out and started with dance workouts. I LOVED it. I have no coordination and have never been good at dancing, and while I am sure I look like a fool the workouts are helping me connect to my body, feel more comfortable with moving my body, and even are helping my confidence. After a few of those, I decided one day to try the mindful cooldown after. I know it’s cheesy, but the stretching followed by breathing and some positive affirmations really do make me feel connected to myself.

Couple other things I want to highlight that Apple Fitness+ is doing for me that YouTube videos don’t: - Categories: last night my sister and I had wine and stayed up pretty late dancing and doing some karaoke. I was pretty tired and sluggish today from a fun late night. I knew I didn’t have the motivation to do a 30 min dance workout today. So, I went to the yoga category and did 10 min of yoga to engage my muscles and get myself ready for some cardio. Then I did a 20 min dance workout, and then I did a 10 min mindful cooldown with stretching, breathing, and affirmations. It totally kicked my tired/sluggish feeling and it didn’t feel like something I had to FORCE myself to do. Having easy options, where I can preview the workout, and see the music really caters to all the different moods I go through on a day to day basis. - Workout preview and music preview. As mentioned above, you can watch a short preview video and you can also view the playlist for the workout. I am very motivated by music, so getting to see what songs will play is awesome for me because it really sets my mood. Sometimes with YouTube I pick something but I don’t really like the music and I don’t feel as engaged. - AirPlay to Apple TV. I use an Apple TV, so I stream the workouts to my TV. When I first saw that it shows my heart rate, calories burned, and time through the workout I thought oh gosh this awful, this is just going to make me count down the minutes till I’m finally done. It was the complete opposite, I love it. Seeing my heart rate right there on my TV makes me more aware when my energy is going down and my heart rate is starting to a lower a bit. I know immediately pick it up! Keep up your energy! Maximize this workout! - Consistent trainers in each area. I honestly love all the trainers! The 3 for dance are SO FUN! I don’t even know if there is one I like better, but I do feel like their workouts vary on the type of moves (Ben sure likes body roles) so I can choose a certain trainer if I am feeling a certain type of workout.

I can’t wait to keep exploring their videos and options! I have closed all my rings every single day since I started using this trial. I feel excited to pick a workout and get some activity in for the day. Nothing has ever motivated me this way, and I truly hate how much I love because I guess I will start paying $10 a month when this trial ends. I’m glad the trial is 3 months, because I have time to see if the motivation and excitement with it holds long term. But I just wanted to share if anyone else out there is struggling to find something that works for them. It’s not even 4PM and I have closed all my rings… it’s just unbelievable how much this silly little app has helped me.

submitted by /u/luckylua
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Saturday, June 25, 2022

First Goal Achieved

I was finally able to achieve my first weight loss goal after MONTHS of trying and failing. This was the first week in over two years that I didn't eat at any fast-food or traditional sit-down restaurants! That may not seem like a big deal for some people but this is a huge milestone for me.

Normally I set these dieting/weight loss goals and two days in I'm pulling through the drive through and ordering a ridiculous amount of food and then the next day I feel so depressed and disappointed in myself that I just keep eating as much junk as I can. When I get in that depressive eating state I'll eat until I'm so full I can't comfortably lay down.

This was a good week and I hope that I can continue to set reachable goals.

submitted by /u/done_for_97
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Second month of serious weight loss done!

Down to 287lbs from 300lbs in the past month! I'm glad that I've remained consistent. I've even gone out a few times and purposely ate way more than my calorie goal when hanging out with friends. I was worried because I didn't do any of this the first month but I ended up losing only 1 pound less than the first month. Still not seeing any difference at all in my clothing though even compared to when I was around 330-340 but I'm sure that eventually I'll start to experience that as long as I keep going.

Time to keep going! If I don't post anything else before then, you'll see me when I've finished my third month!

submitted by /u/imaginarykiwi69
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NSV: Started IF & CICO in October 2021, with 104 pounds down so far, and in less than a year I’ve significantly improved my total cholesterol & LDL cholesterol

I was able to lower my total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol significantly, both by double digit figures. I was also able to slightly lower my triglycerides, albeit the previous number was also in the normal range. Everything else in my blood test, besides my HDL, were in the normal range. The previous values were taken for a physical I had done in April, and the current values are for blood work I had done this week for a physical I have next week.

So far throughout my journey I’ve only judged my success on the scale. Seeing the number drop on the scale is a huge motivating factor, but didn’t tell the whole picture of me regaining my health and quite literally saving my life. To also see that I’m improving my health by watching these numbers improve is giving me the motivation to keep pushing forward.

If anyone is curious how I’ve done it so far, I’ve taken an IF & CICO approach. I stop eating at 8pm the night before, and start eating at 12pm the following day. For me, this has been the easiest way for me to reduce my calorie intake, especially since I don’t normally start getting hungry until around lunch anyways. A majority of my weight loss has come from diet alone. I’ve only recently started introducing more walking & cardio.

I’m excited to keep pushing forward, and hopefully get my LDL cholesterol below 100, and my HDL in the normal range!

submitted by /u/_GIROUXsalem
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Tips? For weight loss 🤩

I recently start taking my health more seriously making some fundamental changes; calories deflict, cutting out ground beef, all sugar drinks, beginning to exercise and running 2.5miles a day. My typical breakfast is fruit, Greek yogurt, granola. Lunch a veggie chicken wrap w chickpeas n soy bacon or a smoothie bowl. And dinner is my inconsistency, pizza is my weakness. So far I’ve went from 185lbs to 171lbs within the last 3 weeks. What are things I can do or improve that would allow me to see quicker weight lost. My goal right now is 160lbs in the next month is that possible?

submitted by /u/Icybrowngirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing 100+ Lbs and a Few Months of Maintenance - Accountability

Hi All,

I used to post on a Weight Loss Sub on a weekly basis, detailing my weight loss journey. Thought I'd come back and offer a retrospective + give myself some new accountability. Over the course of a year, I went from 261.2 Lbs to 148 Lbs as a 5'8 male. I did this with cardio, pushups, sit-ups, and calorie counting.

Lost the weight, looked better, felt better, gained confidence, and my attitude improved. Heck, even found a better job. This doesn't even include the best thing that happened to me in my life, but I'll keep that one private for her sake.

A few months have now passed and I weighed in at 157 Lbs yesterday. What changed?

- I haven't been as disciplined. I count calories, but sometimes I go off in the evenings. Not on fast food or soda, but on a sheer quantity. CICO still applies.- I dropped the sit-ups and the pushups.- My exercise preferences changed, but I've gotten better on committing to my new passion of jogging and walking. I do 10+ miles a day now :)- I stopped weighing myself on a weekly basis- I stopped posting weekly

I'm posting for accountability before things go off the rails, but also to show that the effort doesn't stop once you hit your goals. You have to keep pushing. Let's keep pushing together and keep each other on the straight and narrow.

Thanks for reading guys! I'll try to post next week with an update. Time for my morning Jog/fast walk.

submitted by /u/TX_Godfather
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Beginning My Journey

CW for potentially triggering info about bingeing and body image issues the like, esp for fat lgbt folk...

I'm Nick. I am 30 years old, I weigh over 400lbs (the cheap scales I've used havent been able to go past that) and I am an obese transgender man.

I have been fat-to-obese my whole life, but I never felt like I should be that shape. Whenever I imagine me, I'm at least half the size I really am- the Mirror really nips that fantasy in the bud every time.

I have always eaten my feelings; Even when someone would look at me, and tell me I am fat, I would fall deeper into anxiety and depression and eat More and move Less.

My weight makes my body dysphoria worse as it makes my chest larger and I am too large for most binders. In general, the weight makes me feel less like a man; I really feel all people can and will ever see is an obese woman hiding from reality.

Heart disease, Strokes, and Diabetes all run in my family- by some miracle I have avoided much of this up till now.

I dont want to be "lucky" any more.

Saturday (Jun 25th) is my final day of counting calories as my control, and then Sunday I will be putting in the work. I dont have a gym nearby, but I'm going to be more active and I will start reducing my calories by 100-200 per week until I find that sweet spot of weight loss and not feeling miserable. I know not a lot of people my size like taking a picture to start, but despite the terror I will be doing that this Sunday as the first day of change!

I know this will take time, but I look forward to changing my life for the better.

submitted by /u/ACollectiveDM
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, June 24, 2022

NSV: In-laws visiting and shopping trip

I was expecting this week to be a bit poor weight loss wise. Having bunch of family events, so we've got celebrations and meals out, I wasn't expecting to stick to my deficit on quite few of the days. I accepted it, because life happens and that's ok and I will be getting back on track after. And I mentally prepared for results on the scale to not be great.

But actually couple of positive things happened.

My in-laws are visiting because of the family events, and last time we saw each other was August last year, just before I started working on my weight. As soon as my mother in law entered the house she said I look good, which I just taken as usual pleasantries. But later when I was out of earshot she apparently spoke to my husband asking if I've been trying to lose weight, cause she thought it was quite noticeable, but didn't want to say too much to me without knowing that was the case. Husband confirmed and later told me about the conversation.

Since I've been struggling to see progress it feels quite nice that someone who previously seen me at my SW can really see the difference now.

Second thing that happened was clothes. Normally I'd only buy from dedicated plus size brands and ranges cause otherwise just couldn't fit. But my stuff has been getting loose, I ordered a couple things online from a shop that doesn't do plus size, and while I still had to go for a 'Large' it was smaller than any of my other items and fit me well. Today we went to a shopping centre and I walked into a 'regular' clothes shop instead of my usual plus size one, and was able to get a nice blouse. Again 'large' which was their largest size, but previously going into a store like that would just be a disappointment and embarrassment.

So here's a progress pic of me from summer last year (poor quality cause I was avoiding pics) and me today In my new blouse feeling somewhat confident:

And hopefully this will be extra fuel for me to keep going after this week.

submitted by /u/finallyMorgan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat