Sunday, April 2, 2023

Weight Loss after Weight Gain

Hi everyone! I am a 22F who lost 120 lbs in 2019/2020. I did struggle with an eating disorder for about 50% of that weight loss but did lose the other 50% healthily. I have a quick question and would really appreciate any insight some of you may have …

Although I did lose a lot of weight (and I am really proud of myself for doing so) I gained about 15-20 lbs (lowest weight was 140) over the last year. In 2022 there was a lot of really difficult personal matters happening and I wasn’t able to make it to the gym as often. In 2021 I was going 5x a week, getting ample cardio in, etc. In 2022, I was lucky to be in the gym 3x a week (strength training, no cardio) at most due to other items I was dealing with (not health related).

I have now been recovered from my ED for about 2 years and have healthy digestion. That being said, I gained plenty of weight last year and I have been trying to get it off the last 3 months and continue to idle at 155-158 while working out 4-5x a week (strength training, .5-1 mile of cardio). I don’t know if there is anything anyone recommends or has insight on, I just know I felt healthiest and most confident at 140-145 and the extra 10-15 is really stubborn!

I will note that I have seen my face slightly slim out again the last few months but I have not seen much (documented) progress elsewhere.

Additional info: Height: 5’3 SW: 270 CW: 155 LW: 140

Non-drinker, non-smoker, 90-100 oz water on avg/day, averaging 1500-1600 calories, sleeping 7-8 hours per night

submitted by /u/AdParticular2687
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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