Thursday, November 30, 2023

Confused about calories left over for the day and desserts

Hi y’all!

Sorry for the long read!

First off, I’m so thankful for this sub for kicking my butt into gear and making me see that weight loss is possible!

I’m 24F, 5’6”, SW: 225lb, CW: 216, GW: 150.

I started using the Lose It app and actually tracking weight loss about 2 weeks ago and so far, I’ve been doing great at staying under my recommended calories for the day (aside from Thanksgiving).

However, I’m a bit confused about what’s going on with my body. I do IF 16:8, and I eat two meals a day. One is usually around 1-2pm. My favorite recipes so far for lunch have been chicken and cheese egg white omelettes, turkey sandwiches, or chicken quesadillas. Usually around 300-500 calories.

For dinner, I like to make steak and asparagus, or soups, or some form of chicken + rice + vegetables. This is anywhere from 400-600 calories.

My recommended calories a day is 1400, and I’ve been having a hard time hitting that. With just meals, I’m usually at around 800-1000 a day. I try to still stay at least 150 calories below the LoseIt rec just in case I’m counting anything wrong.

I feel full and haven’t had any major cravings or the need to eat more, but I use the extra 400-600 calories to have dessert every night. I’ll have a cup of tea with a couple pieces of chocolate, some strawberries, peppermint meringues, sometimes I bake low cal options of my favorite desserts. Regardless, it doesn’t feel like the “healthiest” way to fill up the last bit of calories.

I’m just curious if this is going to affect my weight loss negatively if I keep going like this? Should I try to eat larger meals and skip desserts? I’m hitting my macros more on some days than others but I’m never grossly below the recommended daily amount.

submitted by /u/honorablymentioned
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Has anyone else had a bad experience on weight loss medication?

Apologies if this isn’t the right subreddit but seems like the Saxenda one is inactive.

HW: 100kg. LW: 84kg. CW: 88kg

I started taking Saxenda for weight loss around a month ago and I’ll admit it was a HUGE mistake. I never had vomit side effects but I was constantly nauseous and it absolutely wrecked my digestive system. I’m talking bloating so bad I looked pregnant and could barely move. Trapped wind so painful I was crying in the bathroom at work. Constant constipation which warranted me taking OTC laxatives regularly, coupled with occasional violent diarrhoea.

And the bitch of the bloody thing is that I last no weight! Absolutely nothing, zero.

I quit 5 days ago, after I was so unwell I couldn’t stand the thought of continuing any longer. I’m still not feeling great internally but things at least seem to be moving again (albeit much slower than usual). I’m just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience on those types of injectable medications? How long did it take for your insides to recover? Or is my digestive track just fucked?

Two days ago I rejoined a gym and have started a meal plan. Going to go back to CICO since that worked before and there really is no quick fix to weight loss, at least from what my experience has been.

submitted by /u/farmfreshoats
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if i overeat for a week, i’d have to be in a calorie deficit for a month?

i hope i don’t sound stupid but i just gained 2 kilos from a week of eating 2000cals over maintenance every day.

(it’s unfair how weight gain is so easy in comparison to weight loss, a month of hard work gone out of the window in just a week!)

now i’m not the best at maths but i think i calculated eating at a deficit it’d take a month at least to lose all of that 🫠

it got me thinking how normal people go on a vacation, eat absolutely trash for a week and still maintain their weight soon after returning home. how do people do that?

is it even possible to return to my previous weight eating normally / maintenance? 😢 i’m so sick of eating in a calorie deficit

submitted by /u/minddoesmatter
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Weight loss problem. Jittery

Food addiction is starting to become an issue for me and it's showing.

My problem is when I'm hungry for awhile I start shaking, trembling, feeling jittery and it's very uncomfortable. It's hard to eat less because of that. So in my mind I eat more to avoid that feeling. Has anyone else gone through this? Did you find a solution? Or do I need to just tough it out.

If I lose 20lbs then I'll be at my ideal weight goal.

The next part of this is filler so this post hopefully gets approved. I've already typed out the main stuff if you want to stop reading. So I'm 5'0 and getting close to 150lbs. I'm also on the DEPO but I've been on it for 10 years and I haven't gained weight like this until the last couple of years. I've never been a healthy eater. I've just eaten low quantities of garbage food.

I'm currently wearing two waist trainers because I tried to put one of them on earlier and holy crap it took about 10 minutes just to get the last row of loops hooked. I used to be able to hook them in the middle. I know it's not very effective because you have to dedicate yourself to being uncomfortable for awhile but I'm kinda desperate.

If anyone has words of wisdom I'm all ears.

submitted by /u/LouTenant6767
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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Market Research; Your experience with weight loss

Hi I am a Registered Dietitian and seeking insight with your personal weight loss experience. This research would help my colleague and I create a program tailored to the challenges surrounding weight loss. I appreciate any help you can provide to us!


What are the main struggles you deal with with being overweight?
How long have you been attempting to lose weight?
What would you say has been the most frustrating part about losing weight for you in particular?
How has not being able to lose weight impacted your life over the past 6 to 12 months?
What have you tried in the past to lose weight? What are the biggest barriers?
What do you feel like you need in order to overcome these barriers with weight loss?
Let's say you were able to finally figure out sustainable and healthy weight loss..what would that do for you? How would your life look different than it is right now?
Do you feel like there's anything holding you back at this point from solving the problem on your own?
If you feel comfortable to do so, please share your current height and weight?

Thanks again!!

submitted by /u/luciperasso
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Dealing with being cold all the time from weight loss.

A little background I am 29m 5'9 192 pounds. I am down from my starting weight of 230 11 months ago (yay!) and my high blood pressure and fatty liver are gone. My constant back pain is rare now and my knee pain is gone. I can also see my toes.

All great things! However I am starting to get really cold a lot of the time. I work outside and it's been getting in the upper 20's - low 40's. I wear a fleece sweater under a raincoat, fleece lined pants, latex gloves under regular gloves and I am still freezing.

My core is the warmest part of my body, but my legs, toes face and hands are super cold.

We are going to get rain in the mid to upper 30's soon.

What should I wear that will keep me warm?

submitted by /u/YardsLastName
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NSV: 50 lbs later, running is FREAKISHLY easy!

I lost 50 lbs in 4.5 months (230 to 180 lbs - I am female, 5'8") - my GW is 140 but at least I'm more than halfway there!

Wanted to share this NSV: I started off my WL journey by jogging a half mile every night. I could do it, but it was brutal. I felt like I was dying and I stopped after about 2 weeks because I hated it so much. I focused on other, more palatable forms of exercise, like swimming, instead (but mostly lost the weight through my diet).

Well, last tonight I decided to try running again - I planned to do the half mile again... Only to find I was absolutely FLYING through it with no effort and I was enjoying it so I kept going until I was tired. I ended up running 3 miles (5km!) with zero training - and I'm barely sore today!

I was worried that my weight loss isn't noticeable yet/it's all in my head, but this was such a profoundly obvious change. It's NOT just the number on the scale - I really have gotten fitter and healthier in a big way! 🥰

submitted by /u/Beneficial-Bug5913
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Feeling imposter syndrome after weight loss

I’m using imposter syndrome loosely, idk if this is the right context so I apologize if it’s not.

I’ve always been a thicker girl and very curvy with full features (hips, legs, butt, and bust) so I didn’t realize I was overweight. I thought it was just my genetics, which I understand fat distribution is, but I stupidly thought I’d keep my curves at any weight.

I’ve lost a good 15% of my body weight in the last few months and have lost a lot of my butt and bust. I definitely look more proportional for my size but idk how to get over knowing my biggest assets and best features. What are they now?

No disrespect to anyone who is thin but I’ve never had this type of body and idk what to do really. It doesn’t feel normal or like it’s mine. Pants can flatten my butt, I have to wear super push up bras to have cleavage, and everyone keeps fucking picking me up like I’m a kid.

I do like the weight loss and my body type now but I also don’t feel as comfortable. Idk how to act in this new body or how others perceive me. How can I quicken the process of feeling like this body is mine? Has anyone ever felt this or am I just weird?

TLDR: new body after weight loss and feeling like I don’t physically know myself anymore.

submitted by /u/ElectricCollars
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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

steps per day

i don’t know if this is the right place to ask, but if i walked 10,000 steps a day would i lose a semi noticeable amount of face fat? or should it be a high impact exercise? i’ve heard mixed opinions on how walking can affect weight loss, and i try to aim for 10k a day but it doesn't seem to be making a huge difference. do you think running would be more worth while? the thing is i specifically want to lose weight in my face more than anywhere else to try and fix some asymmetry, other tips to help with this would be great

submitted by /u/desolemoment
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How do I stop losing weight when I reach my goal weight?

So I'm a 16 year old male, probably around 5'8 and have decided to commit to losing weight a couple months ago

Flash forward to today, I'm getting quite close to my goal weight of 72kg (currently at 74.5kg)

Over the course of my weight loss I've made sustainable life choices like cutting out fizzy drinks and exercising everyday.

My problem is that whilst I did cut out fizzy drinks and exercise, I still eat whatever I want (like chips and chicken) just at a deficit which has made me lose the weight. What would happen if I continued doing this when I reach 72kg? I would just keep going lower right?

How do I stay at 72kg without going back up or even lower?

submitted by /u/PermitExternal3740
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Monday, November 27, 2023

Post-Thanksgiving Slump

I need some help here. As the title says, I’m in a bit of a slump after thanksgiving, as I expected.

For about 3 months leading up to thanksgiving, I was doing very well, even losing around 35 pounds of fat while building muscle (started around 250-255)! I had tried keto a few times before, all with the weight coming right back on when I stopped. Now, I’m getting in shape, eating in a calorie deficit, and trying to eat close to 50% of my calories in protein. Despite a few weak moments and occasional fast food urges, I’ve stayed on the horse and my weight is trending down. It’s finally feeling sustainable, much different than the keto diet (which is very bad for your health long term in my opinion).

I share my progress with some family, mainly my mother, who I seemingly inherited my weight fluctuation/slower metabolism from. My younger and older brothers are twig skinny all while eating whatever they want. I’ve never had someone tell me outright that I have patterns of an eating disorder, but I would not be surprised if my occasional inability to control my urges is because of that.

Anyways, I left to see family for thanksgiving last Tuesday, around 217lb (6’2 23 y.o. male btw). I conceded that I would enjoy myself and eat whatever I liked on thanksgiving (looking good and feeling good isn’t worth it if you can’t indulge in a family holiday every once in a while, right?). The day came, and I had a very light lunch to prepare. I had two servings of mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing, and whatever else my grandmother told me to eat. It felt freeing, but at the same time I was scared on the effect this would have. For the first time in awhile, I didn’t have someone asking me why I wasn’t eating as much as usual or why I wouldn’t be having seconds. Before dinner began, anyway, most of my family noticed my weight loss and said I look great. Mission accomplished. I’d earned some freaking turkey!

The spillover came when I joined my family for some drinks, which turned into late night pizza, which turned into a hangover burger for lunch the next day…

This morning, I weighed in at 219, after having eaten the night before, so I suspected I was not under the same GI conditions as I usually am with my diet. The problem is, I can’t stop my self from eating in the evening, feeling I am never satiated. I feel fine intermittent fasting in the morning, but I am on a slippery slope and hoping for some words of encouragement or strategies to get back on track. I can’t stop myself going in for more snacks after I’ve had a meal which would normally be filling. And of course it has to be chips or something carb heavy…

I feel better than I have in a long time, and I really want to ride the high!

TL;DR After allowing myself some leeway over thanksgiving, I am struggling to get back on track with my insanely successful weight loss. Help!

submitted by /u/robertchase5
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NSV (tw for sappy love talk)

I started my weight loss journey back in February and I’ve lost about 50 lbs. My fiancé has always been super supportive of me and let me know loud and clear that he thinks I’m beautiful and sexy, even when I was 50 lbs. heavier. It means a lot to me because my weight loss journey has probably been very successful because it has come from inside me, rather than from outside pressure.

Anyway, I was getting dressed this morning and he walked in, whistled and said “damn, look at you, skinny. I am so proud of you.” 🥹 I am not skinny btw. I am 5’4 and currently weigh 180 lbs. So I still have a ways to go. But his love and support mean everything to me. He makes me feel seen and like our love is more than just superficial, which is exactly what I need.

submitted by /u/HelloKittyandPizza
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At what point should I slow down?

5’10” 22M, 288->212 lbs

I’ve had some ups and downs for the past couple of years, but I’ve finally reached a new all time low weight (212 this morning). I’ve managed to lose about 1.5-2 lbs consistently when I’ve purposely lost weight, but I’m now getting to the point where I’m only eating about 1700-1800 calories per day and I’m finding it hard. I’ve lost a bit of energy recently and I think my diet is partially to blame for that. Ultimately, I’d like to lose about another 30 pounds, but I’m not sure I can keep up this rate of weight loss.

For people that went from nearly 300 (or more!) pounds to less than 200, when did you slow down your rate of weight loss, if you did at all? Im really just looking for some perspective here.

submitted by /u/mblunt1201
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Sunday, November 26, 2023

5/6th round of weight loss

Hey all. I’ve(m23) dealt with cyclical weight and gain loss most of my life, due to childhood abuse, depression, and eating disorder.

I’m once again on the losing end, having spent about the last 2 years at my highest weight. Around 175-180 lbs. I’m 5’4 so very heavy for my frame.

I’m trying to get in shape for a cross country trip I’m taking on my bike in the spring. It’ll be about 10k miles over 100 days. So losing weight and increasing my fitness is very important to the sustainability of the trip. It’s been two months since I started losing, and one month since I really committed. So from sept 25 I’m down 14 lbs, and 11 since Oct 25. Currently at 158. I think another month at this pace and I’ll be ready to maintain/healthy bulk to put on some reserves for my trip. My goal weight is 140-142

It’s really just been cutting out the copious amount of junk I was eating, along with the edibles that triggered the binging. Obviously biking a lot as well. I do 20 miles a day to and from work.

submitted by /u/EntireAd8933
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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Fell off track and can’t get back on - please help!

I started my weight loss journey this past July and I was doing really well for 3 months. I lost 15 pounds in 3 months by counting calories and upping my protein intake.

Unfortunately, 2 months ago around Thanksgiving in Canada, I ate a lot and ever since then I haven’t been able to get back on track. I’m now at the same weight I was 2 months ago, so I’ve still only lost 15 pounds since starting in July. I find myself going over my calories pretty frequently now and I can’t control myself anymore.

Please help- how do I get back on track?

submitted by /u/tulip1414
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to approach a mild 5lbs/month?

18F; 5’3 & 128lbs, and I’d like to hover around 110. Currently totally sedentary and (estimated avg) daily intake of 1900 cals.

Because I have a history of disordered eating, I definitely don’t want anything to do with daily calorie/macro counting, weighing food, or anything that could turn obsessive. Apart from the disorder, I just really hate the food obsession that comes with restrictive and rigorous weight loss. All I want is to feel a little healthier/more active. I’m not in a big rush or anything either, so I’d like to aim for a loss of 4-5 pounds a month.

Is a 500 calorie deficit easy to achieve with just some lifestyle changes? I’d aim for 6-7k steps a day & 3 square meals w/o snacking, and prioritizing fruits and veg.

I’ve never tried losing in a healthy or mild manner; is this a good start?

submitted by /u/westeskimo
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Weight Loss Day 1

Hi Reddit! This is my first post on here and I’m honestly terrified so please be nice lol. I’m 18 f and 5ish months ago i got back to my normal self after going on lexapro for ocd and didn’t realize how much I ate. I try not to focus on my weight and how much I eat too much since I grew up battling anorexia. To get to the point, I realized a couple months ago that my jeans don’t fit and for the first time in my life I had enough stomach fat to grab with my hands. I weighed myself about an hour ago and I’m 149 pounds, so I’ve gained 30 pounds in 8 months (last time I weighed myself). I need to loose weight but don’t know where to start. Meal prepping? Gym membership or Pilates/group classes for beginners? Staying motivated? And most importantly, how do I loose weight without re-developing an eating disorder? Thank you so much for any and all help

submitted by /u/goosedog18
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Friday, November 24, 2023

Coke Zero addiction

(TW: I’m not encouraging at all rapid weight loss, I just need help) Yo guys, For some context, I’m 17M and 6’1. This summer I successfully lost 35 pounds and went from 205 to 170 ibs. I already have had several successful 20 pound or so weight losses when I was feeling like I was getting obese but was regaining it every time in the next few months. But this year, I managed to maintain my weight under 180 ibs till the end of fall which makes me really proud. As for now, I can even say it finally ended my lifelong era of being the «chubby kid». The problem with all that is that I was facing bullying which always ended up in me losing important amounts of weight very rapidly. By that, I mean that I was literally consuming under 1000kcal a day (with my TDEE being over 2300) and doing hours of cardio such as cycling every day. So yeah this time, it didn’t change and i did all that only in order to prove that i’m better than everyone at doing it and that I’m not lazy like most claimed. The bad part is that I developed a Coke Zero addiction as soon as I discover that it had 0 calories (2 years ago and so) and that it was an effective (not so long term) appetite suppressant, and it is the same with nicotine. It made that I was binge drinking litres of that shi on a daily basis in order to resist hunger, but what is sad is that it even didn’t help a lot instead of just making me dependent on it. Currently, I am not even sure I can quit it for longer than a week or so because the absence of it always pushes me to return to my old habits and eat high calorie foods (but obviously also because I’m just a miserable addict). Fortunately (or as I initially thought), I recently discovered Coke Zero Zero (which here in France refers to zero caffeine, zero calories coke) and it perfectly fixed my sleep schedule! But I think it only made the addiction worse because the cravings for food would still hit during my weight loss so i started drinking even more of it or returning to traditional Coke Zero as I started suspecting it was the caffeine which was responsible for the appetite suppression. Share your experience, thoughts and advices.

submitted by /u/Physical-Drawing-302
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Never felt this ashamed and horrible before

I've been going to the gym regularly for about a year and a half now and so far I'm happy with my progress, I've lost around 32 pounds and also build some muscle. I'm a 23yo female. Today there was a yoga session and a Zumba class at my gym, so I decided to try it out with a fellow gym girl. And I hate her. She literally kept "mansplaining" me about weight loss to the yoga instructor in front of the entire class and for some reason IDK why the yoga instructor asked me about my weight in front of everybody. And I weigh 190lbs which is still a lot for me.. But anyway I was so embarrassed and felt ashamed of myself. And the entire time I felt like everybody's making fun of me. Just when i was starting to like my body, this had to happen. I'm never talking to that girl ever again! She's rude and arrogant and I'm gonna have to protect my energy. I still want to keep going to the yoga classes but I don't feel like it anymore.. Esp bc she's already been telling the instructor that I wouldn't show up in future classes. That's so rude of her. She keeps twisting my words and continues to mansplain me. I have to avoid her. Maybe I'll not continue yoga or zumba.

submitted by /u/iletmyselffree1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What a difference 2 weeks make

I ate a HUGE* portion of fried rice 2 weeks ago in one sitting and found myself on the floor gasping for air. It took me a good hour to feel semi-okay.

Fast forward to yesterday, I made the same portion for my family. We ate to satisfaction then and we had the leftovers for today’s dinner.

Because of that nasty business with rice, I’m back on my weight loss journey and I am settling quite easily into my calorie deficit and enjoying a more active lifestyle.

Not sure why I’m making this post but if you feel some discomfort while eating, it might be a good idea to reflect on it.

*I used to be able to easily eat this AND more when I was bigger but I lost some weight (48 lbs) during the pandemic and gained about half of it back due to tragic circumstances.

submitted by /u/45km
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Really struggling. Need help.

I got a trainer back in July 2023, and am still struggling with my weight loss.

I’m 4’11, SW: 137, CW: 142. GW: 125-130 She has me eating about 1800 calories in a deficit with 135gm of protein, 176gm carbs, and 61gm of fat. I exercise 4x a week lifting heavy with HIIT cardio at the end for about 10min. I usually work out for about 1.5 hours and I walk a lot for work. My diet is high protein, low carbs, and I’m really not noticing any changes in my weight or body.

Kind of at a loss of what to do. She told me to trust the process but it’s been a couple months and I thought I would lose some weight rather than gain. The only thing is I’m noticing that I lift heavier. Did I just put my body into too high of a low metabolism when I’ve eaten 1300-1500 for half my life? 1800 felt like a lot to me and she said my maintenance is 2300 which shocked me.

It feels like I’m doing everything right, but still can’t drop weight.

submitted by /u/blepsnmeps
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Thursday, November 23, 2023

How I convinced myself to exercise, and you can too

Not sure if this will make sense to anyone who isn't as crazy as me, but this is how I convinced myself to start exercising.

I have dieted many times over the years with varying levels of success. I'm kind of a hands-on person, so I like to be actively doing things with whatever project I'm taking on — even if I'm not actually doing the thing.

For example, when learning the guitar, I would read about music theory during times where I couldn't, or didn't want to, play the guitar.

So, when dieting, I would log my food, create weight spreadsheets, plan recipes and meal prep. All with the goal of helping my project at the time, which was losing weight. I was actively doing things to help me achieve my goal.

One day, I was sitting on the couch thinking that I wish I could do something more to help me with weight loss. In my head, I was equating it to money.. earning (income) and spending.

I knew how to get a calorie income. Just eat stuff. But what if there was a way to spend calories....

And then it hit me of course. Exercise.

I don't know why I'd never looked at it like that. I guess because I've always hated exercise and have always failed at it.

But, it just made so much logical sense in my head at that moment that I couldn't resist. I immediately went for a bike ride. That was about 4 months ago and I've been cycling and running ever since and can't get enough of it.

Tl;dr: I invented exercise

submitted by /u/I_downloaded_a_car_
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as of today i’ve reached my GW and lost 30 pounds in 3 months. thankful for this sub!! 🦃🥳

F24 5’5 HW: 160 CW: 130

wanted to thank this sub for getting me into my own little Fitness Journey that i was actually able to healthily stick to instead of trying to just force my body into the shape i wanted it to be. in the last 3 months i’ve read so many of your advice threads, bookmarked so many of your comments, upvoted so many of your progress pics and yummy meals, i def am thankful for this community.

i’ve never lost weight in a healthy way before and have always despised exercise and while i haven’t been 100% perfect about it this sub has helped me greatly with both of these things. never in a million years thought i’d be a workout girlie but next up is recomp!! also never thought i’d be the type to be posting about weight loss on reddit but here we are lol.

rly excited to continue to show myself that im capable of having a positive relationship with my body.

happy thanksgiving :)

edit: i guess there’s a word minimum lol so i added more W-posting

submitted by /u/tiredhearted
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Should I take a break from this cut?

18M. Basically, I've been cutting since the school year started (August) and have since then lost 4kgs. Small loss I know, but I lost A LOT of fat. My waist went from 32 to 28, so I guess even though my weight loss is slow my fat loss has definitely been going good.

My problem now is that I've fallen into another one of my binge episodes. I binged 3 days straight last week after winning a bag of sweets and candies (It was BIG) from a school competition. Then I binged again last Tuesday. These episodes are also accompanied by anxiety, uncontrollable mood swings, lack of sleep, and feeling weak throughout the day.

Is it time for me to take a maintenance week?

submitted by /u/11isforgowon
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My sister deleted my weight tracking app

I (25f) have been fat my whole life, in the last 8 months i lost a good amount weight, i have been documenting my weight loss journey using this app, recently my sister lost her phone so i gave her my old one since i trusted she wouldn’t mess with my stuff( i know i am stupid), this phone is the one that has the weight loss tracking app, today i was feeling tired of the diet and my body since i haven’t been doing well lately and wanted to see how much i have lost to motivate myself, but guess what ? The bitch had deleted the app since she wanted some memory, i am heartbroken i feel like my effort that i have been documenting for a very long time is now gone, the tracking app was a really good way for me to get my shit together, this maybe a silly rant but it really meant a lot to me.

submitted by /u/Sarajk98
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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Can I enjoy my thanksgiving without sabotaging my weekly weight loss?

I really don’t want to count calories on thanksgiving, but I also don’t want to sabotage my progress for the week. I currently eat 1250-1350 cals a day and so far have been seeing progress. I’m 136 lbs 5’4 females and tomorrow I don’t plan on going over 2,500 cals I doubt I’ll even eat that much but will be close to that. Does having a cheat day a few times a month but not going over 2,200-2,500 cals stop me from losing weight? I’m not in too big of a rush to lose and I can do good for most of the week but I feel that I need at least one day to enjoy myself. I started my diet 3 weeks ago starting at 144 lbs and now I’m currently at 136.

submitted by /u/Visible_Asparagus_89
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How to be patient and enjoy the weight loss process?

Hello! I am finally slowly but surely shedding the weight off, hopefully for the last time! I started out at 215 and am now at 208 (not a huge difference, but it’s taken me months to actually gain momentum in my weight loss.) I am 5’7 and my goal weight is either 150 or 160, I’ll basically stop when I’m satisfied with how I look. I honestly feel an urgency when it comes to losing weight. Having lost weight before (245 to 150), my progress isn’t anything new or exciting. I don’t look the worst I ever have but I know I could look much, much better. I find myself ruminating on being overweight and how I let myself gain some of the weight back. I did the math and I probably won’t like how I look until March, which feels like a long time from now. I genuinely want to enjoy the process, because losing weight is one day at a time. So how can I be patient and deal with how slow this journey is? Any suggestions? The first time I lost weight I was unemployed! But I kept busy by reading everyday, going on two hour walks, etc…. Should I just aim to be busy to get my mind off repetitive thoughts bashing how fat and unattractive I feel? Maybe I’m fixating on this because I’m kind of on vacation and don’t have work to distract me.

submitted by /u/Title-fight-fiend
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss success without counting calories?

Hi all, I'm new here. I'll cut right to it - basically the question in the subject. I'm 46 and really struggling with my weight. I've been unsuccessfully calorie counting practically my whole life. I know calorie counting works, but it's a daily struggle and I'm NEVER consistent. I know this is a "me" problem.

I am thinking of just focusing on eating more mindfully and concentrating on higher protein/fat/fiber/vegetables to keep me full, as I feel like I can ALWAYS eat.

I almost feel like if I'm not worrying about everything I eat fitting into a number or having to track everything I eat that I might actually be successful. I think tracking and focusing on a number too much is what is causing me to fail daily. I know calorie counting works for a lot of people! It just doesn't seem to work for me. In fact, it makes me miserable.

Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/caryn1477
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Where do I start

So I’m a 22f 5”4 160 lbs and my goal is to get down to 125-130lbs. I have had a bad eating disorder and then started binge eating once I moved in with my significant other. I’m currently in grad school but when I go home for breaks It’s easy to NOT eat(my mother and older sister suffer with an ED). I don’t have much time to work out, I have school full time and work in an office (sit a lot). Does anyone have suggestions how I can kickstart my weight loss journey? I want to do it in a healthy way, but I don’t have the time to go to the gym. Thank you :) * I have a bad BAD relationship with food. Has anyone ever discovered a way to actually love and appreciate food the right way… or ways to stop binge eating? It’s horrible 😭

submitted by /u/QuickCrew8968
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I feel like I’m cheating

About a month ago I became really ill. At the start of my weight loss journey I was at 315 in July. I am now at 270. I’ve lost 25 pounds since the beginning of October because I became very ill. I am currently experiencing unbelievable nerve pain and muscle spasms in my back and leg due to some herniated disks. For the first few weeks of this episode I basically slept constantly and was only drinking glasses of milk and a few sips of soup here and there because it’s all I can tolerate. The pain was so immense and the medications made me so tired I was just not existing for those two weeks. Waking up and crying in pain, taking meds and going back to sleep. Now my appetite is completely gone and it’s not the meds. The meds have the exact opposite effect. I had a slice of garlic bread for dinner last night and that’s it. It feels amazing to not constantly be aching from how full I am but I don’t feel like I got here on my own merit. Before my health incident, I was fasting 16-8 and curbed a ton of my over eating habits, no sodas, and was walking 10k steps a day. But it was so hard, I felt every single hour I was fasting. Now it’s like nothing to me. I keep dropping weight but it doesn’t feel like I earned it.

submitted by /u/Onlycans69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is 150lbs skinny for a 5’7 person?

My goal weight is 150lbs and I’m currently at 193. I started my weight loss journey 2 and a half years ago at 281lbs and got down to 161 as my lowest at the beginning of the year. However I had huge setbacks this entire year and radically changed my routine last Sunday where I was at 202lbs and currently at 193lbs as of today! Fixed this by focusing more on eating clean, weight lifting a lot more than just doing cardio, cutting out bad sugars and lowering sodium intake, and even stopped smoking cigarettes as of Friday!

When I tell people I know that I want to get down to 150lbs as my goal weight, some say that’s too skinny and I think to myself that I wouldn’t really look that skinny for someone who is 5’7, especially now that I’m weight lifting a lot more and toning my body. Though, I never been at that weight so I don’t know what I would look like but I’m sure I wouldn’t look skinny at all.

The people I talked to that tell me I looked skinny don’t really work out and living in America has skewed how our bodies are actually suppose to look due to the high amount of obesity so of course people would think 150lbs on a 5’7 person would be skinny.

submitted by /u/FlamingNate559
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Losing too quickly?

At the beginning of September I weighed in at 253lb (M, 6'0, 34 years old). It was the heaviest I'd ever been and it was the final straw for me. I was sick of being out of breath going up the stairs, getting exhausted quickly playing hockey, shirts getting tight, and my face looking fat in photos. Scale calculated body fat at 53%.

So I set out on a fairly rigid plan. My TDEE calculated out at ~2500. I stopped eating all fast food, revised what I cooked at home to include way more vegetables and salads, started weighing foods and counting calories, stopped drinking anything other than black coffee and water, and am running on the treadmill 4x weekly (typically 30-40 mins using the iFit app). I've set my calorie limit at 1950 and rarely, if ever, exceed that.

For background, I used to be in good shape ~8-10 years ago. 4-5 days/week workout schedule plus hockey a few times per week. At 1900 calories I was a bit hungry here and there but I've adjusted and manage well.

Today, 12 weeks later, I'm sitting at 214.8lb and 44% BF. I'm happy with the weight loss however a bit concerned that I'm losing too quickly and the BF% difference is a bit low given the total weight loss.

Am I going too quickly? Is this unhealthy? What would you recommend changing if I needed to change something?

submitted by /u/Tempura_Shelter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monday, November 20, 2023

I fear my weight will prevent me from finding a partner

I’ve always been fat. Except when I had health issues hyperthyroidism, abused my stimulant meds (to not eat (even then overweight) and then just depression where I just stopped eating (still overweight but just shy of normal weight). I fear that my weight will keep me from meeting a guy (I am gay fyi) and settling down. I am successful in most other aspects of my life except here where I am a total failure. Gay people have ridiculous standards that are just impossible to comform to. My longest relationship has been 6 months. I have told my therapist this (omitting the illegal shit obs) and he keeps telling me that my train will come in. I guess I’m needing some real talk here from people in the thick of it. I’m at my heaviest I’ve been in almost 4 years and I’m really triggering me to not eat -my doctor has not helped by telling me that weight loss studies suggest that diet restriction -1800 calories are the best at keeping weight off. Sorry just needing to vent and I’m sick of people telling me it will be fine because I’m not sure if it will be or if I need lose weight quickly before I age out. Sorry for the rant but it’s been building for months.

submitted by /u/Forsaken-Moment-7763
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

calories burned?

I (F, 5’5ft, 123 lbs) want to know an ESTIMATE on how many cals i burn per mile. This isn’t exactly for weight loss as I don’t think it’d be healthy for me to lose much more. I’d like to keep it OFF however because I love sugary drinks and sweets and I’ve been going way overboard lately lol. Thanksgiving is gonna hurt too thanks to my Greek family haha. More information: I have a treadmill at home and I use that on 4mph. I usually walk an hour.

Again, I know no exact calculation is gonna be 100% accurate but i’d like your thoughts thanks! :)

submitted by /u/highimrenn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How important is daily step count if you’re doing high intensity workouts?

I've heard over and over how important it is to get 10,000 steps a day, especially for fat loss or weight loss.

Does this apply to those who are doing high intensity workouts like Pelaton? I work out 4-5 times a week with my workouts being anywhere from 45-60 minutes, a combination of both strength training and cardio on the bike.

However most days I just can't seem to get more than 6,000 steps. I take my dog for a long (1-1.5 miles) walk about 4-5 times a week. When not working out I try to stay active around the house cleaning, cooking, etc. I live in a neighborhood that isn't safe enough to walk at night so during this time of year I can't walk outside after 5pm.

Since my Pelaton ride doesn't register as "steps" on my Apple Watch, on the days I do a 45 minute HIIT and hills ride as my workout my steps may be as low as 4,000. I know the metrics on Apple Watch are not the most accurate, but I usually burn 420-460 calories during these rides. By the end of the day, I'll typically have a calorie burn of like 650-800 on the days I workout. I do take 2-3 rest days a week but still am only able to hit about 6,000 steps a day.

Is only getting 6,000 steps a day affecting my fat loss progress even if I'm doing high intensity/high calorie burn workouts most days?

submitted by /u/blondieee12
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Tips to start out with health challenges?

I am in my early 30’s and have always been overweight my entire adult life which started due to a medical issue. In the past year my weight and fitness level is impacting my ability to do my hobbies and enjoy life. I want to make a change. I have some health conditions that make it hard to lose weight/keep it off.

Some factors: - Limited diet, not able to do gluten and have to eat lower grain amount. I also need to watch the fat in my diet and can’t eat all that much meat. I generally have a pretty healthy diet overall - Hormonal condition that makes weight gain very very easy and weight loss feels like an uphill slog. My levels and medication are stable, but baseline it is more difficult. I was a normal weight/in sports up to early adulthood, but when this started I quickly gained weight - I have a joint disorder that makes it so high impact/wear and tear on my joints isn’t doable. I am essentially ok to walk, recumbent bike, Pilates, and my physical therapy exercises - Fatigue and one of my health conditions causes some days that I can barely get out of bed

Basically I would love any tips from people who have been in similar situations! I checked my TDEE and I am already (and have been) well below the calorie recommendations. I haven’t been doing pointed exercise and am starting that now. I am aiming for 250 minutes a week of purposeful exercise.

submitted by /u/Itchy-Scholar-7237
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Need help losing weight -- haven't lost in months

Hello! Long time anonymous lurker, first time poster. I'm 21F, 5'5", and ~243 pounds. I'm currently looking to be 200 by April 2024 the latest.

I used to be 130lbs but got COVID-19 weight amongst other personal issues. I started with dieting and losing weight at the start of the year, and my body dropped 10 pounds then stopped.


Here's some stuff I currently do / have done: - Work out 2x a week in the morning, 100% cardio. I use both the elliptical and treadmill. - Count calories no matter what (used apps like Noom / FitnessPal) - drink 60oz a water a day - limit calorie intake to 1650 unless needed

Things I've considered doing: - heavily increasing my protein intake (I rarely eat protein since I don't like most, and protein shakes/powders make my stomach feel awful!!) - increase my water intake further - go to the gym 3x a week minimum

Miscellaneous/Health profile: - currently have a bad knee that makes working out hard (it feels like a door hinge and it's 100% genetics) - bad foot as well, hard time putting a lot of weight on it (like running, walking is great!) - hormone imbalance, I use birth control to control it - I go to college and therefore have a meal plan. My meals on campus are usually a chicken wrap, salad with 1tbps of bacon bits, and whatever vegan option for the day. - I also walk around on campus a lot, as well as with friends. I'm on my feet all the time and easily clock 10k+ steps 6/7 days of the week.

I'm not sure how much I should increase my protein and water intake, meals that are easy and good to make, and workouts that are good for you. I'm not low on motivation, and I'm really proud of my progress to change my life as of now, I've learned how to cook in the process! But now I want to look good and avoid health issues.

I used to see a doctor specializing in weight loss but I can no longer see them due to insurance issues. I'd like something similar to keep me motivated and accountable.

Please help!

submitted by /u/Exciting_Percentage1
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Weight Loss Help

Hello everyone,

I'm a 5'9" male 29 years old currently weighing 503 lbs. I started out at around 540 lbs back in early September. This past week I've only lost a little over 2 lbs, which doesn't make sense because I'm positive I've been eating around 1,500 calories/day. I think it may have been because Sunday - Tuesday last week I may have eaten a bit more basmati rice than I should have. My goal is to lose around 4-5 lbs a week not exceeding 1,500 calories/day. I want to know how much chicken breast constitues the serving recommended. The food that my family and I get doesn't contain any nutritional information as it is either from overseas or locally butchered as is the case with my meat. How many grams of rice is acceptable to eat within 1,500 calorie daily goal? What about chicken breast? I am tired of being this morbidly obese. I have last about 140 lbs before, but ended up gaining it all back and then some on top of that. The mistake I made back then was due to my diet being very restrictive where I limited myself between 1000-1200 calories max, but I no longer will do that as it isn't sustainable for keeping me consistent. Any advice and guidance would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/Lardicrous
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How do I convince my dad that I'm not starving myself when I'm simply just not eating as many carbs?

So a little context, in my country it's super, super common to eat carbs for all 3 meals, especially breakfast and dinner. A lot of the time we eat bread or corn flour for both. In my family we obviously follow this too and there's not a single meal where I don't eat carbs cause I still eat plactane, rice or potato at lunch. I've been refusing to eat bread for breakfast or dinner for the last week and my dad is getting all whiny cause for some reason he's hyperfixated on having "balanced meals" but he doesn't have a problem with me not eating vegetables. Not only that, he refuses to take me to insulin or thyroid checks because supposedly I "don't need it" or "don't show any visible symptoms" for insulin resistance or hyperthyroidism, even though three doctors already have told me that I should get BOTH checked. And it just frustrates me because I feel like I have the odds against me for weight loss if my family doesn't let me eat correctly. I went to the extreme and didn't eat for a day cause I refused to keep eating carbs which I admit was inmature but it was an angry impulse

submitted by /u/SanWasHitByABus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, November 18, 2023

I'm not committing to intermittent fasting and I'm eating like shit at night...

I started my weight loss goal in January and I was doing pretty well when it started. I was eating healthy, going to the gym regularly, and I ended up losing around 60 pounds.

Fast forward to today, I am currently dealing with some financial and personal issues that are making me lose motivation to eat healthy and the gym has lost the therapeutic feeling I get when walking out.

I used to have an intermittent fasting period where I would fast for 16 hours and only eat between the hours of 12-8PM. Now that I have a different work schedule, I understand that I need to change my fasting period to accommodate it.

Unfortunately, I'm not sticking to the schedule and I am eating horribly at night. I could be near the end of my daily allowance of calories and I'll go home and eat bread and butter, a big bowl of cereal, or any type of high calorie snack I can get my hands on.

I need to find a way to kick these bad habits. I'm debating on expanding my eating window to 12 hours and I'm also looking for any recommendations or advice on what to curb my hunger late at night.

Anything you guys can give me would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Gavindude1997
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Will one cheat day of eating 1000 calories more than my daily 1200 calorie intake have much effect on my progress?

Hi as the question says, I am four weeks into my diet where I hope to reach my goal by early January however yesterday I decided to treat myself to satisfy any cravings I had in which I ate 1000 calories over my usual 1200 and am just wondering if this will have much effect on any progress I've made so far or on my ongoing weight loss rate? Nothing to beat myself up over of course but would just like to know so I know what to expect and am not disappointed if my goal isn't reached at the expected date.

submitted by /u/Solid-Pea-10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why aren’t potatoes considered a weight loss food?

I apologize if this has been asked before, but why aren’t potatoes considered a super effective weight loss food? Yes, they are high calorie relative to other vegetables, and we associate them with french fries and other junk food, but they are SO filling. 141g of roasted potatoes in oil, 168 cal total, and I’m completely full for hours. There’s been studies done on which foods are the most filling with percentages, and potatoes wiped the floor with about 200%. Why don’t we talk about potatoes more! Very nutrient-heavy and delicious roasted, steamed, or baked.

submitted by /u/LiveLaughLove___
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Nearing the lowest weight of my adult life and a bit nervous I'll be stuck here

I haven't been a healthy weight since probably around 8 years old. I've been losing weight steadily since August, and I'm approaching where I was in college...which is by no means my end goal as it's still obese, but it is nice to have dropped the post-grad/covid weight and get back down to ~215.

November's been the hardest month so far though. I've had my period, daylight savings, and vacation. Due to all these, I've definitely been eating a bit more unhealthily and exercising less, and the scale understandably hasn't budged much this month.

Something I've learned is that by far the hardest part about weight loss for me is the patience required. An annoyingly loud part of my brain is telling me that I'm incapable of getting to a weight any lower than this, since I haven't as an adult, and that's why the scale's stalled...and it's the holidays and I might as well throw in the towel and stop trying. I'm going to be trying to ignore that line of thinking though, because I know it doesn't make any logical sense.

A little NSV that's keeping me motivated is that this pair of jeans from college finally fit fairly comfortably again...they started out struggling to even get over my thighs. I'm thinking of wearing them on Thanksgiving to motivate me to make more intentional choices about what I put on my plate, as opposed to leggings I've worn previous years in anticipation of bloating from overeating.

I just thought I'd post here so anyone feeling the same knows they're not alone, and maybe those that have gotten past some of these hurdles can offer some words of wisdom. :)

submitted by /u/nikallze
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, November 17, 2023

I just want someone to know.

Mid-30s Male 6'2"

I've been a member here for multiple years. I've had the intention for the past 15 years to lose weight, but it was never serious. More of a "that would be cool if I could take a pill and lose all this weight" fantasy than any concrete goals. That was my opinion on it until it wasn't. Here is a little about my journey.

I've hit one of my small goals so I wanted to post. I've finally hit Overweight in my BMI (28). Just CICO, nothing fancy.

I "started" in January 2022 at ~380 (lbs.) though In 2021 I was over 400 but I don't know the exact weight. I started having massive health issues like legs swelling and sleep apnea getting so bad I had to sleep sitting up which caused issues with the leg swelling worsening. Bad sleep led to other issues both emotional and cognitively.

You know that "rock bottom" moment people have to hit? I was at the point where I would sleep in a chair for a couple hours, but then my legs would swell so much I would move to my bed with my legs elevated to help reduce the swelling and then wake up choking in an hour. To give a more concise reasoning, my stomach and chest had gotten so big that laying in bed with my legs elevated was shifting my weight towards my head and my fat was compressing my chest and neck compounding my apnea issues.

So I just made the smallest change to start, and it was just to stop drinking soda as much. I still drank it with meals, but not when I was just at home. That's all I did from January till July. I lost 30 pounds in that period.

In July 2022 a content creator I follow talked about his diet at the time since he was losing weight as well that he gained during COVID. He mentioned he is brain-broken and able to eat the same thing every day which honestly resonated with me massively. For reference I was 354 when I began my "diet".

I had used MFP time and again trying to lose weight but it never stuck and felt like more work for nothing gained. Like I tracked my meals but I didn't get the next step. So my TDEE stats said I needed over 3k calories to maintain my weight. I thought about reducing it a little, but honestly I didn't want to measure it all that close. So I just set a soft limit of 2k calories a day. I began tracking and then just waiting for hunger to happen. If I hit my limit I wouldn't satiate the craving I'd just wait till the next day.

As time went on I started to see "Ok, wasting 300 calories on a Mtn. Dew really doesn't help with my hunger. Let's stop drinking them." Then I started realizing a lot of the food I eat doesn't satiate me much or for as long as it should compared to its calorie amount. "What if I eat this and this, its the same calories but I feel full way longer."

Using that I finally found my "anchor meal" as I've called it. It's a burrito bowl from Chipotle. It's 1200 calories (give or take who is working that day) and very filling. So now I always eat this bowl as either Lunch or Dinner, and then eat whatever I want for the other 800 calories in my day. I technically do intermittent fasting but not by choice, just honestly by coincidence.

You see since I don't cook, I can only go to places that are open. I also am a night-owl so I inevitably wake up in the afternoon. So I've essentially only been eating between 12pm and 10pm through a confluence various quirks. Lately this has changed slightly but half my days are like this.

So once I found my anchor meal I eat it every-single-day. The only days I don't is when they are closed, or holiday meals with family. It has worked magnificently.

The other major change I did was job related. My previous job was driving for the railroads. I picked crews up off their trains in remote locations and brought them to the train yards. So 40 hours a week literally sitting in a van down by the river. The company I worked for lost their contract in December 2020 so I went on unemployment in 2021 and lived off that and my savings till November 2022. In November I got a new job working at a factory, just a regular ol' line worker.

So for those keeping track I have been on my "diet" for the past four months and I was at 318 my first week. This job was a massive change from my previous 8 years. It's 12 hour days, two on two off, every other weekend.

6 AM - 6:10 PM Week 1: Monday - Tuesday - OFF - OFF - Friday - Saturday - Sunday Week 2: OFF - OFF - Wednesday - Thursday - OFF - OFF - OFF Repeat 

Conditioning through a job is awful. You have to realize aside from my weight I was just completely out of shape overall. I got winded going up 10 stairs. Now I'm going up and down multiple stairs (100+) and on my feet the majority of my shift while weighing over 300 pounds. For 6 hours of my 12 I would work at a spot where I literally walk back and forth 5 steps non-stop for 2 hours at a time. My legs and especially my feet would be so beat by the end of the day I had to sit in my car in the parking lot at work for 30+ minutes before I could drive home. Why would I put myself through this? Health insurance. That's the only reason.

Now to normal people this wouldn't count as exercise but to me it was like running a marathon. While my weight loss stayed consistent from before I started this job my endurance skyrocketed as time went on. Now I can walk for miles and not get winded. Stairs still suck but that's due to my knees being terrible not due to exhaustion.

My eating has changed since July 2023 also. When I began my diet I would eat Chipotle for lunch then figure something out for dinner. At work since I can't leave campus all day I ate lunch at the cafeteria (whatever looked good, or a sandwich) then ate Chipotle for dinner. On my off days I do like I did before work. The recent change is at work now I eat breakfast and lunch. I was having issues with keeping awake at work before lunch. I think I've lost enough weight that my body isn't burning my "reserves" enough to keep me awake before I eat lunch. So now I just eat like a breakfast burrito or sandwich around 9am and reduce my lunch at 12pm. As you can see below my weight is still going down.

A few goals I set for myself at the start. So my target weight is... well I never had a specific one. One goal I had was get my BMI below Obese, then below Overweight. Another goal was lose weight slowly for two reasons. The first was I didn't want to crash diet, all my decisions were with lifestyle changes in mind and not getting a goal weight. I know myself pretty well and if I hit my goal by any means necessary I'd be all "Alright that's done now, lets order pizza" and go right back up in weight. The second had to do with loose skin. I do have loose skin right now but it's not that bad considering I've lost 150+ pounds. I just wanted my body to gradually adapt to the new normal as my habits slowly adapted as well. I also heard losing gradually will help with stretch marks but my stretch marks are there for a different reason so it wasn't really a contributing factor more like "that would be a nice bonus". I did the math a month or two ago and I'm around 1.5 pounds lost a week. I was aiming for 2 but this is still great.

The only weight goal I've toyed with is 215, since that was the weight I wrestled at in high school. The penultimate goal is 180 and jacked. Specifically I want an "Adonis belt" even if it's for like a week. I want to get ripped and pay hundreds of dollars for a professional photo shoot where I remake my Facebook account and post the pictures to brag about myself for once. Yes I want to use my goal for spite and self-aggrandizing, sue me.

I have stretch marks, but actually it isn't from my weight. In 2006 I was in a very bad car accident in which I was ejected through the windshield into the median of the interstate (grass thankfully). I was fat back then also (~240) which made me bouncy I guess. In my multiple bounces/rolling I landed on my right abdomen and had a massive hematoma on my "love handles". The comparison I've always used was the smallest pumpkin you could reasonable carve, or 2 and a half softballs. So that ripped my skin over and gave me my stretch marks. Getting fatter didn't help for sure but didn't make more, just widened the valleys.

The final goal was strengthening. You'd think a guy with my stats (6'2" 224) is pretty strong, and man would you be wrong. I am objectively weak. I mentioned my car accident, aside from the hematoma I also had some disabling injuries as well. This image is a good example of my hip. My cartilage was compressed and pushed out from the hip joint like play-doh. I also had two discs in my spine compressed and almost herniated. Thankfully I was rag dolling due to being knocked out by the initial collision. I walked with a cane for over a year and essentially accelerated my age when it comes to hip and back issues by a few decades (I was in the accident two days after I turned 19). I did some physical therapy but wasn't able to finish it out due to issues with insurance. So half-fixed and gaining weight while never working out it's more surprising I can walk let alone lift.

I wanted to lose weight so I can focus on strengthening my back muscles to help alleviate my back pain and posture. I initially planned on doing it when I hit 300, but I pushed it back till my endurance improved. I was just so gassed from work on my days off I'd spend them just getting back to normal before going back to work. In May 2023 I started taking online classes so I'd be at work for 12 hours then on my days off I'd be studying/working on homework for 12 hours and didn't plan any time to starting working out. I've since finished half my classes but now I'm just anxious about starting in general since I have never done weight lifting.

Anyways all that is to just give you an idea of my own journey with weight loss and I hope it can give some insights for anyone else looking to start (or continue) their journey as well.

Here is my weights since I started tracking it weekly when I started my "diet" in July 2022. I will only post the weight at the end of each month:

Jan 22: ~380 July 22: 350 Aug 22: 340 Sep 22: 332 Oct 22: 324 Nov 22: 317 Dec 22: 305 Jan 23: 296 Feb 23: 282 Mar 23: 275 Apr 23: 280 May 23: 269 June 23: 260 July 23: 255 - One Year Mark Aug 23: 248 Sep 23: 242 Oct 23: 235 Nov 23: 224 - Current Weight 
submitted by /u/AtomicCow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hate my figure. Will continued fat loss help me get more proportional?

I have lost about 80lbs since early May and I look extremely unproportional. My waist got smaller but my hips are absolutely massive. When I try to wear pants, I struggle a lot to get them over my hips and they end up loose in my waist.

I am scheduled for a tummy tuck and breast lift in March. My plastic surgeon told me to do whatever I want until then in regards to weight loss.

Currently I'm 5'1" and about 140lbs. My goal is around 120 for plastic surgery. I lift in the gym 3x a week.

Will another 20lbs lost help to even out my body? Is my apron belly making it look worse than it really is? I feel like I look like a molar.

Photo here:

YES, I know these clothes aren't flattering. I purposely had to wear something that would show the difference between waist and hips.

submitted by /u/Amalgamatorgator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

This Monday I did a whole 'refresh' on my weight loss journey after 10 months of no progress

I started my weight loss journey in April 2021 where I weighed 281lbs. The gym close to my house opened that same year after many delays due to COVID and I had to make an improvement with myself. Many months go by, I made progress doing cardio and some weightlifting but since I go alone I don't have anyone to spot me, I usually stuck with the machines and even then I still did the minimum effort but it still gave me some progress and that's all that mattered (or so I thought it did). I also had setbacks due binge eating making me lose gains and that would aggravate me since my goal weight is 150lbs and having setbacks makes the goal seem farther away but I still kept going.

New Years Eve 2023 come around and I weighed 166lbs! The lowest Ive been in a long time and yet I still looked in the mirror and felt like it wasn't enough, so I still kept going to the gym to get to my goal weight. Many months go by and I have issues with my mentality. Being out of work a lot due to having to bend down frequently and push heavy stuff for 10 hours straight. a year ago I would literally go straight to the gym after 10 hours of work but I didn't do it this time around for how tired I got. Plus further health problems with my knee (weak quads on the right side, bad pains) and foot (I have gout, triggers bad pains from eating too much red meat) to where I went to the doctor's to get a note so I can excuse myself. Many times i could've had more money but my health issues got in the way and I'm fixing them now.

I’ve also became more complacent in the gym and only focused on cardio and nothing else. I would even give into my cravings and over eat making me lose progress I made at the gym. Yes I mentioned this already but this year the binge eating got worse to where I couldn't recover from the weight I gained and my weight continued slowly going up. All of this affected me mentally as well because I question myself why do I go to the gym if I'm going to give into my cravings or if my body is going to give me problems

All of this up until Sunday, I contemplated on what I should do moving forward with the year almost ending and weighing at 202lbs o the next day, I started to change my routine once again and decided to cut out processed food and made a protein shake in the morning that instantly changed my mood.

Today I'm back down to 196 and now after going to the gym consistently again and having more focus of weight training than just cardio. I'm cooking myself a nice chicken dish with grounded chicken, diced up tomatoes. bell peppers, and onions. Tbh I actually haven't cooked that much for myself all year and ordered takeouts for a chicken salad which I thought would be healthy but the sauces I used were dense in calories and I would too much of the pita bread that came with it

All of that being said. I can confidently say that I am better this week than I was the previous week and first time I've made actual progress this year!!! My big regret was waiting too long to make another change to myself and feel like I should've being more disciplined a long time ago.

submitted by /u/FlamingNate559
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I wait until after Thanksgiving to start counting calories again?

For context, I have struggled with weight loss on and off for several years now. I’m not overweight, but I gained a ton of weight over covid and I know there’s room to lose these pounds again. I started getting back into calorie counting a few weeks ago but recently stopped tracking because I figured that with Thanksgiving coming up (I currently have several big meals planned with both family and friends), I know myself well enough to know that I’m not going to be able to restrict my food intake very easily during that time, and plus I want to just be able to enjoy the holidays without having to worry about tracking my food, instead of trying to track my calories and then feel guilty when I go over my budget on those days. I’m thinking of just not counting calories until after Thanksgiving week is over so I can start fresh after that, but I want to hear what this sub has to say first.

submitted by /u/FeedbackMelodic8927
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, November 16, 2023

I gained weight and didn’t freak out

So like many of you I’ve been overweight a long long time. I don’t thinK I’ve been close to a ‘healthy’ weight since my second year of university ~ a good 12+ years ago.

Last year I lost 10kgs 10%ish of my weight and was really thrilled. We then moved, and had a death in the family and I regained (and lost and regained) a few but couldn’t settle Into a consistent weight loss routine.

At the end of September I really got stuck back in and started trending downward again. The last few weeks have been incredibly stressful and I lost a bunch of weight without really trying. I was like the only silver lining to come from the stress and was really pleased.

This week my body has been trying to claw back I think and I’ve been super super hungry. I’ve tried to stick to healthy choices but figured my body just needed more fuel.

When I jumped on the scale this week I’m a kg and a half UP from last week. Normally I would freak out and try and sort it out, however, I know I’m still trending down so I’m feeling g alright about it 🤷‍♀️ I’ve committed and I’m In the routine now, I’ll just carry on and next week will ve down again

Feeling good about my mental stability and how my weight being up hasn’t wrecked my mood 😊😊 here is to the next 10kgs at which point I will be over halfway done

submitted by /u/Complicatedrocks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Best Lettuce For Salad: 7 Leafy Greens That Pack a Nutrition and Flavor Punch

Salads are a great way to add filling and nutritious veggies to your meals, but they can also get boring fast. Swapping the traditional bases of romaine, spring mix or iceberg lettuce for new and interesting leafy greens can help mix up textures and flavors, keeping your salads fresh and exciting.

Read on for inspiration on the best lettuce for salads when it comes to both flavor and nutrition content. The benefits are twofold: not only will expanding the variety of greens in your diet satisfy your taste buds, but it will also provide a broader range of nutrients to keep your body running at its best.

Health Benefits of Leafy Greens

Brimming with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, leafy greens offer a myriad of health benefits. Experts have linked diets rich in leafy greens with reduced risks of cancer, digestive issues, heart disease, diabetes and cognitive decline.

Additionally, eating more leafy greens is great for your waistline. Low in calories but high in fiber and water, leafy greens help you feel full longer, making them an excellent choice for anyone watching their weight.

For these reasons, the Nutrisystem plans encourage the inclusion of unlimited leafy greens in your diet. Now that you understand their health benefits, let’s dive into the many delicious ways these versatile, superfood veggies can take your salads from ordinary to extraordinary.

7 Flavorful and Nutritious Greens to Try in Your Salad

1. Kale


Kale’s curly edges add visual interest to your meals, and its earthy, slightly peppery taste can help salads feel heartier.

A great source of vitamin C, kale helps support your immune system and is also packed with vitamin K and calcium to help keep your bones strong. Additionally, kale contains two essential phytochemicals – lutein and zeaxanthin – that support healthy eyes.

Try this: Cut kale into bite-sized pieces and toss into a salad with salty, sweet or tangy ingredients like parmesan cheese, nuts, seeds, dried cranberries, apples, lemon or garlic.

2. Cabbage


Thin-sliced cabbage can add a satisfying crunch to any salad. Cabbage can also be pickled and used as a flavorful topping.

A member of the cruciferous family of vegetables, cabbage helps fight the chronic inflammation that underlies many metabolic diseases like obesity and diabetes.

Try this: The slightly bitter cabbage flavor pairs well with vinaigrettes, mustards and sweet flavors. Combine thinly sliced cabbage with a light vinaigrette, slivered almonds and mandarin orange slices.

3. Spinach

Fresh green leaves spinach

Spinach is a great place to start branching out from your standard lettuce greens. It has a slightly sweet, mild taste that most people enjoy.

Swapping spinach for standard iceberg lettuce can more than double your intake of iron, vitamin C, folate and vitamin A.

Try this: Pair spinach with seasonal ingredients and flavors, like we did in this Fall Spinach Salad recipe paired with Apple Vinaigrette. You could also toss spinach with balsamic vinaigrette, strawberries and feta cheese.

4. Dandelion Greens

Raw Organic Red Dandelion Greens

If you’re the type that likes black coffee or a strong IPA, dandelion greens are a great choice to add some pungent, zesty bitterness to your salads.

Studies have shown that these greens’ fiber, antioxidants and potassium may help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

Try this: Sweet and salty ingredients help balance out the bitterness of these greens, so pair them with fruits, cheeses and nuts. Try combining dandelion greens with sundried tomatoes and a vinaigrette.

5. Watercress


Watercress can add a crack of spiciness to your salads. Plus, one study found watercress contains a staggering 40 different antioxidant compounds, the most out of the other 12 cruciferous vegetables tested.

Watercress also contains nitrates, a dietary compound that helps keep blood vessels healthy.

Try This: Combine spicy watercress with creamy avocado and bright tomatoes.

6. Arugula

Fresh leaves of arugula.

You can skip the fresh cracked pepper on your salads when you include the peppery flavor of arugula. Arugula’s unique shaped leaves also help keep each bite interesting.

Like other cruciferous leafy greens, it contains glucosinolates, a nutrient compound linked to a reduced risk of certain types of cancer.

Try This: Pair arugula with shaved parmesan cheese and a lemon vinaigrette. Check out these other healthy arugula recipes.

7. Endive


Endive offers a crunchy, bright, slightly bitter flavor. Its firm texture also means you can use the leaves in place of chips, crackers or bread for dips, chicken or tuna salad.

Part of the chicory family, the fiber content of endives helps improve digestive health and manage blood sugar. Endive also provides a good source of folate, vitamin K and potassium.

Try This: Pair endives with thinly sliced apples and a light vinaigrette.


There is no need to stay stuck in a salad rut; endless varieties of leafy greens are available to help you infuse freshness and flavor into a lackluster side dish.

Whether you’re in the mood for the satisfying crunch of cabbage, the peppery zing of arugula or the earthy depth of kale, each green brings its own unique combination of taste and nutrition to the table.

Have fun exploring each option, breaking the monotony of your traditional green salad and propelling you toward your health goals!


  • Navarro SL, Schwarz Y, Song X, et al. Cruciferous vegetables have variable effects on biomarkers of systemic inflammation in a randomized controlled trial in healthy young adults. J Nutr. 2014;144(11):1850-1857. doi:10.3945/jn.114.197434
  • Kania-Dobrowolska M, Baraniak J. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale L.) as a Source of Biologically Active Compounds Supporting the Therapy of Co-Existing Diseases in Metabolic Syndrome. Foods. 2022;11(18):2858. Published 2022 Sep 15. doi:10.3390/foods11182858
  • Li Z, Lee HW, Liang X, et al. Profiling of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of 12 Cruciferous Vegetables. Molecules. 2018;23(5):1139. Published 2018 May 10. doi:10.3390/molecules23051139
  • Lidder S, Webb AJ. Vascular effects of dietary nitrate (as found in green leafy vegetables and beetroot) via the nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2013;75(3):677-696. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2125.2012.04420.x
  • National Cancer Institute. Cruciferous Vegetables and Cancer Prevention. National Cancer Institute. Published 2010.

The post Best Lettuce For Salad: 7 Leafy Greens That Pack a Nutrition and Flavor Punch appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

What do you do when you’re sad?

I’ve been back on the wagon for nearly a week, and starting to relearn the signals for when I’m actually hungry/thirsty/bored.

The trouble is, I’m dealing with some incredibly distressing personal shit at the moment, and by eating for weight loss, I don’t have the option of shovelling food down my mouth every time I feel sad.

When you stop comfort eating… what do you replace it with? I’ve eaten my feelings on and off my whole life, and I’m struggling to think of a healthy replacement for food as a crutch. Tell me, what makes you feel better when you’re down which isn’t food related?

submitted by /u/ThePuzzledMoon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Some advice to unorganzied people (like me) based on personal experience.

This is for people who feel like me, who already know they can’t count calories, are unorganized and find fitness overwhelming.

This is personal experience and bits and pieces of knowledge I picked up along the way. A bit of warning, this might be a bit extreme. You don’t have to listen to any of this. You can just take what you need from it but it’s what my journey was, and I’m not in any way unhealthy and I’m pretty fit and I didn’t relapse so it is a tried and tested thing. But different people might need different approaches so take that into account.

My "credentials" .

  • underweight child/teenager to a bmi of 31-32 in ~2 years, heaviest around 21 years old.

    • went down to a bmi of like 26 in a couple of months, by intermittent fasting (mostly 8-16). I had basically no muscle at the time so bmi is a good enough indicator.
    • I went under 25 bmi for a short time but this was a pretty slow and inconsistent thing and I've been working out since and put on some muscle.

I outlined these so that you know, that I’m a young male person, healthy as far as I know and didn’t gain or lose that much weight, and I wasn’t obese for most of my life. So take it into consideration if you keep reading.

The first and most important thing is EAT LESS.

Now this is obvious but there's no going around this one. It’s very hard to understand how little food you actually need (whatever your weight goal is), it’s just incomprehensible. Our brains are very bad with big quantities. And if you’re overweight you could eat so much less right now and still be alive and at a BMI that is considered healthy. But you can’t, you simply can’t make an instant jump like that. You have to work your way down and each time you will blow your own mind by the difference.

It is not pleasant and not easy. Maybe if I was perfectly organized and ate all the right things I could've gone through it without feeling like crap half the time. But I knew I could never do that, for me it's impossible. I knew myself. In the beginning all I could do was limit how much I ate (by limiting when I ate), and that was enough for a start. After I plateaued I started paying a bit more attention to what I ate and walked more, but that's it. Most of the weight loss was in that period, and exercising actually had a reverse effect, at least until I adjusted.

Your brain is going to resist this. It's a psychological battle more than anything. You're going to have to make a major change and it's not going to be easy. The truth is a diet can never be perfect, and you can only approach it from below. You might feel sick some of the time. You might have deficiencies. I ate salt for breakfast when I realized I actually needed salt in the morning, not food, and could put off eating just for a little bit. It's not a normal thing. Maybe that's not everyone's experience but it was mine.

If you’re going through a stressful period and need your brain, now is not really the time to make a major change. It was a chill period for me and I had it pretty easy. I could focus on building my life around this.

The only way to really hack it is to figure out a schedule, with tricks, with setting up the day so that there’s no space left for you to over eat. You start eating less and your brain is going to make you crave food even more until you’re back to your usual calorie intake. You have to resist this. It’s okay to not meet your “not eating” goal. If you still ate less than normally, that’s a success and you should treat it that way. Set goals high so even if you miss it you still do something. If you over ate don’t view it as a failure. Take your humanity into account. You’re going to make mistakes. Don’t let one day’s failure bleed into the next one. You can now go the next day a lot longer without eating. Try it. Don’t eat out of habit. Look at it as convenience. Use it.

It might affect your social life. I didn’t really have one so that was a help. In my opinion humanity has a fucked up food culture. We have 3 meals, and each one is a goddamn feast. It’s bad. That’s not how we evolved at all. I’m not saying return to monke, but there’s an over abundance of food and our brain is going to cling to this luxury until you break the cycle. It doesn’t know that tomorrow is also going to be feast day. It will make you eat like there’s no tomorrow. As much as your stomach and daily life allows.

For me it was a cascading effect. After a few days of eating less and seeing the “lost” weight, even though it was just the lack of food in my stomach, I just kept going. I had a streak and just didn’t stop. Feeling sick was a reward. I know this doesn’t sound healthy and it isn’t, really. I guess in theory you can make small changes and make it very gradual but that wasn’t ever going to happen with me. Too much info out there, too much hair splitting.

And I did use IF to do it, 8 hours in which I allowed myself to eat, but if I didn’t feel hungry I would push it even more for bonus points. I could always change my mind before the clock hit the limit, but if I ate out of habit the rest of time would be prone to over eating, even if I technically respected the schedule.


Eat protein. That’s it. The rest will come by itself. You don’t need to measure it. You don’t need powder, you don’t need macros, you don’t need to understand it at all. Any diet stems from there. You don’t even really need enough for your current body weight and perhaps that’s where some of my sickness came from. I’m coming from the future to tell you how important this is. Maybe that would have saved me from some sickness in the past. But like I said you can only approach this from below, and I was okay with not always feeling right. All I had to do was make it to the next meal and it would fix it.

Now eating protein isn’t a full diet, but you’re gonna want to eat fiber and fiber comes with all the rest. Not because of health, not because of same vague advice to eat your veggies. Because it will make your time on the toilet much easier. That’s it. That was a good enough reason for me. You can learn some stuff about nutrition, but for me it was passive and slow journey. I still don’t know shit about it tbh, I don’t need to. For example, I had some muscle cramps so I looked it up. Lack of magnesium. Okay so then I looked up which foods have magnesium. Those foods probably contained other nutrients and knowing that was good enough for me. You don’t need all the knowledge to go forward. You can just dive in and adjust and learn when needed.

Also no food is technically unhealthy in a vacuum. It’s all about quantity. A chocolate bar with nuts in it is still better than pure chocolate that weighs the same. It’s about small victories and replacing part of the “unhealthy” food with “healthier” stuff.


But it can help in indirect ways, like literally taking up time that could be used for eating, and doing it, if it’s intense enough it can suppress appetite, at least for me. After doing a whole lot of things it’s hard for me to push down food. These days I have to coax myself into eating after exercise. But that didn’t apply back then, and when I lost weight I didn’t really exercise much. Yeah if you build muscle you consume more calories standing around. But the act itself doesn’t burn that many calories. Or at least you would have to do some very intense things to make a dent. If you go with the exercise route take it into account when weighing yourself. If you are the same weight or even slightly more but can run faster or lift a little more that’s a success. Still, I went with the extreme variant and needed that number to go down so that’s what I focus on in this post.

For me it’s more like I need to watch my calories so that I can do the exercise not the other way around. If I gather too much fat it ruins my performance and I will revert to my not eating habits until manageable again. (this is really more about small quantities and it’s having too much food for a few days than actually getting significantly fatter but I have to cut myself off somewhere) I exercise because I like it, I like moving around, I like having a body that functions well. It’s a distraction, it keeps me from overthinking, it just fits nicely into my life. I recommend it to everyone, but this is loseit not gainit, so enough about that.


It fluctuates, on the same day, if you can’t stop yourself from stepping on the scale all the goddamn time at least do it 200000 times a day like I did, because then you’d actually get a sense of how during one day your weight changes even if you don’t do shit. Yeah you can always weigh yourself at the same time on an empty stomach and naked but is your life really that stable? Do you always eat the same and sleep the same and drink the same? If you do it might be accurate.

It doesn’t have to be constant, if you lost a little bit and plateaued, forget about it, you’re still better off forever being that new weight. Being stable at a lower weight is a huge success even if it’s still far away from your goal. You can use this as an anchor point, and use the experience you gained in reducing calories to start again when ready. Maybe your life just isn’t right at the moment, maybe your compensating and need that brain power. Take a holistic approach. It’s not worth taking it too far and messing everything up in the process. When you lose major weight you are sick. Treat yourself that way. Your decision making is so much worse when you don’t feel right physically. I don’t think many people realize the full extent of this but that’s another topic.

There’s plenty of non scale ways to tell if you lost weight or not. The first is how much you ate. I think you know damn well if you ate a lot less or a lot more than normally. If you eat too little for a week you are sure to lose weight. Same thing for eating more. It’s important to know this, because one day won’t make a difference, it won’t make you gain or lose anything.

Also if you eat very little today, it doesn’t mean that this will show the next day, even tho it should based on the fact that you have an emptier stomach. At surface level it doesn’t make sense. But it’s delayed. If you paid close attention to your eating and your weight over several days you would find that it makes perfect sense. So if you eat too much one day and too little the next it’s only gonna consolidate a few days later. But don’t I don’t actually recommend following it, all you need to understand from this that it doesn’t make sense. Don’t use the number.

Another way to tell is feeling it. Your body will be lighter. You will feel your body changing, feeling bonier and bonier. You don’t really need a scale, not from day to day. Forget about the number. It’s about how you feel and look. If you lost a good amount you will definitely know.

ONE HUGE TIP before I wrap this up

Hunger is also delayed. You won’t know you’re full until after you stop eating. Being satiated is an illusion. Your brain will go “oh we stopped eating for a while time to go back to business” and you will feel full even if you all you ate was 2 peanuts and an onion slice or whatever. If you need more food your body will let you know. You will know. You can always eat more but not less. When you are thirsty you know. When you need air you automatically breathe. It’s the same thing with eating, it’s just that there’s a bigger margin of error since we evolved to store energy.

Okay so after all that here’s 2 benefits that I don’t really see mentioned

More mobility – holy fucking shit I love skipping and bouncing around like a child, it always made me so happy when my weight dropped and could move around more freely. Whether you exercise or not, being able to move around is a great feeling.

Less time on the toilet – I’m not going to go into detail on this one but it’s underrated.

Easier hygine - it makes a ton off differnce, from sweating way way less to just having less sufrace to worry about.

Anyway I don’t really know how to end this, so here’s some takeaways. It’s a means to and end and the act itself is not healthy or at least doesn’t feel like it is. HUNGER IS DELAYED. So is your weight. Eat protein. Don’t get lost in the details. Don’t eat out of habit.


submitted by /u/CriticismNervous5052
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from loseit - Lose the Fat