Monday, January 31, 2022

Slow weight loss due to weight lifting?

I began my weight loss journey around 2 months ago and I've lost 20 pounds so far, with another 70 to go. I've noticed that the scale won't budge for days maybe weeks at a time. I watch what I eat and make sure to get atleast a 500 calorie deficit each day (burn around 500 in the gym too). I do weight training atleast 5 days a week, alternating between muscle groups. Could the stagnancy be due to muscles developing or am I doing something wrong? I make sure to get atleast 100gms protein each day.

submitted by /u/orangeoracle116
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Maintenance Monday: January 31, 2022

Maintenance Monday: January 31, 2022

If you've reached your goal weight and you're looking for a space to discuss with fellow maintainers, this is the thread for you! Whether you're brand new to maintenance or you've been doing it for years, you're welcome to use this space to chat about anything and everything related to the experience of maintaining your weight loss.

(I may or may not post a prompt. If there's a specific topic you'd like to see covered in a future thread, please drop a comment or message.)

Today’s topic: Last Monday of the month, so let’s assess how January went and share our plans for February. Habits, goals, plans - weight gain maintenance related, or anything else!

Sorry for the late post, everyone!

submitted by /u/Tigertigerishungry
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is chipotle good for weight loss?


I’m aiming for hitting around 1400-1800 calories a day and i’ve been using chipotle for the last week to maintain my caloric deficit. Whenever I go, I always make sure to avoid any fatty toppings like queso, cheese, sour cream, toritillas etc. I usually just get a bowl or salad with double chicken and guac, with a lot of vegetables. it’s been a tasty meal that’s given me a lot of protien, but is it necessarily good for a caloric deficit and good for my health? i’m not sure how processed the food is at chipotle, but i’m just trying to make sure i’m on the right trac and looking for advice.


TLDR: 17M 210, trying to lose weight and using chipotle salads as a staple meal for protien and weight loss(no rice or fatty toppings).

submitted by /u/yoloholi6
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Extreme weight loss from long covid. Not sure how to feel about it

I'm 27 and male. I got covid in January 2021 when I weighed 236 pounds at 5'11". I was trying to lose weight at the time, I hated myself and I was even considering bariatric surgery because I felt so hopeless, my weight has been fluctuating all my life and I had a bad relationship with food (binge eating).

Then the universe gave me exactly what I wanted in the most horrible way. I had a moderately severe case of covid which led to long covid with parosmia (everything tastes like death) and even 12 months later, I still can't eat properly. I'm down to 132 pounds and it is not a healthy weight for me. However I am still very happy with my weight loss and almost afraid of my taste coming back, so it's a tough position to be in. At first I basically starved myself for a few months because I thought I may as well make the most of this problem and lose weight, but now I think doing that made it harder for my body to recover. I'm not sure if my taste will ever come back.

I much prefer how I look now and I can do things I wasn't able to when I was obese, but it is also hell. I no longer enjoy or have any interest in food and it is oddly soul destroying because I can REMEMBER what these foods taste like but I can't access it. Sometimes I get so angry and upset because I just want to eat something.

I can't describe the taste but everything is like...sour/rotten/sewage. It is the worst thing I've ever tasted. Some things are less rotten than others, but almost everything has that taste. Even water sometimes. Smells too and even kissing..I can barely even enjoy the fact that I'm good looking now because making out makes me want to throw up

I live on meal replacement shakes but I don't drink enough of them. They make me gag. When I feel sick from hunger (rarely now because my stomach has shrunk or something) I just drink tea or water.

My hair is falling out and I've grown weird fluffy hair on some parts of my body. Despite this I still can't bring myself to eat more. I don't hate how I look now, I think I look good aside from the loose skin and hair issues.

But is it worth it? I don't know. Not really sure why I made this post but yeah if you have any advice that would be great

submitted by /u/OkArcher2835
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Stick with it - A tale of highs, lows, and encouragement

The origins
I was overweight since puberty and obese since 2018. My parents are both overweight and also didn't cook, battling their own depression issues. I'm in my late 20s female 5'2 and no longer have an excuse for unhealthy eating now that I'm living on my own and can afford groceries reasonably.

January 2020 - 200 Pounds - The spark to change
On January 1, 2020 I weighed 200 pounds. I went to the ER in late 2019 for something that turned out to be harmless. I followed up with a primary care doctor, and I could 100% tell that my weight impacted her treatment plan. She barely checked me out and the entire visit revolved around exercise tips. That is in no way what I needed. Both for my health and for fear that if I needed medical attention in the future I would receive subpar care, I embarked on a weight loss journey.

First Attempts in 2020: 200 -> 180
I lost 20 pounds to get to 180 relatively quickly by cutting out some of the junk food and focusing on eating healthier overall. I introduced more veggies and I did CICO maybe a few times a week, but not consistently. The pandemic hit and only motivated me more, but I just wasn't losing the weight. I plateaued in April - August after that initial 20lb drop and got frustrated, deciding to put my weight loss journey on hold. It was my own fault for not being consistent in my calorie counting.

Short ladies section: Counting is a necessity for everyone, but particularly true for short women where 200 calories more than the safe min of 1200 can actually mean you gain weight. People don't realize how little food 1200 cal can be without volume eating and I didn't know any of that yet. That burger and fries can be double your daily allotment, whereas other dieters fit that in as a once a month indulgence. It just isn't possible for you. That doesn't mean you can't indulge but you have to make it even less frequent and make the more weekly indulgences fit within the low calorie limits. Take in all of the advice but then ask--will this work for my body and my lifestyle in particular?

2021 - 180 -> 155 Pounds (and then back up to 165)- Doing it for real this time
After all my research I threw myself back into weight loss efforts. In 2021 I lost another 25 pounds and got to 155. This time I did CICO every single day and stuck to it. I exercised 2-5 times a week. I was doing amazingly until I decided to switch jobs and move towards the end of the year. That lead to 6AM - 11:30 PM workdays every single day for a month and packing constantly. For weeks I ate whatever I wanted. I did no calorie counting and had takeout multiple times a week. I gained 10 pounds--not the end of the world, but I do regret my approach. I'd probably be a healthy weight by now if I had stuck with it. I made a plan for future stressful times.

HOME STRETCH NOW! (starting October 2021)
I moved a few months ago. I work at max 8 hours a day now, which makes my usually stoic self sob with joy sometimes. My life is my own now, and I no longer work around the clock with meager salary to show for it. With that major life improvement, I restarted my diet and fitness journey. I am no longer eating 1200 cal every single day because that takes a toll, but I eat that 4-5 times a week. I do look forward to bumping that up, but given I'm so used to volume eating I imagine I'll still eat 1200 cal 1-2 times a week in the future with no special efforts. I'm down to 145 pounds today, almost out of the overweight category, and I can't even believe it. After reaching normal BMI I am going to switch to trying to lose 1 pound a week rather than 2 until about 120 lbs and I look forward to this more moderate pace.

Lessons learned so far:
There are days when I can't tell a difference when I look in the mirror. There are days where I say hmm, I think my face slimmed down a bit. I think my arm looks a little more toned. Nobody has noticed or said anything and some days I hate how I look. But overall, I feel *mentally* better about how I look. Here is why:

  1. I know I'm making gains in my health. The science doesn't lie.
  2. EVERYONE has aspects about their body they dislike. Almost every single human. People will love their haircut one moment and hate it the next, so it's not unique to us on this weight loss journey. Yesterday at 12PM I saw my flabby arms and thought "god, I regret ruining my body like this. I have stretch marks literally everywhere." A mere 3 hours later I was standing at the same position in front of the mirror in a different top and said damn, I've absolutely lost fat here, here, and here. It was a more revealing top. I can actually see the definition in my muscles now. It made me smile, same exact lighting and a difference of a mere 3 hours. And then I was on a video chat with super pretty girl and felt like garbage again. Usually I'm much more mellow and this happened to be a day of ups and downs, but it demonstrates how random it can be. Focus on your health. That's really what matters.
  3. No, I don't feel better. When I tell people about my weight loss, that's what they ask ---"Oh, that's amazing progress, do you feel better now?" I want to say "No you f**** a******, I felt good when I was eating Pizza. I felt good when I ate unhealthily. That is why I did so. Do not expect that you will magically feel better because that is not everyone's experience. However, I do feel good! You need to get past the sugar cravings. If you have a sweet tooth that is half the battle. Give it 3-5 days without sugar and you're past the worst. I also know I'll do the crazy unhealthy eating days I loved again in a strict and controlled way. It's not a "never" thing, but I'm only going to do so 1-2 times a year max. Every time I want that cheeseburger I know I can truthfully say "another time" instead of no, never in your life can you half this half a pizza and then ice cream. Now it's "save it for your birthday" and I focus on the health and $$$ benefits that come from preparing my own food. Half the time I don't even want the treats I promised myself on X day.
  4. You are your own worst critic. If you are healthily losing weight, there is a difference, even if you don't notice it. If you are not yet at a healthy weight you should continue to lose weight, but it doesn't mean you're ugly! I am 100000 percent positive. You are beautiful even with the extra 20-30 pounds. How do I know? I looked at the progress pics for everyone else! I see girls above a normal weight that I genuinely think are gorgeous and guys that I think are hot. I can always see the difference in the pics, even if it's subtle. You aren't the only person in the world whose body is not changing. Get over yourself ;P Just keep on on keeping on. I didn't always know better or was in a position to control my weight, but I am now. I try not to beat myself up for the past. We only get one life and I don't want to spend it in regret. I want to build the best life for myself as possible.
  5. I've lost 55 pounds and am still in the exact same clothes sizes... stuff fits looser, but I haven't needed a new wardrobe at all. I'm really hoping for this "paper towel theory" to happen but know that even if I don't achieve the image I have in my head, I look fine (for note #4 reason above). I'll note that I started lifting weights, but it's under 20 pounds and I doubt has had a large impact.

Life is good now so it's been easier to eat well. For the stressful times? I've been there, and know what happened. I resolved to do better. I had a truly dismal weekend in Jan but it went great eating wise. The plan:

  1. Bump up calories to the max maintenance you can. This is "do what you can" mode. Try at least a few times a week to eat below the maintenance. If I can "only" eat at maintenance, that's perfectly OK. When I say maintenance I mean goal weight maintenance. Don't go eating 2000 cal if that's your hundreds of cals above what will be your end point maintenance.
  2. If I have $$$$---takeout salads all week. Careful with the dressing and bread.
  3. If I don't have $ or haven't hit recent saving goals ---give myself a timer. Cook as much as I can for one hour on Sun and no more than one hour. Clean for 10 min after. Reheat during the week. Listen to music or podcasts, or watch a tv show on our phone in background if you dislike cooking (Which I sure do).
  4. If I'm unable to complete steps 2 or 3, grab from a pantry to do something easy that is within calorie allowance. Eat a whole cauliflower pizza(check the cals--you can eat the whole thing if you OMAD!). Dump out an entire can of chilli and entire bag of frozen veggies. Have an egg with beans and siracha.

I know it's a bit premature to be taking this victory lap because I have ~10 pounds to go until I'm in normal BMI zone, but I'm proud of myself. I've had zero cheat days since October 2021 to now, and rarely have that ravenous desire to cheat anymore. (remember, you can still take the crazy day 1-2 times a year!) I was able to lose a lot of weight, and I trust the science to know that makes me healthier, even though I truthfully feel the same. I read labels now for goodness sake. If I can do it, you sure as hell can. I knew nothing about what healthy food was until 2020. Anyone can do it. Gogogo!

submitted by /u/adviceneededs
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70 lbs Lost!

M65 SW: 340 CW: 269 GW: 220

Hi Gang, As you might remember, I started my weight loss journey in Sept., when I moved here to NC. The truth is, when I left Long Island I didn't think it was possible and that I'd die fat, like my Dad.

Today I weighed in at 269, which puts me over 70 lbs. lost. I still have a long way to go (50) but it feels good to know the food program and hard work are paying off.

Just wanted to recognize the milestone and to thank you, the #loseit community, for the help and inspiration.


submitted by /u/BassGuyAVL
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Weighed in at 211 this morning

So starting around the begining of December I began to become more active and consuming a healthier diet. In about two months I've gone from 230 down to 211. 19 pounds lost and 41 more to go. Lately I've found myself eating about 1700 calories a day. I used to be a binge eater but for some reason these days I just don't feel the need to over eat. I'm hoping I can reach my goal of 170 pounds in the next 5-7 months. I can't wait to post before and after photos once I've reached a more significant milestone. If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions please feel free to share your point of view. I actually used to be aneroxic so I my main focus now is getting to healthy weight. I don't want to slide into the pattern of being aneroxic again so I'm being much more reasonable and intelligent about my weight loss this time around.

submitted by /u/Paulette1997
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Face gains, successful weight loss after so many attempts.

I tried to lose weight like 8 times from 2015, 3 attempts were completely successful. Each time I would go back to old habits right after I lost weight. Each time I would regret going back. I was losing weight for the wrong reasons before, today I am losing it to be healthy and to look good.

I will never go back, when I see my old fat images I only see the disgust and it really motivates me to never go back.

Why did I start losing weight after so many failures? I was just sick one day of being fat/obese and I said to myself that it's enough.

Here is before and after

Keep doing it people, you can only benefit from weight loss. I am soon to become 30 and most people my age are letting themselves go. Working on your health is a big advantage in life.

submitted by /u/KwonDarko
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am done

I just got out of the hospital after almost dying from Covid. I have asthma and my heart rate was through the roof when I went to the hospital on Monday. They had to take me to the emergency room. My heart was struggling. I’m sure my weight is part of the problem. I started my weight loss journey 1/1/22 at 274 lbs, 5’6”, 19F and have lost like 11 lbs so far. Now I just got out of the hospital a couple days ago and the past 4 days I’ve ate wayyy over my goal. Pizza Hut stuffed crust, ice cream, fried chicken. I had the mentality that since I almost died and just got out the hospital it was okay. Weighed myself right out of the hospital before overeating and gained like 3 pounds which shocked me. But it’s probably water weight as they injected me with like 6 liters of saline. This is my second time trying to lose a bunch of weight (lost 60 pounds before but gained it back plus more). Thought I had it this time but I feel awful for overeating my calories those 4 days as this year I wasn’t going to eat over my budget at all. And I’m scared to weight myself on feb 1.

I can’t take this anymore. Help.

submitted by /u/77throwawayyyyyyy7
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - February Sign Ups!

Hello lovely losers!

It's about to be February! Which means it's time for a new DAC!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post (and day 1) to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported and cared for. Leading by example, here I go!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate:

1800 calorie a day, do not adjust for exercise:

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Want to ramp back up after having COVID last month. More steps & reps! x/x days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: I'd like to devote more time to the project I started in November.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for .

Express gratitude to today me for good choices: Today I’m glad I chose to

Your turn!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Lost 23kg (50lbs) in 9 months. 29kg left!

Hi! I'm a 22 (soon 23) yo male. I started my weight loss journey in May 2021. At that time, i was at 138kg (304lbs). Now I'm currently at 115kg (254lbs), so 23kg down (or a nice and round 50lbs for my American friends).

I gained 40+kg during my time in college, because I was in a toxic relationship and junk food was my only ally. Then i got out of the relationship in 2019, and for 2 years i tried to lose weight, failing every time to keep going. I'm just here to share what worked for me.

At that time, i tried several times to drastically change the way I eat, but sudden changes cannot be sustainable. So I decided to change one thing at a time, and i made sure to replace an old habit by a new one every two month. First thing I did was to stop ordering Uber Eats so much, and eat what was in my fridge, regardless of what I bought for food. It created a habit of eating things in my fridge, but it wasn't drastic because I bought whatever i wanted whenever I went shopping for food.

Next thing I did was to stop eating between meals. I am unemployed so I woke up pretty late in the morning every day. I skip breakfast and have two meals a day, eating whatever I wanted.

Next habit was to get myself into cooking. I started making meals my mom used to make me and that I liked, like lasagnas for examples. I make sure to have a list of food I want to cook so i know exactly what to get I'm going grocery shopping. My mom taught me how to do a homemade couscous for example ; I'm always trying to extend my cooking skills.

For those wondering : no, I'm not keeping track of the calories I am eating. I did it for a month or two, but i realized it only made me anxious because whenever i had a day where I ordered food or ate too much, I felt guilty seeing a negative calorie result on MyFitnessPal. So now I only use it to keep track of my weight.

I also weigh myself only one time a week, because I realized doing it everyday would determine my mood for the day, and I didn't want that. I weigh myself in the same conditions every time though ; when I get out of bed in the morning, after going to the toilets.

Next habit I wanna build myself is to go to the gym at least once a week. I have a membership but I never truly built the habit to go regularly, so it's my next step. When it'll be implemented, i want to try to go two or three times a week.

So yeah, just wanted to share my progress. It's so satisfying to have your friends tell you that your efforts are paying because you look different.

If anyone has any questions, I'll gladly answer.

And trust me, considering my background and my mental health, if I can do it, everyone can do it. you just have to find what works for you.

submitted by /u/VK62
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POV: You're Healthier Than Ever But You're Still the Bigger Friend

Does anyone feel like even if though you've successfully lost weight, worked out for the past 2-3 years, and know how to eat healthy, some of your friends won't come to you for advice because you don't look like a fitness influencer? Or do you think they wouldn't come to you as a pride thing? Like, "I'm absolutely not going to stoop so low to ask my bigger friend for advice."

It's highly possible that this is me being self-conscious because I can't read people's minds. But also, years back when I was on Facebook there was this health nut preaching about what nutrition bars aren't really that healthy and looking down on everyone's diet.

I commented that actually, some of them are beneficial and can be a good start for a beginner who is hooked on candy bars. And instead of at least having a convo with me to tell me they disagreed, this guy looked at my profile picture and made some disparaging comment about how my neck looked like. So it's like, I have knowledge from my trials and errors in weight loss. I run, walk, hike, cardio, weight lift, and stopped eating out and my doctor's are impressed with my charts but I'm not super skinny so I feel written off.

submitted by /u/beesontheoffbeat
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Saturday, January 29, 2022

you can like exercise

so, i’ve been doing this weight loss thing for some time now but i just recently got into exercising! at first, i hated it because it was just exhausting and time went by so slowly. but now i’m realizing how many different kinds of exercise there are and all the ways i could spice it up!

  1. listen to music. i feel like most of us know and do this but this is literally the lifesaver. me personally, music is my life and i listen 24/7. i make playlists and pretend to be in music videos while i’m on the stairmaster 🤣

  2. dance. if you don’t have a gym or hate conventional exercise, you can literally play songs and jump around and dance. you’ll probably burn way more calories anyways and it’s so fun making your own choreography. plus you’ll be a better dancer

  3. set little goals. say 10 more reps and then celebrate when you do it. success and goal achievement, no matter how small, will boost your dopamine and serotonin and that will motivate you to keep going. celebrate every little goal and be proud of yourself. then you’ll start to associate exercise with feelings of accomplishment and excitement.

  4. keep your promises (and don’t make promises you can’t keep). the moment that you break a promise to yourself, you lose a small amount of trust and belief in yourself. imagine somebody tells you they’re going to show up in 10 minutes but they’re always a half and hour late. maybe the first time it happens you might say it’s a one time thing, but after the tenth time you will expect them to be late. if you set yourself up for failure, you will start to expect yourself to fail. if you lie to yourself, you will no longer have belief in yourself.

  5. energy. get that caffeine if you haven’t already. it makes a huge difference in your exercise. pre workout, energy drinks, coffee, tea, whatever you like.

  6. push yourself. if you never push yourself, you will never see how far you can go. it hurts, but the moment that it’s over you will feel so proud of yourself and will start to crave that source of achievement.

exercise is not only good for weight loss, but it’s amazing for confidence, health, and teaching yourself to push yourself in other aspects of your life. get those endorphins pumping any way you can!

submitted by /u/bluebookz
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Restaurant hesitation

Hello r/loseit community! I'm very new into my CICO approach to weightloss (10 days in). I've been eating a lot healthier and less than I have been thanks to tracking my food (I'm already about 8 lbs down from when I started).

Well, my friend invited me out to a Mexican restaurant tomorrow and while I do want to go out and enjoy myself, I don't want to ruin my whole day by eating restaurant food and potentially going over my calories (I did look up the menu online and couldn't find any nutritional information to preplan my order), but I also don't want be the one person who just orders a salad and nothing else (plus I wouldn't be happy with that anyway).

So I'm asking for new people and veterans into their weight loss journey/lifestyle, what do you do when eating out? Do you just go all day without eating and the restaurant food is all you have? Do you throw caution to the wind and enjoy yourself and worry about it tomorrow? Are you the salad orderer at a restaurant?

Any advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/blue_arr0w
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does the time of day I eat make a difference in weight loss?

Does the time of day I eat food make a difference in how much weight I lose? For example, if I eat 1500 calories before 7 then eat nothing else, do I lose more weight than if I eat 1500 calories and finish them around 9pm? I've always heard you shouldn't eat after 7 but if it's just a matter of eating less calories, I'm curious if that plays a part. Today I have only eaten 900 calories so I would like to eat more, but don't want to eat them later at night if it might negatively affect me. I have tried researching online but gotten mixed messages.

submitted by /u/awesomegingergirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling to get motivated again

Apologies for the long rant to start with. I just wanted to start with context.

I started going to the gym 4-5 nights per week at the beginning of October. I aimed for every night, but sometimes things would come up, or I just felt like resting. Was doing very well with limiting my calories, and eating healthier food. Stopped eating junk food, and munched on slightly healthier foods when I wanted to snack. Even cut out all sugary drinks except for my coffee. Can't drink it without at least 1 or 2 sugars. I did very well, losing just over 20lbs before Christmas. Starting weight was 232lb, and had gotten down to 209 before gyms closed because of COVID over the holidays on Dec 22nd. I told myself I would just go for walks instead since I couldn't go to the gym, but it got VERY cold for about 10 days around Christmas, averaging between -22°C and -38°C. Too cold to be outside, really. I also started my job on December 15th, in an office. On Christmas eve, I decided that I wouldn't track my holiday calories, as the high numbers (didn't overindulge too much, but definitely had a few treats here and there) would discourage me. Kinda thought, "Christmas calories don't count." After Christmas, of course, there were still many treats, (including a bug box of chocolates from my in-laws, which I thought was inappropriate, considering I shared how my weight loss was going every time we saw them) so I thought I would just start tracking again on January 1st. January 1st was still very cold, and I knew the gyms still wouldn't be open for at least a couple weeks. So my laziness continued. Even had a pop or an iced tea every once in a while. Junk food was also reintroduced, as my SO has a pretty shitty diet, and eats junk food regularly. The gyms reopened on January 20th, and I kept having bad days, where I told myself I would go to the gym that night, but by the time evening came, something would come up that would prevent me from going, or feeling ok enough to go. For example, one night I felt kind of bloated, and another night, I had tripped and kind of twisted my ankle a bit, so wanted to rest it. I want to get back into tracking my calories, increasing my water intake, and going to the gym on a (close to) nightly basis again. I'm honestly scared of stepping on the scale to find out how much I have gained. My sister invited me to join a weekend warrior challenge on Fitbit this morning to track who can get the most steps in this weekend with a few of her friends. I felt great about having a few other people to compete with. Until her friend added 10 more people to join in, who all work at a grocery store, so they get at average of 20,000 steps per day. I can be forgiving of myself for lazy days if there's a reason for it, (Today, I will be playing DnD for about 6-8 hours.) but competing against others in a challenge I have no chance in even being in the top 10 just discourages me from even trying, as I know it'll make me feel guilty for not doing more. I know starting is the hardest part, and it's a lot easier to keep going once I have started. I just feel like such a failure for having stopped at all.

submitted by /u/Jenavieva
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Stressing Over Weight Loss, Body Lift, And Wanting To Have A Kid

I’m not at my goal weight yet. I have 160ish pounds to lose still. I’m down about four pounds now, hopefully more. I’ve always held myself back for a million reasons, and one of them was the idea that my body would never look good and I would need surgery that I didn’t want to get.

I’m now a lot more comfortable with the idea of getting a body lift after weight loss. In fact it’s been motivating me and making me really happy to think about, but I’m about to be thirty three. I’m childless and single. I’d like those two things to change eventually. I think I want at least one kid. I definitely want a partner. But I also definitely want to lose this weight and then get a full body lift so I can be happy. I’m stressing out about the timing and everything else. I have a goal to lose this weight in two years (by the time I’m thirty five). If I do meet someone in that time and decide to have a baby, how can I fit in getting surgery? If I don’t meet someone and I lose all the weight as planned, do I just get the surgery? If I’m with someone and we want to get married and intend to have a baby but need some time, do I get the surgery or wait for the day that we maybe do have a kid? And then the question of mortality from the surgery will be worth doing after child birth. I know it doesn’t happen often, but you can die in surgery and then I just left a kid because I’m vain? And how can I get a body lift and take care of a toddler?

I’m really putting the cart before the horse, sort of. But I also think this is something I have to really think about. Simply because of my age.

submitted by /u/EBeewtf
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Going to the gym on your period?

Hi everyone,

Hopefully no one is uncomfortable by the title, but I didn't know where else to ask and I like this community.

I started going back to the gym after a year and I'm loving it, so happy to be back, weight loss is going well, muscle building is going well - but I'm about to come across the same problem I had when I went to the gym before. That god awful menstrual period.

Before I would just not go for a week and do minimal exercise at home, but I think that's because I wasn't really sure how to manage everything going on. I get nervous - what if someone can tell I'm menstruating (the smell)? What if my tampon leaks with all the movement happening?

This is a genuine question and I'd love to hear your experiences with it. I don't want to not go to the gym for a week if possible, ya know?

submitted by /u/gorehwore
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NSV - I had a homemade fudge brownie with homemade whipped cream on top twice this week for a desert and I still lost weight for the week!

This is a testament to the idea that CICO plus a tracking app (like MFP) can give you tons of flexibility in how you choose to eat. Also, we incorporated a decent amount of fats into our meals and I still turned out well. Finally, we're not afraid to incorporate a desert as part of our meals, though desert is normally only once or twice a week. Caveat is that I'm pretty active and lift weights and do cardio regularly, although the past 2 weeks were rough due to covid running thru the family. No doubt I had it since my daughters came down with it. Not a serious case of it except for lingering fatigue that limited my activity. Examples of the diet this week, and tbh it surprised me a little that I still made progress. Again, applying CICO thru a tracking app can be extremely effective if this is an approach you want to take for your weight loss journey.

  • Oven fried chicken with egg noodles, gravy and a veg - while it wasn't deep fried, butter was used to drizzle over the chicken plus it was coated with seasoned flower, egg washes and bread crumbs
  • Oven roasted chicken in cast iron skillet - no breading at all on this one, but still used butter to help build a sauce that we (lightly) drizzled over the chicken. Served with rice and a vegetable
  • Chicken quesadillas that we made at home - boneless/skinless chicken breasts and salsa which are lean protein and low cal, but used a healthy dose of cheese to build the chicken mixture and each one built with 2 flour tortillas
  • Potato and bacon soup - this one wasn't super high calorie but a lot of carbs in this one!
  • Homemade fudge brownie with homemade whipped cream - Could have been a major calorie bomb BUT...we cut the pieces down to a manageable size and tbh homemade whipped cream (we don't make ours cloyingly sweet) is surprisingly lighter in calories than you think.

My NSV message for the week was putting into practice the idea that CICO is the right approach for me and that you don't have to completely deprive yourself of good foods IF you have the discipline to adhere to portion sizes and track your calories!

submitted by /u/Losing_baggage
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Any tips on exercise?

Hello everyone! I am currently on weight medication by my doctor because I have BED. Fortunately, I was able to lose about 10lbs my first month by changing my diet in combination with the medication. Now, I am trying to incorporate exercise as I feel lighter and I also notice that my mobility has improved.

Anyways, I would really like advice on how to structure exercise into my weight loss journey. Specifically, I’m quite curious as to how a workout regimen to lose weight looks like in a week, because I want to do it the right way. I would prefer at home methods, but gym methods are welcomed too. My goal right now is to lose weight and hopefully tighten and tone up as I go. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

submitted by /u/Gaosenpai
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I've been here before. Restarting the journey after gaining all the weight back.

Has anyone else experienced this? I'm male, 6'3" and I have been up to 270lbs. I lost the weight and have been down to 185lbs. I was successful with maintaining and I stopped tracking. The pandemic hit and I had a massive depressive spiral in 2021. Now that I'm thankfully through that I weighed myself and realise I'm back at my previous heaviest. I'm gutted but ready to restart.

This community was a great help last time i wanted to lose weight so I've returned. What tips do you have for restarting the weight loss journey?

submitted by /u/wizardTurttle
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Friday, January 28, 2022

[NSV] 80 days of counting calories at maintenance and eating healthy, 40 days of counting my daily walking steps, 30 days of eating at a deficit, 10 days of a daily average step of 7000 (highest 15K steps!), 1 week of C25K, and 1 week of strength training!!

25F, SW: 103.5kg, CW:101~102kg, GW:70kg

last November, I logged my calories for two weeks and noticed how bad it is: not enough vegetables or exercise despite loving them, I just didn't integrate them into my routine. Also, I used to eat junk food daily, rarely cook, and all my food is from restaurants. My daily calorie intake was +1000 calories over my maintenance!!

logged my calories (and ate at maintenance) for 80 days

ate healthy: more vegetables, nuts, seeds, protein for 80 days

the first habit I added was calorie counting. My goal was to eat at maintenance for the rest of my life. because frankly speaking, staying at my current weight forever is MUCH healthier than continuing to eat +1000 extra calories daily. To do that, I fixed many of my habits along the way. I started cooking at home, eating more vegetables, nuts, seeds, and protein. I kept eating junk daily but limited them to 500 calories only

counted my daily steps for 40 days

Once I counted for 40 days, I decided to exercise as well. Again, my first goal was to stay healthy as maintenance, weight loss comes later! I counted my daily steps to see where I am at for 10 days. Results? I am walking AT MOST 2000 steps a day?????

ate at a deficit for 30 days

Before actually exercising, I decided to lower my calories. To do this, I simply reduced the portion size of breakfast and the junk food snack. My breakfast was cut in half from 700 calories to 350, and my junk food allowance became 200. Lunch was kept as 800 calories. but, I am quite flexible in eating. Sometimes I eat only two meals a day, sometimes only once (and make it huge), sometimes 4 meals. My calorie average was 1583 cal.

walked at least 6,000 steps a day for 10 days, in some days I walked 15,000 steps!!

Once I dieted for 2~3 weeks, I added moving more to my goals. I downloaded a walking app that said a good average to aim for was 6K steps a day. So I did that. To do it, I started going from home to work/shopping on foot. This made my daily average to be 7,000 steps!! I also scored 15,000 steps in one day :D

finished week 1 of C25K and lifted weights for a week

As I said, I like exercising, it's just that when I am not actively trying to, I forget to do it, I (re)started C25K and finished week 1. In addition, I LOVE strength training!! Pre-COVID, I used to lift weights regularly. but gyms now keep closing and opening due to COVID. So I bought dumbbells and a bench to work out at home. I lifted weights 3 times last week!! In total, I exercised 6 times last week (3 for running, and 3 for lifting)


Results? nothing too drastic. I lost 3 lbs so far. I know it doesn't sound like much but I did it!!!!!!! I believe that as long as I feel like my current routine is doable in the long run, it's okay. I am healthier and fitter now as well :) For February, I would like to continue doing what I am doing right now. Although 3 lbs are nothing, if I kept losing 3 lbs each month, I won't be obese anymore by the end of this year!! In comparison, if I stopped my routine and went back to eating like I used to, I will gain over 50lbs.

submitted by /u/gakusha-baka
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Feeling super discouraged about my weight loss journey, need help ):

My main goal is to just lose about 5 pounds and tone up but it’s pretty hard for the current weight I’m at; I feel as if my metabolism has slowed down. I am watching what I eat and I am very healthy about 60-70% of the time, but occasionally I give into unhealthy food or binges. I have been in a caloric deficit the past couple of weeks but I know that if I don’t eat completely clean it won’t make that much of a difference. I see so many people eating 1200 or less calories a day - this is what I am aiming for, and I eat this way for most of the week, but tonight I ate probably 400 cal in ice cream and I’m feeling so exhausted counting calories. I’m overwhelmed and feel like it’s unsustainable, but calories is the only way I’ve lost weight in the past - how do you guys stay motivated?

submitted by /u/fl0wrp0wr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

"We're Hungrier After Losing Weight" -- Article shows how people who lose weight are more hungry then people of the same weight who haven't lost weight. This is really demotivating me, any advice please?

This is the article, it says the main reason you feel hungrier your body released the hormone ghrelin which makes you feel hungrier. This is really unfair, when I reach my goal weight I want to feel the same levels of hunger that someone else with my same height and weight who hasn't had to lose weight is feeling.

The article does say that there are ways to make the hunger home more stable; "It may take months, six or more, of consistent daily exercise combined with mild calorie restriction, decreasing 200 to 300 calories per day, to reach a lower [hormonal] 'set point".

Can post weight loss people please chime in and tell how their hunger levels are and if they have to fight hunger everyday?

submitted by /u/the_practicerLALA
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How Have You Celebrated Hitting Your Goal Weight?

My friend and I are big into fitness and weight loss currently. I started at 355 and am currently 243, but my goal is to be around 165. From there I think I WILL cut more in hopes to be around 145, but 165 is where I would consider my goal weight. I am a short dude (5'6'') but am athletic and want to put on muscle once I am done losing weight, so I think that is a good goal weight for myself.

Anyways, for those that have reached their goal weight, did you celebrate? My current plan once I hit 200lbs is to have a nice week of eating a single meal or snack every day of my favorite foods. I will track them so I am still within my deficit range, but that is something I am looking forward to.

Once I hit my actual goal weight of 165, I plan on printing out two posters: One that shows my weekly notes about losing weight as a reminder of the journey and another of a graph indicating the weight loss progression from its highest point to its lowest point to show the ups and downs of weight loss.

I linked above what I am talking about. I am thinking of commissioning one of my friends to do a minimalistic painting of the line with no context if that makes sense lol. Just a jagged, white line on a black canvas.

So for those that have hit their goal weight, how did you celebrate? I think it's important to celebrate your successes (even in private) so I am interested in reading how you all celebrated!

Cheers and here's to more lost weight!

submitted by /u/WheelsMcGee28
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I'm usually good at being positive about weight fluctuations, but I'm so frustrated right now

F/ 170cm (5' 7")/ SW: 90kg (198lbs) CW: 77.9kg (172lbs) GW: 70kg (154lbs)

I hit my penultimate weight loss milestone (75kg) in August, but since then I've fluctuated between 76kg and 80kg. I've been good with not feeling disappointed cus I actively took a break from tracking for a while, so I'm not surprised I didn't stay at 75kg. But since getting back into tracking, I'm still fluctuating in a way I didn't use to, and I don't know what to do😭

I'm thinking of returning to weekly weigh-ins instead of daily ones and taking a mini maintenance break (like 3 days) in a bid to calm down from my frustration, but I don't know what else I could/should do

submitted by /u/Mysterious-Offer-756
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15M struggling to lose weight

Hi! 15M, 177cm tall, 104kg weight

To preface this, I used to be pretty skinny back in 2014 when I was 7, it kind of started going downhill in the latter stages when I was 8. From there it all sort of went downhill.

I put on a fair bit of weight, I don't have much progress but I had a couple growth spurts so I don't look nearly as bad as I feel I did before, but I'm having trouble dropping off a few more kgs.

I have big moobs, and a pretty large tummy as well. I'm not really good at figuring out this kind of thing so I wanted to come here to ask for nutrition/weight loss advice, my brother told me to calculate my BMR and then eat 200 calories below that, and while that may be good advice, tracking food becomes difficult as there aren't many ways that I know how to record the amount of calories I'm taking in, especially when meals have been cooked and everything is mixed together.

I don't really know what to do about this, I'm really uncomfortable with my appearance, I have a pretty good build it's just the weight that I'm unhappy with.

Does anyone know where I can get started and what I should do?

submitted by /u/0ddFerretInYourPants
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Looking to lose the first 50 lbs!

27F SW: 301 GW: 250/200

I’m so ready to keep going with my fitness and weight loss journey! So far so good with meal prepping for two weeks this month, But I was starving for almost a week. All good now and going shopping again tomorrow. I’ll be meal prepping again this weekend so I’ll be sticking to 1,500 calories. My normal is 1,600 but I felt like I was maintaining my weight.

I always lose the first 30-40 lbs and I am making it a goal this year to lose 50 and keep it off! My lowest was 260 last January so I’d like to get back to that. I’m thinking I MIGHT start keto to jump start my weight loss and I normally do low carb. I am also working out at least 3 times a week at home and getting back to the gym in the morning! (If it doesn’t snow)

How did you lose your first 50 lbs?

submitted by /u/AquaStardust
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, January 27, 2022

What helped you overcome emotional eating?

Hi all. I (25F) have noticed many people here can attribute their weight loss to seeing a therapist and overcoming some mental issues or blockers that have been impacting their habits. I believe that I have a couple of those to overcome as well. Mainly, emotional eating. I eat when I’m sad, seeking comfort, and stressed. I know that the best resource would be for me to talk to a therapist, and I know that everyone has their own journey and relationship with food.

But I am curious what some of your most effective strategies are to curb emotional eating? Whether it be practical actions to take when that feeling hits, or mindset shifts, or additional habits (like journaling and what specifically to journal).

Thank you!

submitted by /u/whosgottaknow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is this healthy or unhealthy weight loss?

I am a 19 year old male that has just recently started attempting to lose weight. I workout 5-6 days a week and eat around 2000 cal per day. I mix weight lifting with cardio. I started at 249 and am currently around 241. The thing is, I’ve been losing 0.5-1.0lbs a day. I know the recommendation is to lose 1-2lbs a week, but I’ve been doing this for a while now and I feel absolutely fine. I’d like to hear some input on this …

submitted by /u/Sanko1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

NSV, fit into a size small pants for the first time in well, ever

I’m usually just a lurker but I can’t keep this one to myself, I was trying on pants today and asked the associate for a medium (which I was already proud of wearing) but it was too baggy. She brought me a small and it fit perfect, she even said it looked a lot better on me. I really needed this today, I’ve been disappointed in my weight loss since I had to start maintaining after mental health issues, but this is proof I’m going the right direction. I’m also taking this as a sign to focus less on the scale, how my clothes fit matters just as much. I’m still hoping to get back on track with my calorie deficit and lower my sugar intake but I’ll take this sort of thing where I can get it. Happy weight loss friends, thanks for reading and for all the support this sub provides!

submitted by /u/Roborovski_18
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Loose Skin concerns

Im really sort of devastated to find myself weighing 100kg, after some very difficult times when I didnt take care of myself. Im 173cm tall, 25 yo, and Id need to lose about 27 kilos just to have a healthy bmi. Ive never smoked and I dont drink, also never tan. Im not in a rush. Im wondering if Im doomed with my skin after the weight loss. I know it sounds strange but, I dont know if I can handle that. Any advice?

submitted by /u/peetcherry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Working from a standing desk: working toward constant movement

(Of course what you eat(calories in vs out) is the most important when it comes to weight loss)

I work 11 hour shifts with a 1 hour lunch

Im about to start basically running in place and doing basic footwork maneuvers at my desk throughout the day. I’ll have 4 times a day that I make sure to rev back up with it, if I’ve slowed down to phone calls and having to put together paperwork.

Im putting this here to remind myself to do it, to remind y’all that this is an option, and to come back with some results later on

submitted by /u/HighTopSamson
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Let's talk about [my] weight loss goals, and realism. This post turned long fast 🫣

50m... Nov of 2019 I weighed in at the doctor at 307lbs. Then life kicked me in the face and I stopped eating due to stress. A therapist at the time suggested I exercise to reduce stress, not knowing I wasn't eating, and that became a stress reaction as well. However I dropped to 240lbs before feeling "deflated" and went up to 250 where I maintained until life kicked me in the teeth spring of last year. I dropped to about 217lbs before I started resistance training. I made the conscious decision 3 months to start eating and focus on recomposition. As long as I could see a difference in the mirror and my clothes fit the same or better I didn't worry about weight, I went up to 229lbs, (clothes still fitting good).

Three weeks ago, light kick, I went on a purposeful mini-cut wanting to hit 215 in 4 weeks. First week I dropped over 9lbs due to the reduced carbs and salt. Over the next 12 days I went to 211lbs before my body told me to cut it out.

I'm doing a week of maintenance before going back on a slight deficit to reach my goal of 15% body fat. I believe I'm around 21% now. The Navy method says I'm at 26, calipers 14% 🙄, scale says 21%, looking at photos of people with known levels I'm closest, but not exactly, to 20-22%. The difference is I'm vascular through my shoulders and slightly into my chest, my shoulders and back muscles are defined, obliques are visible and my calves are vascular and muscles visible up through the knee, where the lower VMO is starting to show. There's loose skin and abdominal fat, most of my weight is lower back, glutes, and into inner and upper thighs. Considering how lean my upper and lower is I don't think 15%, at 203lbs (not including the water I retain), will be enough to lose that back fat, which is ultimately my goal.

Right now, maybe the mini-cut, maybe the stress, I have a definite lack of libido, I've been perma-hungry occasionally over the last few months, and I get random cravings for salt, along with suddenly retaining pounds of water with no change in diet. I'm starting to think I'm near my personal body fat limit. What's the realistic expectations?

submitted by /u/SyracuseStan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

I had a bad day today, but meal prepping is saving me

I’ve had a really bad food day today, ate around 2k calories more than I should. I had great fun though, it has been a great day with friends and DnD and, admittedly, great food.

But I don’t feel bad about it because I know tomorrow will be a good day.

I started meal prepping three weeks ago, and I know exactly what I’m eating for lunch at work tomorrow. And I know what I’ll eat for breakfast. And when I get home tomorrow afternoon, my fiancée is keeping me accountable for dinner. Meal prepping really changed the way I plan my food for the entire day, and I can tell that it’s helping me realise that bad days are manageable and are just a part of the weight loss journey.

Anyways, I just wanted to write it out. Maybe for my own sake, so I can keep myself accountable tomorrow.

Do you guys have similar tricks to overcome the bad days?

submitted by /u/tyhntyhn
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I have social anxiety. I can’t even walk the street on my own to do my shopping, let alone going for walks or going to the gym. I always feel like other people are looking at me or judging me.

I had gastric sleeve surgery and lost 45kgs but gained 30kgs back over 5 years. My stomach is still relatively small so the only way I can notice weight loss is when I reduce my meals to 1-meal-a-day which means I should starve myself to lose weight again.

Please give me some advice, I feel helpless.

submitted by /u/uglycryingtbh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is there a point to lifting weights when I'm obese?

M27, 6'4"

I've been through weight loss before, went from 380lbs to 195lbs. I gained some of it back because I was depressed and in several very difficult situations at once over 2020-21.

I'm starting again at 260lbs, I am eating at a deficit and running on the treadmill 60-90mins per night. I'm consistently losing weight.

I didn't know this last time, but I've learned that to get the body I want, I need to build muscle to get some shape. However, I also know that losing weight aggressively is not the best time to try and build muscle.

Approaching my 28th birthday, I feel a new stress and pressure to get the body I want as my younger years begin coming to an end - I really want to enjoy being young while I still am. (ie. I'd like to experience being comfortable with my body enough to be able to have sex before I turn 30).

My plan is pretty much to lose weight to my goal of 175lbs, which I'm hoping to hit by the Fall of 2022. Then, I'll transition to lifting weights consistently while eating at a slight surplus to start getting some shape to my body.

Is there any real point to lifting weights now? It makes me so hungry, and I feel it would make keeping my deficit even more difficult.

submitted by /u/FrozenSandwichHater
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How often should I weigh myself?

So, at the moment I weigh 213 pounds and my target weight is 168 pounds. I weigh myself once a week but I've seen some people online say that you should weigh yourself every day and I've seen others say don't worry about the scales and measuring yourself once a week is the best way to track everything. I'm afraid that if I weigh myself every day I'll become fixated with the number on the scales but if I keep weighing weekly then how do I stop myself from feeling like crap if I've weighed myself on a week I've been bloated from PMS or whatever els

What should I be doing? What is the best way to track my weight loss? I forgot to include that I'm 5' 8', female and 39 years old.

submitted by /u/orangant0402
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Difficult to energize a calorie program, other options?

Emotionally, I'm spent. I feel like the responsibilities of life (work, relationships, kids, house upkeep, covid) strains me every day.

When I envision incorporating a weight loss regiment, my brain and heart starts to sputter with all the reasons why it won't work. Primarily: where will the bandwidth come from? Having to manufacture space (time/emotions) while creating habit and educating myself how and when to all seems destined to fail.

Trying to establish a pattern of tracking food in, are there ways around doing the most granular of tracking? Can a wholesale or less frequent means be as effective?

Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/awwc
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Body fat % affects calorie deficit?

I’m trawling google and cannot find an answer to my question!

Basically found out my TDEE, and then found out my body fat % and added it to the TDEE calculator and the TDEE calories dropped by 600?!

Why would this be? Didn’t change anything else on the calculator simply added the body fat % to see how it affected the results. Seems a very drastic drop and could be a huge difference in weight loss!

Any ideas would be great, thanks!

submitted by /u/zoldollx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why are you on your weight loss journey? What's keeping you going?

I lost 30lbs in 2021 and I've been stagnant since Thanksgiving. I'm not even trying anymore. I'm eating too much. I'm eating too many calories. I'm not gaining. I'm just not losing.

I could do well all day, come home and just undo all my hard work at dinner. I'm not really sure what to do anymore.

So I want to know why YOU are losing weight. How much have you lost? What good thing happened to you recently regarding your journey? How did you convince yourself to stop eating all the food? Why are you losing weight?

I wanna hear from all of you. Give me your best brags. Tell me your new jean size. Brag about your accomplishments. Maybe something will click in my brain once I hear how amazing you all are lol

submitted by /u/its_jazzyo
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Anyone here struggling to lose weight with Hashimoto’s or Hypothyroid?

I’m 22 F and have been diagnosed with hashimotos since I was 12. I pretty much know the ins and outs of this disease and how it impacts my body. I’m medicated and check in with my endocrinologist every 6 months. Everything looks “optimal” but at the end of the day, losing weight with this disease is so fucking hard no matter what.

The only times I’ve been able to lose any substantial weight was when I was running 5-7 miles a day along with walking an extra 4 miles. I would also only eat around 1300-1400 calories (as a 5’11 woman). This is so exhausting but if I don’t do this, I typically gain weight super quickly.

Anyways, I’m up an extra 20 pounds and I’m currently working at shedding it off. I refuse to partake in the hellish routine that I described before, but I’m scared I’ll only be able to lose 5 pounds and then plateau with a normal weight loss plan. Is anyone else struggling with this? It’s like no matter how active I am or how little I eat, weight loss is still so hard. Anyone have any tips that helped them? Does going gluten free help?

submitted by /u/nostalgicshadows
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Monday, January 24, 2022

Doing what I'm supposed to but not really seeing any weight loss

So I guess to start off I'm just a lil over a week into starting my weight loss journey to lose 130 pounds. I'm 5'2 and weigh 250 pounds. I've been eating between 1200-1500 calories a day and exercising everyday on a stationary bike for about an hour. And I've been getting into playing vr games like beat saber that are a bit more active. So I feel like I should be losing weight but it hasn't changed at all which super discouraging. Does anyone have any advice? Or know what I'm doing wrong or could do better?

submitted by /u/surviveabovethewaves
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Pre-Menstrual Bloating

How do you ladies deal with pre-menstrual bloating? I restarted my weight loss plan this year and have been consistent with my food choices and workout schedules, so far, but I have been waking up to a very round tummy a week and a half before my predicted menstrual week. I noticed that I always get bloated around that period.

Should I make some adjustments during that period or should I just accept this? :(

submitted by /u/SouthGirl1992
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Thoughts on smoothies for weight loss?

Hello, new here. Hopefully this post is allowed, I'm just interested in hearing the thoughts of others. Lately I've been more interesting in taking care of my body. I go on walks with my dog 4 times a day and will soon be including cardio workouts at the community gym ( which is literally a 1 minute walk from my door, so no excuses there)

Anyway, I've been making smoothies every morning for the last few days, and I feel pretty good about them. They fill me up and I think I've chosen good ingredients, but I would love to hear what others think.

My smoothie: ~1.5cups almond milk (40 cal)

~1 cup frozen spinach

1 frozen apple

1 kiwi

1 banana

Some whole milk yogurt (don't really measure)

1 tbsp chia seeds

1 tsp honey

This makes about 3 whiskey glasses worth, which I drink throughout the day.

Also, I just bought some green powder stuff, I think it's mostly kale. Interested to hear what people think about that.

submitted by /u/CliffordTheDragon
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NSV! Take those measurements!

I’ve been shifting from weight loss to recomp, and when I finally hopped back on the scale it went up a solid few pounds from my previous range.

Thoroughly depressed, I pulled out the measurements I’d taken before and laid them against new current measurements….they were ALL going down.

Not a lot, but solidly across the board they were smaller.

Take the measurements before you recomp! It’ll save you mental anguish.


5’2” woman in my mid-30s SW 124lbs, Sept 2021 LW 112lbs, Dec 2021 CW 116lbs, Jan 2021

Eating 1200-1300/cal day; TDEE is 1600.

Focus on protein and limiting carbs for the most part to vegetables with an occasional slice of pizza or other bit thrown in every week or so.

Aiming for 20g net carbs but occasionally go over.

IF 18:6 on weekdays.

In early December when I got to 112lbs I began a focus on recomp with:

Weight training 3x week Cardio through running (slow and short) 1x week Yoga 3x week

submitted by /u/need-morecoffee
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This is terrible to say as an adult...but I hate vegetables.

I feel like - this and the desire to get dopamine from food ( I have ADHD) is a major hurdle in long-term weight loss. I have texture and taste issues with most of them.

So, I know you're going to tell me to "try and make them another way" - and this has made some vegetables edible for me, but still not something I'd choose for fun. I literally just eat them because they're healthy, and secretly feel like the meal would be better without them. As Marie Kondo would say...they do not spark joy.

I eat broccoli, cauliflower, beans, peas, lentils, carrots, corn, radishes, avocado...and that's kinda it? Also this gets repetitive...because it means I'll eat, say, broccoli 3 times a week because I don't have much to choose from.

There are vegetables I will literally not touch, and I'll need to sanitize my hands to get the smell off if I do.

I just...don,'t see a way around it.

I'm back on low carb now, which sort of works as it's mostly meat/fish/eggs - but still, even with that, I probably should eat more veg than I do now.

It's not like I'm a teen, either. I'm a grown-ass adult. This is basically my "adult setting".

I do like a lot of fruits, but many of them are sweet, of course.

Vegetables can be great to "fill' yourself...if you eat them, of course.

I can lose weight - but I have always failed at maintaining because I just don't like "healthy" food much. Everyone talks about changing your lifestyle...but, that's kind of the thing where it falls apart for me. I can be disciplined for a long time, but it still feels I'm not eating "nice things" (Even if I'm not hungry, doing a perfectly manageable diet).

I can try eating better, kind of force myself to eat more veg for half a year or whatever...and I still just don't like them much. I'm literally the person who will remove vegetables from my pizza or fish them out of a curry.

And at this point I'm better than when I was a kid - where I basically only ate peas and carrots.

I am currently still on track for losing weight, but I'm wondering what's sustainable long-term.

Has anyone else faced this? What do you even do?

submitted by /u/Kay_Elle
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Just a little bit

Kind of a declaration post, I'm up for hearing advice and for people to commiserate.

I would like to lose around 10-20lbs and be in the 140s. Im right at the 25 bmi zone, which is just a factoid don't take a ton of stock in that.

I've been wanting to lose those 10-20 lbs for years. I did in 2017 and it felt great but it didn't stick. I think once I got down to that weight I was like I did it and now resume all the things that got me away from it 😆.

There isn't anything to magical about that number, I just know I would feel better physically. I'd probably run faster to and get some of the PRs I'm chasing.

My current plan is to just start tracking what I eat of myfitnesspal, not necessarily making any changes, but I know I will as I input even if they are small.

Food wise lately I've been eating a lot of junk, crisps, cheese, salami and not as many vegetables as I would like. I'm thinking after seeing what I do eat, I'll then add some veggies maybe replace crisps with crunch veggies.

I exercise a fair amount mostly running, I'm going to incorporate some strength work I bought this gmb program years ago, it's mostly bodyweight activity. I'm going to give it a go and finally get my money's worth. I know weight loss happens in the kitchen but I would like to be stronger too and increase my mobility. I just got over covid, so I have taken about two weeks off of exercise, so this seems like a good time to reset my routine.

Thanks for listening!

submitted by /u/blueduck16
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Sunday, January 23, 2022

Those who have maintained weight loss for a long time, what is your advice?

Not sure what other reddit to post this on and not sure how many people will reply, but it's worth a shot.

The numbers on people regaining weight after dieting and weight loss are pretty grim. A huge percentage of people gain back everything they've lost, and some even gain MORE weight. While science has figured out how to get people to lose weight, it's still tricky to get that weight to stay off. This is an uncomfortable and disappointing fact, but it's still true. It's also why many competent nutritionists do not focus on weight at all when trying to improve health, and why gym memberships are predatory.

That being said, I would personally like to lose weight and keep it off long term. I'm sure that's the goal of just about everyone using this reddit. So to those who have lost weight and kept it off long term, what did you do to achieve this? For the sake of not having people who have kept weight off for a couple of months posting; I'm taking about people who have kept weight off for years. The longer the better. One year is the minimum.

I'm especially interested to hear from people who went through significant weight loss, since the more weight you lose the harder it is to keep it off.

Thank you in advance for your responses, and if you know someone who might be able to contribute please share this with them! I'm hoping that people can use this as a resource for keeping weight loss off long term.

submitted by /u/bwak420
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

i miss my boobs :(

i used to have huge boobs, so much so that i had breast reduction surgery. i was heavier at the time so i liked the results, but i’ve since lost a lot of weight and the surgery combined with the weight loss has made me really flat chested. i know there’s nothing i can do - i can’t go back and not get the surgery. i’m just bummed that my proportions are weird now. i wish i had accepted myself as i was, but i had no way of knowing i’d lose weight years in the future.

submitted by /u/wherethefenceis_low
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SCALE VICTORY! 5"7 F21 210lbs--> 164.9lbs. 35.1lbs/70lbs lost. 6 months. I an exactly half way through my weight loss journey! This is my story! SV

Hi guys! You might have seen me around in other subreddits like r/progresspics or r/CICO . I am super active on there!!

I am so grateful and happy to see that so many people on reddit are interested in how I lost weight and are following me on my journey!

I wanted to create this post to write everything about my process in losing weight and put it all in one place, so anyone who is interested , either now or in the future, can use this as a resource!!!

A little bit about my stats before I begin:

I'm 5"7. My highest weight was 210lbs , my starting weight of my most current journey was 200lbs, my current weight is 165.8lbs, and my goal weight is 130lbs. I started my new journey on July 4th 2021. I have lost 34.2lbs since then, in 6 months.

Okay, here is what I did which helped me in losing weight!

  • I changed my MINDSET. Honestly, it all comes down to how you view things. Instead of thinking in black and white, and being super strict on my decisions, I decided to think of it like this: you can literally have anything you want to eat, but you need to truly be grateful, and by being grateful, you understand you only need a moderate serving, not more, because THAT is how you can really show you're grateful. Eating moderately will make you more mindful of your eating and behavior and emotions towards food, and helps you APPRECIATE food, instead of thinking it's always around and you can always have it, which decreases it's specialness.

Here's the numerical part of it:

I eat 1500 calories per day. That's how it's been for the most part, other than when I decided to maintain for a few months.

My TDEE is 1850 calories being sedentary.

I walk between 7,000-20,000 steps per day. On average it's between 10,000-15,000 daily.

I also do a full body HIIT routine for 25 minutes every day.

I eat 5 times a day. The first 3 times are just snacks totaling to 500 cals. Then I eat dinner and a late night meal, both 500 cals. That's how I get to 1500 calories per day!

I really hoped this helped!

Thank you all for being so nice to me! ☺ I look forward to updating you all with my next goal!

My before and after pictures:

submitted by /u/traumathrowawayacc
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Weight loss can save others too

Just a reader here and haven't posted before, but this may encourage other people of important benefits being healthy and in shape can give. Maybe, maybe not, but who knows. We were at the beach this weekend, and long story short, he ended up being caught in a riptide quite a bit off of shore while swimming around. There was no lifeguard on duty, and I saw him waving and yelling for help after treading water there for a bit. I was able to swim out and bring him back to shore, and I know for a fact if I was in the shape I was a year ago that there was no way I would have been able to help him.

submitted by /u/Sea_Introduction7730
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Ate all your calories by noon? No worries. Treat it like your OMAD and move on.

I used to binge, felt guilty, then said “fuck it”, and continued to binge for one whole day. Then I discovered a mental trick that helped me deal with the occasional urges to eat whatever I want in whatever quantity I want.

Treat a binge like your OMAD (one meal a day), enjoy the heck out of it, and when you are done, the eating window is over and you can eat again tomorrow. If the binge happens at night, fast until the evening the next day and eat a healthy and fulfilling dinner (soup or salad with lots of protein). Continue your routine normally after that.

This was how I dealt with a loooooong plateau and continued my weight loss. No longer feeling guilty for the occasional overindulge, now I enjoy the food I eat, feel that weight loss isn’t a chore, and am much more confident that I will be able to do this for the rest of my life.

Hope this helps someone who was like the old me.

submitted by /u/catsmom585
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just checked my bank account. I have so much money it’s actually concerning?! Was I spending that much money on food before?!

Jesus Christ. I have been doing a bit of shopping and decided I should check to see where my bank account is at. I was SHOCKED to see I have an unusually high amount of money.

I started phentermine and I haven’t been doing much grocery shopping. (Coincidentally busy season just started at work which means my job feeds me for most meals during the week, which helps.) but WOW. I eat way less than I did before and when I do eat, it’s at work and paid for.

I think I was spending $500 or $600 a month on groceries and eating out with friends. I’m just shocked. I… I am speechless. I bet I spend ~$200 max now.

Another reason to focus on my weight loss and decreasing my consumption: Save money!!! So much money!!!! More money for shopping for my thinner body!!!!

submitted by /u/ProblematicFeet
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CICO weight loss commitment starts TODAY

I am committing my weight loss journey to this group today. My weight loss system will be CICO. I’ve tried IF and strict diets (KETO, Brightline/Food Addicts Anonymous). The IF / Strict Diets trigger years of disordered behavior. I’m considering WW if I can treat it like a lifestyle change, not a diet. WW’s lack of black and white thinking works for me as does the weekly mtg/weigh in.

I’m “burning my boats” by committing here. I’m committing to CICO. I’m committing to 30 days no alcohol to keep me on track.

I’m committing to sitting through the discomfort to understand my eating triggers/old stories that no longer serve me/unconscious patterns that “sleep walk” me to the fridge.

Letting go of too many years of trauma to claim my victory story now. I’m currently 190 lbs. 5 foot 2 inches. 49 years old and ready for the best next 30 years of my life. Goal weight: 130 lbs. Thank you for reading. I’ll need any support you might give me.

Before I hide from my family to stuff my face in secret, I commit to posting here first.

submitted by /u/Zumblezeebee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, January 22, 2022

I lost COVID weight gain and my back pain has reduced so much!!

My job is very sedentary and I am not super into weightlifting + pandemic weight gain => back pain

After shredding the 10 lbs, my BMI dropped to 20-21 range, and MY LOWER BACK PAIN IS ALMOST GONE!! For a while I thought the pain was caused by some other external factors, turned out that I don't even need the CT Scan and the expensive massage therapies - just lose the weight and the magic happens! I still don't know the scientific reason behind ( please inform me in the comment section if you do know why)

10 pounds seems like a really small number to lose especially in this community, but I just want to make this post to share my health improvement thanks to such a small amount of weight loss - sometimes small things do wonders! Please note that I am not promoting that the healthiest BMI is 20-21, the ideal weight really depends on individual builds - but thanks to this experience, I realized that when you are approaching your best weight, YOU WILL KNOW IT!

submitted by /u/zzzz0718
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

515lbs - > 467lbs 6'2. .. Knee injury and an interesting turn of events. .. .

Hi all. like this group so much. I have lurked for years. Food has always been a coping mechanism for me and upon losing a job and partner and sustaining a knee injury I hit my highest weight ever last year (515). I began trying to make some changes in November but it was slow and had setbacks. I got down to 505 in December. The weekend before Christmas I started having some very painful GI issues do to too many NSAIDS(Advil) that caused me to lose my appetite completely and I was barely able to eat till just after New Years with some help from my physician to treat the issue. Apparently, not physically being able to eat led to the unexpected weight loss down to 487 and broke me of my strong desire for carbs and diet coke. Excited by the loss, I decided to double down with maintaining a low intake of food since I had apparently shrunk my appetite. Lots of water, proteins and dairy (yogurt for the stomach) as well as light carbs and veggies has allowed me to continue the and reach 467 as of today. And my knee pain that led to the NSAIDS issues is gone without meds to alleviate it. So, I guess I owe Advil some thanks. The forced two week portion control‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎­was long effective long enough to break me of addiction to sugars and carbs, as well as kick start this journey that has been put off too long.

submitted by /u/sharctic03
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV - Someone called me “fit” today

I was on a really intense walk/hike uphill today and felt like I was dying. Some of the most fit-looking people on the trail also looked they were dying - the trail makes your legs feel like jelly about halfway through.

But I kept pushing and was able to make it to the top. I even felt good enough to go back up the hill, using a much easier alternative route, and these girls who looked very similar to me stopped me. They said, “You’re so fit!”

I thought it was a joke at first, and told them they might have mistaken me for someone else. They said no, we saw you walk up the hill and you passed us so many times.

I said thank you, and that was basically the end of the conversation, but I don’t think they know how much that comment means to me. Or maybe they did, and knew it would brighten my day. Either way, I’ll take the compliment.

I haven’t exercised in a long time (WFH problems, amiright?) but a friend invited me on this walk and I am so glad I went. I don’t know if anyone, ever, in my whole life has called me fit. I certainly don’t look it, but do consider myself to have good stamina/endurance for someone who almost never works out and is of my size. For reference, I’m a 5’1 female and a size ~14 US in jeans. My GW is around a size 8.

I just want those girls, and others, to know how encouraging it is to call someone fit even when they might not look like it. The positive encouragement is motivating me to maybe go on another walk this week.

In addition to starting to count calories (never done that before in my life until the last few weeks) and doing some exercise here and there, I feel like I can reach my weight loss goals.

Today felt like a NSV and I just wanted to share!

submitted by /u/savvvie
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