Wednesday, May 31, 2023

How often should I do body circumference measurements?

Starting my weight loss journey,and took waist circumference measurement (46 inch),neck circumference (13 inch) and hip circumference (40 inch), are these measurements a reliable way to track fat loss overtime?Because I input them into online calculators to calculate body fat mass and body fat percentage,how often should I take these measurements? Every month,every 2 months or more than 2 months?Also how long does it take for the measurements to drop significantly (particularly waist because I know neck is trivial and dismal and isn’t going to change expect a tiny minute amount)?Also are there any other measurements that I should be taking such as arm / thighs or are they unnecessary?Also are online body fat mass calculators that ask to input waist and neck circumference to calculate fat mass accurate?

submitted by /u/LessApplication16
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[vent] Fallen into a binging spiral for the past two weeks after steady 6 month weight loss

So after several YEARS of trying to beat my binge eating habits and trying to lose weight but utterly failing to do so, I was finally somehow able to adjust my eating habits/lifestyle and lose about 10-12 pounds during the past six months. i am only 5’2 and started at 120 pounds (I know this is a healthy weight , but very unflattering weight for my body type and frame) it was painstaking and horrible because my maintenance calorie intake was already low. i was only able to do this through stringent calorie tracking/walking 15k steps a day along with a solid motivator for me which was my vacation with friends during mid-May //as I’m sick and tired of feeling insecure due to my body and just wanted to feel confident during a dream vacation. Post vacation , I’ve fallen back into detrimental eating habits; as soon as I wake up in the morning, I’m grabbing at random food in the pantry whether it’s bags of cereal, leftover curry in the fridge, snack bars, bags of chips, even things I don’t even like- I’ll just impulsively eat it , keep eating until there isn’t any more, and then continue scavenging and indulging to the point that I am so uncomfortably full and nauseous (I don’t buy these things, but I currently live with family so it is inevitable for food to always be on hand)

The worst part is that I gain some semblance of understanding and guilt for eating so much but once the imminent nausea has cleared a bit, I’ll just keep repeat this process of a few hours later. It’s just been constant cycles of binging and regret. I really don’t know what happened to whatever self-control I worked so hard to attain and develop over the past year, but it’s hard not to feel absolutely crushed and discouraged by these recent eating habits I’ve brought back into my life. I find that once a binge has started, it seems to absolutely jumpstart my appetite into overdrive and I’ll have cravings the rest of the day. It’s disgusting and unhealthy, and I haven’t eaten proper vegetables/protein/nutrient dense meals for the past few weeks due to this constant stream of snacking and eating 800-1000 cal over maintenance everyday. It’s been two weeks and I can’t help but feel crushed and absolutely horrendous about myself- the new clothes I bought myself are too snug now and I can no longer see the progress that I made on my body.

I don’t know about ya’ll but on top of feeling embarrassed/horrible about the erasure of so much of my progress, my body image also severely impacts my sense of self worth and quality of life (it’s terrible and unhealthy and a horrible way of dictating your life, but it’s heavily ingrained).. I was fantasizing about spending the summer with friends, feeling confident, wearing cute things, and work on myself in other ways after finally being able to tackle my binge eating. Instead, I’m locking myself in, being less productive, and feeling helpless in my inability to control myself.

I guess this post is for the purpose of venting out my thoughts and feelings. I apologize for the negativity. If there is anyone who can relate to my situation or has experienced similar, it would be helpful to hear. I’m kind of lost and feeling like I’ve reached a point where I’ve lost faith in myself and don’t know how to proceed. I probably haven’t gained every pound back (I’m also too scared to weigh myself) and I can probably work to reverse this.. I think I’m at this precarious point where i need to make changes now, but I just don’t know how or what to do

submitted by /u/sugakookie123
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Loose Skin - am I doing it wrong?

Hi all! I'm a 29 year old female, 5'5", and I've been losing weight since October 2021. Since my starting weight of 315 lbs I have lost about 140 lbs and currently weigh around 175 lbs. I am still overweight and my ultimate goal is to get around 145ish, shooting for between 1 to 1.5lbs lost per week.

I'm already dealing with significant loose skin. The skin hanging from my inner bicep is wider than my bicep itself, and my inner thighs droop in a way that almost looks like they're rolling in on themselves. Don't even get me started on what my chest area is doing, haha.

The consensus about loose skin seems to be that it's mainly a result of losing weight very quickly, and that over time the loose skin firms back up. I know skin gets less elastic with age too.

I guess my questions are: 1. Am I losing weight too fast? Is 1.5lbs a week too much for my skin to keep up with?

  1. For others who had problems with loose skin after weight loss, did it eventually improve over the years as your skin had time to adjust?

  2. Am I old enough that my skin would be less elastic? Oh jeez... I'm only 29!

Thanks for reading, and thank you to anyone who shares their perspective!

submitted by /u/tzelli
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1 year later from obesity to a healthy weight

One year ago I made a post on here that I was going to make a change. I was 195ish lbs, 5’1 tall and miserable. I was depressed and so unhappy with my body.

I grew up with healthy & active parents. Played sports and did all the “right” things. But I loved food, always did & always will. I was always about ~5-10lbs overweight. As a teen/young adult I hung around 135lbs, a tad overweight for my height. I remember always dreaming of losing 10lbs but never could manage to drop even 5. I would basically starve myself then stop after a week and return to old habits. Those 10lbs I wanted to lose so desperately never came off. I was in a constant cycle of starving myself then binging between the ages of 19-22. Eventually down the road, I was diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism, and despite being medicated, I figured the cards weren’t in my favor. I decided that I rather eat whatever I want, whenever I want, than be skinny. To me, the benefits of eating junk outweighed the benefits of being skinny. It felt freeing to be able to eat and to stop worrying. I threw away my scale, ate whatever I wanted, and it wasn’t long until I ballooned up to the obese category. At 25 years old. last year, I stepped onto the scale for the first time and almost cried when I realized I was so close to 200lbs.

But me thinking it wasn’t possible was a cop out. Truth be told, I just didn’t think I had it in me. I was never the kind of person that could stick with a routine. I wasn’t disciplined. I didn’t think I had it in me to lose weight long term and more importantly, to stop binging.

But last year, I hit my rock bottom. I felt hopeless. I sheltered myself away from friends & family in embarrassment. I was more depressed than ever, and I knew I had to do something. So I set a goal of 135lbs - the weight I hated as a teenager/ young adult, but because I maintained this weight so long, I figured it would be possible.

And I hit that goal plus some! Today I stand at 125-127lbs. In the healthy BMI range for the first time ever. My new goal is the 115-120 ish and plan to maintain that hopefully for as long as I can. These last 10 or so pounds are going to take time, and my focus now is more so on fitness goals / nutrition goals paired with a very small deficit.

It was quite the journey. I could go on & on about what I did but I think the most important thing is to do what’s right for you and that in order to be successful you need to want it and be willing to ditch the lifestyle that made you overweight to begin with. Weight loss is all about calories in & calories out, it’s simple in theory but extremely difficult to execute. There are so many different ways to do this - weight watchers, keto, fasting, OMAD, counting calories, exercising more, etc. for me personally, I found the best way was to count calories. So I bought a food scale and religiously counted every calorie that went into me. At the start, I completely disregarded the healthiness of the food. If it was hot Cheetos, ice cream, French fries, a burger - so be it. As long as I ate under my goal, I was happy.

Down the road of my journey, I realized I liked eating volume. Because of this, I started to eat a lot more vegetables and healthier food to the get the “most food” out of the least amount of calories. Now, I really see the importance of fueling your body with all the nutrients it needs, so I now also focus on making sure I get enough vegetables, fruits, protein, healthy fats, etc.

Once I got from obese to overweight, around the 150lb mark, I realized I had a lot more energy and started working out. For the first 40lbs, I didn’t exercise AT ALL besides the days I work in which I’m on my feet. At first, it was just walking for 20 minutes on an incline on a treadmill, it was all I felt like doing. Eventually i started jogging, and now most recently, I added in weight lifting. I now work out 5 days a week, but not to lose weight - more so for enjoyment. It became a real stress reliever and hobby. I LOVE running and just finished a 5k (3 miles) in 25 minutes!! A year ago i couldn’t even jog for 15 seconds. I love to focus on my fitness goals now more so than the scale.

I still count my calories every day, but like everyone preaches on here, counting calories gets so much easier with time. It really is tedious at first, I can’t stress that enough. But once I got in the groove I realize I really only eat the same ~25 ish things and have everything pretty much memorized at this point. Sometimes I don’t even have to log my stuff because I can keep track all in my head. In the past, I stayed away from counting calories because I was worried it would be triggering as someone who had bad eating habits as a teen. But every-time I would diet without counting, I would heavily restrict to very low calories which would lead to me stopping the diet all together less than a week later. With counting calories, I not only make sure I eat “enough” but I also make sure I don’t eat too much. At the start of weight loss, a big part of me just wanted to cut everything out. But this time around I ate until I reached my calorie goal every day. It really did help me and wasn’t as triggering as I thought it would be, and eating at a realistic goal isn’t as hard as I thought it would be.

I have taken a few maintenance breaks as well. It’s hard staying on a deficit for so long. I hung out at around 150lbs for 2 months just because I didn’t have it in me to cut with vacations. I had particular weeks where I gained because of events and life is to short to miss those, imo. but I don’t see that as “falling behind”. I just got right back on the wagon. It all balances out. Consistency is key, but what’s most important is patience. If you do the right thing more than >50% of the time then results will come.

Everyone asks about my “diet” and I always reiterate that I am not on a diet. This is a lifestyle change, a change i plan on doing forever. I will never go back to my old ways of eating, because I would simply go back to being obese.

Anyways, this is getting super long but I’m super proud of proud of myself and wanted to share. I can’t wait to continue my journey and I hope others who read this will be motivated to continue theirs. It’s different for everyone. It’s not a one size fits all. A big thank you to this community for helping me start and giving me the resources to begin such as the TDEE website, buying a food scale, etc.

submitted by /u/Trippymeow77
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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Before and After: Lost 40 pounds!


I came into 2022 really heavy, close to the heaviest I've been at around 175 lb and managed to get down to 135 lb in May 2023. My hectic work schedule made it harder to remain consistent sometimes, but the hard work really did pay off! I was hoping to reach my goal of 130 lb by now, but its well within reach now. I was hoping to start weightlifting soon this summer and continue my fitness journey. I'm usually the worst at losing a lot of weight and putting it back on, but I'll break that cycle this time.

I was on a diet and did the occasional intermittent fasting once every 2 weeks, but my diet wasn't super strict either. I just really cut out junk food, soda, candy, etc. I still managed to eat cereal, decent amount of bread, etc. I never counted calories, though I have thought about taking that up recently. I was pretty strict with only drinking water for the most part though. I've done calorie counting in the past with other diets, but I was able to lose the 40 lbs without it tbh.

It's been such a great feeling, especially noticing how much looser your clothes fit, getting complimented by co-workers and friends, and also seeing the difference on pictures. I just wanted to really share my weight loss journey with a community I know can relate and hope this has helped some people too.

submitted by /u/JM1295
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I’m 340lbs yet my parents are sabotaging my weight loss, advice please :)

Hi so it’s as the title says, tips or advice is really needed. Also this might get really rambly sorry, haven’t had the chance to vent this out yet!

I’m 21F and Mexican which is relevant here as Mexican parents are .. something else entirely. I also currently live in England idk if that’s relevant though! I’m 344lbs and 5’3

I’ve always been obese and had terrible eating habits ever since I was young to be honest, along with everyone else in my family. In my household the plates are always overfilled and it is very normal to grab seconds or thirds of food and eat until stuffed, sometimes even more than that and it’s normal to eat until you throw up too (happens rarely though). It shows as a sign of love for the person that made it, and people just laugh this kinda stuff off. A large part of my obesity is down to me and my love for fast food too i will not lie but i think my parents also played a large part

I’ve been wanting to lose weight over the past month and I brought it up to my parents last month too, and they seemed supportive and now I’m realising that they really aren’t. Like I tried making my own portions of food or not accepting some of their snacks or chocolate and now they’re seeing it as me not accepting their love for me, and my dad keeps snapping at me and it’s made my mom cry. They’re telling my family that I’ve turned into someone with an eating disorder too 😐😐

I have a part time job as I’m a student but I still live with my parents and it’s like a “my house my rules” thing, I absolutely cannot afford to move out right now either

And i will admit that I also contribute and I eat too much fast food per week and I don’t get enough exercise and I pretty much drive everywhere tbh all of that kind of thing. I’m trying to cut down on it now but it’s hard and I feel like it’s so much easier to just go back to the food especially when my parents support that. Like is this really worth it at all I guess ?

But I don’t like being this weight either of course. Nobody in my courses takes me seriously and i’ve never had a boyfriend because of my weight either, I have a few friends but it’s obvious I’m an outcast even now πŸ₯²And physically is even worse I think, I have incredibly bad joint pain and I don’t know if it’s solely because of my weight but I feel like it’s always affecting me. It’s mostly my knees and some days I can barely get out of bed, or walk or take the stairs. It’s such an embarrassment and I’m embarrassed that I’m even at this weight posting about this here but whatever

I don’t know, I guess Im looking for advice on how to deal with my parents but also the changes I can make myself without them noticing ? I also need advice on how to keep up with motivation , like I know being an average weight will help me a lot and I don’t want to be this weight but also if I’ve had a bad day then fast food just seems more rewarding in the moment and I can deal with the consequences later if you know what I mean

submitted by /u/Kindly-Present8992
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - June Sign Ups

Hello lose it folks! It’s almost June! That means a new daily accountability challenge thread!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them regardless of where you are in your journey.

Let’s get down to the business, shall we?

This is the sign-up post to outline your goals. Please don’t limit yourself to weight loss or health goals, we’d love to hear about your reading list, chores, whatever you want to do in the month ahead.

There will be a daily update post for you to post how your day went, you can use whichever daily post fits your time zone. Don’t feel bad for missing a day here & there, this post is to help you feel supported however often you would like to check in.

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress, don’t forget that!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported and cared for. Leading by example, here I go!

Log before I eat everything & aim for more fruit, vegetable & pre/probiotic foods for my tummy health: Got it. I've been making overnight oats & a weird little yogurt shot of probotics with lunch. I added a fruit to my usual lunch & miso to my dinner.

Calorie goal tbd:

Exercise five days a week: I want to get back into the habit of a walk & an on purpose workout. I got new fitness gear for the holidays & I want to use what I already have to make 2023 me a stronger version of me! I want to do yoga twice a week & use the new gloves & impact pads I got twice a week.

Journal for two minutes before playing my Switch: A sneaky way to ensure at least two minutes of journaling most days. X/X days.

Engage with the lose it folks: For example: Today I read some of the top posts & chatted up a couple of you in the comments.

Today's gratitude list: Today, I'm grateful for

Random self-care action I want to conquer today:

Now, onto the fun part. What are your goals for the month ahead?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How can I help my partner understand that their weight loss plan is unhealthy?

My partner is starting a weight loss journey due to some health concerns. He is a 5’ 6” male and weighs approximately 225 lbs. His highest weight about a week or two ago was 235ish. He has set his max calories for the day at about 1650, but is eating much lower than this. I asked if he had a minimum he wants to meet and he said 1000. It doesn’t seem like he would be unhappy to eat even less than this though. He doesn’t see an issue with restricting that much and while he knows it isn’t sustainable, he plans to eat this way until it become unsustainable and then change. I tried to explain it’s also about developing a healthy way of living, not to mention the bodies need for diverse nutrients, but he is hyper focused on wanting rapid weight loss

I personally am trying to lose about 15-20 pounds, but am fairly healthy overall. However, I have a history of an ED and can easily go into restrict and binge cycles. I know at the end of the day I need to stay in my own lane, but I hate to see him swing from one unhealthy way of living to another. I got a bit excited to see him taking steps to take care of his health, as I’ve been worried about him, but now I’m worried in a whole new way.

Any suggestions Reddit?

submitted by /u/Apple-Farm
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I now weigh even less than my goal weight yet still feeling insecure?

Hey y’all,

I am sure there are plenty of others that have experienced this and this post is just for general support/relatability to not feel so alone. I’ve been dealing with a lot of body dysmorphia lately and not sure how to go about the obsession with how I look and how I am perceived by others.

For context, I am 23 yr old female, 5’1, and now weigh about 110 lbs. Last year during this time I was about 160-170 lbs. I didn’t really start feeling insecure about my weight until getting into a fairly shitty relationship and started the long process of trying to look better for other people, not even really myself.

At the beginning of this year I was about 125-130 lbs, so a fairly healthy weight for someone my height and age, which was my initial goal weight when first starting the weight loss journey. Then that’s when I started dramatically losing a lot of weight in the past couple of months and lost the rest of those 15-20 lbs to the weight I am out now in a very unhealthy way. And the obsession with how I look and the insecurities really kicked into gear then. Almost everyday I record myself just standing in different positions, particularly to see how my stomach looks from the side, how big my waist looks from the front, etc. Many people now make comments about how “skinny” I look and it just feeds into the obsession. Because for me, although I logically can acknowledge the thinness, I still mentally see the body I had from last year. Looking at old photos of myself can disgust me sometimes too because I can’t fathom that that is what I looked like, it makes me sad, and almost embarrassed to have looked like that.

Still, I am trying to lose weight. I technically am still in the healthy range but my mind just keeps thinking about how I need to drop by just 5 more pounds and then I’ll finally be happy with how I look. It’s always more, more, more. Eating anything just makes me guilty now, no matter how low calorie it is. I am terrified of gaining the weight back, as if I will be disappointing myself and everyone around me. I know I have destroyed my metabolism and the thought of trying to fix it, which will inevitably lead to some weight gain, terrifies me as well.

No matter how much I lose, it seems like I will never be happy with how I look.

I am not necessarily looking for advice on how to overcome my thinking right now, but feel free to share if you’ve also experienced this. Any words of support is also highly appreciated. Thank you:)

Tl;dr — Significant weight loss has led me to develop potential ED and body image issues.

submitted by /u/yazzy_star
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Had to provide measurements for a dress as a wedding guest: eye opener

I've never had to provide measurements for an outfit before, especially not since I gained a ton of weight in the last few years (110lb-200lb). I'm attending a wedding next month and needed to order a traditional Indian outfit and this involved getting it made to fit me and therefore providing measurements. I have been wanting to start a weight loss journey for several months now but always find excuses, I think the disgust and desire to reduce those number might actually be the motivation I need.

submitted by /u/OutsideMysterious227
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why aren't my calves shrinking with the rest of my body?

So I lost 60kgs so far, still got a way go but I'm very happy at where I am :)

Everything had been slimming down quite nicely... besides my calves

My calves are f*cking huge, and I don't think they shrunk at all during this weight loss journey, when I was 150kgs they looked reasonable with the rest of my body, but now? When I'm 90kgs? Fk no. I never measured them but like most people I meet comment on them at one point and also "you can see em' from the front".

On the one hand after being a part of the gym community for a while I'm aware that there are a lot of people who really struggle with building big calves and would trade me in a second.

But on the other hand, I can't fit into jeans (unless they're super baggy) and most other long pants, and even when wearing shorts it almost feels like the porportions are off, the calves are so wide they make my legs look really short.

I know you can't spot reduce fat... And there isn't really a way for me to activate them LESS muscle-wise (I'm already intentionally neglecting them at the gym, which is probably not the greatest)... But I wanted to see if anybody has tips about how to deal with them besides that?

submitted by /u/GoWithTheFlow667
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Monday, May 29, 2023

Getting over a certain mindset

I am struggling with keeping a positive mindset regarding weight loss. I’m expecting way to much to soon. I have over 100lbs to lose and I want it in like a week. I don’t know how to explain it but in this day and age almost everything is easy to get but this goal is not. I just don’t know how to set realistic expectations for myself and stay motivated. What happens is I don’t see results and that makes me feel like everything I have done so far means nothing. How have you gotten past this mindset. I know I didn’t get this big in a weeks time but I sure would love to get this weight off ASAP in a healthy way.

submitted by /u/Firefrog14
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Started metformin and spironolactone for pcos. I'm 32.8 bmi and 5'3". I really want to lose weight, how can I get the best results with these meds? What lifestyle changes would propel the weight loss?

I'm struggling to feel good about my body. I feel like I am built like a truck. I'm 5'3" and 185 pounds. I'm miserable when I see myself in mirrors. I was 150 ish which made me feel overweight already...but then I had a pregnancy in 2021 followed by a miscarriage and had gone up to 189 lbs during that. Then I kind of spiral and went up to 197. I'm trying my best to exercise and eat less. Honestly I feel like I'm using food as a coping mechanism for my mental issues. I have bipolar and general anxiety as well as pcos. I'm super excited because my doctor prescribed me metformin and spironolactone and my appetite which was usually really ravenous with intense hunger queues has seemed to go down a bit. However, when I get bored or uncomfortable for any reason I start to snack. I eat a meal then because my mouth liked the experience, I keep eating. It usually happens at night.

I have heard metformin and spironolactone can help people with pcos lose weight, but I'd like to know what I can do to help that along. Mentally, I fixate on food. I used to have an eating disorder and was 107 lbs. I constantly thought about food and that's stuck with me for the last 12 years. Now because I don't indulge in the starvation habits I seem to have done a 180° turn and instead overindulge and binge.

Physically, I exercise seldom but at least once a week I'll try to go on a walk or a hike with my husband and our dog. I know that's a pitifully small amount of movement. I just have no energy most of the time. Maybe I'm truly lazy. I work remotely so I don't need to commute or walk around an office, which means even less movement. I used to walk for hours every day but I was assaulted in public and have become very agoraphobic I fear.

Diet wise, I eat lost of processed foods and sugar. It's miserable but I believe I am addicted at this point.

submitted by /u/allothemothsinmyarms
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first post here! first month on phentermine!

hi I thought I’d finally officially join instead of lurking and post about my progress so far!

I started at 220 and today I hit 210 I am 22f and am 5 foot 2

weight gain: my weight gain came mostly from when I got very sick a few years ago and got put on steroids. I was 173 and I gained up to 190. Last year I got diagnosed with gastrparesis and was down almost to my original weight because of how sick I was. I was put on zyprexa and that’s when I gained up to 220 and I haven’t been able to lose it, that has been attributed to my bad eating habits. I was doing OMAD and I ruined my metabolism completely. after zyprexa I was around 200 but since then because of how little I’ve been eating I have gained weight. I did have bad eating habits but I think I blamed myself too much. When I would eat a regular amount a day I would blame myself and say I binged. Eating normally or even past what I needed to maintain my weight just slowly piled up.

phentermine: I got put on this a month ago! I saw a weight loss doctor. I was having really bad adhd symptoms at the time and mentioned it and she suggested starting with phentermine at half a dose and then I could up it. First week I didn’t lose much and I felt horrible. I had to talked to my dietician and my main goal those first weeks was just trying to eat three meals a day and not skip meals. Two weeks ago I had a busy few days and didn’t eat well as in I did not eat enough and I gained. I decided to monitor my calories and that has pushed my weight loss further! I need 1,8k calories to maintain my weight. I have a goal of 1.2k calories a day. Its been weird I don’t eat junk food anymore and I’m hoping to maintain that relationship.

Last night I ate over my limit and ate potato chips I was so angry after!! But this morning I could just feel a difference in my stomach as in I felt smaller. I weighed myself and I had hit 10 pounds loss. Which makes no sense to me!

exercise: I am very sedentary that’s why I did the 1.2k I am also a woman and am 5 foot 2 i am 22 years old. I have POTS, FSGS, and because of this I have a horrible heat intolerance. I’ve been staying in so far this summer I wish I could go out and walk but I can’t. We have a treadmill and I pushed myself too hard a few days ago (I walked briskly for an hour) I am gonna maybe try and do 20-30 mins every other day but I also am always fatigued and tired from my disease and the deficit doesn’t help.

I am vegetarian, I was restricting junk food hard if I am not hungry for a meal I make myself drink an ensure protein max. It also helps if I’m feeling sick from nausea. My fave snack lately is pretzels and cheese cubes, cause it’s good protein. I also snack on pineapple and cherries. I was very down about all the high calorie food we have in America so I need to stop avoiding foods out of fear of being unhealthy. I don’t eat fast food anymore and only drink water about 3-4 liters a day

I hope that in posting this I will hold myself accountable. If you have any meal or snack ideas please let me know! I am working with a dietician! I am just hard on myself lately

submitted by /u/k1ndbutnotsoft
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10 pounds away and I negate my progress on the weekends

Hey y'all.

I never thought I'd be posting on here since I usually just read for motivation and knowing that I'm not alone. I've been on my weight loss journey for 2 years now and I'm only 10 pounds away from my goal, but I've been stuck here for a year now. I'm very strict about sticking to my running (24 miles a week) and my weight training (5 days a week), and for the most part I'm good about my diet. But I have such a hard time not totally detailing everything on the weekends. Maybe it's because I'm not at work and the routine is thrown off, I'm not sure. I've stopped drinking, but I eat way too much and what I tend to eat isn't very great. What is something you have all done to help get your mind off food when you crave poor options?

submitted by /u/Fit-Philosophy-6119
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Nothing is more discouraging then sorting through your closet and finding all the stuff that doesn’t fit anymore.

Hey y’all! This is my new weight loss account because I didn’t want to clog up my feed on my other account with weight loss content lol. Plus I need a place where I can go all in. I’ve lurked/lightly participated in this sub on other accounts and look forward to diving deeper.

Anyway, Im currently at the very beginning of my weight loss journey. I’ve attempted off and on for several years, but I recently hit my highest recorded weight (238 lbs - I’m 5’4 and 24 yrs) and felt galvanized to change. I’ve been trying to reduce my caloric consumption and increase my intake.

Today I undertook a long overdue closet cleanout, as I will be donating many of the items to a clothing swap that is being hosted at my workplace. For context, I love clothes and fashion, particularly anything vintage/thrifted or anything I can rescue from clearance and make fun again lol.

As I sorted through the items, I started to get sad at all the items that I had outgrown, or items I had ordered from online secondhand shops that I thought would be so cute but didn’t fit, or things that technically fit but made my stomach or arms stick out in unflattering ways so I stopped wearing them. There were so many cute items that I wanted to keep but wouldn’t even zip up. It was a particular blow when I tried on one pair of pants that, at one time, only got when I was at a higher weight -except not they wouldn’t even go up my thighs.

The final and fatal blow to my mood and self image was when I found a top that was too small, but I wasn’t sure if it was worth saving for future weight loss (I wasn’t sure if it was my style). I brought it out to my brother, who knew I was donating clothes, and before I could even say anything he said “it looks too small - get rid of it.”

I looked at the tag and it was a large, and I was crushed. Do I really look that fat now? I immediately felt humiliated. I guess it can serve as motivation though. One day I’ll be able to fit into that damn top.

submitted by /u/myweightlossaccnt
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Yay! I reached a milestone

My weight loss journey started last year. I was 175lbs. I’m 5’’5 female. I was about a stone away from being obese which I was terrified of.

Started my weight loss journey. Wanted to get to under 140lbs by winter. It gets to winter (around November time) and I weighed 141lbs. I absolutely hate winter so I kept up the gym but decided to stop keeping tabs on weight, calories etc. weighed myself in April and I weighed 143lbs so not awful considering.

Set myself a challenge to once and for all get below 140lbs. Weighed myself today and I weigh 138lbs!!

I sort of thought at 138 I’d look slimmer. My rib cage is more visible (wasn’t bothered about that happening but that’s what’s happened) but my belly still looks disproportionate in comparison to my body. Guess it’s just my shape but my next goal is now 133lbs.

submitted by /u/Former_Influence_421
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Sunday, May 28, 2023

People who have slowly gotten to their GW: realistically how hard was it in retrospect?

5’1 F HW: 204 CW: 186 GW: 140

I can’t tell if I am underestimating this journey.

I lost that first chunk of weight just by doing very casual CICO and going on walks. Gave up for a few months unfortunately but 2 weeks ago I decided to join a gym and consistently track my calories again (between 1600-1800).

I’m feeling pretty good. The reduced calories are a challenge for a binger like me but I don’t feel like I’m starving. My workouts are usually 20-30 mins moderate cardio followed by various strength training plans that I find on Tik Tok. They make me sweat and I sure do get sore but I’m not miserable or dying or spending 2 hours at the gym. I’ve been going 3-4 times a week.

I got a bit discouraged today after meeting with a personal trainer and she told me that I should be trying to lose 80lbs instead. I then doom scrolled weight loss tik tok and found people consistently boasting a routine of 1300 calories a day with 2 hours every single day at the gym and it made me very stressed out.

I guess what I’m asking is …. is it ok to approach this in the casual way that I have been? Or am I simply just dropping water weight and this isn’t nearly enough work to get to my goal weight?

TLDR: Casual, slow/steady weight loss. Is it realistic?

submitted by /u/Terrible_Tea_5953
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Help! Lost weight before, started BED and am at my highest weight now…

So, a couple years ago I was at my lowest weight ever, and to be fair, I think I took it to an extreme and should have stopped the cut earlier. Back in January 2021 i started MFP for the first time, and I was eating 1450 calories every day. I was scared i would overeat so I tracked everything. Like i put in my omega 3 capsules and things like gum. But I also was working out 5x/week, and didn’t want MCP to overestimate how many calories I burned. So my deficit was definetely too big. I was thinking about food way too much, i lost my period for 3 months, but I was not even seeing any of these things at the moment. I was also super stressed out with a bunch of things that were happening that summer. And in a way, being able to control the food became something I could control, in a lot of ways one of the only things I could control. I didn’t realize my eating behaviour was becoming disordered, until it swung back big time. I know the term starvation mode is overused, etc., but the only way I could describe to myself what happened was that my body was literally in starvation mode. The reason I say that is because I vacate super fixated on food. Still counting calories etc., but never feeling satisfied. And then the binging began. I developed BED. At the end of the year until April 2022 I was free from it, but then I relapsed and have been battling on and off with it. Struggling pretty badly again since January. I decided to not care about restricting food and just focus on my mental health for a while, but it’s hard. I don’t know what the best thing to do is. I am worried about my mental and physical health. I still try to maintain my healthy habits as much as I can but I am back to my pre-weight loss weight. According to BMI I am back in the overweight BMI category, and I see and feel the difference. I used to be so much fitter. Now I cannot do the workouts like I used to. I have to pause and do them at my own pace. I am disappointed, unsatisfied with my body, and not sure how to change it. I want change. But I’m also terrified bc of my ED history. Has anyone gone through this? How did you get out? I am so sick and tired of this. It’s the weight, it also all the other things that are in my way now. I just want to be healthy, mentally and physically.

submitted by /u/Evvvii
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Allowing Myself to Eat at Maintenance

I'm still in the very early stages of my weight loss journey, I'm about a week in (on this go around anyway lol). I started around 293 and am sitting at 287 as of this morning. In the past, if I ate over my calorie budget I'd say screw it, and eat anything and everything I wanted, and that would be that. The past couple of days I've been ravenous, thanks to PMS symptoms, and I held strong yesterday. But today, I decided to give myself some grace and am eating at maintenance instead of completely blowing my diet out of the water. It feels awesome to be in the state of mind where I know I'll be back on track after this because I'm not beating myself up over it. Looking at it as a life style change and learning to compromise with myself in a healthy and sustainable way is totally new for me, and it feels really good! I know everyone's journey is different, and a small part of me wishes I could be more disciplined, but for me this is more constraint than I've ever shown with a diet so I'm okay with it as of now.

submitted by /u/RunaFS91
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Wanting to lose weight again

25F | 5'4 | SW: 150 | GW: 120

I started my actual weight loss journey when I was 19 and weighed 198 pounds. I'd been overweight ever since I was a child but once I learned about calories and nutrition, I was able to go down to 142 pounds. This took about two years after which I started maintaining my weight because I didn't seem to be able to stick to a low-calorie diet anymore. I started having binging / ED tendencies, so I figured I was better off eating at maintenance instead of obsessing over weight loss and every single calorie consumed.

I started at university last autumn. I guess all the partying and drinking, and not really putting much effort into eating healthy, has caused my weight to slowly go up to 150 pounds. I'm not too upset about gaining only about 8 pounds but it's definitely a worrying trend that I'd like to tackle.

I have been thinking about going back to calorie counting but due to my kind of perfectionist nature, I'm leaning toward a 1200-calorie diet. I know that realistically this might not be a smart idea because of my ED tendencies, but I feel like my weight loss would be too "slow" if I were to eat, say, 1500 calories a day (because my TDEE is about 1730). I'm also taking long walks every day and I can sometimes walk even up to 3 hours a day. I have been thinking about starting swimming but I'm not entirely sure how effective that is in burning calories and how I could even track calories burned while swimming (and I am also very much a beginner swimmer).

I guess what I'm looking for is advice on how I can realistically lose weight while having these binging tendencies. Should I be eating more than 1200 calories and how much exercise should I be doing daily in order for my weight loss to be effective? I'd appreciate any other advice regarding weight loss / diet as well. Thanks!

submitted by /u/annieweightloss
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Anyone piled on pounds through grief? I am coming out the other side but I have such a long way to go. Please tell me I can do it!

I lost my Mum in 2021. It has impacted me so hard. To make matters worse I did a 110 mile walk for charity over 6 days to raise money for her hospice in 2022. I was very motivated to keep up the fitness and I was 170lbs then. I got COVID immediately after and after 6 months hit 200 lbs. COVID definitely made it worse as well as comfort eating through grief. I'm now 196 lbs and I feel so much more unhealthy than when I was doing that walk. Got aches and pains everyday when I wake up. I had a bad break up too and struggling with not having kids. It's rough out here.

I'm very, very determined to lose it now. I'm only 37 and I feel 77. It's not ok! Weight loss is really my only goal as well as hanging in there at work. I know it will change my life to get to my goal weight.

I'm doing Michael Mosley's 800 a day diet and I'm from the UK.

submitted by /u/Cats_have_teats
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Is it ok to just do cardio at the gym ?

I’m 18 and recently joined a gym. I’m overweight and have elevated cholesterol so my doctor recommended I do cardio to build my heart strength and health back up. I’ve been going to the gym and walking a mile on the treadmill on elevated incline. I have had a lot of these weight loss journeys and what not so I know about weights and all that but this is my first gym membership. I don’t like weights. I don’t like it. If I could do one exercise forever I’d run or walk miles a day on a beach I love cardio. A lot of people say it’s bad to only do cardio. Is it bad for the long term to only do cardio ? I’m trying to add kettle bell exercises in slowly.

submitted by /u/Elijahgarfield21
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Saturday, May 27, 2023

It's more than dieting for me -- it's rehab.

73 year old male, about 5’ 9”. When COVID got well underway, my wife and I quit going to the gym, which we’d been doing about 3 times a week for 12 years. A couple years ago, I developed SI joint instability, which took away my ability to walk very fast or for very far. I put on roughly 25 pounds and lost a lot of strength. I hit bottom on the only day this winter I went skiing (downhill). The first run was sketchy. I stopped several times to catch my breath. It was in the mid 40, and at that temp, if you’re skiing defensively, you’re also pushing lots of snow. My thighs went quickly up in flames.

The second run felt better, and I thought that by the third run, I’d be back on my game. Halfway down the hill on run three, I fell, probably because my legs were shot. I tried to get up using the polls, but quickly gave up on that. Too heavy and no strength. Next, I tried to point my skis downhill and slide off into a stand. I used to be able to do that. But not now. I was about to remove my skis when a guy, probably in his 50s, stopped and offered a hand. He was a big guy, but he couldn’t get me up. Another large guy then skied up behind me offering to assist. It was now a rescue operation, and other skiers were stopping to watch the show. They finally managed to right me and skied off together, having bonded I suppose over their successful joint mission. I skied down carefully to the lodge, dressed, and stumbled to the parking lot, wishing I had a donkey to carry my gear.

That was it. I resolved to get my ass back into shape. I’m not thinking of it as losing weight as much as being in rehab. I’m back to the gym 3 times a week, gradually building up my walking stamina (aided by a BOA SI belt) and watching what I eat. Here’s a graph of the progress to date of my weight loss.

submitted by /u/StandardDeviation
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Stuck at 150 pounds and frustrated

Haven't made weight loss progress in nearly a year. I know it's as "simple" as eating in a calorie deficit, but I'm also trying to tone with exercise not just lose weight. For context, at my heaviest I was 167 pounds (I'm just shy of 5'3". I'm currently at 150 pounds.) I lost the first 10 pounds by stopping drinking soda and following a keto diet for a couple weeks. While I found great success with that diet I found it too restrictive and horrible for my mental health. That was at least 2 years ago, I've been able to whittle away a few more pounds and maintain keeping the weight off by staying moderately active. I got at least 10k steps five days a week at work and worked out for 30 min-1hour or so 2-3 times a week. (Mostly Emkfit's HIIT's but sometimes weights with friends)

Since January I've started doing one upper body day, one lower body day, and I toggle between full body or a HIIT workout (I did Emkfit's flex weight program from Jan-March which was around 45min-1hr of weightlifting 3x a week) but I'm currently just picking one of her videos that pertains to what I want to workout that day. So it ends up being 30-40min 2-3 a week. I've also been really working on getting enough water. Started this year with 80 ounces a day, I'm now drinking 95+ ounces consistently. And the past couple weeks I've been working on getting more steps on my days off (at least 5k instead of being sedimentary) I still get 10k+ steps on the days I work.

Any tips/advice, favorite low cal recipes/snacks are appreciated. And thanks for reading/replying to this long rambling post, but I really am trying. And while I do over all look a little leaner, and I know a pound of muscle looks better than a pound of fat I'm frustrated. I don't mind being 150 pounds so much as I do looking like I'm shaped like the Grinch.

submitted by /u/Daisy_pug
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How to stop seeing the requirement to drive to my fitness related activities as a barrier/excuse?

I live in a rural area. The city itself is very car centric. I accept that I need to drive anywhere to do most things. When I was younger, I didn’t care about going into/out of the city multiple times a day. As an adult, however, I have an extreme aversion to it. It’s not anxiety. It’s not fear of driving. It’s pure hatred🀣. I hate driving. I hate wasting time. I hate the cost of gas. I hate the wear & tear on my car. This applies to everything not just exercise. Rural life has made me a bit of a minimalist in that if I’m making dinner & I don’t have an ingredient I absolutely do not go into town to get it - I just do without. I have one day/week in which I schedule errands I literally schedule them outside of rush hour & this takes a full day - adding exercise on top puts me out of the house for 8-10h on my day ‘off’ which I can’t do because I have house tasks to attend. Way before the WFH movement was a thing, I legit picked jobs based on commute time & route. You get the idea.

I need more exercise & I need to attend a facility for a pool as I’ve decided on aqua fit classes for health reasons. Yet the thought of driving for 30 mins each way fills me with dread. That’s 60 mins I’ve lost. To make it worse, in order to attend some classes, I’d have to go into town 2x/day because of work as none of them line up even remotely close to my shift start time. I thought about scheduling my errands & my exercise & my work on the same day, but it’s too much - I can’t leave my dog for 12h.

The ‘best’ case scenario is I go into town for just this on one of my other days off, but damn! That’s still 60-90 mins (depending on traffic) of my day just for a 45 min aqua fit class.

Now, I am aware this aversion is a flat out excuse. I get that. I own that. What I need help with is re training my brain so I start to see this travel time as either a necessary evil or a privilege? I need help sort of toning down how absolutely stickler I am concerning driving anywhere, but I can’t beat my brain.

People who commute to whatever or don’t hate driving what can I do to get over this? I don’t like music. (Seriously, I don’t listen to it.) & I can’t over saturate myself with audio books as I already listen to them 4-6h/day while cleaning, sleeping & other exercise outside of the planned aqua fit. (I need to ‘save’ them for when I walk/run as they’re my main reward system for that exercise.) Even as is, I’m already listening to them too much.

How can I just stfu & accept this needs to happen to achieve my weight loss goals? The thought of spending an extra $100/month or more on gas to get there is just so unappealing.

submitted by /u/customerservicevoice
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Friday, May 26, 2023

A book on habits.

I hope it's OK to share this here. I started reading a book called "The Power of Habit" and while it didn't start my journey of habit change that's led to my 70 lb(so far) weight loss it gave me some valuable insight as to how/why it happened and how to capitalize on that momentum in other parts of my life where I had habits that negatively impacted me and my relationships. If you're a reader I highly suggest picking up a copy(or borrowing one from your library like I did). I now it helps anyone who is still struggling or just getting started on their journey. This passage is from near the beginning of the book:

Because for reasons they were just beginning to understand, that one small shift in Lisa’s perception that day in Cairo—the conviction that she had to give up smoking to accomplish her goal—had touched off a series of changes that would ultimately radiate out to every part of her life. Over the next six months, she would replace smoking with jogging, and that, in turn, changed how she ate, worked, slept, saved money, scheduled her workdays, planned for the future, and so on. She would start running half-marathons, and then a marathon, go back to school, buy a house, and get engaged. Eventually she was recruited into the scientists’ study, and when researchers began examining images of Lisa’s brain, they saw something remarkable: One set of neurological patterns—her old habits—had been overridden by new patterns. They could still see the neural activity of her old behaviors, but those impulses were crowded out by new urges. As Lisa’s habits changed, so had her brain. It wasn’t the trip to Cairo that had caused the shift, scientists were convinced, or the divorce or desert trek. It was that Lisa had focused on changing just one habit—smoking—at first. Everyone in the study had gone through a similar process. By focusing on one pattern—what is known as a “keystone habit”—Lisa had taught herself how to reprogram the other routines in her life, as well.

submitted by /u/Ardhel17
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Visualizing the Weight I’ve Lost as Extra Luggage

23F 5’8” SW: 210.0 lbs CW: 163.0 lbs

I’m traveling back home today to see my family for the first time since last October, and the last time they saw me I was right at 200 lbs. One of my goals has been to get to a healthy BMI in time for this trip, and as of this morning my BMI was 24.8. I know it’s an arbitrary bench-marker, but I’m proud of going from obese to “healthy” over the past six months.

I knew I had hit my goal, but the most surreal moment of all came when I was packing my suitcase. Since I don’t have one of those luggage weighing tools, I have to resort to holding my bag on the scale to make sure that I’m not over the 40 lbs weight limit. And when I stood on the scale, holding my completely stuffed suitcase, I looked down and saw the number 196 lbs.

I weigh less today, while holding my suitcase, than I did this time six months ago. That suitcase is heavy - I’m an efficient packer - it caused some strain for my back and arms carrying it around. I used to carry more than that around with me every single day…

Visualizing my weight loss like that was just really surreal for me…

submitted by /u/galaxysoccergirl1499
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Brain fog - different diets

So it's time to do something about my weight and I have been looking all over gathering information what would be, for me, a good approach.

Inevitably I was reading up on keto and it took my attention that many (most) people say that keto helped tremendously with their mental clarity.

Short: I want that!

However I'm sceptic (about most things) and I'm wondering if it's really keto(sis) that brings the mental clarity or is it the lack of crappy food that comes with switching to keto?

The other side of the coin, in what ways would a cico contribute to brain health? I would think that, also the lack of crappy food, would help the brain?

It's not my intention to create (another) x is better than y because abc. I'm genuinely interested by this and hope to use that to my own benefit when starting my weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/Usual-Goose-7001
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I'm so irritated at my scale at home. I don't think it's giving me an accurate reading.

To give context, I'm a 26M, SW: 379.8, CW: 343.6 (I think) that has been doing weight loss for almost 5 months now. My doctor has recommended a strict 1,600 calorie allowance for a calorie deficit and it was going well up until recently.

I'm very irritated and frustrated at my scale as of lately. Since last week, I have been worried that I was reaching a plateau (and part of me still is worried I'm getting close to one).

I weighed in at 344.0 on Friday of last week, the same weight as the week prior. I thought I was reaching a plateau as I have been counting calories and haven't been surpassing my daily allowance. The next day, I weigh myself and it says I'm at 340 pounds. I believed that is the accurate weight, but then I started to have trust issues with my scale.

This morning, I woke up and weighed myself. This time, I decided to experiment and try with different places in my house. I only counted times when the weight showed up twice. First the bathroom. It gave me readings as low as 327.0 and as high as 347.8 pounds. Then, I weighed in the kitchen. It gave me 343.6 and 346.0 pounds. This isn't even the times my scale wouldn't even measure correctly and

I'm so frustrated with my readings lately. I'm not sure what the problem is. Is it that the trailer I'm currently living in is unlevel in some areas? Do I have poor balance that could be affecting the scales? Is my scale not a good and accurate one? I'm not entirely sure, but I'm feeling irritated, frustrated, upset, and a lot more because I feel I'm slowing down if not halting the progress I've made.

submitted by /u/Gavindude1997
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Thursday, May 25, 2023

I don’t know what to do anymore at this point

I don’t know if this is the right forum for this but yall I’m so tired. Like, extremely tired of this whole weight loss process.

I have been at it for Years on Years and I would lose a little bit, self sabotage, then gain it back. I’m about 5’3 235 lbs. The highest I’ve ever been.

I have no motivation right now to lose weight. Like I want to, but I am just like “ I’m going to fail again I’m tired of this shit”

Ive probably spent thousands by this point on trainers, workout programs, food im not going to eat, and gyms i am not going to. Like wtf am I to do at this point?! I see everyone else getting it and succeeding and i feel like all I keep doing is failing at this shit. It fucks with my self esteem.

I want to lose weight, I really do. But I’m not doing anything gimicky. Nothing that don’t change my lifestyle. I’m damn sure don’t want to go to a gym where I’m doing crazy workouts that have me anxious to even go back and repeat.

Losing weight should not be this hard. What am i missing? What should I try to create lasting change? I’m on the verge of wls at this point.

submitted by /u/BigBankVibez
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40 pounds of progress, definitely starting to notice a difference in how I look and feel!

My highest weight was 265 lbs, the first picture was in March 2022. By March 2023 I was only down to 255 so I really finally buckled down. I cut back to 1500 calories per day (it was extreme at first but now it’s actually around my recommended caloric intake for a 2 pound/week weight loss, which is about what I’ve evened out at). I’m 5’8”. I started by walking daily, and have increased to adding a weekly routine of at-home strength training I’ve created and increase as my body allows. Also and possibly most importantly I’ve given up drinking alcohol entirely. I’ve gotten down to 223 lbs since March and I’m definitely noticing a difference in how I’m looking and feeling! When I put my hands on my hips I notice more of a dip in the waist area where there used to be more fat. I used to have sleep apnea but now I no longer wake up gasping or require a CPAP when I sleep on my back. My chronic back pain has significantly decreased (probably as much from the increased physical activity and stretching as from the weight loss). My old clothes fit me much better and I can buy ever-so-slightly smaller sizes (XL instead of 2X, the smallest sizes in plus sized stores, etc). I still have a long way to go to reach my goal of 160 lbs, but it’s definitely encouraging to see progress! I used to be very sedentary, I thought I could to next to no exercise (which was kind of true- I’d collapse after one push-up), but it’s nice to know that with hard work my abilities can improve. I can’t wait to see what the future brings!

submitted by /u/jennafoo33
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Question: what to do when you are tired of the journey?

RANT: I've been fat my whole life, in one year I lost 10kg but in the last 4 years my weight skyrocket and I gained 30kg. I restarted my loosing weight journey in the last year, but being honest I'm tired. I lost 5kg in the last months but they all came back, my exams are ok, I have a nutritionist, I exercise but it just seems that it doesn't work for me. I know I'm doing something wrong I'm just feeling tired of fighting against my weight all the time and being in the same place. QUESTION: What do you usually do when you want to give up of your weight loss journey?

submitted by /u/Swimming_Station6470
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Intimidated by the long road ahead.

Hey all. I've been a lurker of this subreddit for a while now, and since I have nobody to talk to about what's been weighing on my mind, I've decided to share here in hopes that I can get some recognition, advice, words of encouragement or whatever.

My story is kind of a long one so bear with me.

I honestly can't remember a time in my life when I wasn't fat. I've made countless attempts to lose weight and all of them ended in failure. 2019 was when I made my best attempt as I lost 60 lbs, but alas, I ended up gaining it all back and then some in 2020. And in 2020, I knew damn well I was gaining the weight back because I was eating to cope with feelings of loneliness, boredom, uncertainty and sadness, so I didn't care how much or what kind of food I was consuming as long as it tasted good and gave me a sensation of fullness. I avoided the scale like the plague during this time, I just didn't want to deal with the reality that I was undoing all of the progress I made the year before. I mean, of course I knew I was, but seeing an exact number on the scale to find out to what extent would have actually been truly eye-opening and would have crushed me.

I continued to eat emotionally and recklessly throughout 2021. Late 2021, I became a victim of a crime (I'd rather not go into specifics here) and became hospitalized as a result of it. I needed surgery. I couldn't function on my own. And I was already depressed beforehand, and what I went through exacerbated my depression. Once I was discharged from the hospital, I could function better, but I still wasn't fully independent. As you might have guessed, food was my source of comfort while I was recovering, so I ate emotionally and recklessly throughout 2022 as well.

Before one of my surgeries, my surgeon informed me that I was over 300 lbs, and I was kind of shocked but not really? On one hand, I never thought I'd reach such a high number, but on the other hand, I had a feeling that things have gotten that bad because I could hardly fit into any of my clothes anymore and I was breaking furniture in my home just by sitting on them. So, hearing that was definitely unsettling, but I was somewhat relieved to finally know an actual number. He advised that I change my diet soon, but I didn't. Not then.

2023, I'm fully independent now, I've been in therapy, and on March 12th I started a new weight loss/self-improvement journey. My starting weight was 332 lbs. I weighed myself on April 23rd and my weight was 305.2 lbs. I weighed myself a couple of days ago on May 23rd and much to my chagrin my weight was 301.6 lbs. Meaning, I only managed to lose about 4 lbs when I was hoping to have lost more than that (FYI, I don't weigh myself regularly. I don't want to get too caught up in numbers because I know I'll let it affect my mood and determine how I feel about myself and what day I'm going to have).

So, right now, I'm feeling discouraged, scared, hopeless, depressed, etc. I have a lot of fat to lose, and I know complaining about it won't make me lose weight any faster, I know I didn't gain all of the weight overnight so I'm not going to lose it all overnight, I know my ideal body is a long game, yadda yadda yadda...I just have to get my emotions out somewhere. I'm disappointed that things panned out this way, that I let things get this far and I feel so alone because nobody in my life can really relate to me. I don't feel heard or seen by anybody in my life, honestly. My weight has always been my main insecurity. I never felt comfortable or confident in my own skin. Whenever I'm among people at a gathering or party or some social event, I'm afraid to be social. I don't think anybody would take me seriously or talk to me like a human being because I'm so fat. And I was ostracized and bullied and tease for being fat in school which ruined my self-esteem. I'm disgusted by what I see when I look in the mirror. And I just resent that it'll most likely be years before I get to where I want to be.

submitted by /u/PatientNo8163
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Developed an App to Aid My Own Weight Loss Journey and It's Been a Game-Changer

Hey everyone,

Like many of us here, I've been navigating my way through my own weight loss journey. One aspect that was consistently tricky was managing my calorie intake, especially when ordering food or grabbing a bite outside.

As a software developer myself, I thought I could create something to help me. This led me to develop an app called Snappetite - the concept is pretty simple, take a picture of your meal, and the app gives you a calorie estimation. I know there are some apps out there that do the same but I either they were too expensive, didn't give me good results or both.

Honestly, it's made a huge difference for me, especially in making me more aware of what I'm eating. I wanted to share it here because it might help some of you too. It's out there on iOS ( and Android ( Obviously it's free and doesn't require any account creation.

If any of you give it a try, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts or if there are other apps that you've found helpful on this journey.


submitted by /u/shiok-paella
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Should I?

Pre-July 2022 my daily calorie intake included around 500 calories in the early hours, 700 calories around lunch and 1000-1500 in the evening hours. My height was and is 168 cm/5'6 and my weight was around 70 kg/150 lbs. I cut it down to 0 calories in the early hours, 300 calories around lunch and 1000-1500 in the evening hours.

After 2/3 months I got down to 60 kg/130 lbs. Since then my diet got a little less strict with around 500 calories around morning to lunch but my weight didn't change. Today I got this sudden idea of cutting down those calories too which will lead to some kind of a weight loss too. Should I do it?

submitted by /u/Smart_Ad_1240
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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Anyone else wish weight loss would be linear or just me?

I just hate how you never lose weight linearly. It's always water that ruins your morning when you are waiting for whoosh to finally lower your weight. It's little "am I even doing this right" voice in your head despite rigorously counting calories with zero margins of error on your part. It's the shitty scales made by cheap electronics in some factory that can weight you higher weight after pooping which makes absolutely no sense because you haven't eaten or drink anything and somehow gained weight. Then there is libra which should help with those but if you get over a week on plateau suddenly the previous prediction line shoots up which makes you depressed despite knowing all is working but your scale and body fights against you.

submitted by /u/CabinetMain3163
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The ritual of eating

Hello fellow adventures. I've been on a slow but steady weight loss journey for a little over a year now; M33 6' SW:240 CW:220 GW:200 and I've really tried to put some focus on my eating habits in relation to my moods. I've noticed that often when something positive happens (i get a big sale at work, i accomplish a particularly tough chore, i have a fun night out with friends) I'll justify a big, unhealthy meal to follow it. Often some crappy fast food with a huge soda that i nearly immediately regret. I love good healthy food, lean meats, nuts and veggies, but i find the satisfaction of pairing an accomplishment with a splurge is addicting. Does anyone have similar habits/feelings? And if so, what steps do you take to curb the urge?

submitted by /u/Its-From-Japan
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Fitness apps for number-motivated people

I feel like I may be low-key addicted to the dopamine of seeing my HappyScale chart go down month after month. I was considering shifting my end goal weight, but I think it'll be healthier for me to try to sit in maintenance, see how I feel, and start trying to get genuinely fit and not just "skinny".

Does anyone have any app recommendations for tracking other forms of fitness that will help me shift my number obsession from scale numbers to different numbers? I love seeing my step count, but its so time consuming to get it up to exciting numbers. I would really like to get into body weight fitness. I've started a bwf primer (from here) so many times and never followed through to the end. Something like that is great, but what kept me going through with my weight loss was putting numbers in apps to see real progress outside of my head. If there was something like that with fitness I feel like I could get super into it!

submitted by /u/bellellella
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

50 lb Weight Loss Goal Seems Huge Outside My Body

Weird title, I know. What I meant to say in 10 words or less is that I looked up what 50 lbs of human fat looks like because it's my approximate weight loss goal, and I came across a few pictures. One of them was this one.

I might be delusional, but I can't imagine that much fat on/in my body. Scratch that, I must be delusional because I obviously have even more than that on me to be able to lose that much. Does your fat get squished down to take up less space when it's inside your body though? I could imagine that a lot easier.

Anyway, I thought these pictures were very motivating. I'd love to see how much easier it is to just exist with all that fat off my body at some point. I'm officially about a quarter of the way now, but I don't feel much different yet, and I know the last part will be the hardest and have the most visual effect, so it's nice to remind myself of the big picture. Once I reach my gw I'm gonna look up the volume 50 lbs of fat takes up, and fill buckets of water to that amount to be able to see it in real life. I'm also definitely planning on either taking half a walk or half a short run with all the extra weight strapped on to celebrate.

submitted by /u/Greenbanne
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Share Your Favorite Apps for Weight Loss and Fitness! Tech Lover Here, and a Bit Lazy Too!

Hey fellow Redditors!
I hope you're all doing well on your weight loss and fitness journeys. As a self-proclaimed tech lover and someone who appreciates the convenience of delegation, I'm always on the lookout for apps that can help me achieve my goals with minimal effort. Today, I wanted to start a discussion about the best apps out there that have helped you on your fitness journey. Whether it's shedding those extra pounds, improving your overall fitness, or simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle, apps can be fantastic tools to track your progress and keep you motivated.

I'll kick things off by sharing a few of my apps for weight loss and fitness:

FatSecret: For those looking for a comprehensive food diary and calorie counter, FatSecret is a great option. In my experience, it has the most extensive food database I've come across, making it easier to find almost any food item without having to enter the details manually. They also claim to have the "world's highest quality food and nutrition database," which adds to its appeal.

Food delivery service app: Although I used to count calories diligently, these days I rarely find the need to do so. I've started utilizing food delivery services that provide meals tailored to a specific calorie range every day. This way, I've been able to save time on tracking my calorie intake (which used to be challenging for me), and I no longer have to worry about what to eat and whether it fits my diet.
I've settled on a service that offers a convenient app with a customizable meal builder, allowing me to remove or add ingredients as per my preferences. However, since this service operates only in certain cities within my country (not in the US), I'm not sure if mentioning the name would be helpful. But you can find something alike!

Zombies, Run!: If you struggle with motivation or easily get bored during workouts (like me), this app might be just what you need. Zombies, Run! turns your runs into an exciting audio adventure, where you immerse yourself in a post-apocalyptic world and escape from zombies. It adds an element of fun and excitement to your workouts, keeping you engaged and entertained.

I'd love to hear about the apps you've found useful on your journey. Have you encountered any specific challenges while using fitness apps? For example, as a beginner, I sometimes struggle with not being strong enough to complete all the exercises recommended by certain apps and I easily become bored and need apps that keep me engaged and motivated throughout my workouts.
Let's collaborate and share our experiences to help each other find the best apps that suit our individual needs and preferences! Please share the app names, a brief description of what they offer, and how they have benefited you. Let's create a valuable collection of apps that the community can benefit from!

Looking forward to hearing your app recommendations and insights!

submitted by /u/ITMistress
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How I stopped being emotionally affected by the number on the scale

BIG DISCLAIMER: I'm just sharing my own experience. I'm in no way saying that everyone should do this, or even needs to do this. There are many other metrics that can be used to track weight loss progess, and scale weight is just one of them. In no way, does it give the complete picture. If you feel that weighing yourself negatively affects your mental health, please skip this post.

Context: I've been on a couple weight loss "journeys" over the past decade, and in each of those I was anxious about stepping on the scale and seeing that number.

What I did -

  1. Weigh myself once daily (first thing in the morning after using the loo)
  2. Track my weight using HappyScale (alternatives are LibraScale for Android, or just using graphs on a spreadsheet)

Why this worked for me -

  1. Weigh myself once daily (first thing in the morning after using the loo) - the first 2-3 weeks of doing this, I would feel anxiety about stepping on the scale. I had to emotionally reassure myself that the weight is just a number. But after a month or so of doing this, patterns started emerging. If I had had fried food the previous day, I would see a spike in my weight. If I had eaten later than usual the previous day, I would see a spike. If I was consipated, I would see a spike. This is the mental change that happened - when I checked my weight everyday, if it had jumped by 1kg (2 lbs) in the span of one day, I understood that there was no way I gained 1kg in a day. I mean we always read/hear about this on social media, but watching it happen to me reaaally cemented it for me. And most times, if I ate according to plan that day, next day I would again see a drop of ~1kg (2 lbs).All of this just helped me understand on a deeper level that the weight is just a metric, and a pretty noisy one at that. But you can reduce the noise if you track it over time. Which brings me to point 2.
  2. Track my weight using HappyScale - this app calculates a moving average of your weight, along with other useful stats like current rate of weight loss, trends over the week/month/year. Again, seeing the pretty trend graphs reduced the importance of my weight that day - instead bringing my attention to longer term trends.

I plan to keep using this method even after reaching maintenance phase as I find the long term trends (monthy or more), a good indicator of my overall energy balance.

I hope this helps someone!

EDIT: fixed formatting

submitted by /u/Left_Opportunity9622
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SV - 10kg lost! (SW 104kg, CW 94kg, GW 80kg)

When I (28m) started taking weight loss seriously, the scale gave me a reading that shocked me: 103.85kg. I had no idea I had crossed 100kg and it made me feel ashamed.

But today, on my morning weigh-in, the scale showed me something I've been waiting for: 93.85kg! Which is a clean 10kg down from my starting weight. Still not even the halfway point to my goal but an important milestone anyway.

The funny thing is, I see zero change in my body. But I guess it has to be there!

I've done nothing more complicated than count calories, and even that I mostly eyeball. I try to eat 1650cal a day, but I'm not that concerned if I accidentally eat a bit less or more. I make sure to stay over 1500cal though! I also have cheat days every now and then, but I very, very rarely eat above maintenance even with that. But when I do it's no big deal! I just get back to it the very next day.

As to exercise, I climb/boulder once a week and walk a lot. I should hit the gym though since I'm still worried about my muscle mass even though I try to cook high protein food.

Funny side effect is that this has made me think about my style and looks more, kind of in a positive way. I got new glasses, a new haircut and I think about upgrading my wardrobe as well. I feel like it's not too late for me to be stylish and attractive.

Anyway, I'm very happy with this, and the next goal is sub-90kg/Onederland! Hope I get to report that soon.

submitted by /u/alonealsoatnight
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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Just started my weight loss journey.. and then I break my ankle.

But I'm not stopping!

I already lost 1 pound (possibly more, I started at 215 at the doctor a month before but once I got a scale I was 210 then 209) in the 9 days since I started and even though I can't walk or exercise I CAN diet and I'm already doing so well.

This sub has given me all of the motivation I needed and more so even with this happening, I'm not letting it put me back to square one. I didn't know weight loss was mostly diet, which has also given me hope as I can never stick to a workout plan, but I know I can diet and count calories! Who knows, once I can step on a scale again I'll weight 20-30 lbs less! 🀞

submitted by /u/Nothingsomething7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What made you want to lose weight?

I’ll share my story but it isn’t the primary reason why I’m asking.

I had really sharp pains in my lower abdomen when I walked. I was basically limping. My periods had vanished for 6 months. I was diagnosed with PCOS. They said there was nothing they could do. Said it was too small to surgically removed (it was an 8cm ovarian cyst). The dr advised I lose 10% of my body weight. That for me was when I took weight loss seriously. Not just because of my health but also because I knew I had had a healthy bmi they would’ve surgically removed the cyst. But because I was overweight they let me suffer with it. I 100% think I was discriminated against because I was fat. And that sucks but I really couldn’t face it again.

My husband really really needs to lose weight. Yesterday evening he ate a whole packet of biscuits. This evening he ate a family sized chocolate bar followed by 4 large cookies (the big ones you get from the bakery). Did anyone here lose weight because their partner said something?

submitted by /u/Former_Influence_421
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

This subreddit is hands down so motivational!

Been on my weight loss journey for just over 5 weeks now and have lost 12 pounds so far. Started at 202lbs, 6 feet tall.

Having some cheat days here and there, but today was the worst. Found myself eating ice cream after just downing an entire pizza. Was about to just call it a day but scrolled through this subreddit. Seeing all of you guys' posts has such a motivational effect on me and I'm sure it's the same for most people.

Decided to go out, burn some calories. Ended up cycling 16 miles burning an extra 700 calories, putting me just under my maintance for today. Not quite the daily goal I have but still feels good to not gain after a day like this.

I'll keep enjoying lurking around here and keep going everyone. Don't let off days get to you! :)

submitted by /u/Chance-Direction5624
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for a festival?

So I posted here last week saying my progress has been slow, but since then I have somehow lost 4lbs so trusting the process has paid off! HOWEVER - I am going to a festival this weekend which will involve some alcohol and eating from food trucks. This is making me nervous as although I know I need balance and to enjoy myself, I don’t want to undo all my progress, and I’m worried that going off track for a couple of days will make it hard to get back on track once I’m home. Anyone have any tips or words of wisdom on being able to enjoy yourself at a festival without completely throwing the weight loss?

submitted by /u/levio-saaa
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What weight loss goal rewards do you have?

I see alot of people like me here who are incredibly discouraged, struggling, and sad about the current state of themselves.

So I want to take a moment to share some positivity! A bit of motivation and a reminder of what we're all working towards because invisioning a better future can be exciting.

Here are some rewards I look forward too when I reach my goals:

• Get rid of all my XL/XXL clothes and start wearing the "I save this for when I'm skinny" and my old clothes. • A ear piercing or belly button piercing (it probably wouldn't fit me but I always wanted one). •Wear my favorite ring again • A peice of mind that I'm a little less likely of getting all of those diseases that come with being overweight! • Take more pictures with family. I know I can do that now but I'm just not comfortable. Hopefully with weightloss I'll be able to jump that mental hurdle.

Losing weight sucks and everyday I think of the "should haves, could haves" but I'm still pushing! Very slowly, but slow progress is better than no progress! I don't have a goal weight so I'll first reward myself once I'm under 200lbs. 29 lbs from now... πŸ₯²

Good luck with your goals!

submitted by /u/veronicaop3nthedoor
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