Sunday, January 2, 2022

Issues with Nausea? (Dealing with ED)

So I’ve posted before that as part of my weight loss journey I’ve come to realize I have an ED, Binge Eating disorder. And I am getting much better at managing it.

But as I get better at managing it I’m noticing a bigger issue. During times I would normally have binged (breakfast as cereal was a trigger food, gaming as snacks were an issue, and after 8pm) I find myself fighting horrible nausea. I can’t seem to shake it even with medicine.

Any tips?

Extra info: No I’m not working with a nutritionist due to limitations as so far I can’t get my doc to recommend one. I’m stuck with the notoriously crappy medical care of the VA at this time. My ED is set diagnosed because again, VA. (Veteran’s Affairs). So I’m on my own there. But so far in spite of this I have successfully kept from fully binging for a couple months now. (Yes I’m sure it’s BED, I can list out what my binges look like but I’d prefer not to due to embarrassment).

submitted by /u/artemis1860
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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