Sunday, June 12, 2022

11 months in, things I have learned

5’11 Male Age 27 SW: 319lbs CW: 225lbs - 94lbs down

I’ve posted here a couple times before so I thought I’d share a quick update consisting of a few highlights and things I’ve learned. You can find my previous comment/post history for other pictures and ups and downs of my journey


  • Over the 11 months my cardio fitness has improved dramatically
  • Out of breath walking to the bathroom to begin with
  • I started improving this by just walking for 30 minutes every day
  • Eventually I started doing the couch to 5k program
  • Did my first 5k in March at 39ish minutes
  • PB now is 29:33
  • Gone from 2-3xl t shirts to Medium
  • Saving £100 a month to spend on clothes when I hit medium sized clothing was a great idea, except that I’ve now spent closer to £2.5k replacing my entire wardrobe
  • One of the reasons I spent so much is I love going out clothes shopping now, when for obvious reasons I never did in the past
  • I feel far far more confident than I ever thought I would in my life
  • A lot of other aspects of my life have improved, general mobility, better quality sleep etc
  • CICO is literally the only thing you ever need to worry about in terms of losing weight
  • I have started 2-3 strength training sessions a week and 3-4 5K runs a week to build some fitness and to begin the process of toning up
  • I physically cannot eat anywhere close to what I used to be able to put away

Some things I have learned:

  • I was not ready for people to be nicer to me in general as I lost weight (mostly talking about strangers). In fact I have struggled to accept this a lot and it weighs on my mind
  • Weight loss is not constant, I have not lost weight for around a month now - but I have got slimmer and faster in my 5K time, so progress is happening even if the scales don’t reflect it, you have to trust in the process
  • I found out I actually have quite a large penis
  • I still look in the mirror and see a fat guy, body image issues are brutal but I am learning to correct this in my mind now I hope
  • I have had plenty of “bad foods” in this 9 months, I’ve had multiple McDonalds meals in some weeks - its all about taking it in moderation and sticking to your calorie budget
  • I’ve actually become quite good at understanding nutrition and what a calorie is etc, learning the science behind it helped me understand it in my mind and adjust my behaviour appropriately
  • I need to get better at cooking, there is a world of good, cheap healthy food out there if I can be bothered to put the effort in
  • I can still go out and get very drunk drinking beer (I’m British after all) and getting a kebab at 4am not caring how many calories it contains - that night of enjoyment is not out of bounds, its the other 90% of the days where you need to be sensible

These progress photos are exactly 11 months apart: [progress pics]()

Thanks for coming to my ted talk

submitted by /u/throwaway1234uk
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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