Saturday, August 5, 2023


okay so i started dieting at the start of the year. i have lost around 60 pounds on a calorie restriction of 1200 calories.. no exercise. but now i want to start working out to lose more weight. i checked the calorie calculator and for light exercise it says my calories per day for extreme weight loss is 1467. i was wondering if i should raise my calories everyday to this or if it is just on the days i exercise? i looked online and the answers are mixed, saying it's unnecessary.. i just want to be sure as to not deprive my body more than i already am. for example if i were to keep it at 1200 and add in exercise, wouldnt that mean my total for the day could be less than 1000 calories?

submitted by /u/sadso_op
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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