Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Hypothetical question on intermittent fasting

Say someone eats the same lunch and the same dinner every day. And they start lunch at 11AM and finish dinner at 6PM. Same physical exertion each day just to take all other things out of the equation.
To the question, if one day this person cuts his fast short and starts a breakfast at 7AM and finishes lunch at 2PM, then returns back to normal the following day with lunch at 11AM, how do these time frames compare for fat loss, weight loss, calorie deficit etc etc? Will the short fast and the long fast basically balance out compared to the person's typical fast, or would the longer fast be exponentially better, or the short be exponentially worse?
Just a hypothetical I am curious about.

submitted by /u/DrOrinScrivelloDDS
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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