Friday, August 4, 2023

Need help getting my deficit in order again for losing fat and putting in a bit of lean mass

Hey all I was cutting around 2400 cals for a little bit and I have seen a little bit of weight loss, around February I was the biggest I’ve gotten with my lean mass, but it seems that I’ve stayed stagnant since march. I am eating around 2200 cals now and getting 180-200 grams of protein in. My routine consists of chest, back and legs twice a week with 20 minutes of cardio at 3.5 speed at 14 incline.

Physically I am sitting around 194 lbs, 5’10” and a BMR of around 1800. Is this deficit too extreme? I feel smaller than usual but it could be my mind playing tricks on me

submitted by /u/AfrajM
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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