Sunday, May 7, 2023

Could do with some encouragement or direction

Hi everyone

I was on this weight loss journey for a few years and lost about 40lb (20kg as i know it). But around the time the pandemic kicked in (also when i gave up drinking) I just lost all motivation and I have since gained so much weight. I am the heaviest i have ever been (ive updated my user flair from when i was last on here 4 years ago). Everything is physically so much harder now. I know i only have myself to blame for this.

I know what worked and didn't work for me:

  • Using calorie counting apps worked amazingly for me
  • I used to cook these curries and eat them through the week but i started getting to the point where i was making 14 portions at a time and living off that work a week and that probably contributed to me giving up
  • I used to make these awesome breakfast oats with berries, nuts, and seeds

Ive recently been working on some therapy too which i think is helping to address why i eat some much.

I have gone out a bought a bunch of foods i used to eat when i was trying to lose weight plus a few new ones. Ive got heaps of grains, heaps of canned beans, red lentils (how can i put these into a recipe?), and some protein powder. Can anyone recommend an easy way to start incorporating these foods into my day. Tomorrow im going to start using the app and counting what im eating.

Any comments, feedback, encouragement greatly welcomed. Thank you for reading my post

submitted by /u/therewillbeniccage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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