Saturday, September 30, 2023

Trouble losing weight during/after covid

I've been sick with covid for almost a week now and my calorie deficit is a lot larger than normal. Definitely haven't been eating enough. Yet I seem to be at a plateau....I weigh and look exactly the same as I did a week ago.

With my low intake and immune system increasing my calorie needs, I'm so confused why I haven't lost any weight. My best guess is that I'm retaining water due to being sick. It's just weird because everyone else seems to lose rapidly when they're sick with covid.

I'm wondering if anyone else experienced this, or had any trouble losing weight AFTER recovering from covid? I'm slightly worried that covid could cause metabolic changes that will make weight loss harder going forward. It's a weird and unpredictable virus so it seems plausible that it might happen to some people.

submitted by /u/Substantial_Read212
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What is the best and most accurate fitness watch?

I am starting my weight loss journey and want the most accurate fitness bracelet I can find to track my physical activity as well as other health stats.

I have been looking at Fitbit Charge 5 (but lots of reviews say that it breaks easily) and Versa 2 (also some mixed reviews + it is an older model so how accurate is it really?) as well some others but the reviews are very mixed, to say the least.

Would appreciate any and all advice and would love to hear what fitness tracker bracelets have worked best for you.

submitted by /u/MariasLittleCorner
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NSV the why

49 pounds down and super happy,. But often I put a bit more emphasis on the numbers and forget what my why was.

Been larger my whole life and for the most part it didn't hold me back until covid. The extra few kg's added more strain, clothes a bit tighter and I started feeling crap.

Small changes have got me in a much better space. The biggest being moving more and exercise/community sport. The nutrition is key for the weight loss but the real victory is things like what happened yesterday.

At a grand final picnic (think Superbowl o/s people) we decided to play some football with the kids, including an incredibly active 7 year old boy. I think we played for a good 30 minutes, running, kicking, bit of play fighting. I was puffing, sweating, but didn't stop once. The rest of the adults had tapped out and when I saw Mr 7 red faced laying on the floor puffing... I felt bloody amazing.

Part of why I needed to lose it was to live a lifestyle I was proud of. And a part of that is moments like yesterday. To just enjoy being active and have fun without struggling.

Me a year ago wouldn't have even tried... too self conscious and embarrassed to move and injure myself or look silly.

I've gained a little more life back and that means more than any scale number!

submitted by /u/Natamalie
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What are some things about weight loss you’ve noticed that are Awesome and Not So Awesome?

Personally, mine are mostly about food. (Apologies for the formatting, I’m on mobile).

What’s Awesome—

-I can eat foods like potatoes/cabbage and eat a crap ton of it and still not pass my calorie intake. I love it so much.

That said, heard marshmallows are good little treats for sweet tooth days and I’m considering getting a bag for when those moments appear and enjoy their “filling” affect without worrying about my calories to much.

-I like how you can technically eat all of the foods you want, you just have to monitor the intake amount so you don’t overdo anything. There’s a person here I believe who lost weight only eating fast food— I’m not saying that’s everyone’s taste/goal and it’s not mine either— but the fact he was capable of doing that is pretty awesome in my opinion.

On the flip side of Not So Awesome— a small fast food meal, a milkshake, or other “non-filling” foods have such a high calorie amount BUT DON’T FILL YOU UP 😭

-I hate it so much. It feels frustrating at times knowing you can eat a slice a cake with say 500 calories yet’s not going to fill you up in the same way 500 calories worth of potatoes would.

One can’t just “minimize” portions and hope to lose weight because the way CICO works and certain foods being more calorie dense than others.

I’m sure there are many many more, even bit food related. So what are some things you guys have noticed in the process of either losing weight or just aiming for a healthier lifestyle that’s awesome or not so awesome?

submitted by /u/Cefitie
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Friday, September 29, 2023

hard to lose weight in season

Hi guys! I have posted here before but it’s kind of a different situation now and i need some advice. I started my weight loss journey in the summer and managed to lose about 10-12 lbs, definitely starting to see a difference. After coming to college about 5 weeks ago I can feel I have definitely gained at least some of the weight back from binge eating. The issue is at home I would do about 1400 calories and something small to exercise like a 3 mile walk or run. It wasn’t too hard to do and I felt it was working because I had a good routine going. Now that I am back at school, and in season for volleyball (play at a d3 school), i find it super hard to know how much i should be eating and at what times. especially because sometimes our practices are not super difficult. for reference, i am 19f, 5’9-5’10, and 180-185 lbs. When I left for school I had just gotten below 180 so not sure what I am at now. I find that I don’t have trouble having a small breakfast and lunch, but when it comes to dinner I have no idea how many calories I am eating and end up binging at night. I am super unhappy with the way I look and get very insecure when i end up going out on the weekends. Any advice?

submitted by /u/Dangerous_Ninja9023
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How to be happy about weight loss progress with body dysmorphia?

I always teeter back and forth between weight loss and weight gain. Once covid hit I ballooned to the biggest I have ever been. Fast forward to a few months ago: I decided to start exercising and dieting. I have lost 26 lbs/12kg so far and thought: YES! This is the answer! But I noticed that I still don't feel happy in my body, even after making great progress.

My body is disproportionate, I have huge knockers and a small toosh. I am really self conscious about this and losing the weight has made this difference much more obvious. It doesn't help that my partner is a self-proclaimed "ass man" and I sometimes catch him checking out other girls' ginormous behinds. I can see his eyes shift downward, then look away, ohhh and then look back for a double take. In that moment I feel so dejected and think "damn, when I had more weight on me at least I had more of an ass."

I feel like I know what I need to do. Things like give myself positive affirmation, remind myself that I am losing weight for myself/my long term health, get therapy... It's just so hard. I feel like every morning I wake up with 2 fighting dogs, one is named Anxiety and the other Serenity. I feel like lately I have been feeding Anxiety more and that dog is winning the fight every day.

Therapy is probably the best route but the ones that accept my insurance only have telehealth visits. I've tried to do telehealth visits in the past with 3 different therapists and I just couldn't. I don't have a dedicated space where I can be alone and it reminds me too much of work meetings. Anyways... excuse my rambling. Does the loseit community have any tips for me?

submitted by /u/madcapfrowns
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Looking for advice

I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of August. I was able to drop 10 lb in a month.During that period I was shooting for 1400-1500 calories a day, but I lost appetite for some reason and had days that I ate less than a 1000 calorie and most days probably 1200 at the most. Now my appetite has been back and I ate 1500 calories a day and in the last three weeks have not drop a single pound. I am getting discouraged and ready to throw in the towel. What do I do? Do u need to reduce calories even further? For reference I am 5’6” and started at 175 lb and now I fluctuate btw 163-165. Thank you

submitted by /u/Emergency-Middle2650
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Feeling guilty for putting on 2kgs.

Hey all,

The last couple of months have been quite difficult for myself and my family as we have had my younger sister in and out of hospital. As a result, i guess my body has been in overdrive the past couple of months and ive been eating foods that i probably shouldn’t be eating, even overeating.

Prior to this, i was doing really well. Was 3kgs off reaching a huge milestone goal in my weight loss journey that i’ve been aiming to reach for the last two years, but now i feel like its a struggle to reach it. Im feeling incredibly guilty and really don’t know how to change my mindset in order to get back on track with counting calories.

Also unsure of whether or not this is just water weight, because i was still 3kgs off my goal weight last week but of course have had another week of stress eating. Regardless, im stumped on how to get disciplined again and shred off the excess weight.

What do i do? Anyone experienced this before on their weight loss journey?

submitted by /u/dantstheman
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Skin Issues after Major Weight Loss

Coming on here to find help that my Doctors can’t figure out. I’m 37f and within the past 5 years I’ve lost 120lbs (364-241 current weight). My problem is between my thighs and lady area. My skin is always sore. I’ve tried everything I can think of : Epson Salt Bath, Baking Soda, Yeast Cream, Diaper Rash Cream, Baby Powder, Vaseline. Nothing helps. I’ve been tested by my OB, no infection. It’s an all year problem.

Has anyone dealt with anything like this? I’m desperate at this point and will take any advice

TIA and sorry if it was too personal to share

submitted by /u/mebenfie
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NSV - Face Gains - 350+ to 277lbs, M31 5'9'' - Also story of restarting my weight loss.

First, the pictures:

Taken at about 340

Taken around 320lbs

Taken at 285

I started this off in December of last year at about 350lbs. My goal is to at least get to the lowest I've been in my adult life of 240.

But I had done this journey about 8 years ago, when I went from 340 to 240 through working out and changing eating habits. But even maintaining that weight for over a year, I was always starving. I was eating plenty of clean and lean protein, green vegetables, and plenty of food. But I always found myself hungry, no matter how much I ate.

So I talked to my doctor, who referred me to a bariatric team, who determined that surgery might be the best course of action for me. So I worked with them for 6 months to get a gastric sleeve, returning to my original eating habits of lean protein, clean veggies, low carbs, and high cardio workouts (Which I had already been doing for about a year anyways, just upped it even more). Before the surgery, I had went from 350-315. Post surgery, I'm now at 277 today.

I was against surgery for my entire life, but I decided to talk with the bariatric team since my doctor referred me to them. And they explained why I was so hungry even when I was maintaining my weight. A lifetime of overeating had stretched my stomach out. And because of that, there are hormones in your stomach that tell you how hungry you should be. And if your stomach gets too stretched out for decades of overeating, it can cause an imbalance.

So taking out a portion of the stomach will rebalance it.

Now let me be clear: I am not recommending weight loss surgery. I would be losing this weight without the surgery just fine, and that's also what I needed to prove to the team. This surgery is NOT to help me lose weight. It's to help me maintain it after I've lost my weight. It's to stop me from being so hungry, even when I'm maintaining my weight and eating healthy. It's to bring me back to a level of normalcy after about 30 years of overeating.

I want to be very clear: Weight loss surgery is not a solution. My doctor heard my problems, what I've tried before, and knew I could lose weight fine. I needed help with maintaining, and that's why he sent me to a bariatric team. This is not a post recommending surgery, and surgery should not be taken lightly. Post-surgery was hell for over a month. I got new problems that I didn't have before, and I was completely miserable. It's getting better now, but it can cause some deep depression if you're not careful as well, which is why they assign you a psychiatrist before surgery.

Ultimately, what helped me lose weight was taking the eating habits they've taught me, and applying it to my healthy eating habits. They taught me to slow HEAVILY down when eating. They taught me NOT to drink water when eating and waiting 30 minutes before drinking again (Drinking will cause food to absorb the water, and stretch your stomach). They taught me ways to stop myself from eating too much and too quickly (I now place my plate out of view. I've found that having food out of sight makes me slow down my eating considerably, since it's not smack in my face and constantly drawing my attention).

This ended up being a lot longer than I wanted it to be. But I felt like there was no way to really explain how WLS is not a solution without delving into why. And I wanted to be absolutely sure that nobody thought that I was recommending WLS. I'm not. The only person who should be recommending that to you is your doctor, and only if he determines that it's what you should pursue. Nobody else.

submitted by /u/Lavanthus
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Thursday, September 28, 2023

Feeling down- knock some sense into me so I don't give up please!

I have an event coming up in 3 weeks time. I haven't lost any weight in the last month. I didn't change anything except the last few days I've been eating at maintenance and not working out. Previously, I've been eating 1200 on average and working out 3-4x a week but still no weight loss.

I really want to feel confident at this event but I feel really down about my progress. I'm a lot heavier than I ever would have wanted to be and its dragging me down mentally. Coupled with the fact that other attendees are already judgemental of my weight- I hate the fact I'll have that attention on me.

I'm an emotional eater and I'm really struggling with the urge to drown my sorrows in food. I know it's stupid but the dread of being the size I am in a few weeks is weighing me down (literally!) 😢😢

I can't even wear the outfit I would have wanted to and I just feel like giving up. I know it's literally the dumbest thing to do but right now I just feel rubbish. The pictures from this event are gonna be passed around and out there forever, even if i do lose the weight. Would appreciate some support.

submitted by /u/anon875787578
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Are Wegovy & Ozempic more effective at appetite suppression than traditional ADHD stimulant medication?

I've been prescribed ADHD stimulant medication for almost a decade now. Of course, a common side effect that strikes some as a blessing & others a curse is that stimulants suppress appetite.

If Wegovy & Ozempic also function primarily by suppressing appetite, do they provide any additional benefits that ADHD stimulants don't? I suppose they at least have the benefit of not inflicting all of stimulants' side effects unrelated to appetite

Basically, if the mechanism whereby weight loss occurs is appetite suppression, does it matter which route I take to attain the final state of no appetite, whether by ADHD stimulants or Wegovy/Ozempic?

submitted by /u/throwaway0928a
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Diet Face

Weight loss has been up and down for me for about two years now I’m 5’1 and the heaviest I have ever been was 167lbs. I am currently 148lbs and I am trying to get to 125lbs. My exercise consists of walking and resistance training and I try to eat high protein but I will be honest my diet is not consistent it’s up and down and some days I don’t make sure to eat properly due to mental health issues. I am glad I have made progress! I want to get to a healthy place and feel confident and happy with my body but I have noticed that my face has aged rapidly. It was fine about four months ago and then one day it was like a night and day difference I kid you not. I’m wondering has anyone else experienced this and will my face bounce back? I am 23 by the way! Sorry if this all comes off as super vain as I know being in a better place health wise is more important than my facial appearance but I can’t lie it makes me sad. I feel like I look 10 years older.

submitted by /u/Prudent-Ad-2367
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Who here waited or is waiting for weight loss to “enjoy” life?

In my case I need something to look forward to to keep myself motivated.

Dating apps: each 10-20 lbs I lose I will download an app and join it. Tinder being the final because that’s where looks matter most.

Clothing: I will not buy new clothing until I’m quite close to the next size down. Currently XL but I believe I’ll be L at the end.

Socializing: not until I’m at my goal weight (slim).

Women: like with dating apps but I doubt I’ll ever ask one out in person (feels illegal in 2023)

Happiness: when all above happen.

submitted by /u/2Fat2BeHappy
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Facts on how to preserve strength while losing weight 💪

Incorporate regular resistance training into your routine, even during a weight loss phase.Focus on compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups.

Consume an adequate amount of protein to support muscle preservation. Aim for 0.7-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day.

Create a moderate caloric deficit instead of excessively restricting calories. Aiming for a deficit of 500-750 calories per day allows for gradual weight loss while minimizing muscle loss.

Aim to lose weight at a gradual pace, approximately 1-2 pounds per week.

Distribute your protein and carbohydrate intake evenly throughout the day. Consuming protein-rich meals and snacks at regular intervals supports muscle maintenance and prevents excessive muscle breakdown.

Don't do over excessive cardio during a cutting phase.

Track your progress through regular measurements, there is heaps of apps does this.

Blog from Fitside AI fitness

submitted by /u/HumorScared8615
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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Lost 14 lbs since June and weight loss recently sped up but feel awful

Sry long post. I’m a 5’2 27 yo female. I was 150 in June. Got depressed stopped exercising and gained weight over two years which was the most I’ve ever gained as I’m usually like 120 or 125. Now I’m 136 lbs. I switched out hiit/cardio with strength training and the last few weeks I’ve lost a pound each week. Intense cardio gave me hives, I have inflammation issues and hypothyroidism so I do better without and lose more weight with strength.

I feel I’m overly restrictive but also not as I go out 1-2x a week and drink margs and eat whatever like mozzarella sticks and burgers and still lose weight. I don’t count calories ever and I always lose weight especially when I switched to strength training from hiit. Yet, I still feel I’m undereating. Im starving all the time and getting hungrier now. I can’t sleep some nights I’m too hungry. I feel so anxious and depressed some days.

Here is what I eat many days during the week. Two scrambled eggs with toast for breakfast. I either have a kale chicken ceasar salad or wrap or avocado toast for lunch or skip. For dinner I either have salmon with rice and veggies or sushi or if I skip lunch I’ll order a personal margherita pizza at least once a week with ranch dressing on the side and eat it all, or I get skirt steak skewers with yucca fries. The nights I go out I do eat pretty little during the day so even if I have a burger or grilled cheese with multiple margaritas I always lose weight each week. But the next day after I go out sometimes I just have one piece of toast and one egg and steak skewers with yucca fries or sushi for dinner.

For exercise I workout 4-5x a week. I do 30 min of strength training 3-4x a week and Pilates and abs the other times. I also do yoga sometimes.

I am starving all the time and sometimes I’m so tired I can’t even work because I feel so hungry. I have had history with eating disorder problems, so does it sound like I am under eating and maybe I don’t even realize? I’m also someone I think who needs more calories despite being really short as the thinnest I had ever been was when I ate the most actually and had three full meals with snacks and went out a couple times a week. I was seeing a nutritionist.

Sometimes I wonder if I should add more calories or just more food in general to my diet to feel better because my mental health feels terrible so many days and I’m so tired and waking up starving in the middle of the night, but since I’m consistently losing weight, and now been losing a pound each week, I don’t want to stop that. But my therapist, who is also a nutritionist thinks I might actually lose more weight if I eat a bit more but I am terrified.

Anyone gone through what I’m going through where are you feel like you’re actually being pretty lenient with your diet and going out and eating whatever some nights and still losing yet you might actually be way more restrictive than you think? Lol does this make sense? So maybe I’m not being lenient and I don’t realize because I have history with disordered eating? I’m so scared right now to change anything but my body is not happy and I don’t want to hurt my mental health this much as I have severe ptsd I’m treating and sometimes don’t have the energy to treat because I am so tired and hungry all the time. Just want insight as I’m in my head and been feeling even worse recently, so I’m wondering if my body is getting really worn out at this point. Thanks for your help.

Also, think I should add that I have gotten a ton of bloodwork done multiple times recently and everything is within range. I am very strict with monitoring my thyroid levels, and I don’t go by doctors typical wide ranges. I like to keep them very narrow.

submitted by /u/rocknroll500
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Todays The Day

After returning from a two week vacation to Florida, my mom picked me up from the airport and after general holiday chit chat with me and my wife and son my mom broke down crying telling she worries about me every night and wakes up and cry sometimes. Especially after my dad suffering a heart attack 4 weeks ago,so I finally decided to step on the scales 352lbs looked back up at me im a 27 year old man and 5’11. I’ve knoen I’ve been extremely overweight for a long time and have had a lot of unwelcome symptoms such as shortness of breath bending over, GERD and scary aches and pains which have led to a lot of anxiety. So this morning something clicked in my head. Im doing to beat this! Im going to do it for my son my wife and my mom! So I booked a doctors appointment and told her about my problems and now have numerous test next week bloods, ecg, blood pressure etc. that’s the first step. Next my diet I have really done well with my meals today and my wife has made my meals for work tomorrow. Does anyone have any advice on how to taper your diet to adjust to the healthy food? I am hoping to share my weight loss journey with this inspirational community as this morning something clicked I’ve never felt before I’m motivated and I’m so glad I’ve found a community to keep me this way.

submitted by /u/TheOrange-Master
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I don’t need to fear the holiday season, it’s only 6 days.

My weight loss has stalled the last couple of months due to moving, traveling and increase workload.

I am becoming nervous about the holiday season because I don’t think I can lose weight.

Then I realized the next 3 months aren’t the challenge, it’s just a few days.



The day after thanksgiving

Christmas Eve


New Year’s Eve

I can stay on track and enjoy those 6 days without any noticeable impact to my weight loss. I don’t need to stretch Thanksgiving meals to the entire month. I can have a fantastic Christmas and NYE and still maintain an overall deficit.

6 days in the next 3 months won’t break my progress.

submitted by /u/fitnessaccountonly
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Disheartening comments on my appearance

I didn’t really know where else to post this but wanted to get it out somewhere.

I’ve lost 8kg+ in the last three months. Might not seem a lot but it’s major for me, and I’m on track losing 1lb a week at the moment.

I’ve had comments from my family and partner saying they can notice my weight loss which is nice, but my step mom just made a pretty disheartening comment.

Now, I’m still far from my goal and I’m currently around 87kg and 5ft 8’’ tall. I went to visit her and she made a comment regarding my new WhatsApp profile picture — ‘you look so slim here, did you use an app or what?’

I hadn’t used any sort of slimming filter and it was just a mirror selfie. I know this doesn’t seem a big deal but it really stung. She’s made comments about my weight in the past before I started losing.

How do you deal with shitty comments like this?

submitted by /u/lollysugar
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Breaking bad habits, building good ones, and dealing with the inevitable setbacks along the way

Disclaimer: This is just reflections from my own experiences, and everyone's wired differently so what works for me may not work for you. I don't intend to sound preachy or prescriptive or to trivialize anyone's struggles; just sharing some ideas in case they're useful for others.

More and more, losing weight reminds me of quitting smoking back in my 20s, and I'm taking the lessons I learned then and applying them to the weight loss process now. Here's some stuff that has helped me think about my habits and my emotional responses to the process of changing them.

  • I have to genuinely want to make a change for myself. If it feels obligatory or something I 'should' do for others, it's very easy to put it off or make a token gesture without really committing to changing in the long term. With both smoking and weight loss, I got to a point where I really truly wanted to make a change - not "I should do this because it's healthier," but "I am sick and tired of feeling like this." That mindset of genuinely wanting to make change is important for me - turns out it's not that hard to do something that I really want to do. Obviously this varies tremendously for different people, but finding ways to make it about what you really want for yourself - rather than what you feel obligated to do because academically it's unhealthy - can really help.
  • Identifying the detrimental effects of the current habit and the positive results of changing that habit - in very tangible terms - is a big part of this. With smoking, it was like "I feel like shit, I smell awful, my mouth tastes like an ashtray, my clothes stink, my skin looks gross, I'm out of breath all the time, and I'm paying money for all this crap." With weight loss, it's very similar. Articulating both the positive results of making change and the negative effects of my current bad habits helps cement my thinking and keep me motivated.
  • Setbacks are going to happen, and that's okay as long as they don't derail you entirely. My partner struggles a lot with guilt and feelings of failure any time she goes over her calorie budget, and we talked a lot about those emotions and how we can regulate them. Guilt or shame are insidious and destructive because they tend to have more to do with how we're perceived by others, but remorse or regret aren't inherently bad emotions to experience, temporarily. If you have a goal and you fall short of it, feeling regret is completely natural. It can even be useful.
  • Think of those negative feelings as an emotional pain response, like the sting you feel when your hand touches a hot stove. Physical pain is our body's way of warning us away from danger. Emotional pain can be similar - an indicator that we've fallen short of our own standards for ourselves. That's a good thing, provided we harness that pain and learn from it. But the important thing is that after we learn from it, we let it go and re-focus. If you binge hard on sweets and blow your calorie budget on a given day, that sucks, for sure. It feels awful. But it's not the end of the world. You can experience those emotions, learn that you don't want to feel that way again, and that can help you stay more disciplined in the future.

When I quit smoking I had a bunch of lapses like that, and I have while losing weight as well. It's okay! Shit happens, but each time I fell short, it helped me remember why I was doing this and helped me stay motivated to avoid similar lapses in the future.

Hope this helps, y'all. Good luck out there and keep ya heads up.

submitted by /u/Super_Jay
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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Down 22 pounds after a year

60 yr old male here (5’9”), went from 190 to 168 lbs over the past year. Even though it’s not quite as much as I had hoped to lose in a year, I still feel like I’ve accomplished quite a bit. I’ve gone from 38” waist to 34” waist, lost even more around my stomach (but still have the most fat there), have only lost a few pounds of muscle as most of my weight loss has been fat. Still looking to lose another 10 pounds then reassess where I go from there. And I have all you here on Reddit for helping motivate me to do this, thanks! 🥹

submitted by /u/Icy69Dude
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Caloric Intake for Weight Loss: Balancing Exercise and Hunger Advice.

I’ve been doing a 10k that take me roughly 57min in the morning and cycling to work the journey is just over 7.5 miles and the journey takes me about 30min the journey back is roughly the same The run burns about 900 calories & the cycling burs around 350-400 calories With the steps 27,000-34,000 I do at work and what my Fitbit is showing me when I go to bed I’m clocking in at at round 4,900 - 5,000 calories I weigh 83kg & I’m 171cm 5.7FT tall (My question is how much calorie should I be eating to be loosing weight I’ve been struggling with this for a little while I’ve hit a plateau and I’m constantly hungry

submitted by /u/aspron1
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The 7 Best Healthy Condiments for Weight Loss (And The 3 Worst!)

You’re trying to eat healthy, but let’s face it: nobody enjoys a dry sandwich or a bland chicken breast. However, healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring. Choosing healthy condiments can help you reach your goals without compromising on flavor.

Still, some sauces and spreads can absolutely derail weight loss progress. Read on to learn which condiments are best for weight loss and which you want to limit to see results.

Condiments Definition

Condiments are all the sweet, tangy, spicy and savory extras we add to our meals to make them satisfyingly delicious. This includes dressings, sauces, spreads, dips, relish, spices, marinades and more.

Unfortunately, a dab here and a schmear there can add serious calories to your day. One tablespoon of mayonnaise, for instance, contains 94 calories. For reference, a tablespoon of food is about the size of the tip of your thumb.

However, the solution is not to swear off these add-ons. Studies show enjoying your food enhances satisfaction which may reduce overeating. Instead, look for healthy condiments that satisfy your tastebuds without adding excess calories.

But with so many options lining store shelves, how do you make the right choices? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.

Tips For Choosing Healthy Condiments

condiment bottle in grocery store

To find the best healthy condiments at the store, follow these tips:

  • Look for options around 50 calories per tablespoon or less.
  • Stick to choices that use whole food ingredients with minimal additives (like food dyes and high fructose corn syrup).
  • Avoid condiments high in saturated fats and added sugars.

7 Best Healthy Condiments For Weight Loss

The main goal for condiments is to enhance flavor, but it’s great to find options that also boost health. Below is a list of healthy condiments that will help you stay on track while providing nutritional benefits.

1. Mustard

different mustards in bowls for healthy condiments

With only five to 10 calories per tablespoon, mustard tops the list of healthy condiments because it provides intense flavor for minimal calories. It’s also rich in antioxidants, which offer protective health benefits. Stick to yellow, whole grain and Dijon mustards since they don’t usually contain any extra ingredients.

Use these mustards as a marinade for meats, a spread on sandwiches, or a tangy addition to roasted chicken, pork and vegetables. Additionally, mustard is great with eggs. Try dipping hard-boiled eggs in mustard for a flavorful, high-protein snack.

2. Hot Sauce

Spicy Red chili peppers and hot sauce

Hot sauce adds a kick to your meals without piling on calories. With so many heat and flavor varieties available, you’re guaranteed to find one you enjoy. Plus, most hot sauces contain capsaicin, which may help reduce inflammation and aid in weight loss.

Use hot sauce to flavor eggs, taco meat and salads. You can also try combining it with shredded chicken as a healthier alternative to buffalo wings.

3. Salsa

unlimited bowl of salsa or pico de gallo

A tablespoon of salsa contains about 10 calories. But that’s not all; salsa contains vitamin C and protective antioxidants. In fact, tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant linked with cancer prevention.

Try swapping salsa for sour cream to top a baked potato. Salsa mixed with low-fat cottage cheese also makes a great high-protein dip. Additionally, a scoop of salsa can add flavor to salads in place of high-calorie salad dressings.

Looking for a flavorful and healthy meal idea? In a slow cooker, pour a jar of salsa over a pound of chicken and cook on low for six to eight hours. When finished cooking, shred the chicken and use it to stuff tacos or top salads.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a sweet and tangy vinegar linked to numerous health benefits, including weight loss and improved blood sugar control. More research is needed to understand these benefits, but scientists think the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is responsible for these positive effects.

Use apple cider vinegar to make a healthy salad dressing or marinade; Simply combine olive oil with apple cider vinegar in a 3:1 ratio. Then try adding more flavors like garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper and Dijon mustard. You can also use a splash of apple cider vinegar in soups or vegetable dishes to boost flavor without sodium.

5. Greek Yogurt

plain yogurt in a bowl

Plain, non-fat Greek yogurt is an excellent swap for high-fat creamy condiments like mayonnaise, sour cream and buttermilk. It offers the same tanginess plus a healthy dose of protein.

Substitute Greek yogurt for mayonnaise in deli salads or use it in place of sour cream when making dips. You can also use it as the base of marinades for tenderizing meats.

6. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut makes for healthy side dishes or condiments

Sauerkraut is a low calorie, fermented cabbage condiment that adds tang and crunch to meals. It’s also packed with probiotics which are healthy microbes that support gut health.

Researchers continue to link gut health with numerous benefits, including aiding weight management. According to multiple studies, gut microbes may influence our hormones, blood sugar levels and how we store fat.

Add sauerkraut to sandwiches, hot dogs and sausages to boost flavor and promote digestive wellness. Or, just enjoy it as a flavorful side dish to any meal!

7. Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is a deactivated form of yeast sold as a yellow powder for flavoring food. It has a cheesy, savory flavor and is low in calories, making it an excellent substitute for high-calorie cheese toppings and sauces. Nutritional yeast is also a great source of protein and B vitamins, which help you convert food into energy.

Sprinkle nutritional yeast on eggs, popcorn, pasta and vegetables instead of cheese. We use it as a main ingredient in our Cashew Nacho Cheese Sauce recipe.

3 Condiments To Limit For Weight Loss

1.   Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is high in calories and unhealthy fats, which hinder weight loss. Substitute with healthier alternatives like mustard, Greek yogurt or avocado to improve your results.

2.   BBQ Sauce

BBQ sauce is often high in added sugars and calories. As an alternative, use spices and herbs to create your own flavorful marinades and rubs.

For example, mix a teaspoon each of garlic powder, onion powder, paprika and salt for a tasty, calorie-free meat rub. Continue to experiment with your favorite seasonings.

3.   Ranch Dressing

Ranch dressing is notorious for its high calorie and fat content. Instead, try making a healthier version using Greek yogurt as a base.

Start by blending a half-cup of non-fat Greek yogurt with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Then add garlic powder, onion powder, salt and chives to taste. Finally, thin with water, as needed.


Choosing healthy condiments helps enhance the flavor of your meals while supporting your weight loss goals. Mustard, hot sauce, salsa, apple cider vinegar, Greek yogurt, sauerkraut and nutritional yeast are excellent, healthy condiments that provide flavor without sabotaging your progress. Limit high-calorie condiments like mayonnaise, BBQ sauce and ranch dressing.

Remember, enjoying your food is essential for long-term success. The Nutrisystem weight loss plan allows you to enjoy many flavorful condiments to help you make healthy and delicious meals while still seeing results. Explore the Nutrisystem Grocery Guide to learn more!


  • Smith, J., Johnson, A., & Brown, R. (2015). The Effects of Nutritional Yeast on Flavor Enhancement in Food. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(6), 732-746. doi:10.1509/jmr.14.0299
  • Frazie MD, Kim MJ, Ku KM. Health-Promoting Phytochemicals from 11 Mustard Cultivars at Baby Leaf and Mature Stages. Molecules. 2017;22(10):1749. doi:10.3390/molecules22101749
  • Shang K, Amna T, Amina M, Al-Musayeib NM, Al-Deyab SS, Hwang I. Influence of Capsaicin on Inflammatory Cytokines Induced by Lipopolysaccharide in Myoblast Cells Under In vitro Environment. Pharmacogn Mag. 2017;13(Suppl 1):S26-S32. doi:10.4103/0973-1296.20398
  • Zheng J, Zheng S, Feng Q, Zhang Q, Xiao X. Dietary capsaicin and its anti-obesity potency: from mechanism to clinical implications. Biosci Rep. 2017;37(3):BSR20170286. doi:10.1042/BSR20170286
  • Saini RK, Rengasamy KRR, Mahomoodally FM, Keum YS. Protective effects of lycopene in cancer, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative diseases: An update on epidemiological and mechanistic perspectives. Pharmacol Res. 2020;155:104730. doi:10.1016/j.phrs.2020.104730
  • Budak NH, Aykin E, Seydim AC, Greene AK, Guzel-Seydim ZB. Functional properties of vinegar. J Food Sci. 2014;79(5):R757-R764. doi:10.1111/1750-3841.12434
  • Rastelli M, Knauf C, Cani PD. Gut Microbes and Health: A Focus on the Mechanisms Linking Microbes, Obesity, and Related Disorders. Obesity. 2018;26(5):792-800. doi:10.1002/oby.22175

The post The 7 Best Healthy Condiments for Weight Loss (And The 3 Worst!) appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

I just want my body back

I am 15, weighing 73kg (160lbs) and measuring 5’4 inches.

I am not obese, but I’m overweight and it is definitely negatively affecting my life. I can’t sleep comfortably on my stomach because my back and side fat makes everything ache. I’m losing the fight to keep my chin and am steadily growing a second one day by day. Clothes don’t look right on me and I’ve had to change jeans size twice in a year.

I just hate feeling out of control of my own body.

I have a plan to lose weight, but I’m not sure if it’s practical or not.

In my plan, I basically just gorge myself on vegetables. They need to make up about 1/3-2/3 of my plate depending on the meal and the day (eg on Saturdays when I have a run, my breakfast is 1/3 carbs, 2/3 veg) and I only have fruit as snacks.

I run 2k twice a week, but im building my endurance up so hopefully I can get it to 5 times by the end of the year.

I’ve kept the plan very loose, because tightly monitoring things aren’t good at all for my mental health. However, I do have one tightly controlled aspect of my weight loss and that is the time frame it takes place it.

I need to lose 12kg in 8 months, starting November 27 if I want to feel good in my prom dress, which isn’t a terribly ambitious goal in the scheme of things, but definitely gives me more motivation to start.

submitted by /u/whhwwhooqo
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Monday, September 25, 2023

Hello, im new to weight loss just a few question

I noticed that I lose 2 kgs starting from sept 19 to sept 26. For reference, my height is 6'3 and my current weight is 166.6kgs. I started with my diet and exercise when my weight reached 185kgs last april. I started my serious diet and workout for my health last June. In just a a month of serious workout and diet, I lost around 8kgs. Is it still healthy? Btw, im not starving myself too much, im just eating the right foods right now. Do I lose this much weight because im currently morbidly obese?

submitted by /u/diahdjakaj123
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Is it possible to lose weight without a scale?

So I gained quite a bit of weight over the past year or so between starting a new relationship, moving to the city, and starting full time work. I used to have a scale that I would weigh myself with, but due to my history of disordered eating and just the fact that the scale was negatively affecting my self esteem, I tossed it.

As a result, I do feel better about myself and worry about my weight a lot less. But I've been wanting to try to lose weight for a while now and I still do as I don't really feel comfortable at my current weight.

I got a calorie tracking app to start CICO, but the issue is I don't know what my current weight is and I won't be able to track my weight as I still don't feel comfortable using a scale. That said, I'm not really sure how many calories I should be eating or how I can track my progress.

Does anyone have any experience with weight loss without using a scale, or any tips? I want to get started but don't want to sacrifice my self esteem in the process.

submitted by /u/Then-Ordinary4756
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I've lost 27 lbs but don't look like it

I broke my ankle in may, a week after I started my weight loss and while not being able to exercise I still lost 27 lbs! All by just counting calories.

But when I look in the mirror I look just as I did at 215lbs :( I'm the lowest weight I've been in 2 years but still feel the same. The only thing I've noticed is my boobs are flatter and I feel.. squishier? Lol it is also easier to bend over to tie my shoes but I feel like I should see more progress. Especially because I'm only 5'1.

Anywho I'm still going to march on, even if I can't see the progress physically I'm seeing progress on the scale so its only a matter of time before I see it!

submitted by /u/Nothingsomething7
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Time for a diet break

I`m 5'5 and have managed to go from 147lb to 127lb since April. The past few weeks my weight loss has slowed to a crawl, I've been permanently hungry, physically and mentally exhausted, preoccupied and my joint/nerve pain from my autoimmune issues has been flaring up.

My goal was 121lb (55kg) and I'm proud of the changes I have made but slightly disappointed and annoyed at myself that I wasn't able to get there. I'm trying to tell myself it's ok, that I'm at a healthy weight and that I won't gain it all back by eating at maintenance. I'm going to focus instead on improving my swimming and body weight workout goals.

Has anyone else got to a similar point and gone back to dieting later to lose the last few pounds/recomped and decided they were happy with where they are? I think I'm looking for reassurance that I'm making the right decision and not just being lazy 😂.

submitted by /u/Iblamethesea
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I’m starting my weight loss journey and I’m looking for some advice!

So for context the first photo here is me pre-covid and pregnancy. The second photo is me now.

I’m done with how I look. I miss my pre covid body and I’m currently at 215lbs and I believe I previously was around 150-160 which is where I want to get to.

Last year I spent three month constantly in a routine with the gym eating the same foods every day. I lost 12lbs in those three months but I went back to work and lost it. I struggle with BED and am trying to work on it. As of now I don’t have time to get to a gym so I don’t know how I can build muscle from home without spending loads on weights.

I’m also looking for any food options that are high in protein but low in cost that are good cause I don’t want to be eating the same food all the time.

I’ve asked in female groups on Facebook but no one even liked the post and I just don’t have any girls I can ask because none of my friends use the gym etc.

submitted by /u/Imamom_1213
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weight loss is not the end. mental health is just as, if not more important

6 years ago i was in a bad place both physically and mentally. dont wanna end up trauma dumping but my inability to face problems stemming from my upbringing made me really depressed and when that happens you let yourself go.

i decided to lose weight and through sheer anger towards someone i really should not have been angry towards, for a reason i should not have been angry for, made me lose 20+ kgs.

i was fit. (probably) attractive. people treated me better. i inspired people. but those mental issues and blocks that were always there, were not dealt with. i was a leaky house that had a new paint job, but the framing inside were still rotten.

so when i encountered another issue in my life that i could not foresee myself dealing with, i fell back into depression and gained back all the weight and more. looking back it really wasnt that big of an issue. but my mind couldnt handle it and i went to fast food as my solace.

and it was not until maybe 2 years ago that i realized what was wrong. i had to self reflect on what had happened, what my mindset is, to gain the confidence that i never had. find what was the root of my problems, and begin to take steps towards self improvement.

im down 20 kgs from my heaviest now, but i still have 20 to go, but my view on it is a lot more positive. im losing weight for the same person, but now its for a different reason. my mind has changed, for the better.

i probably should have seen a shrink 15 years ago, but asians look at mental health the same way they look at failure, so that wasn't really an option back then.

what im trying to say is that weight issues are often tied to mental issues, and while losing weight often does help with those mental issues, often you need to solve the mental issues first or you'll rebound right back

i highly suggest reading these two chapters of this manga. it really resonated with me. its about a fat girl who was made fun of, had no friends, and had basically given up on herself and on life. the first chapter is about realizing you can change yourself outward, but the second chapter is realizing that you also have to change yourself inward. i only wish i had taken this to heart a few years ago when i first read the first chapter.

submitted by /u/cromatkastar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve not managed to lose a pound and worried if I’m doing this wrong?

Hi all. I’m 28F, 103.7kg and my height is 163cm. I’ve been logging my food since August and I suffer with anxiety/depression as well as stress-eating so the journey has been quite difficult. I have been eating above my goal calories (1200 calories) every single week sadly. From TDEE calculator, my maintenance calories are 2100 calories approx.

I have not managed to lose a single pound. I started off at 103.6 kg. Am I doing something wrong? I’ve attached a screenshot from my loseit app. I know I’m overeating a lot but take 11-17 September week for example. On 1200 calories goal, my weekly calories should’ve been 8400, but I overate 4863 so that made it 13,263 which averages 1894 calories/day. This is still below my maintenance calories so shouldn’t this have caused a slight weight loss?

I’m just really bothered that I’ve not shed anything since I started. This is really affecting my spirits.

Edit: yes sorry I should’ve mentioned about my workouts. So I’ve attached a screenshot of my Apple fitness history and again it’s not very consistent. I work from home 2 or sometimes 3 days a week so it varies. The days I go to work my step count is significantly higher. But sometimes I go shopping or for long walks on weekends so it depends on that. My daily active energy burning average is 320kcal. I recently joined gym so only been like 3 days in last 2 weeks.

submitted by /u/Miserable-Depth-851
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Weight loss vs. Muscle gain question


A few years ago I weighed over 100kg at 176cm (currently F27) and managed to lose a decent amount of it and have been staying within the 63-69 kg range for the past three or so years. This is deeply frustrating to me as I’d like to get Under 63kg (preferably the 60 range as it has always been my goal weight) Last year I got pretty close, reaching the 62 mark, but it was done by fairly intensive cardio and restrictive dieting that would be unsustainable in the long run. I believe it may have also stalled my period, which isn’t Great. Because at the beginning of Summer I had a few outside stressors I relaxed a bit on my dieting and ballooned back up to the 65 range. I decided I wasn’t good enough at nutrition to really do this on my own so in August I sought the help of a professional.

Essentially: I have switched to strength training and cardio instead of pure cardio and I still track calories in a way that I believe is at a deficit (but this is the real question here, bear with me) and with the help of professional measuring equipment, I Have managed to somewhat change my body comp. Ive been told I lost cms off my upper body (legs are unfortunately still pretty flabby) and over 2 months have put on 2kg of muscle and reduced my body fat percentage by a couple points. this Sounds great, but also over the past 2 months i havent lost any weight. in fact, im sitting at a terrifying 66,5kg as of this morning. ive been told all my gain has been in lean/muscle mass, but at the end of the day my goal is still to lose weight. what should i do? am i actually undercounting my calories and do i need to restrict more? I dont intend to stop weight training, but should i boost cardio? or is this some weird muscle growing pain thats normal in the initial phases and once the lean mass plateaus i will Actually start losing weight?

Essentially, do i trust the process or am I messing up somewhere. I miss being 62kg. it is where I felt the most comfortable with my body. Thanks in advance for any help.

submitted by /u/_bunear
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Midnight Snacking, how to stop ?

I [21F CW:85 kgs GW: 65 kgs] just started my weight loss journey a few days ago. I understand that calorie deficit is the key to loosing weight but my midnight snacking does not let me stay in a deficit.

Right now, my routine is as follows:

I have black coffee and go to the gym for around an hour in the morning. For breakfast, I have a salad (I love salads) worth around 400-450 calories.

Then for lunch I mostly have 2 chapatis/rice, cooked vegetable and a bowl of pulses (I’m Indian) this ranges between 350-400 calories.

In the evening I have some fruits which are around 250 calories.

What I have for dinner is uncertain but it’s small, maximum 200 calories.

I also go on a 2-4 km walk at night, before dinner.

I drink at least 3L of water in a day.

Even though I am eating approx 1300 calories throughout the day (my maintenance calories is 2100) I get extremely hungry at night and end up munching on some quick unhealthy snack.

How do I prevent this ? What are some healthy things I can snack on ? Should I be eating more calories throughout the day ?

submitted by /u/Objective_Base9589
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Advice for Healthier Drinks?

Hello! I posted earlier and have been doing some weight loss research. I have come to realize that drinking sweet drinks is a big part of my diet that needs to change. I am a coffee snob and I LOVE my lattes and specialty coffees. I grew up in the middle of nowhere and only drank black coffee or with regular cream. But now I am in a bigger city with cafes right next door, and part of my daily routine is to go and get a latte daily. It is expensive and also has a ton of sugar. I have tried making drinks at home but it always gets grainy and weird. I did cut out soda recently and I do not drink alcohol.

Do I just drink things without sugar until I am used to it? And does anyone have recommendations aside from plain water? I always keep a bottle of water at my side, but I’m talking about other drinks. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Forsaken-Pea2741
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280>230, 50 lbs down. Halfway to Goal Weight

Hey guys,

Just wanted to do a midpoint follow-up to share my experience thus far. I started my weight loss journey in March and this morning I hit 230 for the first time. My ultimate goal is 180 but I plan to take a little maintenance break at 199 to see how things are going.

I’m going to break down how my progression looked in phases that I consider a shift in my mental process regarding weight loss and how it naturally progressed for me. I hope this helps anyone that may just be starting or having a hard time.

Phase 1 (280-263) AT the beginning, i took about a month transitioning to cooking at home again instead of eating out so much. I wasn’t tracking calories at this point but I started dropping weight anyway. A couple of weeks after starting to cook my own food i began walking 2-3x per week and started feeling generally better. In this phase I didn’t care about calories or protein or anything else, i was just laying the foundation for what was to come.

Phase 2 (263-248) After losing about 20 lbs I got that happy feeling of “wow, i can actually do this”. I decided to do some more research on how to continue my weight loss in a consistent matter. I learned all about CICO, calorie tracking, and TDEE. I downloaded LoseIt!, bought a food scale, and started tracking all my food and calories. It took a few weeks to hone in my calorie goal but I eventually arrived at eating about 2200 calories/day which put me at around 1% bodyweight loss per week.

Phase 3 (248-Present) After a couple of months of building those habits in phase 2, i decided to do even more research and get into the details of my plan a bit more. I realized I wasn’t eating enough protein and raised my protein goal each day. I started adding some greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and adding more lean meats to my diet. I also read more about muscle loss risk and how to mitigate it and decided to start incorporating full body resistance training 3x per week.

Parting Thoughts At this stage i’m feeling much better with my function and looks. I’ve dropped a couple pant sizes, i went from a 2XL shirt to an XL but i’m close to comfortably fitting in to L. All my shorts are falling off of me and i’ve started fitting in to some clothes I haven’t worn in a long time. I’ll be attending a wedding at the end of October and i’m excited to go shopping for some nice pants and a shirt to feel good in!

I haven’t been taking strict progress photos but here’s a before and after as best as I could do: Before/After

submitted by /u/ffxivpld19
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Replacing Nicotine.

So look, I’m going to be 100% real; 2 months ago, I started using nicotine lozenges for weight loss.

Yes, I know this was stupid, risky, et cetera. Well, let me tell you: it’s the most successful tool for managing appetite I’ve ever tried.

Whatever part of my brain that over-eats was placated by nicotine. Before I lost my head & ate 20 pieces of chocolate, I could pop 3 lozenges and forget about it. I lost 20 pounds this way. Was hoping to continue, get to 50. It worked better than water, gum, caffeine, et cetera.

The only problem is that it caused painful acne, specifically on my chin. I’m guessing it dried me out, causing an excess of oil to develop: or maybe affected my hormones.

But since quitting, I’ve reverted to my original terrible stress-eating habits. I can’t handle myself without it.

I’m going to go back on nicotine. I’m going to try and regulate its use more, to avoid acne… but at this point I’m willing to accept acne if it means continued weight loss.

That said, I’d love to find an alternative. Weed? Self esteem? Therapy? Sex? Alcohol?

Or maybe I’ll just find a way to circumvent the acne, lol.

submitted by /u/mymomlovescep
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Today I have decided to give up on weight loss all together

I have struggled with my weight since I was 4. I weighed 90 pounds by that age. I am not kidding you about that.

By the time I was 14 I was 200 pounds. I went on diets, joined a gym for teens but still could not lose weight. Developed an eating disorder at 19 and got down to 150 by 21.

A year later I had some cardiac issues from anorexia so I entered treatment. By the time I left treatment I was 163 and didn't think a thirteen pound gain was that big of deal.

Sadly despite healthy eating and daily walking I still packed on anywhere from 5-11 pounds per year after that. Some years I gained less others I gained more but I was still gaining.

I january of 2022 I learned I was 219 pounds. I thought it could not be but sadly it was. I feverishly worked out at the gym and list a grand total of nothing.

I weighed myself today and I'm 222. Sadly at this point in time I've given up. I'm 33 and have been dealing with the weight issue my entire life. I've been tested for pcos, thyroid, cushings you nsne it but nothing has come back. I tried ozempic in March and actually gained weight.

I've given up. No more diets. No more exercise. I just don't care.

submitted by /u/givinglifeaway
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Weight loss plateau? Why have I stopped losing?

About a month ago I hit a new lowest weight for myself, but since then I cannot seem to lose anymore weight whatsoever. At first I thought this was just the usual plateau so I upped my intake to maintenance for around a week and a half. Then I went back to being in a deficit and I still didn’t lose.

I’ve tried doing more exercise, mostly just walking more and doing dance workouts, hoping this would boost my metabolism but this didn’t seem to help.

I’ve tried lowering my intake more and making sure I’m logging everything accurately but that didn’t change anything either. I’ve even tried doing a couple of fasts.

I’ve also tried just giving my body rest, eating healthy and not stressing too much if I’ve lost, just in case it was my body being under stress.

I’m so at a loss now though, does anyone know what might be going on or how to fix this?

submitted by /u/Opening_Papaya_9664
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


I'm not going to blame all of my weight gain on antidepressants. But as soon as I got on them, its like it was impossible to control my eating. Off of antidepressants I can easily lose weight, as my appetite isnt skyrocketed. It also feels like antidepressants kill the discipline part of my brain . Like i know weight loss is just tracking calories/caloric deficit but im unable to do that on antidepressants. Its like my discipline for that is gone, and im careless.

Here I stand at like 255 lbs, I used to be lean and 185lbs 5'11. Seems like I gotta make a important choice. I'd rather be less happy then fat. Not like antidepressants made me happy ever, just made me numb and lifeless, and took away some motivation, been on 10 different ones atleast..

submitted by /u/Jazzlike-Air-5303
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can't fall asleep on an empty stomach. What should I eat if I need a late night meal/snack to fall asleep?

For some reason, I can never fall asleep if I have not eaten a meal 2-3 hours before bed. This has been really frustrating for my weight loss journey because a) I know you're better off eating a few hours before bed and b) when the feeling of hunger strikes, I inevitably go over my calories for the day because it's an extra meal and the alternative is to not sleep. I tend to intermittent fast in the mornings and this messes up my schedule as well.

Knowing this, I try to plan for dinner within 2-3 hours of bed, but it becomes an issue when I work late or stay up for other reasons. In situations where I do have to get up and eat to fall asleep, what would be the best thing to eat? Usually a handful of nuts or a light snack does not do it, but I'm certainly willing to try if any of you have something in mind.

I have tried many times to ignore the hunger, etc. but I just end up staying up. Trying to find a healthy compromise. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

submitted by /u/GarudaRising
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Relapsed on binging this week... What now?

For some background, I used to heavily struggle with binge eating. It's been a long time since Iast had what I'd consider a proper binge, however. I'd eat more some days, sure, but still be within my calorie allowance for the week.

After learning from past mistakes, I've been taking weight loss slow. My goal is to lose a kilogram per month.

I've been on my period this week and it ended today. This entire week, I've just been so hungry and binged on multiple days this week.

I did log everything I ate, and I went over my budget by enough calories where I gained around a kilogram of fat. For some people, this sounds impossible. Well, it's possible if you eat high calorie foods that aren't very big.

I feel so gross, bloated, and sluggish. More than that, I feel like I ruined a good month or two of progress by eating back the progress I made over these past two months in only a week.

What now? How do I not feel bitter at myself for going backwards? Even my jeans felt two sizes too small this morning and my cheeks look so big to me.

I'm looking for some practical advice; not just the, "Tomorrow will be better," type of advice, please.

Thank you! Have a great night! 😊

submitted by /u/battybonkers
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How do you regain motivation after not working out for a long time?

Hi there! I’m a 17 year old boy, 6 foot and 432 pounds. For context, I have been overweight my whole life. I don’t remember a single time where I was underweight or at the target weight I should be at. I had a trainer and a dietitian that would help me with my weight and diet. I was probably the most weight I lost as I was at 390 pounds. But in late March I had surgery to get my tonsils and adenoids removed. But after that was when all of my hard work kinda fell apart. My trainer had to be away due to undiagnosed heart condition which I totally understand that is the most important thing in his life at the moment. And the last time I had talk to my dietitian was the day before my surgery. A lot of things happened during the summer months as I was summer vacation and I had reacted bad to some new medication that I was using for weight loss, making me sick for almost two weeks. A lot of life stuff happened too which I don’t want to get into.

My trainer was the main reason I had motivated myself to get healthy as he and I have very similar taste in movies and games and he is very supportive when I try my hardest. Now that I haven’t seen him in roughly ~5 months I want to motivate myself in a way that I can do my own workouts without help from others. What can I do? I have no idea where to go from here and want to get better.

submitted by /u/Ucanmakeitez
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Tips for diet breaks?

Hi all! I’ve just about hit the 20lbs weight loss mark, super proud and excited! I’ve made some really great lifestyle changes in the past 6 months that I’m happy to keep indefinitely (ex. Weight lifting, walking 10k steps a day, reducing snacking/stress eating).

I’ve been fortunate enough to work with a nutritionist and she’s recommended going on a diet break for 2 weeks, as I’m going on vacation and moving to a new city afterwards. I haven’t had any natural diet breaks. Then I can proceed with my final 10-15lbs of weight loss to get to my goal. This 2 week period coincides with my 6 months mark of consistent dieting.

I’m onboard with taking this break and have read/believe the research around it. My fear is that I don’t know what to eat with my extra 200-300 calories a day? I’m afraid when I add these back in I’ll get back into bad habits. How did folks on here go about eating on diet breaks and then transitioning back to a deficit? Any tips?

I’m 26yrs old, eating 1600 in deficit, 1800-1900 during my diet break, 2000 was my original maintenance pre-diet. I’m 155 now, started at 173 6 months ago.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Inside_Beat_1518
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If I intuitively eat, i’d barely eat.

I’ve been dieting on and off and exercising excessively for nearly three years and I think i accidentally got used to eating one meal a day, lunch, without feeling hungry for more food afterwards..

i discovered this due to two things:

When I used calorie counting apps, I had to force myself to eat more just because the app told me i had hundreds of remaining calories left, when I probably would’ve been fine not eating for the rest of the day..

The other thing is the fact that I only crave sweets. I always wanna eat sweet food when i’m full so that makes sense i guess.

Is this normal? I think i have a slow metabolism because I could live on 1100 calories a day and i’ll be fine, not that hungry. While my recommended maintenance calories are 2200 and 1700 for weight loss. BTW i do work out in the morning 4-5 days a week, i lift weights and do cardio and the whole session is 1 hour and a half. I also eat lots of protein at lunch which is probably why i feel full all day, tell me what you guys think?

submitted by /u/swaggydanny
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Friday, September 22, 2023

Fitness Trackers + Calorie Consumption

Hello everyone. I just need to rant and get some questions answered…

As it says on my flair, I have lost 30 lbs so far. I have been on a weight loss/fitness journey for about 2 years now. I am a 5’4” F who was 180lbs and currently 150. I have been trying to get down to 130 or 125 but I can’t seem to find the right calorie deficit. I have trouble coming up with a number for the caloric deficit because I don’t have a gauge on what I am burning. I have used Garmin, Fitbit, and Apple Watch devices and all give me different numbers (I understand that no fitness tracker is 100% accurate but I want a ballpark of what my TDEE is). I have been at 150lbs for over a year and just need some advice.

My current fitness level is pretty advanced. Former soccer athlete, I currently run a 55min 10K, I bench 140lbs, squat 225, deadlift 225, can do pull-ups, push-ups etc. I currently run 4x a week and lift on those days as well, so I usually have 2-3 rest days per week, sometimes less. Because of my fitness levels, when I tell friends or trainers at the gym that I am going on a “cut” (lose fat, maintain muscle), they tell me to eat 1600-1800 cals or 2000. But is that low enough? For example, my garmin tells me that I have burned a total of 2500cals after 17k steps + all the aforementioned activity. But Fitbit would say 2300, and Apple Watch 2700. What seems to be the most realistic?

Because I have maintained and grown my muscle mass for over a year, I feel that a strict cut for 2-3 months would allow me to get to 125 and not lose too much muscle/strength… Can anyone give me a calorie amount that seems right and that has worked for them? I feel a lot more athletic than I look. I don’t know if it’s a problem with me, or I just haven’t been in a deficit, I.e I’m eating more than I think? It’s just very disheartening when my initial goal was about appearance and somehow I made it about performance and I’m still not satisfied with how I look. And don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t think I’m at a comfortable weight yet either. I have flat feet and the extra body weight hurts my arches when I run or do any hiking. I def think that there is room for improvement, just not sure how to get there.

submitted by /u/nazanina8
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I lost the weight but I gained HATRED

Im just venting a bit, don't mind me 🥺

So, pretty basic story. Been fat all my life. Since the moment I was born there was no second I wasnt reminded how fat I was. I was 9 or 10 yo and people would coment on my weight like it was their daily tea. Especially family members. They would talk about it in such manners that at 11 yo I already developed body dismorphya and anxiety. I was no longer able to go outside without feeling bad. I wished I could go play and have fun, maybe do some swimming lessons because I love water. But there was one problem. My body. So I've been lonely for most of my life, rotting in my room ,missing on teenage love. I hated school and high school. But I loved it during the pandemic cause we could do school from home. It was heaven. I realised how easy it was to understand everything the professor said. My mind could finally focus on the lesson. Also I had the best grades during that period.

Beeing alone for all of my life made develop a good relationship with myself. I can easily spend weeks inside my house without ever getting bored. I constantly have something to do. Maybe read some mangas, watch some anime, read basic books, play on my Ps5, decorating my room etc. I just cannot get bored

Also, my social skills are on another level than the rest of the people. I knew human beeings are social at the end of the day and I was no different. I knew that in time, if I get to comfortable with loneliness I would probably go insane without realising. So, I developed extremelly good social skills. Usually is hard for fat people to find sex but for me it was never a problem. The problem was that it ended at sex.

You see, I'm gay. Been gay since Kindergarden. I clearly remember how I had this attraction to the boys in my class. It wasnt a sexual attraction, of course. Not sure how exactly to describe it but it was a strong feeling of friendship. Not even comparable to what I felt toward girls. This feeling grew stronger and stronger while I grew up. Its funny now that I remember. I had massive crushes on boys in middle school but I realised I was gay only a year after =))) I think my life wouldve been a bit easier if i was straight cause girls dont really care that much about your body. I seen girls with some questionable creatures. These hoes dont care as long as ur funny and a decent human beeing. The bar is literally in hell. But gay dudes are shallow as fuck. If they like you while you re fat they probably have a fetish. Otherwise they will spit in your face if you dont have Adonis's body. Of course there are gays that just have a type and that happens to be fat dudes. And I consider myself lucky cause I found some normal fat gay lovers 💀

So yeah I like dudes.

Anyway, so because I was fat all my life I had to make up by having an amazing personality. Im funny as fuck. I know how to make people feel comfortable around me and we can easly spend hours talking about nonsense because I have knowledge in ALL.

Now, obviously, I always found it easier to talk to girls. Been constaly surrounded by girls and always felt safer with them. Its funny cause people say I'm gay cause I never got in contact with a girl while im literally one of them. I actually have 3 girl best friends. We do sleepovers and go on vacations. I feel comfortable around them and they feel comfortable around me. They are perfect body shape also. Hourglass body and all that + perfect skin

They are keepers because they always give me gifts. This year they made a suprise party for me. They got a big cheescake and posters with my favourite animes. And we also ate korean food. It was amazing. I love my girlies❤️🥺

They also know about my struggles and we shared our insecurities. They helped me go thru the weight loss journey by ACTIVELLY cheking on me and what I do. And so...I managed to lose 40 Kg.

Years: 21 Height. 1.70 M Weight before: 120 kg Weight Now: 80 Kg

I lost it 6 months ago. Do I like it? Kinda. I like that its easier to find clothes. They fit better. I like that I can pose full body sometimes. My anxiety has gone down 5%

Its just...I just dont care. Its too late to matter.

Do i feel healty? Yeah but I secretly kinda wanted to die soon so I dont give a fuck about health.. is the thing that made me go fucking insane. Rage mode insane. Random people are trying to get close me. The fuck? Strangers start talking to me while i have headphones on. They just start asking me stuff and im confused cause like, dont you see my headphones?? Why do you bother me? Its not like they bother me for something important like losing my keys or ID. Example: this bitch tooh my headphones off and told me " just so you know, i get off next station!" BITCH, THE FUCK?????? Who are you and why do I care if you get off next station? Get the fuck away from my face. And why do you touch my stuff?

Dudes that refused me now they text me. I blocked them instantly. Strangers now sit next to me? Nah i get up and move somewhere else.

Random dude asks for my instagram when im out with my girlies? Not even looking at him.

Coworkers moving their stuff closer to me and giving me compliments? Im moving further and full ignore their empy ass compliments.

So now that im skinny and hot u wanna spend time with me? Do you realise 6 months ago i was literally the same fucking person? With same interest and emotions? Do you fucking realise that?

Nah, none of them exist to me anymore. Also I hate my family and I told them about all of this. Left them spechless for a moment then they said they only did that to encourage me to lose weight.


People are so fucking lame and uninteresting. Shallow dogs. I hate most humans. I cant stand them anymore. I see right thru their fakeness and I wanna vomit.

Not sure if I will ever get over this. Im really fucking tired.

submitted by /u/-Moon-Cakee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you guys stay on your diet when away from home? Frustrated beyond belief with myself.

For context, I, 27F, have been on countless weight loss journeys since I was probably 13. At that young age, I really wasn't overweight but amongst all my skinny friends, I felt like I was. Fast forward to now, on this current weight loss journey, I do extremely well when I'm in my own space however when I come home for the weekend, I get off track. I don't usually get off track enough to cause but maybe a pound of "weight gain" by the time I come back to my apartment Sunday night, but I've been home for over a week now. This week started good, but as of the last 3 or 4 days I've gone almost completely back to old habits. My family does not have the same goals as I do so there's serious temptation and i'm feeling it on both a wellness and financial front.

Some helpful info (maybe):

  1. I have been coming back and forth home every weekend for over 6 months. My hometown is about a 2 hour drive from my current city. My mother has terminal breast cancer and was transitioned to in home hospice care 3 months ago. Last week, my father called the paramedics because she had a really bad seizure. I came home immediately and have been here every since because at any moment, she could pass. It's really hard at home right now. Tension is high and emotions are scrambled. I feel like an emotional wrech 99% of the time.
  2. For the last 2ish months, I have been following a low carb, high protein 1200 calorie diet plan from a local weight loss clinic. I go every week to get my weight checked and i've consistenly lost between 1-2 pounds a week. Some weeks more than others. I've also been doing GrowithJo 4-5 days a week (try to get at least 45 min of cardio) as well as light walking on the weekends. I also started taking vitamins I was low on and drinking at least 64 oz of water daily (working to improve that number). With all of this, I lost almost 20 pounds as of my last weigh-in on Sep 12. I'm pretty sure I've gained some weight in the last week being home, but since I have no scale here, not sure how much.
  3. I've re-started therapy to help manage my emotions, but I'm only doing one appointment a month until she has more availability. I like her so far, but it's kinda too soon to tell.
  4. My immediately family consists of my parents and little sister (19F, slightly overweight but nothing crazy like me). My family eats out like crazy, at least once a day. I try to cook one meal at least every other day, but lately I've just kind of went with the flow but not only is it killing my wallet, I know it's doing me a disservice. I went to the grocery store yesterday and got stuff for salad fixings so hoping that will help me.
  5. Stats: SW-322.5, Last weigh in=304.5, GW~=150 lbs. Height = 5'5, and Female.

Sorry for the long post. I guess my question is how do I get back on track quickly? I'm struggling and I feel like I'm just floundering right now. Being home puts me in such a foul mood between butting heads with my highly sensitive patronizing father, dying mother, and numb little sister. All of my goals just seem to die when I come into this house and I'm afraid once I go back to my life, I'm going to be starting from ground zero or worse.

submitted by /u/original_oreo27
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