Monday, September 4, 2023

One last shot?

I was approved for gastric bypass surgery. Im 265 lbs and my lowest was 195 in the military. Im scared of vitamin deficiencies and osteoporosis down the line with the surgery. The weight loss would be nice. The pain would suck for a bit. I’ve been able to get down to 257 but never less than that all year long. The strangest thing is that December of last year was when I said Im going to commit and put my all into losing weight this year. And I did. I’ve learned so much about nutrition and have perfected a workout schedule. I’d say my nutrition and macros are even perfect too. But I can’t stick to them. And here’s why; I got a girlfriend at the beginning of the year around February, right when I was hitting my weight loss stride. I know it sounds fucked up to blame her, and I’m not. Im saying I took myself off the track of weight loss in order to go on dates and not be so strict with my meals. She lives with me and I’ve tried weighing everything and counting macros and calories with her. But she loves cooking, and the food is amazing. She hates counting macros, but is on board with losing weight together. She said she’s willing, but never really puts the effort in to weigh anything herself. I would love to eat just chicken and rice pre-portioned out to lose weight. But she hates it, and needs variety in her diet. Which then becomes OUR diet. I’m at a loss. Should I give it one more try with counting macros and calories? And not just that, should I count her macros and calories for her too? Meal prep for the both of us with separate macro requirements? Is it even possible to meal prep for two different people with entirely different macros while going to school full time and working? Any advice is welcome.

submitted by /u/Jay_Deeeeeee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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