Thursday, September 7, 2023

Hello! Post purger and now on road to healthy weight loss!

Hello! Just wondering if there is anyone else in a similar position to me. I started my weight loss journey in 2012 and lost almost 100lbs in a year. Ended up 121lbs and stayed that way for years. On and off towards middle age I’ve gained a few lbs here and there but nothing dramatic until this year when I ended up on Sertraline (Zoloft) which caused me to gain 24lbs roughly. I cannot get this off, I’ve come off the meds, exercise and watch everything I eat and nothing. I don’t want to go back to bad habits which in the year of weight loss I become so obsessed I almost lost everything else. I’m trying to be more gentle with my body, not punish it with exercise but try to do it for my overall health. I do feel a little gremlin in the back of my head though tempting me back into my old ways. I’m wanting to be sensible about it really and hoping there are others like me who have recovered and have done this the safest way.

submitted by /u/Honeyrose88x
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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