Friday, September 8, 2023

My experience with 1200 calories and why I won’t go back

Hello! 21, 5’4, 130-ish lbs, gw is 120-125 lbs.

A few weeks back, I started struggling severely with fatigue, muscle weakness, feeling hungry (I wasn’t hungry), headaches, bloating, nausea, much more medical issues, and ultimately stopped losing weight. I was eating roughly around 1200 calories a day and rarely went over. For reference, my BMR is 1450-ish. I was losing weight at first, but it started getting so bad that I had to cut my walks, workouts and such short and had to start taking more rest days. I counted macros and ate very balanced meals, so I figured it wasn’t what I was eating but the amount I was eating- so I upped it to 1300, 1400 and ultimately 1400-1500 calories which is what I am currently eating now. On top of that, I stopped working out as much. I would be able to do 10k steps a day alongside pilates and light weight 3-6 times a week, which turned into half the amount of steps, and yoga every other day.

I made a post here about plateauing- and I got a large amount of comments to go get vitamin testing which came back today.

I am both severely dehydrated and somewhat malnutritioned.

My heart wasn’t healthy, and my kidneys weren’t thriving because of my food and water choices. I don’t need to drink more water, but I need to drink smaller amounts of water more often throughout the day. I need to be consuming more food, more water and taking better care of myself. I had such a strong urge to get to my goal weight, which I sat at in March before gaining weight over the summer that I didn’t think that consuming 1200 calories a day could hurt me like that.

This isn’t advice, and I’m not here to scare anyone out of that diet. It didn’t work for my health, but it may work for some people. But I do not see enough posts here about how 1200 calories a day can make weight loss harder- which for me, it did. Even if 1400-1600 calories a day is slower and less rewarding, it will be more fulfilling and medically sustainable for me.

submitted by /u/Reasonable_Carob_539
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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