Monday, July 31, 2023

Just one tip

Hey you all! If you had to give an overweight person (me) one tip- JUST 1- for sustainable weight loss, what'd it be? Your absolute fav one.

Oftentimes, atleast in today's era of the internet, there is soooo much information on the internet. And oftentimes it's contradictory. Intermittent fasting is good but IF also messed up the hormones, protein per kilo but people are practicing fructarianism also.

Even for excercise, some people say it's very important to lift weight, some say HIITs are the shit, some say pilates is the best.

I'm so overwhelmed with so much information, i just wanna get back to the basics and get shit done. Thank you <3

submitted by /u/practical-hoe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


I don't really know where to start, but I don't think I've ever felt so hopeless. I'm here, at 340lbs (f/38), and utterly lost. Long post ahead... Sorry.

I've been overweight my whole life. Grew up the oldest of 4 girls, single mother, we ate fairly well and couldn't afford take-outs, treat type foods but had them on occasion. Was always bigger than siblings and cousins, despite being a very active and fit child/teen.

I was constantly made aware of my size by family members, constantly put down for being chubbier. I was around 12 when an uncle told me to diet for his wedding. So I started restricting. I went out on my bike every day and rode for miles. I didn't really lean out. I had started developing and covered myself up in baggy clothing. But I then started doing something I never did before and that was binge eating. I would go to my uncles house (nextdoor) and steal money from his change pot and ride my bike to the shop and buy chocolate. I then had a difficult time with dealing with a significant childhood trauma that re-emerged and used food to cope. On the cycle went.

In my 20s I was fairly stable around 200-220lbs, I still binge ate and was technically obese, but I was active and was pretty outgoing. Things got worse in my 30s and the starve/binge cycle became more severe. I got to 365lbs during the pandemic.

I have done CICO, CICO with exercise, slimming world, weight watchers, juicing, vlcd, fasting, IF, keto, low calorie keto... The only time I've ever had consistent weight loss has been vlcd or low cal keto. Nothing else produced sustained losses. I would always feel like I was fighting for every ounce and my body was clinging onto it. When I commit to a plan, I'm all in. So when losses don't represent what I put in, I find it difficult to keep focus. I compare losses to others and it feels utterly hopeless. Unless I take drastic measures, I just can't seem to shift it. But drastic measures are so difficult to sustain.

I'm very frustrated when I hear "just eat less and move more", "it's simple". When it's anything but. It feels like I'm working against my body, every cell screams out that I need food when I'm eating less or exercising. I have bombarding and intrusive thoughts instead of "cravings". I also don't want to take 10 years so get this weight off.

This week, I reached breaking point after another 6 months of trying, and no progress. I've finally decided to speak to my doctor, who I've avoided for years because of the shame of my weight. I have looked into bariatric surgery and therapy, I'm saving up to fund it, but I would like to try and overcome this without needing to take that step.

I don't know what I'm hoping for, posting this. But if anyone has been in my position and has been able to change their situation, please let share with me.

submitted by /u/teal85
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What delightful, unexpected changes have you experienced from weight loss?

I'm falling out of my routine, so to motivate myself again, I have to remind myself of the positives and what I've accomplished and enjoyed so far with my weight loss.

For me, there are three physical changes:

1.) I have cheek dimples now when I smile. I've always had corner-of-the-mouth dimples, but with my weight loss, cheek dimples have appeared and are becoming more prominent. My mom was the first to notice, and I've found out that some others have experienced this too, which I think is pretty cool.

2.) My boobs are somehow perkier, which is unusual. I believe it's because I'm losing armpit fat, and that has lifted my breasts somehow. I don't know, but there's a general improvement in how my breasts look now.

3.) I lost back fat but kept butt fat, so my butt appears bigger. Initially, I feared the opposite would happen, so it's a pleasant surprise.

submitted by /u/changeb430
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My body's back. Finally returned to "normal me" at last.

I gained so much fat and weight in such a short amount of time after my mild infection summer of 2020.

I was almost bedridden by 2021 because of the random symptoms and tremendous pain my body was cycling through. And even though I never was obese, I was at my heaviest this time last year. I was at my unhealthiest, with the greatest number of symptoms, and the worst I ever felt. And because my body can't move to exercise, the most I can do is diet.

Guys, it worked.

Just with intermittent fasting (18:6) alone, and changing nothing else in my life, I was able to shed like 20 pounds in a few months.

My symptoms started to clear up one by one in time. I'm pretty sure my weight loss helped with that. To the point that I can walk and cycle again, which I started doing so to and from work. I was able to just pocket the bus money too, so that's a nice savings.

The fat continued to melt and I lost about 10% body fat without working out, just my continued fasting and through commuting to work. My body changed and it seems I've lost my visceral fat, which used to be squeezing my organs.

Today, my body is back. No wait, in fact this has got to be the healthiest I've ever been. I have lost more than 60 pounds, I even went beyond my goal weight! So I plan to add a bit more lean body weight of muscle. I've also begun taking green tea, reduced my sodium intake, upped my potassium and magnesium, and been having amazing sleep (probably because of CBD oils). No more chest pains nor palpitations, goodbye sleep apnea, and I can't even remember the last time I felt anxious nor had any panic attacks.

I feel so good. I wish I started this earlier.

submitted by /u/Inazumaryoku
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Activity Level and TDEE - i don't understand!!

Hi all

Long story short i'm a short woman (5'2) with PCOS who's already almost 80% through her weight loss. because of my PCOS, i've found that i need to be in a deficit of 600 calories to lose 1.6kg per month. Because i'm short, i cant cut my calories any lower now without negative consequences (i already tried lol) so i'm trying to lose the last 20% by incorporating exercise and movement into my daily life so i can eat a bit more and still lose weight.

Currently i'm walking 5k steps every day (which takes me an hour), and 5 days a week i'm doing 30minutes of exercise (cardio to sustain heart rate above 150bpm for the full 30mins). I've recalculated my TDEE and put my activity level in as 'moderate: exercise 4-5 days a week' which has allowed me to eat 200 more calories than i was before while remaining in a 500-600 calorie deficit (depending on the calculator used).

i now eat 1300 calories per day instead of 1100. eating this little bit more has greatly improved my mental health and mood, however i now always feel a bit hungry and VERY sleepy, which i NEVER experienced at all in my weight loss so far. i've had bloodwork done (unrelated) and everything was fine there.

Am i meant to be eating back some of the calories burned in exercise too? i thought that the increase in TDEE was meant to account for the increased exercise? am i inputting the wrong exercise level? in my opinion the daily hour spent doing 5k steps doesnt count as exercise because it doesnt elevate my heart rate much (my resting bpm is ~80bpm and when i do my 5k steps it only raises to about ~100bpm). so i've only been counting the 30mins cardio 5 days a week as my activity level.

i've lead a very sedentary life for the past 3 years, so i'm lacking perspective. is it normal to just feel sleepy all the time when you're more active? or am i using the wrong activity level? input is welcome!

submitted by /u/AureliaBloom
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weight loss related to constipation and no period?

i usually just lurk on this reddit, which has helped me over the past few months of weight loss. i started out at 187 pounds (i’m a 5’8” 19f for reference), and i’m now down to 164!

i know reducing calories too much can cause problems, so i haven’t been doing anything crazy like a 1,200 calorie diet. i would say i average somewhere between 1500 and 1700 a day? some days i go on the lower or higher end because life happens (some days i may eat 1400, some days 2000).

to get to the point, i’ve been experiencing constipation issues over the past few months. i was also doing long term travel at the time, so i thought it was that, but i’m still having issues even now that i’m back in the us.

i also skipped my period in may, had it in early june, and haven’t had it since. this is not normal for me—i used to be very regular.

is it possible i’m reducing too low? i would guess i have a decent amount of muscle mass and i work out pretty regularly.

sorry for the long post: any help would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/rinasawayamalistener
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Obese after pregnancy

I (33F) am currently obese per BMI (31, 5’2, 172 lbs) four months postpartum. Prior to pregnancy, I was around 145 lbs (overweight by BMI standards). Ranged between 120-140 for the past 3 years before that.

My highest weight was 202 while pregnant (probably even higher during delivery due to severe pre-eclampsia), and then came down to 178 after birth.

Breastfeeding has not helped with weight loss, but it’s probably more due to calories in.

Going to make a real try at weight loss tomorrow. Feeling terrible in my body with my appearance and with general aches and pain from weight gain. Looking for support. TIA.

submitted by /u/SureYam2731
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m (22F) receiving male attention for the first time in my life after losing 50lbs and I don’t know how to handle it

Idk if it’s the right sub to post this but I feel like there might be some people who’d relate to my words here and maybe share some advice.

I’ve (22F) always been overweight, shy and insecure. Especially around guys, mainly because boys used to make fun of my weight when I was little so I distanced myself from them to avoid being picked on. I have never had guy friends, not in high school, not at different jobs, not college, not everywhere. Never dated anyone either. Of course it was easy for my girl friends to say that the reason why is because I am insecure and not putting myself out there, which is true, but I always knew it was more than that. The harsh reality is that most guys who don’t find you attractive simply don’t care about getting to know you or even respect you as a person. Now that I am 50lbs lighter, I am constantly getting hit on at work and even have 3 guy friends. I am by no means any more confident because of my weight loss, because I have social anxiety so it’s not like I am acting any different around guys. It’s just that now guys are interested in what I have to say, and I am not complaining, I just literally don’t know how to act around guys. I didn’t even realize I was getting hit on a few times until it kicked in hours later when I recapped the conversations. I am simply not used to it. And now that I feel more confident in my body I do want to start dating, but I just feel so awkward whenever guys talk to me. I even lied a couple of times that I have a boyfriend when guys asked for my number or my Instagram, even though they seemed nice and I wanted to get to know them. Are there any people here who share a similar experience? Any tips?

submitted by /u/52182
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It’s my weight loss anniversary, and I can’t get over the mental block of weight loss

Today marks the official one year anniversary of my weight loss journey. I want to go out and go crazy enjoying foods that I haven’t had in pretty much a year (donuts, cake, cookies, etc), but I have this mental block that’s just chaining me. My birthday was one month ago, and I didn’t even cheat that day.

Results: I went from 6’4 325lbs to 205-210lbs (fluctuating). I work out everyday. Usually lifting or body weights with some cardio on and off.

Anyways, how do I get past this mental block. I’m pretty much in my normal weight range. I wanna lose another 10-15 pounds, and keep all the muscle I can in the meantime. I have been so worried about the time, speed and scale for so long, that I set these requirements for myself that I am now realizing I don’t need. I can finish out my goal in 6 months, instead of almost punishing myself to finish it in 1-2 months.

Current progress:

submitted by /u/No_Angle_5488
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Saturday, July 29, 2023

How to get past a plateau

So I was losing weight at a good pace and I’ve recently hit a plateau in my weight loss and not too sure how to go about overcoming it , my maintenance calories right now is 2500 and I’ve been eating in a 500 deficit, i have a pretty physical job, lift 5 days a week and do cardio 2 days a week. I’ve been pretty strict on my diet counting my macros making sure I’m eating the right amount of protein/carbs/ and fats, I’d say my sodium intake is higher than it should be tho. I’m not gaining any weight but I’m just stuck at where I’m at. I’m not sure if I would want to be in a daily deficit more than 500 calories as it already seems like a lot but I’m open to any suggestions

submitted by /u/austin_powers6969
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What are your low / 0 cal tips and tricks

Recently I stumbled upon someone telling about making jell-o here and I made some myself and it seems like a game-changer. I now make 1 litre of jello out of sugar-free juice concentrate changing flavor every day and it feels much more satisfying to "eat" it and use your mouth, rather than drinking it all. I think whole batch is like 50-100cal for me. I end up consuming a lot of additives though, but I won't be doing this for the rest of my life, so hopefully its ok.

Another trick I learned was eating psyllium husk, since it grows in your tummy and can fulfill you, for basically 0 calories. I don't really do this myself, but might incorporate at some point.

Third trick was broth. I like salty stuff, and I like just eating/drinking broth and it fills you up. More satisfying than drinking plain water. Again, low on calories, 50-100/litre. This + sugar free jello makes me go to bathroom often though. Had to wake up 3 times last night for bathroom trip, gotta try to consume those things earlier in the day and leave more solid stuff for later.

And lastly the obvious caffeine drink for appetite suppressing. Keto is another "trick" that works for me for appetite suppressant, but I guess that's not really the point of this post to discuss this.

Do you have some of your own similar tricks that you have learned over time to make weight loss easier?

submitted by /u/Fit_Guard8907
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Lost 60lb - Face still Fat!!!

Hello friends, I could really use your advice!

Long story short, I used to weigh 145lb and had a very slim face with a defining jawline. During Covid, I gained 80 lb and got all the way to 225lb. After some good dieting, I've lost 60lb and am now at 165lb but my face is nowhere like it used to look. It looks bloated and round, and my neck is a lot more fat as well, very unlike the more long, slim face and neck I had before the weight gain. It's honestly very disheartening comparing my photos from 3 years ago to my current facial appearance - especially after 60lb of weight loss. Almost "defeating" in a way. So please give me your advice:

1) Why hasn't my face returned to its original slim/defined appearance?

2) What can I do to get back to my original facial appearance. No matter how difficult or crazy, tell me what I gotta do!!

submitted by /u/Known_Diet4032
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crash dieting messed up my relationship with food

when i (20M) was in high school, i was about 200 pounds at my peak. i decided to take initiative and focus on losing weight, but being the young, motivated but ignorant teen i was, i didn’t understand how to lose fat without sacrificing food or muscle. the first time was summer break before junior year where i was eating 1000 calories or less a day and playing basketball for atleast 4 hours 5-6x a week. when i hit my lowest weight, i was 157 during my senior year and was eating around 1000 calories while working out even more throughout the day, and hour of intense cardio in the morning and lifted weights after school. i was making strides physically. i was getting faster, my stamina was excellent, and my clothing size went down significantly, but even during my lowest weight i still felt like i was the fattest person alive. one day during class i almost passed out because i was waiting for lunch break, and at the time i had thought it was a normal reaction for someone losing weight. now im on my fourth weight loss journey, starting from the beginning of july, and i constantly find myself calculating my daily intake over and over again and overestimating calories. i’m slowly getting a bit better at not overreacting and overthinking after a small binge, i even had a huge cheat day during my maintenance week and didnt affect my mental at all. but regardless, im here to tell you that its VITAL to understand and study how to approach fat loss properly so it doesnt warp your view of how food works like it happened to me. learn to love food, dont be scared to eat, and you can definitely find healthier alternatives but make sure to not outright reject food, because at the end of the day, you need fuel to make your body operate properly.

submitted by /u/gammxnao
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Friday, July 28, 2023

When do you know it is time to buy smaller clothes?

I have lost about 18kgs (39 pounds) in the past two years. In the past 3 months I lost a third of that weight. Problem for me right now is that some of my pants keep sagging. They don't sag immediately, but I constantly have to pull them up. I can't find belts for my size (being morbidly obese, it is hard to find stuff my size). I started wondering whether I should try buying smaller pants. But is this even a sign that I needed smaller pants? Or should I just deal with until I lose a bit more weight?

Something to note, while the scale and people around me tell me I look smaller, I definitely do not feel like I am any less fat. So I am disinclined to belief that it would be time to downsize, as my weight loss has not seemed very significant so far. But I am also aware that my own perspective is biased... so I came to ask for advice here 😅

submitted by /u/Maniachi
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Question for the ladies..

Before my period, i get horrible cravings and it gets so hard to ignore them. I get emotional too, and getting comfort food is my way to feel better. In fact, protein rich food makes me bloated which seriously worsens my period cramps until the point of puking, especially the yoghurt, eggs and beans. Unfortunately my doctor doesn’t take it seriously. I try to stay away from the foods i mentioned a week before my period starts to calm my tummy

I know this sounds like making excuses, maybe i’m doing just that but i don’t know how to approach my weight loss before and during my period. It’s officially 20 days since i’ve started but it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with my journey. I also keep thinking that i need to get this revenge glow up to show all the boys that have ever rejected me that i’m actually hot and not interested in them anymore. Pathetic, right? I feel a bit low

I would really appreciate some guidance and tips, because it’s getting a bit too much.. sorry guys :/

submitted by /u/toujoursmome
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Question about calorie counting

So I understand how weight loss works, it's all about consuming less calories than you burn. However, I have a question about goals. So my daily calorie goal for weight loss is 2000 calories, and today I burned a 1000 calories. I've consumed about 1600 calories, so I'm 400 calories away from my consumption goal, but in a deficit of 1000 calories on top of the deficit I was already in at 2000 calories. So my question is, can I eat another 1000 calories to reach my 2000 goal, or should I try to only eat 400 calories? I could honestly do either, but frankly I'd love to have a filling dinner and would eat maybe 800 calories if I let myself.

submitted by /u/Personal-Succotash33
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Weight loss advice at +600lbs!

Hey guys. So, this is my first post here. Honestly not sure what to say. Been kinda in the dark about my weight forever and it took a while for me to realize how much my size impacts me. I am only 23 but already +600lbs.

I don't know really what else to say, it is really embarrassing to even make this post. But I am hoping some of you are kind about all this.

I still live at home sadly, so I don't have that much freedom, but any advice is very welcome. Also, please don't judge me for my weight at my age, I get it too often, thank you

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submitted by /u/KenKenKeno
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I feel defeated in the weight loss journey

I (20F) am trying to lose about 15 kgs since along time. Not even a kg is moving :(

I was diagnosed with PCOS at 13. Was overweight back then as well but lost about 10-12 kgs when I was 15. Looked and felt great. Periods became regular. Hyperpigmentation around neck, underarms and groin area reduced. Then I moved to a different city for University at 19 years of age. Started putting on weight back due to bad diet and improper loving conditions of my hostel. And to put cherry on top battled alot of mental health issues last year and those medicines made me gain weight even quicker. Right now I'm 80 kgs. I've working out (tho a bit irregular but trying to win that consistency back), trying to have proper food (I quit sugar, all junk and oily stuff, avoid gluten as far as possible and am vegetarian), I also worked on my sleep and take enough rest. I also take metformin (500 mg) once a day at night and recently started with Myo Inositol with Vitamin D3. I really really wanna lose this weight and get my periods back naturally. I want to go from 80 kgs back to 65.

Any advices/suggestions, please help.

submitted by /u/Tanvishah2002
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Does it matter what my diet consists of for weight loss?

For example, I have 1500 calories to eat everyday. (500 calorie deficit). Does that mean I get to eat whatever I want just under the condition I don’t eat more than 1500?

I do understand that certain foods have a lot of calories. And basically eating a lot in one meal that won’t make you full and will make you hungry and will just make you eat more and more.

The reason I’m asking this is, I’m contemplating whether I eat a slice of pizza or not. 1 slice has about 300 calories. Will a slice of pizza hinder my progress bec it has a lot of fat and carbs?

submitted by /u/ExtremePrivacy18
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Nearly 10 lbs down after gaining my freshman 15

To begin I’m 5’3 and 19F. I started my weight loss journey at 158 lbs after my first year of college going from 143 lbs. My goal weight is 135 as that’s where I look best with my build. My stomach at that weight was nearly completely flat and I looked pretty toned. I have thicker thighs from muscle I have fortunately retained from several years of soccer. I still did weight training but overate at college so I retained muscle but also gained fat.

My current weight is 150.0 lbs exactly as of my last weigh in last weekend. Sadly I began my period today, the day right before my next weigh in so unfortunately I won’t find out til next weekend. I always weigh in once a week, but skipping this week as I’m usually 3-5 lbs heavier on my period and don’t want to stress myself out with a higher number. Hoping to be 147-148 lbs next Friday to officially be ten lbs down! I return to college in a few weeks and since I’m now living off campus I will curate my groceries to be more healthy.

For weight loss I eat healthy, eat about 1400-1600 calories per day, and cycle at least three times per week. I also work as a waitress for eight hours five days a week so I’m on my feet a lot. I do 20:4 intermittent fasting as well with break days every 4-5 days.

submitted by /u/Seafoam434
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23 Sweet Corn Recipes to Try This Summer

It’s time for sizzling burgers, cool dips in the pool, and best of all, corn on the cob. It’s sweetest in summer—and a fiber-filled addition to your plate at a cookout or any other meal.

One medium ear of corn delivers two grams of belly-filling fiber to your diet and has just 88 calories. On Nutrisystem, a half-cup of kernels—about the size of a small ear—is one SmartCarb.

So grab ‘em, shuck ‘em, and enjoy those fresh cobs all summer long: Here are over 20 sweet corn recipes you’ll love.

1. 5-Ingredient Summer Chicken, Corn and Zucchini Bake

Summer Chicken, Corn and Zucchini Bake

This one-pan dish is a winner: With just five ingredients—chicken breast, corn on the cob, sliced zucchini, light Italian dressing, and parmesan cheese—you’re just 40 minutes from a fresh, filling dinner for four.

Just mix the first four ingredients in a baking dish, sprinkle with parmesan, and bake. The chicken cooks to a perfect, juicy texture, while the corn stays crunchy and the zucchini softens to a fantastic, fork-tender doneness. The best part? With just one pan to cook in, clean up is a snap!

Get the Summer Chicken, Corn and Zucchini Bake recipe.

2. Air Fryer Mexican Street Corn

Air fryer Mexican street corn

Unleash the power of your air fryer for a crispy, charred texture in just 14 minutes. That’s more than enough time to whip up the flavorful street corn sauce: It’s a mix of light mayo, lime juice and spices.

Spread the sauce over each ear and top it all with cotija cheese and chopped cilantro. Then enjoy the creamy, delicious flavors of Mexican street corn without leaving your kitchen!

Get the Air Fryer Mexican Street Corn recipe.

3. Southwestern Sweet Potato and Corn Salad

Southwestern Sweet Potato Salad

Bring this surprising side to your next family cookout, but be prepared: Everyone will be requesting that you prepare it for every family gathering thereafter! That’s because it’s not just delicious, but it’s also surprising. The base of the salad is kernels of sweet corn and crunchy, spiralized noodles made from sweet potato.

Using a spiralizer turns tubers into bright orange noodles that saute in just 10 minutes. The corn and sweet potato aren’t alone, though: There’s spicy jalapeno, some bite from red onion, and a creamy Greek yogurt dressing that ties your new cookout fave together into a tongue-tingling, Southwestern flavor fest.

Get the Southwestern Sweet Potato and Corn Salad recipe.

4. One-Pot Salmon Chowder with Corn

salmon chowder

This recipe uses just one pot and is ready in less than 40 minutes. However, it has the deep flavors you’d get from a soup that’s simmered for hours.

It packs in loads of vegetable nutrition from carrots, cauliflower, onions, potatoes and sweet corn. The star of the show, though, is the salmon: Flaky, fresh and packed with belly-filling, muscle-building protein and heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. Splash in some real half and half for extra creaminess, and you’ve whipped up a pot of seaside restaurant-worthy chowder that only tastes like it took all day.

Get the One-Pot Salmon Chowder recipe.

5. Grilled Romaine and Corn Salad with Honey Mustard Tahini Dressing

Grilled Romaine and Corn Salad with Honey Mustard Tahini Dressing

We love to grill, and not just meat! Fruits like watermelon and peaches get sweeter with a little time on the fire. Vegetables get crunchy, charred and more flavorful. But grilling salad may be the most surprising—and delicious—twist you can toss over hot coals.

Brushed with olive oil, half heads of romaine take on a delectable, savory char that pairs perfectly with a grilled ear of corn. And both are unbeatable when paired with the sweet, nutty flavors of our simple tahini honey mustard dressing. With a bit of honey, Dijon and tahini, it’s a mix of sweet, tangy, sharp and filling that whisks together in a snap!

Get the Grilled Romaine and Corn Salad recipe.

6. Mexican Street Corn Dip

Mexican Street Corn Dip

A party’s not a party without great dips. Inspired by Mexican Street Corn, this sweet corn dip will make your next celebration a flavorful fiesta. It’s made simply with corn, cotija cheese, avocado, red onion, jalapeno and a few other ingredients.

This bowl packs all the tastes of Mexican street corn into a thick, satisfying dip that’s perfect with sliced veggies or spread over tortilla chips. It’s cheesy, creamy, spicy, sweet—everything your tongue needs to be tantalized this summer, and all for just 215 calories per serving.

Get the Mexican Street Corn Dip recipe.

7. Spicy Grilled Shrimp Salad

Spicy Grilled Shrimp Salad

Can’t get enough shrimp? Love to grill? This salad has you covered on both of your summer loves. With this simple recipe, you’ll not only fire up the grill to add a satisfying char to shrimp, but to amp up the flavors of pineapple and jalapeno.

Once everything’s hit the coals, those perfectly-grilled ingredients get tossed with avocado, red onion, mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, corn, cilantro and more. The end result is a salad that’s filling, flavorful and fantastic for a light summer lunch or dinner.

Get the Spicy Grilled Shrimp Salad recipe.

8. Zucchini and Sweet Corn Pasta Salad

Zucchini and Sweet Corn Pasta Salad

This crunchy, sweet spin on summer pasta salad features corn and so much more. There’s garlic, salty parmesan, creamy ricotta, sweet-smelling basil, and softened—but still crunchy—hunks of zucchini.

It’s a cinch to prepare, and makes a fresh pairing for summer barbecue favorites. You’ll love it with other summer-worthy Nutrisystem recipes, like Marinated Grilled Chicken Thighs or Marinated Steak Kebabs.

Get the Zucchini and Sweet Corn Pasta Salad recipe

9. Cowboy Caviar

Cowboy Caviar

This hearty dip packs in all the flavors and textures of a burrito—with black beans, corn, tomatoes, cilantro, red onion, peppers and more—in a one-bowl package that’s packed with protein and fiber.

With a chili powder and honey dressing that’s just the right mix of sweet and hot, it’s a crowd-pleasing side that guests will happily scoop onto chips or veggies. And it’s simple enough to make that you can whip up a big bowl and keep it chilling so when a solo snack craving strikes, you’ll have a healthy, tasty option ready to go.

Get the Cowboy Caviar recipe.

10. Summer Corn Salad

Summer Corn Salad

There’s no lettuce in this hearty salad, but you won’t miss it. With big chunks of avocado, two cups of sweet corn and crumbly feta cheese, this summer bowl is filled with flavor that’s oh-so-satisfying to spear with your fork.

Using fresh corn on the cob is easy: Boil or grill three to four ears for this recipe, then use a knife to cut the sweet kernels off the cob, dropping them into the delicious mix with halved cherry tomatoes, red onion, chunks of avocado and parsley. Add a simple dressing of freshly squeezed lime juice and olive oil, and you’ve built a bowl powerful enough to be a meal all on its own.

Get the Summer Corn Salad recipe.

11. Sweet Potato and Corn Veggie Burgers

sweet potato veggie burger

We love burgers and corn on the grill … so why not combine them? This recipe builds patties from sweet potato, carrots, spinach and our favorite summer cobs.

It’s a fresh, flavorful veggie main or side dish that comes together and cooks in just five minutes. Wrap them in lettuce leaves for even more low-calorie, vegetable nutrition, and you’ve got a new take on a veggie burger for just 107 calories.

Get the Sweet Potato and Corn Veggie Burgers recipe.

12. Cajun Sheet Pan Shrimp Boil

Cajun Sheet Pan Shrimp and Vegetable Boil

Enjoy the flavors of an outdoor summer shrimp boil, even if you can’t make it to cajun country. Just spread boiled potatoes, shrimp, red bell peppers and corn on a single pan. Season with butter, lemon juice and Old Bay, then pop it all in the oven.

In 15 minutes, you’ve got a meal that’s ready to share. Dole it out on plates, or keep the dishes minimal and eat it straight from the tray.

Get the Cajun Sheet Pan Shrimp Boil recipe.

13. Healthy Corn Pudding Casserole

Healthy Corn Pudding

Swap fresh corn, cut from the cob, for the frozen corn in this recipe, for a bright, summery flavor that will feel at home on your breakfast, lunch or dinner table. Made with cornmeal, chives, eggs, egg whites, ricotta, milk and, of course, corn, this simple casserole couldn’t be easier.

Just whisk everything together, pour into a dish and bake! Let it cool after 40 minutes at 350 degrees, then enjoy this sliceable, shareable, surprising side for just 121 calories per serving.

Get the Healthy Corn Pudding Casserole recipe.

14. Creamy Radish Feta Dip

Creamy Radish Feta Dip

This dip has it all. Creamy Greek yogurt, feta and sour cream get a sharp kick from grated radish, sweetness from corn, and a sharp acidity from the addition of lemon. It’s all the flavors you love with none of the guilt, plus a powerful, filling combo of protein and fiber.

Scoop it onto whole grain crackers, chips or sliced vegetables. Try our favorite dipper, cucumber, for a nutrient-packed snack you’ll crave.

Get the Creamy Radish Feta Dip recipe.

15. Zucchini Enchilada Roll Ups

You won’t miss the tortillas. These low-carb enchiladas are still packed with cheese, corn, beef, black beans, spices and enchilada sauce. Slices of zucchini join the party to wrap things up instead of tortillas—saving you calories without sacrificing flavor or texture.

Make these your own! Swap in ground turkey or chicken, add some red onion, swap the cheddar for Monterey jack, or slather on the hot sauce. No matter how you roll them up, you’ll get nutrition and delicious flavor that fits into your healthy lifestyle.

Get the Zucchini Enchilada Roll Ups recipe.

16. Blueberry Quinoa and Corn Salad

Blueberry Quinoa Salad

This salad takes a trio of summer flavors—sweet blueberries, corn and spicy arugula—and tosses them together with creamy goat cheese, tart lemon and protein-packed quinoa.

The result just works! It’s sweet. It’s savory. It’s creamy. It’s crunchy. Most of all? It’s satisfying. It’s a surprising, summery side that will make your dish the star of the party—or just the star of your family’s summer at home.

Get the Blueberry Quinoa and Corn Salad recipe.

17. One-Pan Vegetarian Mexican Quinoa

One-Pan Vegetarian Mexican Quinoa

Make meatless Monday a Mexican-inspired feast with this hearty, protein-packed dish. Simply chop cooked veggie burger patties and mix them with a medley of plant-based ingredients. These include sauteed jalapeno and onion, hunks of avocado, chopped cilantro, corn, lime juice and quinoa.

This wholesome bowl is loaded with protein, fiber, healthy fats and flavor—all the ingredients you need for weight loss success! Try it as a full Flex meal, or as a smart side.

Get the One-Pan Vegetarian Mexican Quinoa recipe.

18. Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup

Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup

The Instant Pot makes slow-cooked favorites in a snap, and this soup is no different. Use it to sauté peppers and onions for five minutes, then add chicken breast, corn, fire roasted diced tomatoes, garlic, chicken broth and a handful of spices. Seven minutes later, the chicken is ready to shred and mix back into the soup.

Top it with some baked tortilla strips (the only part done outside the Instant Pot), avocado, cilantro and cheese for a hearty, filling soup that’s ready in less than 20 minutes. Dole out four bowls or save three servings for easy lunches throughout the week.

Get the Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup recipe.

19. Slow Cooker Chicken Gumbo

Looking for some Louisiana-style cooking goodness? This Slow Cooker Chicken Gumbo recipe has got you covered! It’s packed with flavor, has a satisfying texture, and just the right amount of heat. It will be a new fave for sure.

And the best part? Loads of protein and veggies without compromising on taste. Plus, with a slow cooker, dinner’s a breeze, even on those hectic weeknights!

Get the Slow Cooker Chicken Gumbo recipe.

20. Chicken Fajita Stuffed Peppers

Chicken Fajita Stuffed Peppers

Get ready to take your next party to a whole new level with these mouthwatering Chicken Fajita Stuffed Peppers. Bursting with flavors, these one-of-a-kind peppers are sure to be the star of any gathering.

Whether you’re a fan of spicy delights or just looking to impress your guests, this recipe is the perfect addition to your culinary repertoire. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and create a memorable dining experience that will leave everyone craving for more.

Get the Chicken Fajita Stuffed Peppers recipe.

21. Buffalo Chicken Burrito Bowl

Buffalo Chicken Burrito Bowl 

Enjoy a zesty bowl of goodness where buffalo chicken and burritos come together! This protein-packed meal, filled with tender baked buffalo chicken and your favorite burrito fixings, is perfect for your weight loss plan.

Make this Buffalo Chicken Burrito Bowl recipe during your Sunday meal prep and have delicious lunches ready for the entire week! Mix and match different veggies and toppings to find your favorite combinations.

Get the Buffalo Chicken Burrito Bowl recipe.

22. No-Bean Vegan Sweet Potato Chili

No-Bean Vegan Sweet Potato Chili

Nothing beats snuggling up to a steaming bowl of chili! We’ve got you covered with a vegan twist.

Our No-Bean Vegan Sweet Potato Chili is loaded with flavor and wholesome ingredients, giving you that classic chili taste without any meat or beans. Enjoy a hearty, healthy and homemade meal that hits all the right spots!

Get the No-Bean Vegan Sweet Potato Chili recipe.

23. Shrimp Fajita Bowl


Ever found yourself sitting in a Mexican restaurant, eyeing your plate and pondering the hidden calories? Well, fret no more! Whip up this Shrimp Fajita Bowl, indulge in a homemade Mexican meal, and stay on track with your weight loss goals.

Bonus: it’s a breeze to make! Enjoy this delicious dish featuring wholesome ingredients and a few simple steps.

Get the Shrimp Fajita Bowl recipe.

The post 23 Sweet Corn Recipes to Try This Summer appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

It doesn't feel real

I started my weight loss journey at 445lbs in June. My course of action was to just cut massive amounts of calories from my life. I cut bread, rice, noodles, most sugary foods, soda, butter. I incorporated large amounts of veggies, and have been counting weighing and measuring everything that goes in my mouth. My intake goal initially was 1300 cal a day, but as many of you told me, that wasn't sustainable and I was hungry all the time. So I bumped it up to 1600 cal and have been doing good. I saw some quick and dramatic, in my mind, numbers drop on the scale.

This morning I stepped on the scale again. It read 415. I stepped off and on again. Still 415. Ok. That's great! I mean what is that 30lbs?! How exciting, right? But I don't feel it, and I don't see it by any means. I feel like 30lbs is a good chunk of change and I just thought I would feel better losing this much.

My journey has just begun, and I can't wait to drop more of my old self. But this 30lbs just don't feel real.

submitted by /u/thruitallaway34
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Finally Lost Some Weight!!!

I’ve been stuck in a plateau since April due to yo-yo dieting, being inconsistent, restricting/binging cycles and a vacation where I didn’t take my diet seriously. But in the past month, I’ve really stuck to my calorie deficit and have been eating smaller portions until I’m satisfied. I’ve been super consistent, and I haven’t weighed myself in a while because sometimes the scale messes with my brain.

But I decided to step on out of curiosity today and found I’m 6 pounds down from my heaviest weight that I recorded about a month and a half ago! I’m over the moon to FINALLY see some progress, even without any exercise in the past month. Just watching your diet truly works wonders.

I was on that vacation then was sick for a while, but I’m definitely going to get back in the gym, adding back in resistance training, boxing, yoga, walking my dog and training for a 5k in October. Hoping to see even more progress once I add back in my exercise!

Feeling so excited and re-motivated for this weight loss journey. Put the scale away for now, will bring it back out in a month. Just want to continue to focus on healthy habits and how they make me feel.

submitted by /u/generalorgana9
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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

What to do after cutting calories too low

Hello, im going to give a quick summary of my weight loss and hope to get some advice for how to progress after cutting to very low calories for too long.

So im 18yo male and about 6ft1, i go to the gym and have been cutting for about 5 months the results were as following: started at 107kg and through intuitive eating got down to 97kg started tracking calories at 97kg and set my calories to 2000. After 2 months got to 92kg. Now progress has halted and dropped calories to 1800. After few months i dropped to about 87kg. Now i have tried setting my calories to 1600 and i lose weight slower and slower and it gets harder to stay on track.

So my question is, what should i do to keep losing weight but not cut my food intake as much and how come for example my friend who is about same height can get to 70 kilo on 2000 calories and I cant? Is it purely genetic or is there a way to trick/adapt my metabolism?

I know there is cardio but should i maybe raise my calories back up and i will not gain as much weight as previously?

My dream weight would be about 80-75 kilo and how could i achieve that without eating very little and doing excessive amounts of cardio, if that even is possible.

Thank you for reading my post. Any advice is welcome.

submitted by /u/Apex_Nitro
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PSA: The importance of diet breaks

Hi all,

Just going to drop this little piece of advice as I believe this may really help some people.

Every 2-3months, it can be incredibly beneficial to take 2-4weeks off for a diet break. I don't mean stop tracking and eat as you used to, but I mean calculate your maintenance calories and eat at that.

This resets a lot of your hunger signaling, is very healthy psychologically, increases your chances of keeping off the weight in the long run, and helps stop you from falling off the wagon. It can also initiate a 'whoosh', where you lose a bit of water weight. For instance last time I did one I kept losing weight the first week as if I were dieting.

When you go back to a deficit, the pounds seem to come off like it did at the start of your diet. It is also great for your relationship with food, and helping you practice eating at maintenance.

If your diet is feeling unsustainable, you're starting to get stupidly hungry every day, you're feeling grumpy and tired, your weight loss is stalling despite you doing everything right - these are all signs it's time for a diet break.

It may not feel productive in the short term, but it really is worth it in the long term. There's plenty of good articles about it if you want to know more.

Another term I'm going to drop here, especially applicable to gym goers, is having 'refeed days' every 1-2 weeks. This is like a controlled cheat day, where you eat about 300 calories over maintenance. Some people like to focus on carbs for glycogen replenishment. It can really help with performance, and likewise has a lot of benefits similar to the diet break.

submitted by /u/ConnorB737
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I’m in the 100s for the first time in a year and I’m laying on the couch crying

I haven’t been actually counting calories, just focused on not overeating and making better overall choices along with strength training 3-4 times a week. I weighed myself this morning and was really confused to see a 1 instead of a 2, so much so that I moved the scale around like 5 times to see if there was a problem with it.

I made a halfhearted Tumblr post about it (yes, I’m still there, I’ve been there since 2012 and at this point it’s like my public diary), and intentionally chose the vague “weight goal” phrase instead of “weight loss goal” since I have several mutuals who are in the feeder community (don’t ask, it’s a long story, I’m not into it and just ignore their posts related to it) and I know that weight loss is a sensitive subject for a lot of people. I’ve been posting my strength training progress there for the past several months, and several of my followers and mutuals have been really encouraging there!

Until today. I got an anonymous message saying that my post was extremely triggering despite me keeping it vague on purpose, and several people have unfollowed me since just this morning. I know a huge reason why a lot of this feels horrible is because I have an unhealthy need for validation from others, but still, it hurts.

I don’t know why I posted this, but for now, I think I’ll keep my goal posts to this sub and similar subs, and just not say anything anywhere else.

submitted by /u/MiyaDoesThings
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Face weight loss & aging

Hi all, wondering if anyone has been through the same and can help me with how to cope with this. I 28(F) recently lost 6kg within a couple of months and this has mostly shown in my face.

I feel like my face has aged 3-5 years in the last 2 months, and I'm starting to feel anxiety, dysmorphia and identity issues as a result. Some days I barely recognise my own face.

Has anyone else dealt with this, and how did you get over it?

I'm not sure how many words I need to meet the minimum so just know that I'm proud of you all making progress on your own journeys to improved health! Keep striving for greatness.

submitted by /u/amarie215
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Phentermine advice

Starting phentermine for weight loss. I have a BMI of 35 and my goal is to lose 60 lbs (yes diet and exercise, just using this as a helpful aid) Anyone who has tried this med what was your experience? Especially when starting. I’ve read that it will cause jitters, I work as a cake decorator and need steady hands- should I hold off on starting til a weekend? How quickly and how much weight did you lose? Did it cause bowel problems? Did it decrease or increase heartburn? Did you have to drink excessive water? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/maeflower002
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How do I tell my wife I want to start losing weight when I don't think she'll be supportive?

I'm going to try to keep this brief. My wife has some odd beliefs about weight, including that it's not possible to lose weight and keep it off and that being obese is not bad for your health. It's something we've agreed to disagree on. Weight in general is a sensitive topic for her as she is in long term recovery from an eating disorder, so we don't talk about it. I have tried to mention wanting to make some lifestyle changes for myself at different times and she has told me she doesn't think I need to lose weight. She doesn't even believe I've gained weight, even though I'm about 50 pounds heavier than when we met 10 years ago. (I was already about 20 pounds overweight back then, so I have about 70 pounds I'd ideally like to lose).

But regardless of what my wife thinks, I want to start making some changes to improve my health and I've set up a doctor's appointment to get started. What I don't know how to do is tell my wife about it. I honestly don't need her to be supportive. I feel confident doing it independently from her, but I can't secretly make a bunch of lifestyle changes. Even if I could, I wouldn't feel right keeping a secret from her. She's my wife and my best friend, so I do feel the need to at least make her aware, if not have a long conversation about it. Has anyone been in a similar situation? How can I bring this up while being sensitive to her feelings on weight loss?

submitted by /u/Horror-Knowledge-441
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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

I plan to meet a friend in about a week or so, and she wants to get dessert and a meal… Should I be worried this will cause weight gain?

I’ve been at a pretty low calorie deficit for almost two months now (eating 1,100 - 1,300 kcal/day) and I’ve been very strict about eating only healthy foods.

In the past I’ve always avoided people when I’m trying to loose weight but I didn’t want to fall into that habit again this time around. When my friend messaged me about wanting to go to a cute dessert cafe and restaurant, I agreed even though the thought of eating out (and dessert on top of that) really freaked me out.

To make matters a little more worrisome, It’s my Sister’s birthday not even two days after I see my friend and I promised to treat her to dinner outside.

I’m really worried that two days of eating out will interrupt my weight loss… or even cause me to gain weight. I realize that my fear might be slightly irrational but I can’t help but dread these days that are supposed to be fun because of it.

submitted by /u/Default4567
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Feeling really down/angry at partner during weight loss

Hey y’all, I don’t post often on Reddit so I apologize if this post is a bit off and y’all can point me to a more appropriate subreddit. Anyways, I’m really upset with my boyfriend regarding my weight loss journey. I’m 28, 5’2 and 170 pounds, I know I’m chunky but I personally don’t feel like I’m obese like the BMI chart says I am. To me I look cute, before I met my boyfriend my highest adult weight was 180 pounds, I still felt cute but I knew that was dangerously close to 200 pounds and I needed to get it together. I lost 20 pounds, gained 10 back and have regulated my weight of 170 for 3 years. My boyfriend met me 2 years ago at 170 and I have stayed that weight for since day one, my license and medical records have stated that weight since we got together. The reason I give this back story is bc 8 months ago my bf and I had this really bad argument and he stated that he felt like my gut hangs out when I wear certain tops. That comment was crushing so I thought I would lose some weight bc even though I thought I was cute and I thought he thought I cute it turns out I was wrong so I decided to make a change, I eat differently now and exercise 3-5 times a week, my weight hasn’t budged at all but I feel like I look smaller (if anything I feel like I look worse honestly like I lost extra weight from everywhere but my stomach and now I feel like my stomach sticks out way more and it makes me feel so ugly) but we keep arguing about my weight and exercising. He’s an active guy but I hate exercising and it’s chore to me so I only do it during the week after work so I have my weekends free. He wants to go to the gym together on the weekends and this just annoys the shit out of me, I already do this crap after work I don’t want to do it on the days I have off. He also doesn’t say anything positive ever, like I can’t tell if he thinks I’m more or less attractive now. I just don’t know what to do anymore bc it feels like he wants me to be 120 pounds but like I don’t even care about being that small, I actually like the way I look and really don’t feel like I need to lose weight bc I feel healthy and strong. Has anyone ever had this issue?

submitted by /u/Careless_Piccolo3030
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Losing weight being almost pre diabetic

To start, I'm female, 34 and at 237 lbs. I recently got back into working out, fasted cardio and then weight lifting.

I started ozempic for weight loss mid-May. And now I'm stopping it due to the side effects and it simply not working for me. I'm finished on the last dose of 0.5mg and was supposed to start the 1mg dose.

My Dr asked for blood work because she thinks I should have lost weight by now and the results came back and everything was fine except I'm borderline pre-diebetic. My number is at 5.7.

I'm wondering if I start tracking calories more, remove refined sugars and carbs and workout more if that number would go down...

This is kind of a kick in the ass knowing that I'm on the edge of diabetes and it's worry some.

submitted by /u/luminousloris
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100+lbs lost, this is what I gained

Hello! I’ve been on reddit for a couple years but never joined in or posted things. Just been lurking and appreciating in silence. A few days ago, I posted for the first time and received so much kind words.

I wanted to share my journey of losing over 100+ lbs and how it has completely transformed my life. I hope my story can inspire and motivate others on their own path to self-discovery and personal growth.

First and foremost, losing such a significant amount of weight undoubtedly changed the way people treated me. Suddenly, I went from feeling invisible to being noticed, and it was a surreal experience. Friends, family, and acquaintances all reacted differently, with many offering compliments and praise for my accomplishment. While it was nice to receive recognition, I also couldn't help but reflect on how shallow some people can be, focusing solely on external appearances.

One of the most unexpected experiences was running into my old middle school bully. Back then, he and his friends made my life miserable with constant insults and threats. I could never eat in front of them because they’d grab whatever I would eat and throw it or spit on it. He would do things like punch me then say that I shouldn’t even feel it because of all the “cushion” I had. When I saw him again, I wasn't sure how to react. Surprisingly, he approached me with an apology, claiming he changed and even started complimenting my change in appearance. It was nice but deep down, I couldn't forget the pain he caused me. At the second time I saw him again, he asked me out and when I said no he went back to how he was before. Saying things like oh you think you’re all that now that you lost weight, cussing me out, etc etc.. There will be people like this but the best thing we can do is to just not let that negativity be in your life. Don’t dwell on their harsh words, these are people who have their own insecurities and take it out on others.

As I reflected on my own transformation, I realized that the most significant change wasn't how others treated me, but how I treated people and myself. Before my weight loss journey, I carried a lot of insecurities and constantly assumed the worst in people's opinions about me. I would shy away from social situations, believing I was undesirable and unlikable. However, losing weight taught me that my self-worth shouldn’t be tied to a number on the scale or praises from others.

With newfound confidence and self-acceptance, I became more outgoing and open to forming connections with others. Instead of expecting the worst, I started to see the good in people and embraced the diversity of personalities around me. I realized that beauty lies not just in physical appearances but in the uniqueness of each individual's character.

I liked to joke a lot back then saying, “I would never lose weight because I never lose. I’m a winner 🤩😎,” but yk yea I lost all that weight for my health but I gained so much more. I gained this newfound happiness and the ability to do many things I could only dream of doing that my previous physical and mental state prevented me from ever trying.

Of course, the transformation wasn't easy, and it's still an ongoing process. I still have days when self-doubt creeps in, but I’m learning to be kinder to myself. My weight loss journey has shown me the power of perseverance and how investing in self-improvement can lead to a more fulfilling life.

For anyone out there struggling with weight, body image, or self-esteem, I want you to know that you are worthy, lovable, and deserving of happiness at any size. Don't let others define your worth, and remember that the most important relationship you'll ever have is the one with yourself. Be kind to yourself and others, and embrace the journey of self-discovery with open arms.

Thank y’all for being a source of inspiration and support throughout my journey. Let's all keep growing and uplifting each other!

Stay positive, stay kind, and stay true to yourself! 🤍💪🏼

TL;DR: I lost over 100+ lbs, and it changed how people treated me. I learned the most significant change was in how I treated people and myself. I became more outgoing and empathetic, no longer expecting the worst in everyone. Self-acceptance and kindness led to a more fulfilling life. Your feelings of self-worth shouldn’t be tied to appearance, and you deserve happiness at any size.

submitted by /u/CompleteFlower5929
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What am I getting wrong about fat loss?

Howdy! I’ll try to keep this as short as possible.

F27 5’6 SW: 165 CW: 140 GW: 140 Starting BF%: 37 Current BF%: 34

Starting this January, I set a goal to get back to a healthy BMI before a major surgery I had in June. Happy to report that was accomplished! But I’m slightly perplexed about how little my body fat percentage has changed, and I was wondering if there’s anything I’m doing wrong or failing to consider.

I weightlift 4x a week, run 2x a week, eat about 1600 calories a day and shoot for 100 grams of protein minimum. Make sure to get 10,000 steps and 100 oz of water in per day. I have a pretty typical omnivorous diet, and although I’m pretty careful about limiting dairy and carbs where I can, I don’t eliminate them entirely.

I did a DEXA scan halfway through my 6 month period back in March - down about 15 pounds, but only down 2 BF % points.

For the next 3 months, I hit it hard and was the most consistent with my exercise and diet I’ve ever been in my life. Felt great, and was VERY excited to get my next DEXA - was happy to see the next 10 pounds come off, but was disappointed to see that I was only down another 1% BF.

Coupled with my BF% concern is the fact that despite my relatively significant weight loss, I’ve also lost very few inches off my body. Barely 3 total off the waist. While there have been minor changes, I’m surprised at how similar my new body looks like my 25 pound heavier one, with very persistent pockets of fat around my lower belly and hips. I read a lot of people’s posts about losing inches but not pounds, but I seem to have the exact opposite problem!

Is that 3% BF change with 25 pound weight loss on par, or low? I read so much conflicting information on that ratio.

Ideally, I’d like to reduce my BF to at least 30%, and I’m trying to figure out if I have a time or approach issue. Is it feasible to expect additional body fat % reduction with what I’m doing now, and just need more time - or do I need to change my approach entirely?

I have obviously plateaued now that I’m at my goal weight, so I’ll be shifting into a maintenance plan and possible recomp - but I’m hoping some answers to this can inform that plan and allow me to tackle last remaining goal of reducing my BF%.

Thanks so much for any insight!

submitted by /u/vuduma
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breasts shrinking after weight loss

I’m going to lose 70lbs (83 overall) and whilst trying to have very minimal expectations, I am wondering how much my breasts could change? I currently have DDs, obviously I’m aware they’re (hopefully) not going to shrink so much I’ll be an A cup or something (no hate- this is just very small compared to my current cup size which I like).

I’ve heard women (who have lost similar weights to my goal or more) say to be completely prepared to lose the majority of your chest, but I’ve also heard from other women that their breasts maybe dropped one cup size, again, these are women who have lost similar weight.

I know that there’s no way of knowing until I’m at my goal, but I’m just curious as I’ve heard one thing and also the complete opposite. I guess my question is how did weight loss affect your breasts?

submitted by /u/Distinct-Clerk4921
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Are the first 10 pounds really just water weight?

I decided to make a change to my diet and exercise habits on June 24th, so today marked 1 month of trying to actually take control of my health and weight loss journey (for the umpteenth time) but this time I didn't restrict myself super low, or do hours of cardio, I just tracked my calories in a 500 calorie deficit and worked out more days that not. I was happy when I weighed in the morning 7.5 pounds down from where I was a month ago. I was talking to someone about how it feels different this time like I'm actually going to stick to it (and I have for longer than I ever had before), and they dismissively went "it's just water weight, you haven't lost anything yet. Everyone knows the first 10 pounds is all water weight." Now I'm just feeling really discouraged about this whole process.

submitted by /u/lonelyislander7
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Under 300lbs!!!!

I’ve made a few posts here previously, and just wanted to share my recent scale victory. I’ve been hovering at 302lbs for a week or two now, but continued eating right and knew the scale would catch up and it did. Stepped on the scale today and was 299. It’s been a long time since my weight started with a 2, and it feels great.

Having started this process weighing in at around 450lbs less than a year ago, I am absolutely stoked at my progress. Looked in the mirror, and while there’s still plenty of work to be done, I didn’t immediately look away like I would have before.

On a side note, for anyone who has gone through a significant weight change and gotten skin removal surgery, at what point did you decide to go to the doctor for a consult on this? Also, has anyone had any success in insurance covering it? (I know it’s a long shot, just curious if anyone had any success in it haha)

And last but not least, ama regarding my weight loss. I am more than happy to help in anyway possible. If I did it, anyone can. I’m definitely nothing special and was the long time lurker on this sub wishing it was as easy for me as it seemed for everyone else. I wish everyone just starting out on their own journey success, and continued success for those already on their transformation journey.

submitted by /u/WeightLossTKCR
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Monday, July 24, 2023

A miracle dessert: Angel Food *cookies*

I have had a challenging past couple months on my weight loss journey. Cooking and food are my happy places.

Tonight I was craving a dessert, when I had a thought: if Angel food cake is light, maybe I can replicate it in a cookie? I used this basic recipe:

I halved it, then made it into 36 cookies. About 15 grams per cookie in the oven at 325 for 15-18 minutes on parchment paper. Also, I used almond extract rather than vanilla. And OH MY GOODNESS. They were amazing - and only about 30 calories each. Add a squirt of whipped cream and a few blueberries, and this plate is 110 calories total for a substantial dessert.

Any other shockingly lower calorie desserts?

submitted by /u/WarDamnResearcher
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Guys are checking me out again

It's a strange experience. It's almost like a light day I was being ignored or just polite interactions and the next day suddenly I'm noticing flirting behavior or that I'm being checked out. I'm sure it didn't happen overnight like that but it did seem like there was a sudden switch at a certain point in my weight loss (where I am now).

I'm happily married and don't really care about being checked out. It's just interesting to see it occur I suppose because I haven't in a few years (since my weight gain).

Did anyone else experience this sort of happening really suddenly at a certain weight?

submitted by /u/CosmicEpisode
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Debunking Weight Loss Misconceptions: The Truth about Calories and Indulgence 🍰📊


I need to get something off my chest that has been genuinely bothering me. 😤 I am shocked and frustrated to see how many people still believe that eating a cinnamon bun, cake, or any specific food item automatically leads to weight gain. It's time to break free from this misconception and grasp the real deal about weight loss and nutrition!

Let me be crystal clear: indulging in a cinnamon bun or enjoying a slice of cake once in a while won't magically make you pile on pounds overnight! The real culprit lies in the overall number of calories we consume throughout the day. It's about the big picture, people! 🎯

Think about it logically - weight loss and weight gain depend on the balance between the calories we intake and the calories we burn. Eating a single cinnamon bun or slice of cake might feel like a splurge, but as long as we maintain an overall caloric deficit, we won't gain weight!

Of course, I'm not suggesting we munch on cakes all day and expect to lose weight. Balanced nutrition and mindful eating are essential for overall health and well-being. But let's not demonize certain foods and fall into the trap of thinking they alone are responsible for our weight struggles.

So, let's banish this unfounded belief and focus on the bigger picture - monitoring our total daily calorie intake, making healthier choices overall, and enjoying the occasional treat guilt-free. Let's empower ourselves with the right knowledge and break free from the shackles of misleading myths! 🙌💪

submitted by /u/SirPeanutTheButter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat