Friday, May 31, 2024

42 lbs down in 90 days

So roughly 90 days ago I went to weight loss clinic and had myself weighed and found I was 400 pounds. This was a wake call for me and realized I had to make some changes asap. Cut out fast food and sweets and i started intermittent fasting 16/8. I also started lifting 3x weekly, walk 10000 steps and track my calories religiously. I don’t think the lifting really helped that much mostly think the weight loss came from cico. I weighed myself the other day and I was 358. I still have lot to loss but I have been so happy. I had to tell someone, so here a I am. I read a lot of the tips on here and joined cico reddit it has been lots of help. So, I just wanted to say thanks for some the advice you guys have given me. And I am just going to stick to what i have been doing.

submitted by /u/Boxer1989
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Unbelievable weight loss for me

For a long time I thought it was impossible for me to lose weight since I've been big all my life. I tried to lose before, but had a lot of food noise and obsessive thoughts about food. Well back in April I had to get dental surgery which limited the foods I could eat. For the first week I ate only soups and the food noise and obsessive thoughts was making me crazy since I couldn't eat what I wanted. However by week 2 the food obsession just disappeared and for the first time in my life I felt hungry. However when I finally started to eat I realized that I could use this opportunity to try and lose the weight this time since I'm not obsessing over food like I used to. Since I live at home and have no income I eat what my family eats. My family is a big family so it was easy for me to become 393lbs. I decided the best way for me to lose the weight was the stop snacking and to half all my portions. I still ate pizza or hotdogs, but I halfed my portions. I noticed over the next few weeks my body began to feel a bit lighter, I feel different. I thought it was just me being delusional and in my head. However I just came back from the doctor today and I was shocked. My current weight now is 379lbs. I lost 14lbs in two months. The nurse was shocked as was I and asked me what I was doing to lose that much weight.

Even as I'm sitting here I am floored that I actually lost that much weight so quickly. I think I can actually do this and lose all this weight. I am super happy right now and I'm super excited to continue pushing myself and keeping track of my portions and losing the weight. If you currently are really big like me and think it's impossible to lose the weight, it's not. I'm gonna update when I go to the doctor next month to see how much I lose next time. I'm so happy I wanted to cry when I walked out of the doctors today.

submitted by /u/yaoigay
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Five Months into it and unsure where to end

Hey All, I'm a 36 year old male, who started at 210ish pounds at the beginning of the year to get to 167 just this week. I've been cutting calories using the Lose It! app, and trying to get 10,000 steps per day, drinking 3 bottles of water per day (after hardly ever getting any water ever), and that's basically all I've done. I've hit the gym a total of three times, but that's basically it as far as fitness goes.

At the beginning, my goal weight was 160, which I think I'll hit by the end of June or beginning of July. A total of 50 pounds seemed like a good goal. Now that I'm looking at BMI, I'm seeing the middle of the "normal" BMI would be around 22, which would be about 150 pounds. I'm okay with continuing (though I'm getting a bit burned out as of writing this and can't wait to not feel guilty about eating those "unhealthy" foods), but I don't know when to go to maintenance.

Also, as stated above, I haven't made going to the gym a priority, mainly because my goal is to lose weight, not gain muscle. And my workouts have been from walking/jogging. Also on that note, I started to do more running than walking, but I think I saw some slow down in my weight loss so I've been slowing down on running. I'd like to run and go to the gym, but that's not much in my personality like others, so I'd be doing the more "sweaty workouts" dragging my feet and kinda hating it at the same time.

Any advice one could give me? Specifically about goal adjustment and work outs? Thanks!

Edit: Also, does anyone have any issues with lightheadedness when they get up from a laying down? I'm also cold most of the time. Just seeing if I'm not the only one and if there are any remedies.

submitted by /u/jimmyrhall
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Thursday, May 30, 2024

I feel guilty

So I started my weight loss journey around 2 months ago, and yes I’ve lost 5kg’s. But I had a cheat day like a week ago and I couldn’t control myself since, when I see anything I kept saying “this is my last” “this definitely won’t affect it’s just one time” “what even are calories? It’s definitely some made up stuff by humans” And now I’ve travelled so I ate a lot. Like A LOT. At the restaurants, street food, snacks, everything (especially pizzas, which are so high in calories) . And I’ve gained it all back in one week and a half. It took me 2 months to burn, and I gained it all back. I feel so guilty. I don’t even know what to do anymore. Did this ever happen to anyone? Like I literally feel the regret squeezing my heart I can’t even explain it.

submitted by /u/sheloveshamsters
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Obese family members accuse me of eating disorder after reaching my goal weight

Not sure if needs a trigger warning because of ED mention...Lost 50 pounds..healthy bmi now of 22.5 and my obese family members (I don't mean to sound offensive to anybody by the way) accuse me of having an eating disorder. They know I eat often and healthy mostly (ocassional fast food). I eat anywhere from 1900-2500 depending on activity every day. My mother tries to put extra food on my plate and says she's upset about my weight loss, and other family members also accuse me of having an ED. These are people 80-100 pounds overweight saying this. It's pretty annoying. And I'm not in denial about one either, I've never had an issue with that. Has anybody else experienced something like this?

submitted by /u/mentallyillbff
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Is bike riding as effect as walking for weight loss ?

So I’ve been trying to lose some weight, I’m aiming for about 10kg in 3 months already down 3kg in 18 days my question is though I currently have an acl injury from skiing in the winter so cycling is really the only form of cardio I’m doing about 2 hours a day on the bike. I’m still managing around 8000 steps a day as my job is quite physical but I’m wearing two knee braces everyday to manage the strain on my acl. Question is everyone always talks about walking being a fat burning miracle and it is I’ve lost weight in the past simply walking I just find the cycling so easy and wondering if I need to increase the time I’m on the bike vs if I was walking?

submitted by /u/TrafficDisastrous856
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How do i have a cheat meal instead of a cheat day?

I have lost 180lbs, but i struggle with binge eating badly. I have been able to lose the weight by avoiding all bad foods. This has helped me be successful with weight loss however now that im a normal size i have literally no idea how to maintain my weight and have honestly been struggling mentally than i ever have in my life.

I want to have a cheat meal or start reintroducing bad foods in moderation. However i have no idea how to moderate and i do not believe that i am capable of going out and just leaving it at one meal. I am confident that even if i make it home afterwards, i will end up going back to the store to continue binging. So how do i get past this?

The way i see it, i am going to feel equally as bad about myself for having one full meal as i would for having an entire day long binge. And since it could be a month or more before i allow myself to indulge again i may as well get my moneys worth and stuff my face before the night ends. Since im going to hate myself all week regardless.

Then there is another side of me that is tired of hating myself and feel that it would be best to just avoid the cheat meal all together, which is how ive been living my life for a while now. I just wish i could get past this. Im so tired of being confused. Life was 1000000 times easier as an obese person.

submitted by /u/totallytubular710
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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

I'm starting my weight loss journey.

This is the first time I've posted really anything on Reddit but for the past couple of years I've really struggled with my weight and hating how I look. And for the past couple of years my weight has always been fluctuating but now I want to lose all the weight I've put on in the past years. I'm starting a diet and I'm excited to see the results I've cut back on a lot of bad greasy foods and sugary drinks. Wish me luck. And to anyone else who is going through the same thing I wish you all luck as well.

submitted by /u/Nintendofan14
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Does anyone gaslight themselves into thinking they haven’t made much progress + mentally prepare for seeing someone who last saw you before weight loss?

I’m about to meet some people I have not seen since I’ve started actively putting effort into losing weight. I find myself wanting to see myself from their POV, which I know sounds so weird.

I will go back to pictures of when we were last together and try to convince myself I haven’t lost that much weight.

I know weight is a sensitive topic and I don’t particularly enjoy the idea of commenting on people’s bodies, but sometimes I feel a bit of achievement from and desire to receive unprompted comments about my weight loss to confirm I did something right.

Even with clothes, I’ll start to notice something I bought 3 months ago is falling off my waist and convince myself it has always fit that way even though I know it isn’t true.

It’s so odd. Anyone else do this? Lol

submitted by /u/Proper-Blackberry706
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Just wanted to share my progress!!!!

I (22F, 5'2) started my weight loss journey on 17th April 2024, at 75 kg. This was my highest weight and i was diagnosed with fatty liver and gallstones. This was a wake-up call for me and I knew I couldn't let my eating habits take control of me.

1.5 months of working out 2 times a day, eating only home-made, healthy food, abstaining from chocolates and late night binges, and I'm now at almost 70 kg! I know it might not seem a lot, but losing just one kg seemed impossible a few months ago. No matter what I did, I couldn't move below 75 kg.

Best part? The inch loss is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I clicked a before after picture of myself and noticed that I've lost a lot of fat, I couldn't notice it in day-to-day progress, but it's a huge difference!

My goal is 55 kg, i still have a long way to go, but I'm so so excited now! The destination, for the first time, seems possible!!! ❤️

submitted by /u/floradora45
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I’m down 20 pounds!!

I (f, SW: 162, CW: 141) finally got past the 20 pound mark. I only have 10 pounds to go. I’m tearing up just thinking about it. I did it.

I started in late January of this year. I exercise at least 30 minutes a day and eat at a deficit of 1500 cals. The year prior to starting and sticking with it, I tried so many times to commit but I just couldn’t since my mental health was at such a low. Now I realize that in order to help my mental health I needed to treat my body better. I didn’t completely cut out sweets, I still bake a lot and have at least one chocolate every other day but now I eat more protein and fiber and have cravings for veggies and fruits instead of chips and candy. I get more sleep and have more energy for my job that I love.

I’m proud of myself. I love myself. And maybe the weight loss didn’t do that for me but the change in diet and lifestyle definitely did.

I’ve never really loved myself like this before and it’s great.

submitted by /u/Capable-Cookie452
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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Weight Loss at 40 is 😫

I've had to lose weight before in my 20s and it was very easy. Now that om almost 40, post baby, it has been VERY difficult for me to control my eating/what I eat and to work put. I have free weights and would like to start doing strength training in the morning before work 4/5 days a week. But I'll only have 30 minutes.i have a treadmill, but like I said I'll only have 30 minutes to get a workout in. Also,I have fibromyalgia and ibs-c, and things like running, jumping HIIT are just not an option, im just in too much pain. Should I juat do strength training, split says between strength training and treadmill, or try to fit it all in 30 minutes? (Also will be pairing with calorie deficit)

submitted by /u/danibmua
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Getting back on track after falling back to old habits at home

My weight loss journey has had lots and lots of ups and downs. In total I’ve lost 65-70 pounds since last March. I have moved back home for the summer after Ive been at university and after being home for almost a month, I realized I have been falling back to old habits I used to have before starting university in 2021. Ive been eating a lot more than I should, haven’t been fasting, and haven’t been doing much besides working.

I’ve definitely had some stressors that could have contributed to my setback. I don’t want to let the largest setback I’ve had during this journey discourage me or make me feel bad, so I’m going to go back to what I was doing during university and fast and eat less, even if it’s going to be a lot tougher since I am now focusing on my work, social, and family life for the next few months

submitted by /u/Lazy_Conversation203
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Am I overdoing it at the gym?

I’ve been on my weight loss journey for about 7 months now and have successfully lost 55 pounds. However, recently I hit a plateau and decided to up my cardio. I do about 30-45 minutes of weights/strength training followed by an hour and half to two hours of cardio. I do this six days a week. I also take my dogs on a two mile walk every evening unless it’s storming. It doesn’t feel like a strain to me but my friend thinks I’m insane for this. I eat 1500 calories a day (around 140g of protein also) and get around 8 hours of sleep. Most of my day is spent at work, which is a desk job, so I feel well rested and not overly exhausted from doing the extra cardio. Just wanted to come on here and see what you guys think, thanks !

submitted by /u/xiiitano
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What health problems did losing weight reverse for you?

Hi, first post here. I've (27f) struggled with my weight my whole life but I've managed to lose significant weight before. Had a surprise baby, and wa-lah, almost back to my highest weight lol. I had a doctor appointment a few days ago and, let's just say my blood work has given me the motivation to get my butt back in gear. So, I got high blood pressure after having my baby. I'm 15 months post partum and unfortunately am still on medication to manage it. I also recently found out my a1c is 5.7, so bordering pre-diabetic. In addiction to that, my cholesterol is somewhat high and my good cholesterol is super low.

I remember back when I thought getting healthy was as simple as CICO and I'd eat my calories in ramen and pizza. I lost 80lbs before eating like garbage and I liked that simplicity lol.

I guess my question is...should I try to follow a strict diet this time around or just do what I did before and just eat at my deficit and hope my medical ailments reverse with weight loss? Anyone else have experience here? I'm only 27 and I have a good 100lbs to lose.

Tldr; I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and pre-diabetes. Will my conditions improve just by weight loss? Or do I need to focus on WHAT I eat too?

submitted by /u/DuallyKitty
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Monday, May 27, 2024

Is there a way to lose weight without having to be obsessive over calories?

Hello! Set up an account here since I don't really have any external support with weight loss. I (19f) have a history with severe eating disorders of both restrictive and binging varieties, and seem stupidly incapable of approaching weight loss in an actually healthy way. I have a hard time finding a balance between letting myself enjoy the foods I like and keeping things healthy (either just gorging on whatever or beating myself up like crazy for even thinking about eating something unhealthy.) Whenever I start putting more thought into counting calories, I tend to get obsessive and miserable. I really don't want to live the rest of my life like that, but I really don't want to live the rest of my life overweight. Wondering if anyone here who also has a history with disordered eating has any tips with tackling this annoying balance.

submitted by /u/amateurhaunting
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How do I convince myself I’m not plus size anymore - it’s affecting my dating life.

I need some perspective on my weight loss. 40F, 150cms height. I have always been overweight /chubby all my life.

The only time I was skinny or rather normal weight (52kgs) was in my early 20s when I had what was basically an ED ( I didn’t realise it back then, had health repercussions and had to go back to normal eating habits and then gained weight back)

I have frequently lost weight whenever I start monitoring diet and workouts . In my early 30s, the lowest I went was 65kgs.

After that, I went up to 100kgs and UK size 20 at start of 2023 though I was walking 10kms every day.

By Feb 2023, I started lifting and monitoring my CICO, and I’m now down to 75kgs and a UK size 12.

A UK size 12 should be considered healthy?

However in my head, I still classify myself as plus sized. And consider myself fat. I have recently started dating and since I’m a fat girl in my head, working out and calorie counting is a big part of my life and now this is my lifestyle , so I like to inform the person I would be dating that this is how I’m.

This then steers the conversation to my weight and I end up mentioning that I have lost 25 kgs and plan to loose more. I have dated gym goers and non gym goers and what I see is men don’t appreciate the weight loss done so far but will use this information to remind me or bring it up in future conversation that I need to get more fit. I don’t make such remarks for anyone around me mainly coz I have been body shamed all my life and also I feel it has to come from within for a person to get serious about fitness.

So 2 questions:

  1. ⁠How do I convince myself that I’m no more plus size? If im fitting into uk size 12 comfortably, I am not plus sized. My brain is not convinced at all and I call myself fat all the time.
  2. ⁠Is it wise to bring up my weight loss , my fitness journey with people i meet through dating? I end up talking about it coz fitness and diet is an important part of my life and anyone i date should know this. But This steers the conversation around my weight loss and men somehow get fixated on this.
submitted by /u/Future-Ad2341
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Calorie deficit making me depressed?

For context i am 23 and had a baby 10 months ago and my weight has not come off at all until very recently. I was 135 before getting pregnant and weight loss was very easy for me. I am currently sitting at 160 and this was only achieved with a very low calorie diet that is obviously being monitored by my doctor and that she actually approves of. (won’t say how many calories in case I’m breaking a rule, it’s that low). So I’m finally loosing weight but I have an issue of feeling very depressed which i had not felt before. Of course there are a lot of factors that contribute and im not happy with my weight obviously but i only felt very depressed recently. Has this happened to anyone else in a calorie deficit? Are there ways to combat it?

submitted by /u/Sure-Definition-9096
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Sunday, May 26, 2024

IBS and CICO advice?

Hi all,

I've been doing a CICO routine and it's been working out really well so far. It's been about a month and a half and I'm right on target for my weight loss.

I haven't cut out any types of foods, but I am naturally eating a lot more protein and less fats.

But, I've also always had IBS-C, which is the constipation form of IBS. And with this change in diet it's ramped up a lot.

I'm doing an hour of cardio every day, stretching every day,and lifting weights twice a week, so I feel like my body is getting a lot of movement that way and hopefully helping push this along.

But it's still so bad. I've had to use OTC enemas the last few weeks just to get some relief.

Has anyone else dealt with this or have any ideas on how to improve things? I don't know what to do. I eat a fair amount of fiber. Am I not drinking enough water? I think the lack of fat is really the main issue?

submitted by /u/CaptainFuzzyBootz
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Mindset shift- how do I love my body after weight loss?

So I’ve(30F) lost a good chunk of weight. Maintaining at my goal weight. (140lbs ish)

For reference, I was somewhere over 200lbs (couldn’t tell you exactly where, I was avoiding the scale when I saw it hit 190) 5’8” Lost about 15 inches at my rib cage and waist areas. About a size 4 now, down from about size 15.

From about 2016 to 2021 is where this wieght gained happened. I know it was a number of things that contributed to it. A lot of it being my ex and my own victim mindset. (He refused to eat the meals I made for my family, and made me eat whatever fast food he was going out to get in addition to the meal I was eating with my family, and just generally pressured me into following into his unhealthy habits, which I made the choice to do for so long, so that’s on me.)

With the modeling and cosplay work I was doing at those times it was challenging to see the changes in my body. Especially around 2019-2021. I really hated what I saw in photos and in the mirror. And struggled with a chronic pain condition that made working out a challenge, but I managed a pretty consistent routine and dragged my ex to the gym while we were together.

Mindset around food has changed a great deal, I don’t feel like I’m missing out or tempted by things that aren’t great for you. And the occasion things, really are occasional and I don’t really fall off my diet plan any more.

The part where I struggle is what I see in the mirror. I’m still not.. happy?? I know I would have killed to look the way I do now a few years ago. I’m beyond grateful to be the healthiest and the fittest I’ve ever been. I fit into dresses I got while in middle school. A few people have made comments basically hinting that I look too skinny. And no one close to me is proud of the weight I’ve lost. I’m working on releasing them of unspoken expectations because I realize they’re uncomfortable with what I’ve done because they haven’t done it and that doesn’t sit well with them. But I still see the small pooch or other things I’m still working on thru working out but I don’t feel like I’m /ever/ going to be satisfied with my body. And I know I’ve had years of practice picking my physical appearance apart. But I want to stop now.

Any advice on how to improve mindset on your appearance after weight loss??

TLDR: I’ve lost a bunch of weight, picked at my appearance when I was heavier and now I want to change how I see myself in the mirror, how do I do this?

submitted by /u/RanaFroggie_1
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Does caffeine help or hurt your weight loss efforts?

Hey there, I drink a double shot espresso every morning. This is a habit I've developed over the past year or two. Caffeine is known to curb appetite, but there was a post earlier today mentioning how the user would drink caffeine, not eat enough, and then binge later in the day once the effect of the caffeine wore off. I realized that I have the same feelings of desperately needing to eat something at around 3pm/4pm, even though I do eat lunch, and was just curious if the caffeine could be affecting my appetite negatively. What do you all think? I'd love to hear about your experiences. I've always gotten hungry in the afternoon, even before I drank coffee, but I wish I took notes on consumption before and after making drinking coffee a habit to see if there was any significant variance in total calories consumed.

submitted by /u/HandleNo2311
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Saturday, May 25, 2024

A milestone idea that might be helpful to some of you

If you’re the kind of person that doesn’t like to obsess too much about the number on the scale please disregard this, but if you’re someone like me who likes to check off tiny goals to stay motivated (whilst also being a bit of a statistics nerd) this might be helpful

I have a list of tiny milestones all the way to my goal weight in multiple different weight measurement systems (I’m British so accustomed to stones but prefer to use pounds and kg is useful to know too). Here are what my upcoming milestones look like…

CW = 198

Lost 25lbs = 197

Reached 14 stone = 196

Lost 2 stone = 194

Lost 30lbs = 192

Reached overweight BMI = 191

Reached 85kg = 187

Lost 2 and a half stone = 187

Lost 40lbs = 182

Reached 13 stone = 182

Lost 3 stone = 180

You can see that generally you get to hit a new milestone every couple of pounds you lose. I’m sure it might seem overboard to some, especially if not familiar with multiple different weight systems but personally I’ve found it so helpful to look at things this way when weight loss has felt slow or overwhelming.

submitted by /u/paprikapome
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Trigger warning for EDs - ate all my allocated calories for the day in one sitting, now feeling bloated and nauseous

Trigger warning for EDs - and sorry to repost, the title of my other post wasn't reflective of the issue I have.

Hi everyone,

I've started my weight loss journey in a healthy way about a month and a half ago ( F, 5"7, was 86kg at the start, currently 81kg, aiming to get down to 70kg in 6 months time for when I plan to go travelling). I have had bouts of bulimia in the distant past, but that was 10 years ago when I was a teen/young adult and I thought I was recovered.

I have been aiming to eat 1,600 calories a day - about 400 for breakfast, 500 for lunch, 500 for dinner and 200 for snacks. Sometimes it's 50 - 100 calories less or more than this, depending on how I'm feeling that day, however I have been sticking to a regular routine of having close to those amounts of calories for breakfast, lunch and dinner. No restricting any kinds of foods however I have been upping my protein recently.

I have been sticking to it pretty well so far, apart from a couple of days last month to celebrate my birthday, which I was fine about and did not feel like I have to compensate for that the next day or anything like that (maybe because my mind was kept busy with seeing friends and family and I still had a kind of breakfast, lunch dinner type routine). I just went back to my routine the following day.

Today was different. I was feeling pretty low about a few things and skipped lunch and dinner all together. For dinner, I ordered food for the first time in a good while and I basically ate 1,500 calories in one sitting.

I'm still in a calorie deficit for today, but I feel really full and sick and those old thoughts are entering my mind just to get rid of it. I'm scared that they're coming back.

I guess what I wanted to ask this community, particularly those in my situation - where do I go from here? Should I just go back to my 1,600 (400, 500, 500, 200 routine) tomorrow? Or should I reevaluate my plan and goals?

Also, how do I stop this from happening again? Or if it does happen, how do I stop my triggering thoughts and make sure that I don't end up spiralling?

My apologies of this is not an appropriate place to post this and thank you for reading if you did, I appreciate it.

submitted by /u/Throwawayyy-_-
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The scale isn’t really moving…

Hey guys so I started the year on 103-5kg (227 pounds) and now I’m 92kg (202 pounds) I started my weight loss journey properly in March. The scale isn’t really moving how I want it to. Weight loss is very slowwww I’m eating 1500 calories a day, going to the gym 5 days a week (1hr weightlifting and 30 min stairmaster) Physically I can see I’m getting smaller. I also take creatine and oxyshred. Should I continue taking creatine or will this hinder weight loss. For reference my goal weight by the end of the year is 75kg//165 pounds and my overall goal weight is 55kg//120 pounds.

Do you think I’m doing well so far and how long did it take you to reach your goal weight? Also should I continue taking creatine? Because I weighed myself 4 weeks ago and I was 94kg now I’m only 92kg 💔💔

submitted by /u/Top_Mirror211
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Friday, May 24, 2024

Am I doing something wrong here?

5’6 33 y/o F CW 193 GW 140 Weekly calorie average: 1700 Activity: walking 10 miles/weeks and weightlifting 3-4x a week

Hi all! I’m writing here because I feel like I’ve lost a bit of hope in this whole process. When I first began, I found losing 2lbs a week to be a breeze

However, for the past month I’ve experienced fluctuations that ultimately reflect a two pound weight loss over a month (despite calorie restriction being all I ever think about)

It’s extremely discouraging and I just feel that the weight should still be following off at my current weight.

I would love to hear the mindset of others when they felt discouraged with the process

submitted by /u/BallzOnUrDrumset
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How to loose weight when parents are constantly pressuring me to eat?

I (19F) am currently back home with my parents, (50F) (60M). I've returned from university where I gained some weight due to marathon training and overcompensating for calories burned. I used to weigh at around 52kg and am now 60kg, I’m around 155cm tall.

During my last month at university, I lost 1 kg quite easily by sticking to a deficit and fasting routine. I was able to manage my meals and schedule independently, without family meals interfering.

However, since coming home for the holidays, my weight loss has stalled. My parents prioritize having three full meals a day, and it's challenging to maintain my deficit with their meals. While I can handle breakfast on my own, lunch and dinner are more difficult. My parents often pester me to eat more, and they use a lot of fatty oils and sauces in their cooking, which adds many calories to the meals.

I have a history of eating disorders and am a recovering bulimic. The weight loss at university went smoothly and didn't trigger me, but being home has been a struggle. The pressure to eat more and the calorie-dense meals have led me to resort to purging to meet my calorie goals.

I don't want to continue this cycle and am unsure where to turn. Any advice?

submitted by /u/BriefReport5580
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I’m so confused why I’ve stayed the same weight

5’6” 87kg 19F

I’ve always been really slow losing weight, even going to the gym and in a deficit it’s always been slower than others, I thought maybe I have PCOS or something but I’ve not had that checked.

When I’m at university I generally eat like one meal a day and it’ll be some meat I have and maybe rice or pasta with it, I can’t be bothered cooking more than that and I may snack on fruit or something in the meantime.

I don’t buy snacks, I only drink water and black coffee. I go out like once or twice a week and have a few pints, if that.

I honestly estimate an average day I eat like 1200 calories max, and no weight loss whatsoever. I usually am sedentary but sometimes go on walks, which is still way lower than my BMR/ maintenance which works out to be like 2000.

I saw somewhere that eating your maintenance will boost ur metabolism again and under-eating does the opposite, I’m trying to eat 2k and I just can’t finish my food.

How can I lose 15kg please help!! I am willing for slow progress I don’t mind but I want to lose whilst I’m young so I don’t get bad loose skin.

submitted by /u/SomewherePleasant291
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Relationship with food after weight loss

How are you guys handling it? Does it get better with time? I lost 80 pounds a few years ago and I’ve maintained but I’m still struggling to with the shifts I’ve had to make. Before weight loss I was unhealthy but had no food noise in my head. Now that I’m at a normal weight the trade off is the constant thoughts and worry and anxiety about food. Wishing for food I can’t have, being overly mindful of everything I eat all day and the caloric value of it, making social sacrifices because I can’t go out to eat constantly. Does it get easier?

submitted by /u/Accomplished-What
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Thursday, May 23, 2024

I used to struggle with weight loss so much, but I got out of my unhealthy relationship, and the weights coming off on its own

I always just thought I was a person who just loves food so that's why I ate all the time. I told myself I wasn't trying hard enough. That I needed to grind and force myself to lose weight. No mercy approach. Pure discipline. When I failed after a month I beat myself up every time.

I left my husband in November when he finally snapped and directed his anger at me and getting physical with me. I left immediately in a fright and went to live with my parents. The first change I noticed in being out of that environment was I suddenly slept through the whole night every night. Slowly other changes happened to me.

It's the end of May now and my appetite has completely dwindled away and I can only eat small portions now. I also don't really stop when I'm stuffed I stop when I feel satisfied. My cravings started coming up for fresher foods. I love fruit now. I'm enjoying cooking myself meals at home. Just for fun! I barely get fast food anymore. I can't remember the last time I craved for pizza or gummies or McDonald's. I'm dancing to the music at work cause I'm happy! I go outside and walk in nature just for fun and enjoy alone time because I'm happy. I'm totally looking forward to morning swims when the pool opens something that I used to love doing. None of these changes I had to force or grind at.

Hindsight being 20/20 I figured out that I was trying to fill the void of my needs not being met with food It wasn't that I wasn't capable enough, it's that there was an underlying problem of comfort eating as a coping mechanism that just wasn't going to go away until my mental health and life situation got better. Now that I'm happy and independent I don't have a void to fill anymore and I naturally gravitated towards a healthier lifestyle without thinking about it or trying to.

In December I was about 250lbs and now I'm nearing 230lbs. I'm still overweight and the changes are happening slowly. But I'm not feeling rushed or like I'm trying to lose as fast as possible or even like I'm paying super close attention to it like how I used to be in the times that I failed. It's more like I'm enjoying what's passively happening to me and I'm happy at whatever lighter weight I end up leveling out at.

I urge people who feel stuck in this loop of repeated failure and feeling not good enough to deep dive and figure out if there's mental health issues coming from life circumstances that you aren't conscious of that are setting you up for failure in the back ground.

submitted by /u/Ash_Friday_2
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Dominos anyone?

I've been on a weight loss journey for the past few months and have lost about 35 lbs by paying more attention to my nutrition. That does not mean cutting off everything "bad" just eating what I want in moderation and stay within my daily calorie budget.

That being said, i love Domino's but I always found it frustrating to calculate the calories and other nutritional info. So, I made a little tool for myself (I'm a jobless software engineer 😅). I figured someone else might find some use out of it so i made it a little prettier and made it public, It's called Calominos.

It basically lets you build your pizza just like on the Domino's site but gives you all the nutritional details right away. Super handy if you want to keep track of what you're eating without all the hassle.

Check it out if you’re interested: Calominos

Hope it helps someone else too!

submitted by /u/Bloody_yeti
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Looking for a weight loss buddy

As the title says, I’m looking for a “weight loss buddy”, or even a group of people who are likeminded and feel as if having a buddy/group to hold each other accountable/share progress with would be beneficial to!

A little about me: I’m a 26 year old Canadian male. For the majority of my life I had been in pretty good shape, but during Covid 2020, I began gaining a lot of weight. A combination of moving out of my parents house (cooking less and eating takeout more), as well as staying inside much more due to covid has led to this gain in weight. I’m about 6 feet tall and weigh 260 pounds. I’m “lucky” that I carry my weight decently well, but it’s getting to the point where I genuinely feel fat 24/7 and looking at pictures of myself 4 years ago in comparison to now makes me feel ill.

If anyone would be interested in becoming weight loss buddy’s, male or female, comment on this post of DM me here on Reddit and we can exchange snapchats and start this journey. Summers here it’s time to make a change!

submitted by /u/United-Shape-4877
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I will keep things brief lol. I am working with a physician-taking medication for weight loss and increased my activity levels and eating habits significantly. Since late January. I have lost 27lbs and I’m feeling good. But I had a shit romantic encounter and immediately started emotionally eating again. This is something I hadn’t done in YEARS. In response to this I continued to panic further, causing me to eat even more junk food, cookies, chips, fast food. Thus giving me zero useful calories to use for exercise. It genuinely feels like I’ve gained 10 lbs in two weeks. I’m terrified that I’ll never reach my weight loss goals and be in the 300’s forever (last I checked in at 323 lbs). Monday was the first day I started exercising regularly after ~3 weeks. I still haven’t kicked the sugar cravings but they are slowly going away. Im trying to remind myself that setbacks happen, welcome to being an human adult lol. But it’s been pretty discouraging.

Not sure what I’m looking for here, but wanted to post where j thought my situation would be relatable.

submitted by /u/Commercial_Bet5082
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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

pros (and cons!) of being in a skinnier body

I (20F) have been losing weight for a year and a half and went from (5'8) 242lbs-165lbs. I am insanely proud of myself and all of you guys too. I have gone from Obese Class II to a healthy weight. Wow.

I have been discovering more about my body and my lifestyle. Things I'm now seeing for the first time in my life ever. I also want to hear your guys personal pros and cons. Mine are as follows:

Pros: - Can walk literally all day and no tiredness. I walk for fun because I just enjoy it now. Moving my body has been wonderful and I can do it in ways I never could before. - Since I hit BMI 26, I haven't gotten a single blister on my feet from walking. It makes sense because less strain on my feet and shoes, but I never expected it. - In that same vein, my shoes last longer without being worn down. - No more thigh chafing!!!!!! Even when I wear just a dress with nothing else. - My life is full of joy. It happened at the same time as the weight loss and I think partially because of it. - I crave going out more and I do so much more with my life. I also get drunk on less. - I crave fresh veggies more than I crave any other food. They make me feel great! - I see food as energy, and try to go on a walk shortly after I eat a big meal to explore how it feels to be properly energized by nutrition.

Cons: - My thigh gap is awesome. But, I try to lay stuff down on my lap as a force of habit and it falls through. I chipped my phone this way. - Sitting down HURTS. The floor, the seats at school, the bus, anything hard hurts me so badly. - My knees are bony and they now touch when I sleep on my side and that hurts. - I get cold easier, I get sick easier. I blame the calorie deficit for the latter. Does anyone else find they get sick more often in a calorie deficit? - I am finding my bones weird. Especially in my feet. Ew. - My shoe size and ring size have both shrunk. It is inconvenient lol. - My belly hurts for a day or two when I eat a big fast food meal now.

submitted by /u/sweetsugarbutterfly
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Trip to Italy in 4 months… don’t want to self-sabotage out of frustration

I’m trying to convince myself that yes, I can absolutely make a dent in my weight loss journey over the next 4 months if I consistently try. I’m 5’6” (44F) sitting at around 215 at the moment. Goal weight is 150 but obviously that will not happen by then. I really want to look and feel better for my trip. This is maddening and I have gone through this before, to the point of self-sabotage because I gave up when the date started getting closer and I hadn’t made the progress I’d wanted. I don’t want that to happen again.

Can anyone here relate? And….. if I’m being honest, I could use some words of encouragement (if that wasn’t already obvious).

submitted by /u/La_Reina_Rubia
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Seriously, Has No One Noticed?

I (18f) reached my highest weight around last year on my 17th birthday, where I was over 190 pounds (exact number not known because I was too scared to weigh myself after reaching the 190s), now I'm around 147-148 pounds and I'm less than 10 pounds away from my goal. I remember when I started losing weight, I would hear the sentiment "After 4 weeks, you'll notice, after 8 weeks, your friends, after 12, the world!" and I was really looking forward to that sacred 12 week mark where people around me would start noticing that I was finally getting healthy and putting effort into myself.

To my shock, nobody said anything. I figured it was just because of the "paper towel effect" and that as I came closer to my goal weight, surely someone would notice and say something about my efforts? Well, no. Even after losing over 40 POUNDS, not one comment! I'm not trying to toot my own horn and saying I expect nothing but praise and compliments, but I feel like at this point it would be nice if just one close friend said "Hey, Difficult-Ad, you look healthy lately. Good on you!". I feel like my weight loss has reached a point of being noticeable, and yet it seems like every one is tiptoeing around the words "you've lost weight!".

It's either people trying to be polite or people have literally not noticed. The scale would say "Yeah, you've lost quite a bit of weight", but when I actually interact with friends and classmates, it's like it didn't even happen. It's kind of a bummer, honestly. Yes, I'm losing weight for my own sake, not for others. Would it be nice if someone said something and validated that my scale isn't just lying to me? Also Yes.

Anyone else experience this?

submitted by /u/Difficult-Ad-6431
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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Did anyone get treated WORSE after weight loss?

We all see the stories on here of people losing weight and getting more attention and/or having people be nicer to them in general. But has anyone found the opposite to be true?

So I’m F28 and back in 2017 I weighed 280lbs, people treated me nicely and nobody ever bullied me about my weight. Then I dropped down to 220 and things got weird. People at work (some who knew me before I lost weight, some after) started calling me fat, whale, etc. I was really surprised because people didn’t do it before? I unfortunately gained the weight back and got up to 370 and once I was passed like 280 the bullying stopped. I’m down to 339 now and I’m just curious if this is something to expect again? I work at a different job now, so I don’t have any of those people in my life anymore. But I’m just curious why this could be. For whatever it’s worth, they were all men bullying me, never women, in case that makes a difference. Thoughts? Experiences?

submitted by /u/SpookyMilkshakes
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Saw a fat acceptance tik tok and it made me feel sad :(

It basically said most people who lose weight (almost everyone statistically) will regain all of it a few years later. It implied there’s no point trying because you won’t succeed and it’s basically more trouble than it’s worth.

Of course I don’t agree at all even if it’s a life long struggle I want to be healthy and it’s worth trying to be one of the 10% of people who succeed.

But now I’m just sad and worried I won’t be one of those people. Statistically it’s likely I won’t. And I’m a super weak person with severe mental health problems prone to addiction to absolutely everything. I’m scared I will regain the weight, and I’m just kidding myself and I will die from cardio disease no matter how hard I try because I’ll never stay healthy.

Is maintenance really that hard? I took a 7 month break from weight loss, gained and lost 4kg in that time without trying, so basically maintained 20kg of weight loss and it wasn’t hard at all I even had loads of junk food, just less than I used to. But how do you deal with the statistics about how most people fail to sustain weight loss? It’s just scary and not nice to hear about.

submitted by /u/mars_was_blue_too
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Lost the first 10 lbs and I'm proud!

I still have a long way to go, of course. I started at 5'2" and 141 lbs. I hit 131 this morning though, and I'm super proud of myself for sticking with my diet because in the past I have always given up within a few days/weeks. My next goal is to hit 120 lbs, and then to get down to 105-110 lbs. My lowest I've ever been is 108 lbs, and I was pretty comfortable there so that's my ideal for now.

I try to eat around 1200 calories a day. I'm kind of short and my TDEE isn't the biggest, unfortunately. I also don't personally get much exercise (I have agoraphobia and share a small apartment with two other people) but I'm working on incorporating some at-home exercises into my routine. The weight loss is slow but steady.

I also have to give credit to my Vyvanse prescription for giving me a head start - I take it for ADHD and binge eating. It's also an appetite suppressant. I know not everyone can be on this medication, but for me it has been a godsend. My binging has stopped completely and I'm no longer hungry all the time. My doctor is aware of my weight loss and we both think this med is a great fit for me.

That's not to say the medication is a cure all. I still have been making conscious efforts to choose healthier, more filling food options and drinking plenty of water. I've been really liking protein bars, eggs, vegetables, and greek yogurt.

I also find that eating around the same times every day helps, my body's hunger cues seem to get used the routine and I'm not lefting craving snacks in-between. I also let myself indulge on occasion as long as it fits into my daily calories. I think I'd get pretty depressed if I could never have a treat again!

Anyways, I just wanted to share my progress and hopefully encourage others who are struggling to get that first 10 lbs down. I did have a plateau for a while and I know how frustrating that can be, but it's so worth it to ride it out. I hope everyone is doing well on their weight loss journey!

submitted by /u/alyssaryn
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New maintenance calorie level struggle

Hey folks,

I’m 25F 5’8” and began my weight loss journey at 171 lbs. I used the TDEE calculator and chose sedentary for my activity level as I work a desk job & rarely, if ever, exercise.

I was eating 1,400 calories per day for about 2 months and was shedding 1 -1.2 lbs per week (some variance around my cycle) but overall very consistent. I have since reached 154 (down 17 lbs) and have noticed major plateau in the last 3 weeks. Scale wasn’t budging and I have no reason to believe I’ve put on any muscle.

Went to calculate my new maintenance calories in TDEE at my new weight and got 1,785. Feeling discouraged because to keep my 1 lb per week I’d have to eat 1,285 per day which just doesn’t seem sustainable / nearly enough IMO.

Wondering if anyone else has gone through this and how they dealt with it? I figure reducing my deficit to only 200-300 calories per day might be my best option along with incorporating more exercise but feel like I may become discouraged when I’m only losing a fraction of a pound per week.

Any advice? Much appreciated!

submitted by /u/bsnowe
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Monday, May 20, 2024

Easiest Lifestyle Changes to Start With?

Hi everyone! I’ve been a lurker on this sub for a bit, and it’s been great seeing people’s progress and support of one another! I am trying to begin my weight loss journey, but I am someone that needs to make small incremental changes over time, otherwise I set myself up for failure. My goal is to habit stack 2 things to start implementing and really prioritize those for a couple of months. Once I feel I have a handle on those, I plan on adding more. One thing to note is that I have a history of disordered eating and for my wellbeing, really cannot bring myself to count calories to protect my mental health (please do not try to change my approach on this, I’m doing what’s best for me in the long run). So long story short, I’m well-aware of CICO and am not looking for input about that.

So, that all being said, if you could pick just 2 lifestyle changes to start implementing that you felt really catalyzed your weight loss journey, what would they be? (Bonus points for the why/personal anecdotes!)

Thanks in advance!!

submitted by /u/f_laur_ida
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Alternate Day Fasting + Walking Success Stories?

Hey everyone! I’m just getting started trying to lose weight and I could use some inspiration.

About me: 5’8 female, starting weight 260, goal weight 140.

I’ve always been on the chubby side since I was a kid, but I gained a lot of weight when my mom died when I was in college. I’ve never been athletic, I hate working out, I rarely drink water, and I love terrible food. On the plus side, my weight has remained consistent for the last 5 or so years, so it’s not like I’ve been steadily gaining.

I’ve tried more than once to get myself on a weight loss kick, but I haven’t had the willpower. I want this time to be different, so I’m taking a different approach. I’ve started alternate day fasting, ditching my near daily sodas, and making myself hit 10k steps (as opposed to my ~2k average). I’m also obviously trying to eat a little bit more consciously on my eat days and adding in more substantial workouts, but the ADF, water, and 10k steps is the baseline I’m shooting for every single day.

I want to know if any of you have come from a similar lifestyle/stats and taken a similar approach, and how it has worked for you. Of course I’m sure making these changes can only help, but I’m the type of person who likes to have examples to work towards.

I know that healthy weight loss is around 2lbs per week, but obviously people with more to lose who are going from doing nothing to making pretty significant lifestyle changes will lose more up front. What were your results ~3 months in? ~6 months? 1 year?

Thank you all in advance! This seems like a supportive community and I’m hoping that with your insights, this will be the time I stay on track!

submitted by /u/Chance-Aardvark-5883
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Struggling with weight loss

So since March I decided to start my CICO journey in full, I looked at the maintenance for my weight( 5’5”, 200lbs) which was 2200 calories with me having a more sedentary lifestyle.

So I started by eating at 1400 calories, tried eating a good 3 meals, veggies and proteins, left room for snacks too.

2.5 months later and I’m still 200lbs. I even started exercising but instead I gained an additional 5lbs.

I can’t visit any doctors at the moment but weight loss wasn’t this hard when I was 180.

I wanted to lose some weight by summer but it seems hopeless. I really don’t want to do one of those fad diets like eating cabbage soup or drinking lemon water only but it honestly feels like I need to drastically decrease my calories more if I want to see any semblance of progress before August—before my next semester at school starts.

If anyone has any recommendations, tips or tricks for what I may be doing wrong or what I can add to help me lose weight I’d most thankful. I really want to get serious about my health.

submitted by /u/HentaiQueen0w0
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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Can someone help me calculate my macros?

Hi! So I am 5’5 155lb 25 yr old women who is looking to lose weight. I would like to lose 2 pounds per month, I know it’s a little extreme but I’m just gonna try without fully expecting it. With this goal, I have use Chat GPT to help arrange my weight loss plan. It helped me calculate my BMR which is 1509.58. With my exercise level I would multiple my BMR to 1.55, giving my TDEE of 2339.37 calories a day.

So, I need to go on a calorie deficit, let’s say 1000 calories, which will give me a daily caloric intake of 1339.37 calories.

With this in mind, I read that gaining muscle helps lose body fat so I want to eat the right amount of protein. The bare minimum apparently is 0.8 grams of protein for every pound of body weight. The minimum for me would be around 124 grams of protein. Obviously this is high for me! So I am calculating what to do with the rest of my macros.

I saw online and measured 28 grams of fat a day would be healthy, but then, this leaves me with 11 or so grams of carbs every day! Isn’t this pretty low? I tried Leto before and I could never go that low. So I need help adjusting my macros to ensure weight loss and that I am eating enough protein.

Help me figure out how many grams of fats and carbs I should have. Thank you!

submitted by /u/heartswellsz
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Today I learned that weight loss completely changes the shape of your face…?

I have lost a lot of weight over the past year and a half or so—my highest was around 315 and I’m currently 208. I still have a ways to go, but I’ve just now reached a point where it’s noticeable to me. I just can’t get over the fact that so much of myself has changed, you know? When I first started losing weight, I assumed that I’d end up just looking like myself, but smaller. But yesterday I saw an old friend and they said that from far away they couldn’t tell if they were looking at me or someone else. Which I thought was CRAZY, but then I found an old selfie and compared it to a headshot I had taken 2 days ago—and it’s like someone took a totally different face and copy/pasted it onto my body. It’s almost like I have a different bone structure. My eyes are SO much bigger. It’s so weird.

Old photo on the left, new one on the right!

Have you experienced this same thing? If you’ve lost weight, what was the moment where you didn’t realize how much you changed?

Not gonna lie, part of me wants to lose more weight purely out of curiosity to see how I’ll look. 😂

submitted by /u/LaundryAndTaxes27
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Nearly 400LBS and Finally Started Losing Weight. How I've Started

TLDR; I've recently started a weight loss journey this year, as someone starting at 400lbs at 25 years old (M), and is seeing weight loss for the first time ever in my life. I thought to document how I started this journey, where my complicated relationship with food started, how far it went, what finally pushed me to start tackling my health, and what I did in order to lose the weight for the first time. The following link will be a google document of an 11-page breakdown of what the first part of my journey was like if anyone cares to check it out:

I figure there may a couple reasons someone may want to read this; someone might be in similar weight range looking to read that its even possible for them the way I found inspiration from posts here from people my weight showing me its possible. I also want to offer an open floor for curiosity for people who maybe arent in my situation but want to hear more about what life looks like in my situation (I included what my day-to-day food consumption looked like like pre-diet since I saw some genuinely curious people in old posts I saw wonder what it even takes to gain this much gain to begin with), but most importantly, I'm here just sharing a story i'm proud of. And this is probably one of the most hyped someone will ever be over losing less than 20 pounds, so if you take the time to read this I thank you a lot. I

submitted by /u/EggShellR
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How to deal with weight gain shame?

Hey fellow redditors..

First time posting here. Sorry if I miss any guidelines or so.

My weight has fluctuated all my life, two years before COVID hit, I managed to lose a significant amount of weight without dieting just by establishing a different lifestyle. I added lots of veggies, focussed on fiber especially and got into weightlifting and walking. It felt natural and unforced. I was happy with my body for the first time in three decades. COVID really messed with that, but I managed best I could and only fluctuated maybe 10 pounds, which I was OK with.

For two years I have had enourmous stress both at work and in my private life and I have gradually gained maybe 30/35 pounds and completely dropped out of my weight lifting routine. I still walk a lot and I have a physical job, I do at least 15000 steps a day without trying. But I have a tendency to stress eat and coupled with a massive chronic lack of sleep I have been over eating and not had any energy left for going to the gym.

I had a couple of social events coming up and I have nothing to wear except for stretchy clothes and work clothes. I ended up skipping a big social event not only for that reason but for the main reason I am posting here. I am deeply ashamed of gaining this weight and not being able to change my lifestyle to lose it naturally again. I have been trying to go back to the gym and started to be more aware of when I am stress eating and changing that. Still, I cannot get back to my routine of lifting weights for 2 hours three times a week like I used to. I feel exhausted all the time. I wake up tired and without energy. Whatever energy I have left, I use to at least have a bit of a social life, as my work is very demanding with long hours and weekends worked often.

I am so frustrated, I feel like I cannot win here. And I am so ashamed of how I look. I dread meeting people who have not seen me in a while. The weight loss is really noticeable and even though I am aware that my friends and family love me for me and probably do not care a bit how I look, I am still ashamed and I feel judged even though they probably don't.

I have tried being kind to myself and be aware of the reasons for the weight gain and how it will hopefully change when my work situation and sleep situation changes but right now I cannot help feeling so ashamed for letting that happen. I envy people who lose weight when they are stressed. How do I deal with this? Any of you have experience with this and can give some helpful advice?

Thanks for reading and pls forgive any guideline violations!

submitted by /u/WaterLilyWaterLily
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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Day 5 of my journey and didn’t get hungry!

It’s a small milestone but today was the first day I kept to my calorie goal and didn’t feel hungry.

I knew it was time to make a change when I was completely out of breath after walking a route I previously used everyday with no problems. I realised that I’ve gained 17kg since lockdown, and 6kg of this has been in the last 3 months alone.

The first day I tried limiting my calories was honestly such a shock. It was crazy reflecting on how much excess I’ve been eating lately, but after only five days I’m already starting to get used to it. I know that weight loss is a long-term commitment and I my motivation will probably suffer at some point, but today has really got me excited about it!

submitted by /u/AcadiaOriginal42
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Venting about unnecessary comments from family

This is pretty much just a vent post.

I’m someone who really likes my weight loss journey to be private. When I restarted trying to lose weight this year, I was in college. I was doing everything by myself and no one commented on anything. My parents occasionally made comments about how I’d lost weight, but I probably only saw them twice or thrice in that period and though it kind of bothered me, I didn’t care that much because it was only a few times. It was a very personal thing and no one said anything other than those few times, and I liked it that way.

Now I’m back at my parent’s place for the summer. It’s only been 2 weeks, but they’ve been making so many unnecessary comments and asking so many annoying questions MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY. For example, my mom kept hounding one why there were measuring cups in the sink after I measured my food, or when I eat something in a smaller portion and eat something else later it’s commented on. Or if I try to have a lower calorie version of something I’m told “why eat xyz at all, either eat the real thing or don’t eat the food.” It is SO ANNOYING and I don’t know if I can take it anymore. I’ve told them I don’t like it yet they won’t stop, even had a few rude outbursts because I hate it so much. I’m not usually one to lose my temper that way. I don’t even know what I can do at this point. I just want to be back at my apartment and have everything be private and not commented on again lol. Like I don’t need to be told that I’m eating unhealthy snacks. I already know that and have been working on it. But as of right now, my #1 priority is to be eating within my calorie budget. I’ll slowly work on mostly eating nutritious foods.

Another thing is that both of my parents are overweight/obese. They’ve been commenting on my weight and have been fat shaming me forever so I’m used to comments on my body. They also used to make a few comments about junk food when I would have it, but they’d let me have it anyway. But what so absolutely hate is the NEW kinds of comments they’ve been making about the changes I’ve implemented to my diet. What I’ve been doing HAS been working, I just wish everything I did was not commented on. I’ve been near tears so many times because it’s so frustrating. I didn’t even tell them I was actively trying to lose weight again, that’s a conclusion they figured out on their own. I just hate that it can’t be a private thing. I don’t need them to tell me things that I am already aware of, or things that they say that are blatantly false. I just wish I could be back at my apartment again where they would not know a thing about how I changed my diet.

submitted by /u/wlj2022
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Goodbye cheat weekends, it was nice knowing you

I've been on a plateau for about a month now. I eat a high protein diet while still being in a calorie deficit on the weekdays. However, I've been doing well enough with my workouts and daily steps that I was able to afford a cheat weekend. Normally eating say, a whole small pizza Friday night, a hamburger with fries Saturday and Sunday, as well as a pint of ice cream on Sunday evenings.

But now my motivation and frustration is exceeding my love for bad food that I am cutting down to a single cheat meal a week -- the small pizza Friday evening after my leg workout.

Honestly, this is the first time I am looking at how bad my weekends were in terms of doing cheat meals. Holy shit. This is also the first time out of all of my weight loss journeys (this being the third) where I am making an effort to eat clean on the weekends.

I'm equally excited and nervous. Does anyone have a similar experience to share?

submitted by /u/LustfulLoveQuest
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, May 17, 2024

50 lbs lost

I finally succeeded in losing 50 lbs. I'm at my long time forever wanting goal weight of 130lbs. I'm 52 and empty nest, single. I work and am getting ready to sell my home and travel debt free.

I feel pretty happy about where I'm at but here I am, rocking it, and no one notices me. All my coworkers, my sons, friends.... no one has said anything to me about the weight loss and I'm disappointed to the point of tears.

It's not that I want their approval, but just a little, congrats would be nice. I worked pretty hard to do this for me, and I just thought someone would notice.

submitted by /u/staremwi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Little win!!

I started about three months ago taking weight loss seriously because my wedding is coming up (October!!) and I just want to feel very confident on my wedding day.

I have been insanely strict for the last three months on my calorie deficit. I have been very strict on walking every single day.

Today, I saw that Crumbl cookie had my favorite Crumbl cookies flavor (Wedding cake). And it finally clicked to me that this is a lifestyle and not a diet, and in my lifestyle, it is OK to go treat myself with a cookie that I really want.

So after work today, I went to Crumbl, and I got my wedding cake flavored cookie! Am I still under my calorie goal for the day? Yes. Will I be after I eat a fulfilling dinner? No. And that is OKAY. I do not need to starve myself and not eat dinner because I treated myself. I do not need to feel guilty for indulging in a guilty pleasure.

It may not seem like much to most, but this is a huge accomplishment for me!!

submitted by /u/Danielle0714
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help estimating activity level (TDEE)


I will try calorie counting, since I have a very uneven food intake and weight. This is since my appetite variation is so big. Some days I can be satisfied with eating very few but then later that week my body will panic from the low intake and I will eat a lot.

So I tried Lose it app and got a daily calorie burn of 2300. That means at weekly weight loss rate of 1 pound, I should be at 1800 calories. And when I try this I feel like I am really starving myself.

My Apple watch say a total calorie burn of 2850 each day. I understand thats too high.

Can you help me to estimate my TDEE better?

I am a male 40y, 5’10 and 160 pounds.

I am an office worker.

I bike to the office 5 days a week (going and returning total of 13 miles (takes me a total of 50-60 min each day).

I lift weights at the gym 2-3 x 35min a week.

Play football 1 x 75min a week.

Tennis 1 x 60 min.

I run 1 x 30 min

The days I don’t do a workout I instead take 1h long walk = 1-2 x a week.

submitted by /u/whatamidoing_567
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Fighting and Weight Loss

Hi all -

I am a professional fighter, a woman 5'6" and fluctuate between 145 and 150. I know the scale isn't end all be all but for fighters, we need to make weight.

I would like to fight in the 135 weight class, which means I'd like to get to 140 or a little below. I've tried cutting for months. I track and weigh everything. I've gotten to 145, I'll stay there a day or two, then the next day I go up to 147 and just ... stay there. This has been going on since December, more or less.

These past few weeks I was steadily trending downwards and I was at 144. The next day, no deviation from the diet and eating about the same things as I had been eating for weeks, I went up to 147.5. It stayed there for 2 days, no deviation from the diet, and then yesterday went up to 149. Today back to 148.

I'm not on my period, hydrate and I train twice a day - pads and S and C in the morning, technique/pad/bag work and sparring at night. I run 3-4x/week on top of it. I use Carbon to track and I was eating about 1750 calories daily.

I don't understand what's happening. I don't get how the weight could just go up like that and stay up for days. Carbon is telling me to go to 1550 but I feel like that's too low for my activity level. Any advice or help would be so appreciated, I feel very frustrated.

submitted by /u/muaythaimushroom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I instinctively tell people I'm not losing weight.

I can't describe it but I guess my weight loss is getting noticable and whenever someone says "wow, are you losing weight."

I immediately say "I don't think so but thanks! Maybe I have!"

I always say that because I don't want to talk. Whether they are saying something positive or negative. I don't want to talk.

And then 5 minutes later, I realize that I probably did and I wish I had said something different

It's so hard for me to talk about weight and instinctively shut it down. I'm proud of myself but I've still got that automatic impulse response to run from any impromptu weight conversation

submitted by /u/MinervaMinkk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Starting to slip - send reinforcements!

It's finally happened.

The novelty of the initial weight loss has worn off and Im starting to binge again.

Im managing to keep under or around maintenance, but Im feeing control slipping.

My weigh loss is plateauing and Im hearing myself say 'Fuck it' with more and more frequency.

Give me the your best.

Whatever it is you say to yourself, or do or adjust or whatever.

I wish I was ok with taking a break, but it's not a break Im choosing to take, my mental state is taking over me and I'm feeling old bad habitats and lack of control creeping up on me again..

submitted by /u/Reasonable-Letter582
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5'7 250 lbs and overwhelmed

I'm trying to lose 30 lbs for my brother's wedding over the holiday. My family is being really pushy / supportive, so I want to finally get my weight under control. Weight loss is new to me, I gained most of my fat during covid and then built up habits that just kept it coming.

There's a lot of great information on this sub and online. For me though it's almost too much and analysis paralysis. I just don't know where to start.

There are so many diets like keto, fasting, and vegan. Plus there are a ton of different content creators and apps. It's my first time really losing weight and I feel like I've arrived hours late to the weight loss meeting. Have the stuff is about optimizing diets I've never even heard of before. Can anyone help?

submitted by /u/roberdiahsherman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling discouraged because I’m not seeing any progress yet

I decided to start turning my life around two weeks ago and started in a calorie deficit (1404kcals a day). For the past 4 days, I have also began walking approximately 5.5 km daily. I have not gone over my calorie goal once (although I do often struggle with hitting my 100g protein goal), however, I haven’t seen any change in the number on the scale. Last week, I thought I’d lost 2 lbs and a few days ago, I was ecstatic to see I had lost 6lbs. But this morning, I was 5 lbs heavier again. I feel like my weight fluctuates all over the place and I don’t even know if I’ve made any real progress.

I know weight loss isn’t linear, I just wish I had some indication that I’m getting somewhere.

How long until I make real progress?

submitted by /u/valhallan_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weird pattern in my weight loss is this normal?

I've been weighing myself twice every day since the start of the year. Once when I wake up and once when I go to sleep

(If you want to see the data with some extra stuff here's a small GSheets I made)

I've made sure I am in a calorie deficit and my weight does steadily trend down, I've nearly lost 10KG since the start of the year, but I've noticed a pattern where my bodyweight will tends to plateau then drop suddenly?

Is there a reason for why this happens? I've heard some people online call it "Whoosh Effect" but provide no real solid answer as to why this is?

submitted by /u/Zappy-Boy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Cross fit is horrible!

I'm 37F who is currently at 220. I've lost 40 lbs and hit a big plateau. So I decided to splurge for the next couple of months and hired a personal trainer at cross fit once a week. Did my first session today and it was hard as shit! Good lord I thought I was getting in better shape the last few months working out, and I was WRONG. It kicked my ass. Don't get me wrong, it's what I need to up my game, but I hated every minute of it. Like I don't think I can work out the rest of the week. I stand for a living so my legs are getting zero rest. Wow, hardest 45 minutes of this whole weight loss journey. Why did I do this to myself?!

submitted by /u/cookiesarenomnom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Dreaded Scale

In 2022, I knew I had gained weight. I just kept making excuses to myself about photos being the wrong angle, I wore the wrong outfit. I kept buying bigger stretchy clothes telling myself that my problem was just my clothes. I’m not obese. I’m not overweight. No, no, it’s not true. Well, I was just exhausted so I looked up a weight loss clinic that gave B12 shots. Yes, that was my problem. I’m not overweight. I just need B12. Afterall, my mom told me that she has to take them so that must be my problem. Never mind I can barely get up a flight of stairs without being out of breath. I’m just low on B12. I went in to talk to the nurse at the clinic and she suggested a medication along with the B12. I thought, well I will try it but I’m not overweight. She put me on the scale and I told her I didn’t want to know. She didn’t reveal it to me, gave me my shots and off I went. The next week, I had lost 6 pounds but I didn’t need to know my weight. I’m not overweight. I know it. After a few weeks of consistently marching myself in there to get my shots, I forgot to tell the nurse that I didn’t need to know my weight but wow, I had lost 13 pounds. As she is logging my weight, she says it out loud. I absolutely burst into tears. I was horrified. It was at that moment of tears, I faced my weight. I got in my car, immediately ordered a scale with a free weight loss tracking app and boom! I was on my way to over a 60 pound weight loss journey. I’m grateful for that day. The day I faced the truth. The day that made me cry. Here’s to you if you are struggling, don’t give up. Keep going. My best day was when I faced it.

submitted by /u/MoneyMagnetQueenB
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Only 22 with crepey loose skin after losing weight

I had very disordered eating habits around 4 years ago when I was 18. I've been fat since I was 11 and am now 22. I lost about 40 pounds in 3 or 4 months by essentially starving myself. I know this wasn't smart and I think I'm paying the ultimate price for it now. I gained it all back over the next 2 years and am now at my highest weight yet. My skin is loose and crepey and has not firmed up at all, even after gaining the fat back. Am I doomed? I have to lose 50 pounds now and I'm terrified I'm going to look like a pancake when it's over. I know I probably put my body through hell without even realizing but I can't believe I have to deal with this at 22 years old. I'm absolutely miserable and feel so ugly. My breasts are already sagging because I developed very early and it's even worse after factoring in my weight loss. Is there any hope at all??? I can't afford loose skin surgery. God I hate myself I wish I had never let it get this bad

submitted by /u/Aggravating_Can_118
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monday, May 13, 2024

3 weeks of dieting, exercising and drinking more water. No weight loss?

I’m a 5’10F and 87kg (192lbs).

Decided to really try and loose some weight as I’m starting to outgrow all my clothes and feel sluggish all the time.

I’ve been dieting the last 3 weeks, eating mostly below 1,500 calories per day and cutting out fizzy drinks / unhealthy snacks aside from a low calorie hot chocolate in the evenings. Making sure to track cooking oils / butter and any fruit juice. Making sure I have my 5 fruit and veg a day. Been trying to fit in 30 mins of aerobic exercise 4/5 days a week and walk more. Drinking 2 litres of water a day minimum.

I weighted myself today and I’ve not lost a single lb!! It’s extremely disheartening and I really don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I don’t sleep particularly well most nights but that’s nothing new.

Anyone have any advice?

submitted by /u/Smoosmoo1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just got roasted so hard by my 5 year old sister

Kids can be brutal can’t they. I was babysitting my sister and I put her to bed and laid down with her to make sure she was going to stay in bed. It was hot in there so when my shirt rode up on my stomach I didn’t bother pulling it back down. But then my little asshole of a sister started poking at my belly and asking why it’s so soft. I was trying to be body neutral while talking about it so I don’t impact her negatively. I told her it’s a bit chubby there. But then she poked my arm and said you’re chubby there too. And even my face is chubby. You’re too chubby! When you’re an old lady you’re gonna be so so so chubby!

Like yes I’ve been yo-yoing lately and yes I am fat, but dang I am not an outlier here, we’re all chubby in my family so why me ;-;

My other sister joked as revenge I should make fun of her for being ugly (she’s just got one of those little mischievous faces, not ugly but pretty is not the first thing you think LOL)

Buuuut maybe it’s a sign to get back into it with the weight loss. I always slack in the winter

submitted by /u/BubbleTeaNeo
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