Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Brain fog / Nihilism due to prolonged dieting?

Been dieting since Jan/Feb, at first just started by walking ~ 1 hr per day, lifting 3-4x per week, and doing OMAD without counting calories really. I've lost ~66 lbs total, in the past month or so my weight loss slowed down so I decided to count calories and brought myself down to OMAD with ~1250 - 1500 calories, I also now probably lift 5x per week and do 1.5-2 hours walking daily. I've recently gotten some of the worst brain fog/nihilism/cynicism in recent memory. Nothing is interesting, everything seems pretty pointless, idk what is going on but I can barely focus at work. Anyone experience something similar before? I guess I have to try upping the calories but I do have higher calorie days here and there and it doesn't seem to go away from that.

submitted by /u/kidbudi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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