Thursday, July 6, 2023

Still walking for weight loss

25F I’ve been a big person kind of most of my life. I’ve always had a belly and a chubby face. I lost weight in high school and got down to a medium t shirt size. That was sophomore year. Around junior year, i ballooned up. That’s when the weight gain really happened. I wanted to move out of my home town, I got to college and got comfortable, worked out a little bit, but being young, eating whatever you want, and hanging out with your friends is more fun than eating vegetables and making time to work out.

When I graduated college at 23 years old, I looked in the mirror and realized something had to change. I was the biggest I had ever been. 290 pounds. I was thankful that I wasn’t at 300, and since I wasn’t, I knew that I didn’t have to get there.

All I have down to lose weight is go on walks, weight lift occasionally, and do at home workouts. I gain most of my weight in my thighs and lower stomach. So anything with squatting or lunging isn’t my favorite activity.

I am now 60 pounds down and standing at 230 pounds. My next goal is to weight 200..then 175…then depending on how I like my body 150.

I think I may have high cortisol. I’m working on my sleep schedule but I have stretch marks, dark under eyes, grow facial hair, and use to have a very serious Buffalo hump.

They say don’t do HIIT, running, or weight lifting for high cortisol because you’re body receives that as stress and releases more cortisol.

Walking is the best happy medium. I walk 5/6 days a week for 2-3 miles. I’m thinking of moving it to 2x a day. Im not the best with lifting weights. It’s too stagnant for me. At least with walking I can get up and move as I please and see way more.

Needless to say, Will keeping walking as my weight loss regime help as I continue to lose more? My thighs are too thick, and I feel like I’m too big to be putting all that weight on my joints especially if I were to run.

submitted by /u/Low-Succotash-7791
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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